Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 30: chap29

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After been whole day on the beach with Ava and Elva she enjoyed a lot...well looking Ava so full of life

and happily made her very happy..her daughter loves was Ava loud exciting giggles were

soothing sound in her ears... then that sudden demand for shopping she has to do and then has to buy

those damn swimsuit that she has no idea what she will do with ...Totally tired her. It was only one day

and Theo was super busy...he even came late last night when she was fast asleep and in the morning

he was gone...what a perfect family vacation they are having...she thought sarcastically.

There was a time when she was grateful when Theo was gone for long trips or come home late at night

but now she wants him to be around...which is foolish because Theo is changed but not that changed

that makes him completely different...she still see those moments in Theo's eyes when there is hate,

anger, and resentment for her. She tries to avoid those moments and never mention anything that

makes him short.

Sarah was taking a shower and it was almost ten pm...she was sure Theo will come late usually

she can read a book and then take a good sleep as tomorrow is a big gala event she has t be fresh and

at her best...she doesn't want to disappoint Theo ...she was scrubbing herself then the sliding door of

the shower room opened...Sarah gasped but it was Theo who standing with both legs cross and he

was looking shamelessly at her in dark desire...she awkwardly said 'You are early'

Theo looked her from bottom in a provocative manner and said 'Yeah unexpectedly the meeting was

finished before...I was calling you but then you were busy here ... you didn't hear me'

Sarah thought is she in trouble? For not answering him 'Im sorry. I thought you will be late..I'm almost


she was turning the knob but Theo said 'no you are not because I want a shower, that's mean you are

staying too' Theo said this all while removing his clothes in a seconds

Sarah was nervous they never share a shower was so personal ....she moved back and

give him some space. Sarah was feeling conscious about her body...she knows he might know

everything about her body during sex but it was in the dark or when she covered but now he can see

how imperfect her body is...especially those scars that she has to live with them forever...but it was also

given by him why feel bad he should feel guilty for this..her mind told her..but she knows that Theo was

right all time she will never be beautiful. She get emotional but shakes her head

Theo might saw her doing that 'Why you shaking your don't want me here' he said in


Sarah softly said 'no...I'm just feeling cold'

Theo turn the temperature little warm 'now is it OK? come on turn around I will scrub your hair'

Sarah turn by order and looks at the wall..she felt his hand and she shivers but she said nothing...he

took the shampoo and scrub her hair surprisingly very gently and then risen her...he then smell her

..she moans when he put his lips and suck her lightly on her neck ..she was getting hot and she knows

it has nothing to do with the warm water that is pouring on both of them.

Theo grabs all her wet hair and twist them and throw them in front of her shoulder to get the more

space to kiss her back but all she heard was gasp sound like he was shocked at something...Sarah

was confused for a moment but then she realized what he might say ...the scars on her back. Those

cigarette scars.


He was rock hard when he saw his wife naked and wet body in the shower...he wanted her immediately

but they never did that in shower so he thought to take it slowly...they were getting in the moment when

he saw her scars on her back...those were not normal looking scars they were small scars where the

shin looks rough and hard in appearance was not clearly visible in any clothing but he can see his

cruelty on her back and remember that day when he was enjoying his wife screams her pleas and her

loud screeching crying ...but he loves her misery and pining...and now he wants to hate himself wants

to give those same scars to him he gives her one point.

He felt sarah to be tense , she turned to him and was crying 'Plz don't say anything i know they are ugly

and i look repulsive to you now'

she looked ashamed but he should be the one to look ashamed what he did to he fuck with

her mind that she is not beautiful...his emotions were very everywhere..but he didn't say anything...he

quietly turn her body and then put his lips on her scars and kiss all of her scars she was tense as hell

but she was breaking he can see that...she was breathing heavily ...he wants to give her the pleasure

she never had ...he said then 'put your arms on the wall (sarah looked unsure) believe me you will love


Sarah did that and Theo then goes down on his knee and did what he never expected to do on his

wife...Sarah made surprise sound 'oh' and she was going crazy what he was doing to was

extreme..she can feel it...she can't control it and put her hands on Theo hair and screamed his name at

top of her lungs .

Theo was amazed how she responds to him ..Sarah was in her own imaginary world and said 'no one

did this to me it was so good' she said to herself but aloud

Theo was extremely satisfied and his male ego gives him thumb ups .'Im happy then too and now it's

my turn'

he put her back on the wall and hold her and then he was inside was heaven....he don't know he

will ever get enough of her...he kissed her and then had the best shower sex of his life.


They were on the bed laying naked. Where Sarah's head was in Theo's chest which was becoming her

favorite pillow and he was snuggling her and had a cigarette on his mouth...she never like it when he

smokes cigarettes ...maybe because it's not good for health but also it makes him lose his mind and he

does stupid things to her but today looks likes different case,he was calm and silent

'Did you go shopping' Theo said while smoking

Sarah node 'yes sir! I did and brought some of the swimsuits like you said and Elva took me to some

amazing places especially there is a small beach cafe ..the food is so good Theo .. I mean sir' she

immediately corrected herself

Theo was quiet for a moment and was smoking silently again..Like he was lost in his thought then he

said 'you can go again tomorrow morning too if you want...the gala is at night you will have plenty of

time for shopping'

Sarah smiles 'Thank you but I don't think I need anything. I was really tired and it was Elva who help

me where to get what, I was so lost without her...she is a good woman (Theo nodes at that) and she is

very fond of you..she also tell me you helped her son too'' she said hesitantly like she is not crossing

any line she had in this relationship

Theo put the finished cigarettes in the ashtray and said 'I'm very fond of her too she is like a mother to

me...I looked to her like my mom. Mom and dad were always out of the home so it was Elva who look

after us and love giving a job and settling her son life in England is nothing to me... I want to do

more 'He said with a smile

Sarah was surprised, she always thought Theo was never that much considerate and loving for

someone else...maybe it's her fault she repulses everyone in love department...look at her parents then

her husband case.

Theo was now on top of her and looking at her seductively 'Are you sore'

Sarah blushed, well she is sore but he was asking her permission ok sort of and she can't say no to

him she shakes her head in denial

Theo took a relief breath 'Thank god '.And then they both slept almost in the early morning.


She was sitting in the balcony and was looking at the ocean blue water....she felt fresh air on her face

and she smiles...she always like such places..she was looking at Ava who was crawling in the mat

placed on the floor and Sarah was trying to make her eat her apple and banana puree but little Ava

was excited to make her mother chase her....Sarah grab her chubby legs softly and said 'gotcha' Ava

laughed and Sarah also join her and said 'you like mama to chase you.. (sarah tickle Ava small feet

and Ava giggle loudly) I will eat you'' sarah lie down and hold Ava in air and kissed her both cheeks.

Both mother and daughter were lost in their moment that they dont realized someone enter that

room...when Sarah turn and saw it was Theo who was looking very strangely at this moment...he eyes

were light blue in the sun and he was saying nothing just staring like he is saving this moment in his

mind...then Theo said 'They are some people who come to make you ready for tonight gala'

Sarah drop Ava who get busy at crawling and Theo for a moment was stun to saw that...'she is

crawling?' he said to himself but Sarah heard him and she replied 'she starts a few weeks

she wants to stay all time like this'.

Theo looks away like he doesn't care but Sarah was hurt by his action why can't he love her..if he can

change his behavior towards her than why not towards his own daughter.

'Anyways there some professionals here and they will help you' Theo said in a business tone

Sarah replied slowly 'But really grateful but I can manage on my own'

Theo narrow his eyes ' Maybe but like I said they are professional they know how to do their job better

than you's very important event for me so these will make you look decent and beautiful'

Sarah he called these people to make her ugly face to little beautiful ...oh well he is doing

a favor Sarah otherwise because of you he will get embarrassed that Theo Grey town hottest man got

an ugly looking wife...she thought

Sarah tries to give him a smile but it looks shaky and teary in nature 'Ok I'm really thankful'

But Theo can see the hurt in her eyes. He just nodes and called the beauty expert team.

After Elva took Ava from the room...the expert team start working on Sarah...Sarah mood was already

spoiled ...she just wants this evening go smoothly she doesn't want to disappoint Theo.

After almost hour, Sarah was ready wearing her navy blue gown with hair drawn downwards in loose

curls and wearing the pearl earrings and locket...The expert team told her she looked so beautiful and

natural but she didn't believe them she wants to hear this from Theo mouth then she will believe it.

but she didn't believe them she wants to hear this from Theo mouth then she will believe it

Sarah checked Ava who peacefully sleeping. She kissed her head and walk slowly towards

downstairs...She saw Theo was wearing a tux and was looking so handsome as a movie star. He was

talking to Elva but stop when he saw her...His eyes bulged in surprised and he looks up and down to

her...sarah felt butterfly in her stomach what he will say to her...did he like it...did he not like it...she

wants him to say something...Elva put a hand on her mouth and said 'Wow MY .. Sarah look so

beautiful like a goddess ...isn't it Theo'

But Theo still not said anything he just a node and look at his watch 'Elva we are getting late ...we have

to go now....come on Sarah 'He said in a disinterested tone like he doesn't care his wife look beautiful

or not

Sarah felt embarrassed and stupid that how she can be beautiful in his husband eyes ...Elva looked

angry and pass a look at Theo but Theo ignored both of them and said nothing.

Sarah felt embarrassed and stupid that how she can be beautiful in his husband eyes ...Elva looked

angry and pass a look at Theo but Theo ignored both of them and said nothing.


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