Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 54: chap53

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Chap 53


Why he is acting so weird, he needs to stop doing that as it's making Sarah weird too.

After dinner he came outside the balcony for a smoke....he left Sarah and Ava in the living room so

they can have some alone time...and he feels little hurt when Sarah gets really excited to spend some

alone time with Ava without him...but he won't blame her...he has totally broken all the connection of

love, trust and even concept of civility between them.

He took the deep puff of the cigarette...god he really need this....he never know when he becomes

addicted to smoking all he remembers after that teenage incident he had ...he turns into a different

person and then cigarette become the working mechanism that made him forget that dark part....he

shake his head he won't go there.

He won't....not now...he might one day have to talk to the psychologist but not now he can't go there.

By psychologist he remembers he has to arrange a one for Sarah too as the doctor has also told him

that Sarah needs to talk to someone too...he will find first thing in the morning.

When he was done with his smoking ...he came inside and went directly to Ava room...he then saw the

two most beautiful women in his life...he saw Sarah was softly singing the lullaby to Ava while dragging

her hand in Ava red hair.....Ava was sleeping deep

Theo crosses his arm and smiled looking at both of them. He cursed himself how he tries to destroy

this bond between them and how much pain he had given them. Tina death was a shocking moment of

his life but knowing Sarah was innocent all this time was the father of all shock and it completely

changes his life... he remorseful looked to them and then Sarah suddenly turn and saw him standing

...she becomes tense like she is waiting for him to do was always a sucker punch in his

guts when she reacts to him like that

But he gave her a smile and said 'it took me hours to make her fall asleep and you have no idea how

much I have to bribe her (he shakes his head with a smile in his face) then this little miss fall asleep but

you had a magic wand to make her sleep so fast'

Sarah looks down at Ava and has so much love and affection in her smile that made Theo fall in love

with Sarah more.

Sarah quietly said 'maybe all time we have miss makes her bond with me in another way.....but she

kept on asking about you too.....she loves you very much' Sarah said with an emotional tone

Theo nodes in guilt and said 'im sorry you lost so much time without her but no more...she is our

daughter....and she doesn't love me more only she loves you too .....when you were in the hospital she

asked daily about you....(Theo kneel down in the bed and said ) Sarah don't ever think that I will use

Ava innocent love in my advantage I never do that ...especially to you'

Sarah looks down and replied in a sobbing voice 'but you did take advantage of my trust

my...' Sarah looks away and wiped her tears

Theo felt someone put a bullet in his heart,the painful manner in which Sarah said to him totally broke

his heart....she is so right he did take advantage of her love and then make Sarah pawn in his twisted

sadistic plans.

Theo holds Sarah's hands and made her stand from the bed...Sarah flinched but Theo shakes his head

'Sarah look at me... I know I'm a bastard to do that with your love...those pure feeling for me that you

hold but I was indifferent state of mind...I'm not making excuse for myself but that's the truth and I'm so

sorry what I did but I'm looking forward to every day to give you so many smiles so much love that you

start trusting me. I know you won't believe me but I love Ava and I love you so much 'he whispered and

kissed her forehead.

Sarah was quite and stand still and replied 'I'm tired I need to sleep'

Theo nodes 'come we will go together'

When they reached their room...Theo was keenly looking at her ....he just wants her to be comfortable

and relax.

He then took out her medicines 'before sleep you need to eat this...these are some vitamin course that

you have to have daily'

He made her sit down on the bed and bring some water for her and then give the medicine to her

Theo then kneels down and take off her shoes ...that made Sarah winced in shocked 'what are you

doing' she said in disbelieve

Theo know why she reacted like that because the moment he took off her shoes he remember those

days when he used to make Sarah do all these stuff like giving water to him whenever he came back

from office and then ordering her to take off his shoes...these were his way to degrade her and now it

disgusts him

But now all he wants to pamper Sarah made her feel comfortable and know she holds the power

towards his heart ... he shrugs and normally replied 'nothing.Just taking off my wife need to

loosen up a little 'he winks to her that made Sarah mouth open in shocked but she automatically stable

her expressions.

Theo then gently put Sarah feet on the bed and made her lie down then go to his side and lie down.

Sarah sits automatically 'you are sleeping here?'

Theo raised an eyebrow in confusion 'yeah where would I sleep, this is our room'

Sarah shakes her head 'I can't sleep here and not with you'

Theo sighs ....he can go and sleep somewhere but that will make him worried about Sarah that he

leave her alone that he doesn't want to do that.

Theo gently replied 'i won't do anything to you plz, believe me, I won't even touch you but if it makes

you feel good and I will sleep on the floor but I'm not leaving you alone her or anywhere ' he firmly said

Sarah grabbed the quilt and put that above her breast and softly said 'I... I can sleep on the floor like I

use to do no problem ... it's your bed and I don't

Theo put his finger on her lips 'shh ... I will sleep down its final and it's your bed. Anything that's mine it

belongs to you too'

But then he realized he just put his finger on her plump lips and god how much he wanted to kiss

that...he can feel his body reacting after a year but then he remembers he made a promise with her so

he cants do that to her.

He abruptly stands so that Sarah can't see him below his pants because it will make Sarah

uncomfortable and scared which is the last thing on his mind.

He took the worn out mattress which was used by Sarah so many times...he arrange them and lie

down but he saw how Sarah looks so tense and confused

Theo smiled 'good night Sarah...just relax and sleep well and if you need anything just tell me

He put the quilt on him too and lie down on the most awkward and uncomfortable mattress of the wonder how Sarah even slept on this for years...this made him super guilty that he really

made her sleep a cursed for her on those days...he felt the tear the how much she use to feel so tired

and uncomfortable in this mattress especially after the day she had been gone to torture and endless

work tasks and then at night she had to deal with the bastard like him...the heavy feeling of the tears in

his eyes made him realized that how many tears he had given to this beautiful woman who was so soft

and so innocent

He looks above the ceiling...and doubt himself that a person like him never deserve a chance then why

he is still begging that from god and Sarah.


(After a week)


It was almost a week and Sarah didn't even know how she even survives so peacefully...yes she had

no trouble here....everyone was acting so concern and caring towards her except roma and thank god

she hasn't seen the women.

Lisa who is pregnant again look remorseful but still very reserved with her maybe being pregnant made

her thing Sarah presence will be not a good idea on her baby, hell she haven't seen Olivia tom

daughter properly...even tom wanted to bring her daughter to her but Lisa reluctant response and

excuse made Sarah believe that she still doesn't want her children to meet hurts her but Sarah

was also so ok with that too.

But the thing that made her more concern was Theo behavior ...he is too nice and supporting to's almost a week and he sleep daily on the floor and saw how tired he looked in the morning as

Sarah can easily relate to how laying on a thin mattress for years can give you terrible body ache but

unfortunately Sarah never got any satisfaction.....she doesn't know why ...maybe he took care of her so

well by giving medicine and lunch on time, bringing different stuff for her daily.

Sarah shake her head are being stupid its only one week and how can you decide he is

change...he is not...have you forget how he reacted when Mark took Tina name...she shivers with that

thought and come out from the washroom and decide to wake Ava and took her outside the house

today...she really needs to take a fresh air.

But as soon she came out Theo also came holding the tray of breakfast for her...and yes he brought

breakfast for her daily too.

Theo smiled at her 'good morning... I'm sorry I was late... I got the call from the estate agency, they

have looked for some houses but I told them that if my wife and daughter like it then I will buy it.' Theo

put the table in front of confused Sarah and give her the flower ...another daily ritual of Theo to give

flower to her in the morning

Sarah took the flower and smells it and said 'thank you... I don't understand what house'

Theo fill Sarah plate with food and pour some coffee for both of them...' eat first then I will tell you'

Sarah took the plate and waited for his reply,

Theo shook his head and smiled 'ok ok! I told you a week ago, well not properly but I have decided to

move to a new house ...since (He look away) since mom presence is making Ava and you

uncomfortable is much better to move and I really wanted to focus on you guys and not any issues that

mom can create'

Sarah cringed when ever Theo took Roma name. She softly replied 'i dont know what to say on

this...what about Mr grey he will be all alone'

Theo sighs and nodes 'if he wants to come to no problem with me but if he doesn't then tom is also

here and dad don't like me so I don't think he will miss me ' he had a sad expression that made Sarah

stupid heart to feel bad for him

Sarah took a sip of the coffee and then she told him 'i wanted to go out today with Ava ... I want... I

mean I need fresh air'

Sarah saw how Theo become tense when she told him about going out he still want to

control her she though cynically.

Theo hesitantly picked his coffee mug and rubbed her lower jaw 'hmm I don't have any problem but I

feel more comfortable if I go with you guys know what tomorrow we will be looking for houses

then maybe we can go out for lunch and have some good time' he excitedly replied

Sarah become angry 'or maybe don't want to lose your control over me and Ava...or you just don't trust


Theo looked intensely at her and said 'Sarah you are wrong...I'm sorry if you feel like that but no this is

not the reason. Sarah ( he hold her hands) you just got out of a big trauma and I don't even know

what's going on in your think so much and speak nothing... I trust you and I know where Ava

is a concern you won't do anything like that serious...but I love you guys so much it makes me worried

all day...'

Sarah stand automatically 'and whose fault is that....of course, there are a million things going in my

head and I can't talk about it cause you made me like don't even allow me to speak to

someone for years about my issues....and yes i wont do anything because I had Ava and that's why I'm

living here' She yelled

Theo stands and tries to calm her 'just relax and I know I'm responsible for every single thing that

happens with you...that's why it made me feel like shit that I can't help you because you don't talk. You

know your doctors strictly told me you need to talk to a good psychologist need help

Sarah fumed with anger and turned to him 'i need help? wow theo it's you who need help from the

start.... I always knew there something terribly wrong with you and I also knew Tina death is not the

only reason....' she accuses him and then she stopped when she saw the expression in theo face that

made Sarah take a step back..its the same expression, when he becomes a monster...sarah, became

scared did she cross the line for good.

But Theo close his eyes and control his breathing ..after a minute 'yes you are right I need help and so

do you. That's why I decided to make an appointment with the best psychologist in the city who also

deals with marriage consulting issues too...

Sarah make a fist 'who are you to decide (she yelled) no I don't want to see someone who will

never understand the hell I was in one can understand me and what makes you think that I'm

here to make this marriage to work? You should be not in this notion that I came back to give you a

chance or save this marriage but I'm only here for Ava otherwise I wouldn't have put a step in here and

made you and your family should be in the jail' she shouted

Theo guilty eyes and sad smiled was the look Sarah don't want to this makes her feel different

thing ...he walks to her 'you can still call the police and put me behind the bar...i will accept everything

but if you had come for Ava then you need to go to need to talk...because Ava doesn't

need parents who have so much baggage and upset state of mind I'm not forcing you but please think

about it'

Theo picked his coat and car keys 'I will send the driver and I will look for another car for you till then

Roy my office driver will be at your service from now on' with that he walks away

Sarah's eyes were moist but she did not dare to cry. She is right or was she not?


He looked aimlessly at his office large glass window and was still shaken up by the morning fight ....he

smiles...for some reasons he liked this version of Sarah it make her look more alive and strong...but the

words ...those damn words were enough to put billet in his heart.

Tom came and put some files and told him to review it.....'hi Theo what's wrong..'

Theo shake his head 'nothing you tell haven't gone home you were saying that today is Lisa

appointment date'

Tom nods 'yeah I was about too...(he then looked at the estate agency pamphlets) so you were serious'

Theo nods 'dead a few days we might look for new houses...well its Sarah and Ava decision

what they want'

Tom looked disturbed 'but it should be us...not you's your mansion..'

Theo raise his hand 'tom enough ... I don't want to discuss this further. And secondly, this house

contains a lot of bad memories for Sarah... I need to take a fresh step'

Then Roy came and gives back the car keys to Theo...'Roy did Sarah was ok during ride'

Roy professionally replied 'yes sir...she and miss Ava went to the park and nearby lakeside'

Theo realized Sarah loved lakeside; maybe he can start looking houses in the lakeside vicinity


Sarah spends her evening with Mr. Grey playing chess and talking aimlessly. She looked for Ava and

took her to her room..Since no one was in home...she wanted to spend some time with her daughter

Ava told Sarah she like frozen movie a lot, so they decide to watch that one.

They were in the middle of the movie when Sarah felt someone else presence

Ava excitedly said 'daddy' she run to the main bedroom

Sarah pause the movie and enter the main bedroom but Sarah was stun when saw it was Roma who

was holding a gun pointing at Ava...Sarah whole blood become white

Sarah screamed Ava name 'Ava comes here' Sarah took Ava arm and put her behind her

Sarah looked Roma appearance and she was not ok...her hair was wild...her eyes were she

was in something

Roma then points the gun at her 'you fucking bitch. I will kill you ... I will kill your daughter too..just like

you did to my daughter...

Sarah knew panicking at this time is not good .....she try to reason her 'Roma please put down the know I didn't do anything it was Perry'

Roma shouted like a mad women 'stop fucking lying ...for years I was told it was you and t]your brother

... I live with that can I be stupid son falls for you and for that little brat for you

so he believed everything and took you out of the hell..why can't you die... I fucking made sure you

die..but no have to make a mess in my family life... I will kill you ... I will kill anything related to you;'

Sarah knew how deadly serious she was...she looked down on Ava..Who was confused and scared

...she needs to protect Ava first...she whispers 'Ava go to the bathroom and lock the door now'

But Ava was so scared 'no want alone'

Tears were falling from Sarah's eyes and she saw how Roma was keep on saying it was her fault Tina

is dead.

Sarah took the opportunity and holds tightly Ava and run to the closet room but roma saw they and she

shoots the bullet that sound of the bullet made Sarah and Ava flinched and Ava screamed but luckily

the shot was missed.

Roma screamed and run towards them 'you bitch...Today it's your last day'

Sarah knows she doesn't have a time..She pushed Ava in the closet room and closes the door ...'ava

sty there and don't you dare to come out' Sarah told Ava

Ava was crying behind the door

And then Sarah felt the gun n her back 'turn around girl... I will put the bullet in your face ...that face

that made my son see nothing but you'

Sarah winced but she slowly moves 'Roma..don't do know you are doing wrong'

Roma red eyes were burning with hate 'no this is so right...because of you, my family is standing

against me. I will kill you then I will get back my family 'Roma said in a weird manner

Sarah knew Roma is not right from her mind.

Roma load the gun again and put that on Sarah's head and said 'goodbye you bitch'

Sarah closed her eyes and she knew this her last day

And Roma eyes were excited with the count of 1 2 3 ...boom!



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