Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 9: chap8

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Chap 8


She can smell the fresh air... it so blue ...never in her life she saw this much clear water...but where she

is, it looks like a beach ... she start walking towards the it's calling her to be there...but then

she felt someone is shaking her... she can hear voices but they are so unclear...then she heard

someone yelled 'Sarah open your eyes...somebody's fucking call the doctor now'

she follows the order of the person and opened her eyes and saw him but Sarah was so in pain that

her eyes drop ...she needs water first. Oh god that was a dream now he is back..she didn't die...why

...she should be happy but she is feeling nothing just numb, then she heard someone say gently 'Sarah

open your eyes ..' then she felt herself to be laying on soft mattress it was so soft and comfy that all

she wants to do is sleep ... she is afraid this moment will go again and she has to sleep on the hard

floor ... after a year and so much torture in her marriage she needs this kind of comfortable sleep.

But then she felt the sprinkle of water on her face. She groaned & open her eyes.. saw Mrs Brickson

soft eyes first then Mrs grey emotionless eyes n then she saw the devil ...Theo eyes were strange &

she doesn't know why he was looking at her like he is concerned.. he comes closer and said 'Sarah are

you ok... the doctor is coming ' for the first time in her marriage Sarah felt Theo tone to be hesitant and

sort of less harsh.

By habit, she looked down and said weakly 'water' ...Mrs. Brickson come to her and she put the glass

on Sarah's mouth, she then felt the first drop of heaven... oh god for 5 days she had been starving but

the real craving for water was so strong that Sarah was ready to be dead than living like this... in her

small glimpses she saw Theo be really concerned about her but this is fake..Sarah knows he is only

worried if something happens to her, he might go to jail...then she heard the doctor came, after

checking her and looking at her bruises doctor raised an eyebrow but do not say anything... of course

she was paid in advance to keep her mouth shut. she asked Sarah some questions like where she is

hurting the most, is she hungry or not. but Sarah didn't say a word she just nodes or shakes her head..

Theo didn't tell her what to say anything in front of the doctor so she is confused... he always tells her

what to say to strangers or anyone ...if she says something he will put her in that room again... The

doctor looks at her vitals ...but all Sarah want her to be gone and she needs good food and lots of good

sleep...When she will be gone...stupid tears were coming because of her condition... Sarah closed her

eyes in frustration

Theo said 'is she ok'

'Mr grey your wife is dehydrated and extremely weak...she has lost like 10 pounds in five day which is

very fatal in some cases... it looks like she has some panic attack during the starvation period which

disturbs her whole body system if I say in simple terms... and I note down some vitamins and medicine

for her pain and you can give her light food but in a good quantity. Feed her good for next few days'

Doctor said in professional tone

Theo said ' thank you... Mrs Brickson get something for Sarah now'

Yes sir' Mrs Brickson run to the kitchen

Theo said in a hush voice ' are you sure she will ok '

The doctor said 'physically she will be but mentally it depends on the trauma she is in but I note down

some anti-depression too...give her some of these...I felt she really need it'

Sarah doesn't know how doctor felt about that because all she felt is numbness, not depression maybe

this is the symptoms but she doesn't feel anything ..which making her more insane..she should block

their voices but then she smell something so delicious that with great effort she opened her eyes and

saw Mrs Brickson holding a warm chicken soup with an orange juice ...looking at that tears were falling

and she realized she can feel her hunger and now she was crying without sound and then she saw

everyone was looking at her with a disturbing expression... Mrs Brickson sit with Sarah n pat my hand

like she can understand her pain and then she settles her body in a sitting position and with her hands

she fed her .. Sarah saw Theo and eyes were so blue and ghostly like he remembered something else

he looked at her and open his mouth but then he closed n walked from there with the doctor...she took

a relief breath thank god he is gone...Mrs. Brickson said ' my child, my beautiful child I'm so sorry I

can't help you'

Sarah shakes her head and gives her shaky smile ' it's ok .. not your fault' Sarah just said the longest

sentence since she is wake...maybe more food will make her more vocal.

After food she falls asleep immediately in the comfy bed, she doesn't know how long she slept but she

felt someone was shaking her. Sarah opened her eyes n saw the soft blue eyes staring at her that

gives her nightmares for a year..fuck... she makes a fear sound and put the arm on her face in

defense... she heard theo took a deep breath and said in his authoritative voice ' Sarah I brought dinner

for you then you need to eat medicine ...come on get up '

she relaxed a little but still tense he holds her body and she can feel his finger digging on my

body...although he is not hard on her still it hurts...maybe she lost a lot of weight

He put her in a sitting position & put a small table on her lab with a warm plate of pasta with a glass of

milk and a juice

she saw his plate next to the coffee table he picks his plate and starts eating his dinner while watching

Tv. Sarah was confused should she eat now. She always eat after everyone in the house has eaten the

food...but he is having the food in front of her, so should she wait and eat when he is done with his

dinner?... then she heard ' Sarah eat will get's just a food ..don't think too much' he said in a

authoritative but soft voice

she did what he said because that's her role... after food and medicine ... she wanted to go to the toilet

... she stands but failed and sit on the bed to stable herself.. she try again this time holding the wall for

support but then Theo came from nowhere and said ' where you are you want to go to

washroom? Need my help?'

Sarah looked strangely at Theo he said help...he wants to help her but what's the catch for him..there

always something...she shakes her head in a scared manner ...theo looks at her like he was seeing her

for the first time and nodes and give her space.

After the washroom, she wants to lie down but she saw theo laying on the bed ... shit now she has to

sleep on the floor ...she was so tired she doesn't want to even put the mattress on the floor but what

choice she has ..she softly walked and opened the cupboards and was taking out the mattress when

theo said ' leave it, Sarah, you can sleep in the bed... no need for that anymore come on ' he took her

by arm and settle her on the bed and said ' now sleep '

Sarah was so confused and scared what the hell is happening here.

she did what he said because that's her role... after food and medicine ... she wanted to go to the toilet

... she stands but failed and sit on the bed to stable herself.. she try again this time holding the wall for

support but then Theo came from nowhere and said ' where you are you want to go to

washroom? Need my help?’

Sarah looked strangely at Theo he said help...he wants to help her but what's the catch for him..there

always something...she shakes her head in a scared manner ...theo looks at her like he was seeing her

for the first time and nodes and give her space.

After the washroom, she wants to lie down but she saw theo laying on the bed ... shit now she has to

sleep on the floor ...she was so tired she doesn't want to even put the mattress on the floor but what

choice she has ..she softly walked and opened the cupboards and was taking out the mattress when

theo said ' leave it, Sarah, you can sleep in the bed... no need for that anymore come on ' he took her

by arm and settle her on the bed and said ' now sleep '

Sarah was so confused and scared what the hell is happening here.


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