Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 24: chap23

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Sarah gasp and run for her daughter...Theo also doesn't stop and run for her daughter at a

speed...when they saw it was what...Sarah screamed her daughter name 'Ava oh my god...Ava who left

her alone' Sarah pick her daughter and try to check her injuries...Ava was crying in pain and Sarah saw

a little lump on her head which was bleeding ...Theo was scared like shit and then run to his daughter

and saw blood..he felt his soul be the pain like Ava was...'Where the fuck is that girl messy' he shouted

he touch his daughter head lightly ...Ava was crying badly a Sarah was crying with her daughter...Theo

then saw her mother standing silently with wide expression

Theo said 'Mom.'.

Before Roma can say something Messy came with a coffee and was shocked what she saw.Theo

growled at her 'Where the fuck was you..You left a 4-month-old baby alone...are you fucking stupid'

Messy was shaking in fear ' no Mr Grey, Mrs grey was here...she told me to bring her coffee

..she will be with Ava till that time. I swear to god...'

Sarah and Theo looked at Roma in shocked ' that true'

Roma wide expression was changed to bore one 'Oh god don't exaggerate ...she is fine just little

shocked that's why she is crying...and don't look me like I'm responsible...I was checking what was in

those shoppers...but then messy told me you and that girl went for shopping (she said in an accusing

tone) anyway Ava was sitting properly in her baby chair...but took a turn maybe I had moved ... I don't

know...she fall down and cry'

Theo was shocked ...his own mother so relaxed that his daughter is hurt under her responsibility

before he can say something Sarah shouted 'How could you...Mrs grey I get it you hate me...but this is

your own blood and flesh...even forget about that, she is a small baby...who can't protect herself...even

if you say she falls down but can't you go and pick her or check ...She is bleeding'

Roma pushes Sarah even knowing she is holding a child ...Theo was standing on the back and hold

Sarah ...Roma then said 'You little bitch...who the fuck are you to talk to me like are nothing

but a fucking slave and my son whore and Theo (Roma looked him)you just fuck her, make babies with

her and forget everything that she did...Can't you see how she talk to me...because of you theo she get

that kind of power' Roma give a hate and disgusting look to them

Theo was controlling himself. He doesn't want to do and say anything ...she is his mother...he wanted

to respect her.. but still he snaps. 'Mom it's really better that you go your wing and then to your room

and take a relaxing pill then we are going to have a talk ...a very good talk ' Theo said in a no-nonsense


Roma gives them an evil smile and goes from there

Theo was confused what that was. Then Theo turns to look Ava. She was bleeding really badly he told

Sarah 'Take her to the room and put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding I'm calling a doctor.'

Sarah was sobbing and was shaking and said softly 'i can't lose her'

Theo looked at Ava was still crying and he felt someone kick on his stomach the way the small baby is

crying...her beautiful red hair was wet with the blood ...Theo said 'You won't lose her believe me' he

whispers and Sarah need that assurance

After doctor came and put the bandage on Ava's head then said 'Mr grey she is ok now..luckily the

wound was not that large but it was bleeding so I want you guys to apply this ointment it's very effective

and if she is in pain or something immediate brought Ava to hospital'

Sarah was not satisfied 'But have you checked her vision or any sign of internal injury...she looks so

quite now'

The doctor assures her and said 'Mrs Grey trust me. I checked her properly she has no vision problem

and no sign of head injury it was a minor cut...and yes is fine now if she felt pain bring her to me'

Theo was looking at the little innocent baby whose hand was in her mouth and was looking at everyone

with her big eyes just like her mother...Ava is giving him another feeling..a feeling he always felt for

Tina..a protective feeling...he wants to hold her...and check her himself but he can't..the women who

give birth to Ava is the reason he can't love her like a father should... but this sweet and beautiful baby

looking at him and was making cooing sound was enough for him to crack a smile and then Ava laugh

and throws her small hand towards him...Sarah and the doctor looked at Ava sudden excitement and

saw it was Theo.

Theo immediately changes his expression into a serious one...he doesn't want to give any idea to

Sarah on this..he can fool her that he believes and trust her but not on this ...this is too much. He can't

use a baby.

After the doctor was gone Theo went to his mother room to have a talk but her mother already has a

company was Tom and Lisa and they were trying to calm her down

'No Tom I can't relax ...Theo support that girl ...he let that girl shout at me and he did nothing, he

prefers her over me, I always knew this day will come...after all, he is a man his needs are fulfilled so

too he decided hell with the Tina death and revenge' Roma shouted at peak

'But Mom you are wrong there and you know this because you can clearly see how I did everything to

make Sarah life hell and even if you knew this so long then why the hell you pursue me to marry Sarah

knowing how much I disagree on pushed me ... I have another plan but it was you and Tom

idea 'Theo shouted with the same intensity

Tom com between them and said 'Ok everyone we need to calm down like adults and we need to sit

and talk'

Theo grabs his forehead and massage it ...oh god ... he just wants to lie down

'OK now Theo can you plz tell me what's wrong why did you not stop Sarah 'Tom tiredly asked

'Ava falls down under mom responsibility... she was bleeding and obviously, we panicked and Sarah

reacted seeing her daughter,

'Look he still defending her' Roma glare and interrupt

'Mom for god sake I'm not defending know nothing that we have to plan to let Sarah confess

her stop blaming me that I don't care...because mom I fucking life has been

changing ever since Tina die...she might be your daughter but she was my child too.. I was the one to

look after her when you and dad were busy in the social gathering...I loved her...and i have devoted my

life to let Tina get justice' Theo yelled with emotions

There was a silence then Roma said 'I didn't do anything to your daughter. It was an accident...but the

way you reacted there like you really care for them...(Roma cry) makes me think I lost you too' Lisa

went to Roma and hug her and try to calm her down

Theo sighs 'Mom if you had said something there like that I would have understood but you reacted like

it was nothing ...My dau..Ava was bleeding mom..she is a baby...I might not love her like a daughter but

she is still a baby. And mom if you don't believe me then ask Tom, he & I are doing this everything for

Tina for this family won't lose me'

Roma holds Theo face 'So you know I don't hurt Ava?'

Theo was looking at his emotional mom and felt she can't lie to him, after all her mom can't be that

cruel...he kissed his mom's head and said 'Yeah mom just relax ok I'm always with you'

Roma smiled with tears falling


Roma was scared like shit...what she did...she don't even know what happens to her when she kicked

Ava small baby chair that let her fall badly....she was stun for a moment...All she know she can't

tolerate that how his son was so nice with that Blake girl and after looking at shopping bags and all the

other shit he brought for sarah..she felt fury ...all she wanted to burn the clothes...but then she heard a

baby cooing sound she looks down and saw it was that bitch daughter...who playing with rattle and was

looking at her big doe eyes...for a moment she remember her like Tina... but then Satan take place in

Roma's heart and all she sees was sarah face who has taken away her daughter...then she will hurt

Sarah, daughter, too and out of now where she kicked that baby chair and it fell down with a loud

voice...She felt internal contentment and she smiles widely but she heard the baby loud crying sound

she becomes terrified that what she did...and when Theo reacted this way and not stop Sarah shouting

at her..She lost it...she will lose her son too.

she can't so she apply her mother card to gain her son sympathy and make Theo believe she is

innocent and luckily she did.


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