Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 18: chap17

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'Im telling you Theo to control your she may be the mother of your child but it did not give

her right to make your father against me..he called me and say those stuff that he never said to me in

our all married life' Roma yelled and cried to Theo

Theo grabs his nose and sighs 'Mom plz calm down. I'm coming home and I will ask Sarah but plz

mom try to be a little civil with her in front of know dad will be gone in few weeks so plz

Roma cuts him in middle'I can see you how you support that girl say to us she and her

daughter are not important to you but I can see you how you internally changing your mind.'

Theo was this true? did he feel like that ...he shakes his head.. his mind is already so

messed up 'mom I told you they are nothing to relax I'm coming home'

Tom looked at Theo when Theo put the phone down and said 'Looks like dad is taking class not only of

yours but of wonder what Sarah has done with dad..your wife is something Theo' Tom

said in a sarcastic tone..which Theo glare and don't like what he is saying about Sarah.

But he was right Theo dad has already called him and blamed him for number of things which he can't

decline..that what kind of husband and father he is he is hurting Sarah..but his dad was saying

this only on current context he has no idea Theo has been doing this long before this..

Both the brother enter the mansion and saw the chefs, butler and all the helper, setting the huge feast

at the dining table. Tom said 'is someone coming?'.Theo just shrug ..then they saw mother and father

talking in hush sound...Roma looks furious about but she was lip tight

Mr. Grey saw their sons and said 'good you guys are on time... I want my family member in the dining you can see this dinner is in the honour of my granddaughter Ava Grey'

Theo eyes become strangely soft, Ava..his daughter name is Ava..he start to feel something that his

ego doesn't allow to feel that properly. He then saw...sarah wearing a light pink dress..damn she looks

beautiful..and was holding her daughter ..his daughter..stop it Theo. She is nothing to you..he told

himself internally

Mr. Grey holds Ava and said to sit down at the dining table...Sarah looks nervous, she never sits on the

dining table before with she was not allowed too and Theo can clearly see her struggle when

he saw Sarah eyes looking for his permission..he nodes to her and then she was tension free..she sit

down and in front of her was Roma who was glaring at her like she will kill her in any minute.

Theo sit down next down Sarah and told her shaking hand 'Calm down..don't react I don't want dad to

get suspicious just behave like a good young mother..for your owner this grand dinner is arranged, so

enjoy now because this will never happen again' He said coldly

Theo saw Sarah lips to wobble and tears were gathering but she just nodes softly. At the dinner table,

everyone was exceptionally quiet and looking awkwardly at food. Mr grey can feel the tensions and

was disturbed by it. Then he says 'why everyone is so quite'?

Everyone looks at Theo to say something ..Theo gives a fake smile 'Nothing dad... I think everyone is

overwhelmed and tired too. You tell us are you going to stay longer this time?"

Mr grey just node and replied 'No I will be this week ...(he turned to Sarah) Sarah why haven't your

parents not come to meet their granddaughter. I hope everything is ok? ''

Mr grey ask in worry tone but he was suspicious too

Theo can see how Sarah body was still like a iron and her breathing was he can tell dad

Blake family do not check on Sarah after her marriage to me...and they never will ..he makes sure that.

Sarah said softly but her voice broke down 'I (she snips) They are busy ... I don't talk to them

very much...they are out of the country I think'

Theo looks at her dad how he was looking at both them...fuck Sarah don't cry..don't make him more

suspicious then he is.But Mr grey just nodes and continue the remaining dinner.

After dinner, Mr grey told Roma 'Why don't you see your granddaughter'

Roma become tense and said 'I will but just not feeling well' with that she went to her room

Theo was also tense, the way her mom looked at Ava in hate but he was the one to blame more.

Theo and Sarah went to the room and he saw Sarah was going to sitting area of the room..where he

can see a small crib..he saw her changing Ava clothes and diaper and saw her putting her very

gently....he wanted to go to that room but he stops himself..he want's to give justice to his sister not to

start a family, where he is stuck.

He saw Sarah coming to the room back after few minutes,she quietly said 'Do you want to drink coffee

or something'

Theo walk towards her and remove the hair from her shoulder and lightly put his hand on her neck and

said 'How do you know your parents are out of the country...are you in contact with them?' Theo asked

in a warning tone and pressed the pressure of his hand

Sarah makes a scary sound and put her small hands on Theo shoulder 'Sir...i ..didn't know how

much they hate me even if I did they will not do anything (Theo felt the tear on his hand and saw Sarah

crying) I just lie there so that Mr. Grey doesn't get suspicious'

But theo was amazed and disturbed by her wife tears..he remove the tears from Sarah's face and said

'Good..just don't ever make him suspicious about anything otherwise you know what happens when

you did that' He was cruel and he knows that and when Sarah body shake in fear he felt bad a

little...fuck she was almost dead few weeks ago and now I'm threatening her..Theo put a distant with

her and go to bathroom

Theo also changed and sleep on his the middle of the night theo get awake from a crying

voice..he turned to his side and saw Sarah running to the sitting area and calming the angry baby

cries..after few time he saw Sarah coming to bed and then he said 'I don't like my sleep to be

disturbed...if she keeps doing that then she won't be in the room' theo said harshly and he can see the

hurt in Sarah's eyes but he thought it's important very important to let her understand his intention

toward this baby.

you did that' He was cruel and he knows that and when Sarah body shake in fear he felt bad a

little...fuck she was almost dead few weeks ago and now I'm threatening her.. Theo put a distant with

her and go to bathroom

Theo also changed and sleep on his the middle of the night theo get awake from a crying

voice..he turned to his side and saw Sarah running to the sitting area and calming the angry baby

cries..after few time he saw Sarah coming to bed and then he said ‘| don't like my sleep to be

disturbed...if she keeps doing that then she won't be in the room' theo said harshly and he can see the

hurt in Sarah's eyes but he thought it's important very important to let her understand his intention

toward this baby.


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