Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 34: chap33

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She was keeping looking at the phone but she looks down and starts doing the packing, she has been

doing this for the past day. She looked at Ava who busies eating her teething biscuit and holding her

favorite monkey toy.

Sarah talk Ava 'Come on Ava let's see where are your other toys misplaced then every time

(Sarah tickle her daughter feet and Ava laugh) Mama has a lot of work to do come on you big girl lets

clean you a little and then we will go for walk on the beach...' Sarah kissed Ava on her head and take

her to the bathroom to clean her mouth and her dress ..she looks sad but when Theo told her a few

days ago that he is coming next week and they will go directly mansion it made her sad but she doesn't

show that Theo already had been generous with her by leaving her alone and letting her go out...that

why she start packing ...She looked at Ava innocent face and said quietly 'I know you don't want to go

too but your Dada said so...we can't make Dada unhappy' she pokes Ava's nose softly

Ava then shocked Sarah when she said 'Da..dada'

Sarah's mouth opened...she talks. Ava said her first word. 'oh my god...say it again baby say it

Dada...say it, Dada'

Ava who brought her thumb on her mouth and then said 'Dadda'

Sarah starts laughing she can't believe her daughter said her first word...she said dada..she wished

Theo can also hear that...Then she heard Elva voice 'Hey my angel what's so funny why' are you

laughing Sarah'

Sarah wiped her happy tears 'Elva she said her first word...she said dada ...see, Ava say dada '

Ava said it again and both Elva and Sarah clap and laughs.

Elva said 'it should be recorded then we can tell Theo...'

Sarah looks down 'I told you my phone is damaged for good'. Elva shakes her head 'NO worries I have

one..and I also know how to record 'Elva winks at Sarah

Then Elva record both mother and daughter happy time where Ava said dada nonstop and when they

went to beach they record Ava crawl and how she was thrilled when her small feet touch water..But

then Elva said 'Sarah you are the first mother who is happy that her child first word was dada not

mama..Now try mama word Ava'

Ava who was busy playing with sand and was babbling but not said mama..Sarah pout and said 'looks

like she is not in the mood'

When they reached home.Ava was exhausted and fall asleep immediately..Sarah was holding her look

at the phone once more and Elva caught her 'You do know Sarah you can also call theo 'she teases

her and said 'All this time you were looking at the phone ... I know you miss him go ahead and call '

Sarah blushed it was that obvious that she was missing her husband 'I don't want to disturb him..he is's I just want to ask if he left anything behind or here he wants to pack, he already told me he will

be back after two days so I want to be sure...he gets irritated when he can't find his stuff'

Elva smiled 'I know how he should have seen him when he was in his teenage years...he

comes home with a ripped shirt and bloody knuckles ...he fights all his high school years...Mr grey try to

make him join in some anger management class but that boy always run out and hangs out in clubs

and bring girls...well he changed when he joined the business but his anger (Elva shakes his head) but

I think maybe he is changed since you have come to his life... I can see the light you have brought'

Sarah gives her a fake smile...Elva, you have no idea he is worse than that.

Sarah thought if Elva has seen Theo in their initial marriage life she would have understood what a

monster he was...maybe he is changed now but Sarah can't be sure on that.

Sarah has put down her beautiful baby and then sit down for a book on the balcony of their room.

She looks at the was still evening time she can go out and enjoy the last sunset of this place

here...she told Elva she is going towards the beach to have some me-time. Elva told her to be back at

6 since at getting dark immediately and she might get lost...

Sarah was reading her book and enjoying the peaceful moment of the sea...when she was a little girls

she always wanted to have a house like this on the beach..she also decided which room she will

choose in her dreamland and how her husband and she will be going out for a long walk but Sarah

looked at the waves of the ocean and sadly smiles 'And how my life differs from my dreamland'

She was so lost on her book that she saw the time it was 7 was dark too, Sarah pick her flip-

flop and start walking toward the house which was quite a kilometer far.

It was approximate of 15 to 20-minute walk and when she entered the house she saw on the table was



Sarah was a little hungry but she decided she will take a shower first then dinner.

When she enters the was dark even the curtains were down ..she remembers she didn't put

down the curtains...maybe Elva did...when she opens the light , she blinked and then she gasped in

freight....she saw Theo standing with cigarette on his mouth and he was holding something in his hand

like a newspaper...he looks handsome but so much in anger too

Sarah let the shoes fall and said 'You are early home' she said with a big smile

Theo gives her an angry look and then walks toward her and shouted 'Where the hell were you'

Sarah flinched 'Sir i was in the beach'

Theo gives her a furious look and then slap her so tight that her lips start bleeding and she felt her left

eye throbbing ....fuck...Sarah was shocked ...he did it...he did it again...he is not changed. She can see

all the flashbacks but why what she did

Theo grab her throat and tightened his hold and Sarah gasped for air she put her hand on his to stop

him 'In the beach or meeting your fucking journalist friend and telling your miserable life story' he

slapped her again this time which makes Sarah falls down

Sarah sobbed 'sir...i .. I promise I was at the beach ask Elva or any helper in the house'

Theo then kicked her that made Sarah screeched in pain and she held her stomach.She felt the droplet

of blood falling from her mouth and her left eyes were now completely closed

Theo grabbed her brutally and then shakes her already fragile and battered body 'Then what about that

fucking day when you told me you were going for book fare but in reality, you were giving an interview

to her...fuck you stupid bitch, I trust you. I made you happy by letting you go anywhere and you paid me

like this...'' he slapped her one more time and Sarah screamed in pain, he slapped the newspaper on

her face

Sarah was stun for a moment that she can believe what she is listening and what she is the

newspaper there is a photograph of her and Ava, where Molly was talking. It looks like some was there

very close when she and Molly is written in the article that how Mr. Theo grey wife gives an

exclusive interview to local newspaper..where she talks about Theo and their life and Theo late sister

Tina...there is a picture of Ava ...where it is written that Ava was the only good thing in Sarah life.

Fuck Sarah never said those things... Sarah gives Theo a pleading look 'Theo believe me I never said

those words I swear to god... I swear on my daughter...(Sarah tears were falling rapidly) I just met

accidentally...she was my university friend...and she dragged me for a coffee ...she was the one asking

questions but now where I said anything about Tina not about us...this is a lie. I will never betray

you..cause (Sarah pause and cry) because I love you'

Theo picked the glass crystal and throw that on wall whose sound echoes loudly in the whole room

'Fuck with your so-called love, have you seen yourself, do you think I will ever love are just

lying and why the fuck you never told me before you met her in the fare when I was calling you daily

because you did give her an interview and you were running away but too bad I came two days early'

Sarah stands weakly and walks slowly 'I swear I didn't do that. I swear "she broke down and cry. She

was so hurt that her body was screaming with pain but Theo words were killing her inside.

Theo said slowly but in a dark tone 'all this time I was wishing it just a misunderstanding but what I see

and what I read made me believe you were fucking playing stupid bitch. I will fucking kill will know that after this you will never fucking betray me... I will punish you so bad'

Theo grabbed her by the hair and then stretches her hair in a painful manner. Sarah screamed

bloodily...she begged him to leave her ...she said it's a misunderstanding let give her time to make him

understand, but Theo was seeing red...he was in a zone that he can't get out...she makes fool of him in

front of his family and people then she will know what a price she will face

Theo throws her on the floor where pieces of glass crystal were placed and Sarah makes a painful

sound, all her hands and legs were cut and blood was coming out from them.

Sarah try to run from Theo who will kill her in any minute but Theo become angrier and he kicked her

so bad that Sarah can feel something broken like a bone on her rips....the kick was so bad that her

body pushed back towards wall and her head was hit badly and she started feeling dizzy.....she was

covered in blood and begged to not hit her anymore as she can bear it...but Theo was gone..he was

not Theo anymore he was the monster that Sarah remember that will kill her...She starts seeing her

daughter Ava innocent face....what will happen if something happens to her...who will take care of

Ava...the way Theo is beating her she is sure Ava will never save with him or his family.

Sarah hold hands to protect her already bruised and bloody body 'Theo plz plz I'm sorry but I didn't'

But Theo took his belt out and said' You will be sorry now when I will whip you with my belt'

Theo continues to hurt her and keep saying 'you fucking open your mouth and I will do this again and

again I will see how you ever fucking open your mouth'

Theo hit her with one lash of the belt that made Sarah 'Ahhhhhh oh god' she bloodily screamed she

feels another bone to be broken.

Theo keep hitting her with the belt that whole Sarah body was covered with belt marks and she feels

her body burning...she was on fire...then she felt the belt hit on her head with so much force that made

her see darkness, all the pain and hitting were gone when Sarah fainted.


(Before Theo know about the newspaper)

'Have you fucking seen the newspaper' Tom yelled on the phone

Theo was busy and said 'What are you talking about...what news'

Tom sighs 'Fuck theo don't know shit ...your wife is roaming around in the city giving

interviews ...'

Theo felt all the blood drain out 'what?..what the fuck are you talking about'

Theo looked at the newspaper immediately and saw the article in which his wife was giving interview....

that fucking bitch...she played him...

Theo said loudly on phone 'Fuck. I will kill her'

Tom said 'Now calm the fuck down ..I'm coming to Miami ...till then you stay the fuck away from her and

fucking don't do something rebellious'

But Theo do not listen he just put the phone and he runs to call his PA to arrange the private jet

immediately...he will not leave Sarah this time...why she did was all fakes...her mother was right

she will use her...and she fucking did

When he comes home. It was empty except the few staff...he enters the room and waited for that bitch

but it was more than one hour and she was not there...

And when she comes...he fucking lost it...she saw the newspaper and she still lied on her face...he

fucking beat her so bad that with the belt that all he can hear was his breathing but no Sarah's voice.

He touches her and said in anger 'Sarah fucking get up don't test me'

But Sarah body was cold like she is dead...he touches her again 'Sarah' he said faintly

Fuck what he did...he turns her body on her back..fuck what he did...her whole face was covered in

bruises and blood...her dress was ripped off from one shoulder and she was looking like a broken doll

who has been hit by the truck

he picked her head and check his wrist 'Sarah ... fuck !! Sarah ...Shit....oh god what I did ' he felt the

tears in his eyes

She looked so silent like she is he shakes his head he can't even say that D word but he did that to her

Then he heard the room door home and saw Elva's eyes were shocked and she yelled 'Oh my

god...Theo what you did...oh my...Sarah my child. Theo 'Elva cry and hit Theo on his face

But Theo welcomes it, he knows this time he crosses the limit for good....and if something happens to

Sarah he will never forgive himself and probably die with her.

Then he heard the room door home and saw Elva's eyes were shocked and she yelled 'Oh my

god... Theo what you did...oh my...Sarah my child. Theo ‘Elva cry and hit Theo on his face

But Theo welcomes it, he knows this time he crosses the limit for good....and if something happens to

Sarah he will never forgive himself and probably die with her.


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