Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 29: chap28

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Chap 28


(After almost 4th week)

Sarah was looking at her daughter in delight. Ava was jumping in her lab and pointing out at the

window of Airplane ....usually its Ava nap time but she is no mood to sleep nor Sarah wants to take her

daughter first airplane experience like that....after almost 20 days back Theo plaster was removed and

he was considered medically fit appreciate Theo prior recovery and Theo was extremely

happy as he can get out of the house and he can also go to Miami on time for the gala.

So now Sarah is sitting in the private plane of Grey's family which they have recently purchased. It was

beautiful like Sarah saw in television and movies. Sarah looked at his husband who was barking the

order to someone on phone and looks super busy. Sarah pout why this man can't enjoy this peacetime

up in the sky too but in reality, it was Sarah heart who wants Theo attention that he used to give her in

the night but in the morning he is again that Theo who becomes distant.

Sarah knows that she is in love with him, how and when happen she still doesn't understand but now

she gets excited when she sees his husband. There is still a part of him that scares the shit out of her

but the other side of him makes Sarah madly in love with him. Sarah knows there something major

wrong with her head but she can't deny this anymore... if she is going to live her life with him then at

least she should make an effort to be little happy and love him.

Ava was getting fussy at about 7 months old she wants to crawl or sit on the floor. Sarah tries to calm

her down but she was getting fussier and starts crying. Theo was on the call get irritated and shout

'Fuck..I'm trying to work here women...get her in the room in the plane' Theo shouted in anger

Sarah who just gasp at him the way he yelled at them ...and her cheeks were red when the flight

attendant looked at her also in embarrassment Sarah felt those stupid tears but she controls it...the

flight attendant took Sarah to the room where a bed was placed and a small bathroom door

The flight attendant said 'Mrs. Grey do you need something for food...or can I get something for little

Miss grey' she smiled at Ava

Sarah shakes her head 'No I think we are good....but just send me some painkiller .I'm having a


The flight attendant gives Sarah the medicine with orange juice....after eating that she took out Ava

favorite monkey toy and placed it on the bed...Sarah put down the pillows around Ava and then she lay

down on the bed keeping an eye on her daughter...Ava who was getting sleepy but was still awake

Sarah knows it's her feed time...she lay down the baby and open her blouse to feed her...Ava

automatically sucks her mother breast hungrily. Sarah was thinking the way Theo acted with her in the

plane... he embarrassed the past it may not bother her much but now she knows what she felt

for him makes her feel sad and angry the way he treats her around people, but Sarah also know this

resentment will not go automatically he had for her and Simon, it will take time but when.


'Yeah don't worry the deal is on our hand! what you think I arrange this big gala it's to show our position

and to make contacts.' Theo assure his brother on the phone

Tom replied' you know I trust your business skills what a charming bastard you can be (Theo laughed

at that) but I'm worried about Sarah you think it's the good move to take her with is

going crazy since you guys gone'

Theo pinched his nose ', Tom, we had this discussion....yes I know what I'm doing ...don't worry she

won't do anything that will gain bad press for us..relax I will tell her beforehand and try to make mom

calm down she is making a fuss of something nothing I trust Sarah'

Tom screeched 'wooow you trust Sarah? Damn, i never saw that coming....well I'm also freaking out

now too Theo and not only for this gala thing but also for the long term too...Theo, what are you getting

yourself into? You still know we want that women in the prison keep that in your mind not that you

will play home with her' Tom yelled

Theo barked 'Tom I just told you like thousand times stay the fuck away from my business... I fucking

remember everything. why I have to clear myself every day.....if one of the days we find any evidence

against her then we are on a game and she is behind the bar but till now let me do what the fuck I'm

doing' Theo switch off his phone.

Theo took drunk the liquid in the glass in one gulp and look for his wife...after yelling at her he feels shit

but he was really busy but still he can see the hurt on her eyes...he doesn't know what's happening to

him ...he doesn't want to hurt her anymore but he knows as soon he finds out evidence against her he

will put her in the jail but nowadays the way she reacts to him in bed, the way she smiles to him and

took care of him willingly, it makes his heart swell for her.

Theo goes to the room and wished he didn't make things more awkward and difficult between them

...he still want Sarah to act appropriately in gala...he has to make her understand the rules...a dominant

part of him still exist when Sarah is was for no other women before he used to have a

relationship but it only comes out for Sarah...his dominant personality is suppressed nowadays but he

doesn't know when it will emerge out and at what intensity.

He opens the door and saw Sarah was sleeping peacefully with Ava attached to her breast but she was

also asleep ...he looked at them and felt a feeling that he always dreamt when he was young ...when

he used to dream about getting married to the love of his life ...then they will have a kid and exact this

picture he seeing now will be happen one day...well it sure does happen but all for wrong reasons and


He shakes his head and walk slowly towards Sarah and sit down beside her ...he traces her cheeks

which were flushed and so beautiful....maybe it's his attraction toward her that made him give her

chance and wish she is not involved in Tina case...but he scolds himself what he is thinking Tom was

right he should keep this in his mind.

He felt Sarah eyes open and she just gives him a sleepy smile, his heart beat fast when she does that.

He smiles back but his smile drop when he saw Sarah's eyes looked alert and scared of him all of a

sudden 'you are ok? you ask for a painkiller'...he does not bring up the topic of him yelling a few

minutes ago

She put a small distance between them and look hesitant to reply like he will react differently, she

replied 'yup I'm always happens when I'm up in the sky...when will we land?'

Theo got the idea that yelling at her made her Sarah again reserved and less confident and he doesn't

like it at all

Theo removes the hair from her face and trace his finger on her neck then down to her breast and

Sarah gasp. 'soon may be in an hour..Are you sure you are really fine'

Theo needs to act as a concerning husband in order to make her mood good, so he tries to distract her

by playing with her breast and Sarah closed her eyes and node but also moan very softly ...Theo was

also getting turn on but then they both heard Ava crying sound...Sarah opens her eyes and drags Ava

who was away from her side ... 'It's ok baby ...mama is here' Sarah calm down her baby

Theo makes a frustrated sound 'I better get out and hope this damn plane land soon'

Sarah looks confused and angry the way he makes it sound.


'Welcome home Theo and you must be the prettiest bride of my Theo...and look at this a sweet and so

beautiful baby I have seen...welcome to your home' An old lady said in a most humble and happiest

way. who must be in her mid-50s or early 60s...Sarah was told she is Elva and is the caretaker of the

this Miami home ...well home well be an insult. This a huge house ...not like their mansion huge but

high enough to considered top-notch richest houses of Miami...Sarah was overwhelmed by the Elva

women who belong from a Hispanic origin.

Theo smiled and hug Elva 'Oh Elva I missed you..finally, I going to eat your delicious Mexican food that

I never get in New York'

Elva smiled like a mother to Theo and Sarah felt that both of them are very close to each other. Theo

phone ring he excused them. Elva show her around the house 'Well this is a huge house of 8 bedroom

to take care but I'm very grateful of Mr grey senior and my Theo that they help me and my boy at that

time when no one was there for us...who even do this for strangers (She gives a knowing look ) so I'm

happy to take care of this house happily and one of the happiest moment is when Theo come...he is for

me like my boy Enzo...When Grey's family lives here I literally brought up Theo like a mother and when

he was gone from here it was so heartbreaking moment for me'

Sarah gets so many information in few minutes...she never knows Theo and his family lives in Miami wonder Elva is so fond of them and especially Theo.

She wanted t know more about his husband and she took advantage of that 'I never know Theo live

here before'

Elva smiled 'oh it was like a first house Mr grey brought when their business starts to get boom

up...Theo and tom were little maybe 6 or 7 years old...then our sweet angel Tina was born in this house

....may her soul rest in peace poor child went through so much and what a horrible death' Elva

wiped her tears ' anyway this house has seen so much happiness and so much love but looks like God

had decided something else for them' Elva shakes her head in sadness and pity

Sarah curiosity peek 'What do you mean?'

Elva looks confused 'You don't know? (Elva shakes her head ) Well Theo is Theo..he never share his

sorrow... well Theo and his family lived here almost 22 years..they loved this place but our little Tina

wants to explore world and she did but she wants to live in New- York as she got admission in some

famous university...everyone was ok of her going but Theo was the one who doesn't want his baby

sister to go anywhere...Tina was Theo life and his biggest weakness...but somehow Tina convinced

him she has to go ..well she was gone so was Theo with her....and then that terrible night of this family

life when Tina was kidnaped ..raped and then died ...that's how Theo found broke my Theo and I

still thing he still can't recover I can see that..

Elva was crying but she wiped her tears with a handkerchief' But I'm so happy he married an angel like

you...Mr grey senior totally adore you...and I felt that your innocent and lightness will light up Theo

inner darkness and this sweet angel just like my tina...will full fill the gap of tina'

Sarah can't control her self...she cried for Theo. His family...for tina...for Ava...Theo has gone through

so much..she always knew what Tina was for him but listening it in so much details makes her heart

bleed for Theo...she loves him and she wants to take away that painful moment of his life and Tina

whom she met only one time but now she realized what she has been gone through oh god...never put

any girl in this situation.

Elva took a sleeping Ava from Sarah hold and hug Sarah 'oh plz my child calm down...I'm sorry ..I'm

sorry my angel I don't want to make you cry. It's just when I speak I cant

Sarah shakes her head 'Its not your fault. I mean now I understand properly this family pain...especially

theo pain...I'm grateful you told me this'

Elva look, Sarah like she understands her and wipes her tears like a mother did...'come on you must be

tired...and here it's your room well basically it was Theo old room but I cleaned it and make it look less

bachelor type'

The room was big and was white in color, there was huge king size bed with shiny floor and the and the

best part of the room is the balcony...which was open and she saw the most beautiful view of the

beach...she can felt the fresh so soothing

'It's beautiful ' Sarah said in aww

Elva replied 'yeah it is the best view you will ever get in this whole must be hungry I'm

sending some food for you...till then this little angel will be settled in her own room'

Sarah looked scared for a moment 'No need Elva. Ava stays with me in our room...and there is no

proper crib and other stuff ... I can't leave her alone'

Elva 'oh my ...don't worry Sarah she is in my hand ...and Theo has already told us beforehand to

arrange a crib and some other things for our sweet angel and her room is close to you don't worry my

child...she is in save hand'

Sarah looked unsure to leave Ava like this...thought the room is close what if she needs her and she

can't hear...she is so used to having her closer...Then she saw Theo coming to his room

'So all settle ' He said to Sarah

Elva laughed 'Our young mother is little worried to leave Ava alone even I told her Ava room is one foot

closer to your room'

Theo walks towards Sarah and said 'What's wrong that when Elva said she will take care of Ava then

why you worry so much' Theo said softly but in a demanding manner

Sarah lowers her head ...she doesn't want him to get angry with her especially in front of Elva who is

fond of Theo so much... 'It's....she always sleeps in our room..'

Theo frustrated, sighs 'so what if she sleeps in another room and that room you are talking about its

two times bigger than this's just like your putting her in the same room. I'm tired Sarah so no

more argument on this'

Sarah don't want him to get angry she meekly said 'Ok'

Elva looks at them in a confusion that how Sarah gets scared of Theo and how Theo intimidate her

...Elva smiled 'Sarah you can put her in the bed by yourself ...and look there is a baby monitor too you

will know when this sweet angel need you'

Sarah hesitantly smiled and said 'It's ok can put her...I'm just overreacting '

Elva gives her a reassuring smile and strange look to Theo.

Sarah felt Theo on her back 'Take a rest then go shopping ok. I will send the driver soon..I'm going to

meet some of my business associates ...(he put the credit card on her hand) buy some hot swimsuits

ok..(he kissed her neck) I don't have enough time but since my moment was broke in the plane I'm

turned on ....(he took her hand and put it on his manhood) i can't have you now but I can have this(he

touched her lips)

He lowers his zip and said 'kneel and you know how I want it'

Sarah was taken by this but all she did was a node. Her heart was crying, this is her position in her

husband life. His whore.


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