Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 8: chap7

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Chap 7


(Theo reached London)

Theo and Tom directly went to the person who has the stuff regarding 12 dec night... the night he wants

to forget...

Tom said ' Theo he is waiting in the office but I didn't tell him that Simon sister is your keep it

like that...we need evidence that can put Sarah in jail so calm down I can already see you so stress out

that I'm getting tense'

Theo just nodes when they enter the office..they saw the blonde guy with small height

They shake hands and theo said ' Theo grey'

The blonde guy replied 'Evan shark'

'so can we get to the point what do you have' Theo said in a businessman tone

Evan shark just raised eyebrow and nodes ' very well, I don't how much this will help you but it's maybe

important for 12 dec case'

He picked out some pictures n show them to tom and theo ' in this picture you can clearly see that

Simon n his two friends were totally high as they are having coke here, in this picture you as tom said

that you have already seen... But you have the half picture ...look at here... with Tina, there is a girl

too.. whose face is quite blurred obviously from the cheap CCTV footage but I know the manager and

some waiters of that club where Tina and her friends were having a party...'

Theo was feeling impatient and angry ' just cut it tell me who is the girl'

Evan said ' relax I'm coming there... it's Simon sister is believed, she was with Tina n her

group all the time...I asked one of the waiters he said. Simon & his friends used to come here a lot

even Tina n her friends also hang out there a lot but this girl Sarah come there for the first time...the

manager dude said she was underage that's why she wasn't allowed in the club but Simon said that

she was Tina friends n Tina let her come with her and you know what happened next'

Theo closed his eyes even he knows that Sarah was involved in Tina's death but still he wants that not

be true...but he wants to proceed the next process and fulfil the promise ' Do these people of the club

will give their statement to the court' Tom said

'I hope so...but right now I want to know another girl ...according to the bartender who was there at

night, he said that he saw that girl to be fighting with Sarah but not the reason he knows'

Both the brother was surprised because they know all the tina's friend who is that girl.

Theo Said ' then find out who is that another girl n also tell me about Simon's friends ...we never get

their address n contact information ..'

Evan replied 'well according to the footage I saw Simon was the only one who was taking Tina to the


Theo closed his fist, said ' I still need that footage ..'

With that he left the room in anger n took out his cigarette n put it in his mouth .

He try to control his anger... Sarah .... he knew it she was involved n now listening from even it intensify

his anger more n then he felt angrier when he wants her not be guilty ..fuck this woman is getting on

her nerves, he was thinking that he will let her out of that damn room but no she will stay there and feel

the pain his sister has to bear for days. Tom came and put his hand on theo shoulder and said lets go

In the car Tom said ' Theo just relax ok... we have more to come..just don't come to the conclusion right

now I can see wheel turning in your head'

Theo glared at his brother 'damn right I'm mad, I can't relax after what I heard, that bitch was involved

she lied that she was Tina friend and then stay with her and made the whole plan with her brother how

they are going to kidnap Tina ' He yelled so loud that whole car shakes with his anger

Tom also said in anger 'Theo the fuck you think that I'm not angry at Sarah, I'm, but we need to think

clearly, don't forget there is another girl, maybe the whole story can change from that, maybe what we

are even thinking it's not true , maybe Sarah was there by chance or she did not know anything about

that night maybe she innocent after all time otherwise she must have realized by know why she is living

in a marriage like that' Tom said with such a whisper that for a moment he thinks maybe Sarah really

don't know, which makes Theo angrier

Theo replied 'Fuck with your logic, you heard what that Evan guy said she was their indeed , she stay

the whole time with Tina, and you are saying she is innocent, but I'm telling you she is the murderer of

our sister I need more proves to put her behind the bar otherwise I will kill her by myself, she will realize

soon that I can not only put her in the basement small room for days , I can do much worse than that'

Theo was so angry that he only saw red but then he heard Tom shocked voice 'You did what? Theo

you locked her in the basement room, what's wrong with you'

Theo shrugs 'She deserves that she was forgetting her place, she talks to dad about something which

made him suspicious about the marriage, even mom said that dad was asking questions so it was

important for her to know her place'

Tom shakes his head and said 'Theo what the hell bro, your wing is such a isolated place and you

locked her in a basement room where no one can hear her if something happen to her'

'Nothing will happen to her I told her to behave but she was an ungrateful bitch and today what I heard

I will not let her out for days, I'm wondering how she will manage with the daily food and water' Theo

smiled cruelly

Looking at his brother cruel expression Tom flinched and he said 'Theo she will be dead by now if you

don't let her out, we want her behind the bars not you, so tell Mrs. Brickson to let her out, you don't

cross that level, Theo you won't"

Theo said in a final tone 'I will do what I have to do with my wife, don't interfere'

And what else can tom said, Theo for days keep looking at the camera footage that he installed in the

basement room and saw Sarah crying begging and bruising her hands and fist by knocking at the

door... best moment when she saw the food he brought, he laughed for a moment and said 'Can you

see Simon how your sister is starving just like Tina, she will pay for this'

But after days he can see her panic attacks, her health was degrading she was vomiting and crying

and saying to let her out, he want to enjoy but he can't looking at her lifeless eyes . 3rd and 4th day he

saw Sarah was very quiet and very weak she was holding her head and breathing heavily and saying

something without words and saw her vomiting again and again and then all her food was gone. On the

fifth day he decided he can' stay any longer he has commitment in New York and now he have to get

her out of that damn room he hate her a lot but Tom is right he can't let her die there it will ruin their

plan but deep down his inner heart was not accepting her to die and it has nothing to do with the plan

but like always he ignored that feeling.

Sitting in the business class on the plan he decided to look at Sarah for the last time he connects the

live footage of Sarah on her tablet and put the headphones, he rewind back the footage where she said

'Sir today is the fifth day and the food is finished, you told me to use it carefully and I did, I even make

the timetable when to eat what, but you also know that the food was only for one day but still I

managed, now plz let me out'

Theo felt Sarah was very calm and confident but he wants her to break her more, than he will open the

door when reaches the home less than 20 hours, his inner devil part was encouraging him on that

thought. After many hours he had the dinner in the plan but he can't have more than three bites as his

appetite died when Sarah food was finished for days and she was starving but he ignored that thought

and decided to take a nap but he heard Sarah voice in the earphones where she shouted 'you bastard,

you evil sadist man , I hope one day you feel the same thing I'm feeling now and you will beg for mercy

like I was begging for the past days ... you will kill me and when I die I will tell God what you did to me'

He was shocked that Sarah never talk to her like that but he knew at that moment that she is not going

to survive ... he was worried for a moment what if she died there what if she was right about her

catastrophic condition, fuck he remove the earphones and take a deep breath, he can call Mrs.

Brickson and tell her to open the door, it's too much now he think.... he dialed from the plane phone to

Mrs. Brickson 'Hello Greys resident'

'Mrs. Brickson this is Theo, I want you to go to my wing and from their go the basement and open the

door of old gym room and let Sarah out now'

He heard Mrs. Brickson harsh breathe, 'Sir, I tried that already, I know it was your order not to go there

but I can't help it, I just wanted to give food to Sarah but sir I can't find the keys , I even asked your

mother but she shut me and said the keys are with you '

Fuck the keys are indeed with him 'Look, Mrs Brickson, I'm coming home but it will take me 4 hours

max so try to find the duplicate of that door and checked on Sarah, talk to her behind the door if she is

ok or not'

He felt he heard Mrs Brickson saying like you care but it was so slow that he wasn't sure, he was trying

to calm himself and hoping she is alright and don't know how long he was doing that then felt his

personal phone to be ringing although the phone should be switched off during the flight but he was

using his family name card he answered 'Tom'

Tom 'theo I don't know you are landed or not but I'm sending you something look at the footage.... Evan

found that girl she is Samantha Drone and when I saw her face I recognized her it was Lisa's cousin, I

think there is more to the story on 12 dec night because Sam and Sarah was fighting... (tom took a

deep breath ) because Sarah was stopping Tina to go with Simon and his friends and sam was against

of that'

Theo didn't listen further and dropped the phone in shocked and looked at the footage where Sarah

was laying on the floor and said 'tell my family that I forgive them what they did to me...but remember I

will never forgive you THEO GREY'

Fuck he won't forgive himself if it's true what Tom has said....He had seen Sarah faced in the footage

like this is the moment she will died he stand automatically where people were looking him strangely

then the air hostess cam and tell him to sit down as they are going to land in any minute, he prayed for

the first time to let Sarah be ok... she can't die there is so many answer he wants to get but more than

that he needs her to be ok.


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