Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 52: chap51

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He was sleeping and was seeing the dream that he hate the most....his whole body was shaking, he

can see himself in the dream...he can see Sarah....and he saw how he was hurting her...degrading

her...but then he saw Sarah falls down ad there was blood so much blood.

Theo wake up , breathing heavily and shouted 'SARAH'

His whole t-shirt was covered with sweat....his eyes were moist with tear..he cursed 'fuck why i keep

seeing this dream again and again....' he grabbed his hair in yanked them in anger

He get out of the bed and removed his shirt that was damped with sweat and went to take a

the shower in put his head in the cold water and welcome the tinkling sensation that he felt.....he put his

hand n the wall and close his eyes and keep on saying 'Sarah...Sarah please give me chance....i know

i don't deserve you but please let me love you this time....'

Theo was damn serious when he said to Sarah he will give her the world if she gives him a

chance...theo knew his guilt will be never gone. it's now a part of his existence but he realized that he

loved Sarah so much...

He know no believe that...some say its his guilt his talking but in reality his guilt his awoken his

suppressed feelings for his wife that he try to hide them. At one of his marriage he kind of knew he has

fallen for her but never did he said it aloud....but the recent events when Sarah try to kill herself and

that shock theo get made him realized that he lost the only good thing in his life.

Theo open his eyes and was determined if Sarah give him one chance and he doesn't mind if she put

him behind the prison he will welcome it but if Sarah give him a chance that he desperately wants...he

will make her his only....he will love her...he will give her the respect a husband should give a wife and

more over he will protect her too and for that he has to change himself....

but how much? he thought ....his perception is changed but he know his anger still exit...he knew why

but he never wanted to address that....that teenage incident always made him angry and helpless

...even thinking now made him to ruined this whole bathroom...but he keep his breathing

.....he need to talk and he need to change and he need to learn how to control his anger...even it's

going to darkest past of his life...which was way before Tina death...

Theo gets out of the washroom and open his iPad and search for top psychologist of the city.


Sarah feel good in a loose t-shirt and sweat pants...after getting a bath and new clothes she was

feeling calm.

Sarah touched the chocolates that Ava got for her ...well technically it was Theo idea as Ava said

'Mama me want to bring dolly but daddy said you are big so you don't play with daddy got

your chocolates' Ava said with a pout

Sarah hesitantly looked at Theo...who was feeling shy and acting strangely very caring around

her...sarah still don't get it what really he wants but thank god he kept his promise and brought Ava

daily to meet her.

Sarah smiled at her daughter 'you can bring the dolly next time..we both will play' Sarah put her

daughter in her lap and a pony tail of Ava long hair.

Ava then said something that shocked Theo and Sarah both 'mama why don't you come not you and daddy can live together just like Olivia had a mama and daddy'

Sarah looks way and doesn't know how to answer her daughter innocent can she

explain her that her greatest daddy had ruined the perfect family idea long years again.

Sarah change the question 'now you haven't told me about our little Olivia'

And that made Ava to forget her question and she tell everything about tom's daughter

At the end he give a phone to Sarah ..Sarah took it and looked him in confusion...theo clear it 'it's my

personal can call me if you need anything...i know you don't have a phone but i arranged

that for you' he said with a firmed but gentle voice

Sarah glared him in anger 'so considerate of you of finally thinking i need a phone (she sarcastically

said) then what you will do, after giving me phone you will take it whenever you want....then no thanks i

can live without phone like i used to live without it for years'

Theo sighs 'you taking it in a wrong manner....Sarah( his guilty eyes were begging her) I'm trying to do

something right may be in a little manner but I'm trying.... I feel like giving you phone will help you

comfortable to reach or check Ava whenever you want and i can also feel good knowing how you

are....i saved all my contacts here'

Sarah give the phone to him in disgust 'like i said no thanks...please don't try be concern for me...cause

you are little late for that' she said in low voice

Theo try to control himself and nodes 'i know I'm so late...but I will keep on waiting for you to come with

me and Ava' he walks and open the draw and put the phone inside the draw.

When they were gone as visitor timing was finished and the hospital doesn't allow small children to stay

here any longer, Sarah kissed her baby.

Sarah was thinking deeply ...what should she do....a chance theo wants that Sarah knows she cant

never give him....she will be fool if she did...but they way theo and Ava loved each other its scared her

the most...days ago she was making plans to tell the police everything about theo and what he did and

now she had Ava to taken into account.

She sighs in frustration and sit down on a hospital sofa....then mark came with a happy face 'Hi sister

how are you feeling now'

Sarah gives him a timid smile and softly said 'good...actually quite fresh too'

Mark excited raised his eyebrow 'that's great and you know what is great more are getting a

discharged in the morning'

Sarah also get happy and replied 'thank god i was getting frustrated here'

But Sarah saw Mark nervous expression too and then mark said 'actually they wanted to put you for

few days as they want you to consult their hospital grieve and trauma department...they have a great

psychologist..who helps people like you...but i told them that to made such arrangement in a close

setting a home...where you can speak comfortably'

Sarah shake her head tiredly and give her brother a painful smile 'i cant talk to anyone cause no one

will understand my feeling my emotions and my pain and i think i will not kill myself when finally i got

my Ava back...'

Mark got little angry 'but she is still not under your protection..she is still living in Greys house..and god

knows whats happening with Sarah my next question will be that when will you give your

statement to police about your domestic violence if you can't talk about your feeling to a doctor who

can really help you'

Sarah body shiver with was a slap on her face...Mark is right Ava is not with her...she just come

with theo and then went along with him...even it's painful to accept but she knew her daughter love

Theo more than her.

Tears, her favorite companion join her and made her more helpless....mark holds her hand and said to

her 'Sarah in the day you have to talk...tell your inner emotions and I'm not pushing you now .....but the

police thing... I have to push you in this...if you want Ava to live with you then you have to tell

everything to police like very soon....cause Sarah believe me that Theo bastard told me he fights for

Ava your statement against him now will make our case strong' Mark try to make a point

But to Sarah he shows her something else....the power Grey hold, Sarah knew no one can win the, no


She gasped and think what if Theo really took her daughter from her for good...what if Ava starts hating

her because she is taken her away from her father and put him behind the bar.

She feel the goosebumps she knew she can't live like this fear of losing her child...she live a year

ago and it made her fall very badly in the pain of hell

She shakes her head and said 'no'

Mark's eyes were stunned like he cants believe his sister 'no what Sarah?' he said in control voice

Sarah tries to control her eyes ' cant...i know what they can do...Ava loves him and she

doesn't even know me properly. She just getting to know me now but she will hate me if I send him to

the jail...she will be hurt again...she was deprived of parents love... I can do this... I can't send him to


Mark stand and cursed loudly that made Sarah flinched ..he point a finger on her 'do you have any

freaking idea what the hell are you are letting him are giving him a free pass...a

chance he never deserves....he will do this again and again... I can't let you go back to hell again'

Sarah wiped her eyes and said 'I'm not giving him anything.. I just want to take what he had right now...

I want Ava to love me...and then I will tell the police... I will manipulate him like he did to me'

But Mark was not getting anything 'you are seriously something...we all know it's not in you to fool are innocent like a child this cruel world will eat you alive'

Sarah smiled and shakes her head 'that's where you are wrong , this cruel world made a new

Sarah..who still might be fool but very strong too...this cruel world made me survive this so many time

but being a mother I wanted to give my Ava happiness, not any pain or sorrow...i wanted to protect her

in my reach.. I wanted to help her when she needs me unlike my own mother' Sarah said with a sad


Mark huff in frustration 'you are playing with fire and I don't know how to help you when you can't help

yourself...' he was the gone while slamming the door shut in anger

Sarah put a hand on her mouth and sobbed.......she knew mark can be 99 percent right ..she is playing

with fire but 1 percent is the hope to give her daughter a better life and future....but she also said true to

mark ....theo cant play with her this time..she will have nothing to do with him..she will take her

daughter out but she needs to win her daughter trust first.

She opens the bedside drawer and take out the phone and dialed the number.



'Dadda...mama is so beautiful but sick too ...daddy say she will live with us when she get ok' Ava told

her grandfather all her day with her mother story

Theo felt a strong emotion when he saw her daughter talking about the complete family that he felt she

wants so much....he still can't believe how he ruined the foundation of his perfect family for Ava

Mr grey smiled and cough 'the...that's Ava ...your here ...'

Mr grey speech was little improved but still he takes a lot of effort for him to speak... sometimes he

think why God is punishing his father...he was the only good person to Sarah...maybe his sin will take

over his precious one..

He walks inside the room and said 'and you know you your mama was also very favorite of

your dadda.....they were friends just like you' Theo kissed her daughter head,...and give a guilty look to

Mr grey that Mr grey give him with a blank stare and he shakes his head.

Ava touch his Dada's face 'but I'm your best fand'

Mr grey laughed even Theo also crack a smile... 'y...yes my best f..faand'

Theo grab Ava by her waist that made her giggled 'come on best find dada needs to rest and you need

to have your dinner and a bath too'

Ava pout and shake her head which made her long hair to fly all over theo and Ava face...'no dada give

me candies ..i eat them all...' she looks guilty

Theo give her funny stare and said 'still you need to eat the dinner..rules are rules sweet heart'

Ava looks down in defeat and then said 'ok i will eat with you'

Theo smiled and kissed her 'good girl'

When they were going to their mansion theo heard his mom loud voice 'oh my god Lisa'

Theo looked concerned about what happens now.

He saw tom and Lisa were standing in front of mom ...where mom was attacking them with emotional

words 'how can you do this to you hate me so much tom'

Theo saw messy and give Ava to her and told Ava he is coming in a minute

Theo still cants forgive his mom but for the sake of respect, he always tries to avoid talking to her...

But he had to know whats really happening here ..'whats going on' theo asked

Roma looks to him and runs towards him ..she put her hands on Theo shoulder and said 'look your

brother was hiding a big news from us form month...Lisa is expecting again...she is almost 4 months


Theo was also stunned a but he removes his mom's hand and said 'i was talking to tom, not to you and

second it's their damn business to talk on their private life or not...stop meddling for once in someone

life' Theo made a sarcastic remark but in a very quiet tone

Roma was shocked how his son reacted to her...she blushed in embarrassment and her eyes were made her remember those days when she made Sarah embarrassed in front of everyone

while using Theo

But Theo ignored her and said to tom 'congratulation....tom and Lisa .....I'm happy for you...'

Tom nodes with a smile 'theo it's not like we were hiding this but we knew late and when we knew it

was not a right time to bring this news when Sarah was in the hospital and you were so much in stress '

Roma lost it and yelled 'that stupid bitch, that girl even she is not here still coming in my family

happiness... I wish she might have died... dumb headed can't do a right job'

Theo turned and glared at his mom and shouted 'DONT YOU EVER CALL MY WIFE LIKE THAT! I will

forget you are my mother.....and you should be worried more as your little jailer friend has been under just wished she don't take your name otherwise you will also be with your friend in

prison..' Theo threaten her

Roma shiver in fear.

Theo can't stand the atmosphere any longer and he moved to his mansion...he just enters his living

area when his phone ring....he sees the unknown number in his screen and received it 'hello this is

Theo grey'

He doesn't hear anything on the phone but then he heard a small timid voice ' Sarah'

Theo was about to drop the phone but somehow he controls it and calmly replied although what his

heart was feeling was anything but calm 'Sarah....hi (he nervously said) you are you'

He then heard Sarah composed and much confident voice 'I'm ready..... I coming to live with my

daughter ' and with that the phone was dead

Theo still pressed the phone in his ears and then looked at the blank screen....was he

hallucinating...she did call him? she is really giving him a chance?'

He put his hand n his head and was shocked as hell 'oh god..she really giving me a chance' he

laughed in emotions....he will do everything in his power to give all the happiness of world to Sarah


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