Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 13: chap12

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Morning sickness is cursed for pregnant women.. Sarah can relate now how tired and drained out she

felt but the worst thing is that even in the night she had a session of throwing all the dinner she had.

After settling down, she lay down on the bed and felt her muscle to be aching and her feet ..god her

feet are so swollen that she needs a massage and good warm water...but she knew she won't get that


Even knowing how difficult her pregnancy is, everyone in the house give her their daily task, from

cooking breakfast to cleaning room and listening to her mother in law unnecessary

standing all day long cleaning Roma bathroom and cooking her special diet food and then standing for

her next order, when she was pampering herself with mini and paid care ...for an instant Sarah felt such

an anger and pain that here a sick and two month pregnant women is standing who need good sleep

and diet and stressful environment but her Sarah was treated worse than an animal..

she got angrier and hurt on Theo..she knows he can see her doing all this stuff but he gives a

damn..well he made that clear from very start how interested he is in this baby... after hours torture she

was allowed to eat the dinner and go to her room..but then the night vomiting session laying

on the bed she wants to sleep ..she has no idea where Theo is..he always come late in the night..when

she is asleep or sometimes never come but she never asked, how can she, she did not want to give

her any chance to hurt her.

It was in the middle of the night she was in deep sleep, when she felt someone breathing on her neck

and hands on her legs , she tense and terrified who it can be..when she opens her eyes she saw theo

without a shirt and was on top of her and was kissing her neck passionately ..she was tense and

waiting for his assulat..but that never came... Theo was breathing heavily and was putting her

nightgown upward, all of a sudden Theo remove her nightgown and drop it on the floor and fondle her

breast and he moans 'Oh god, they are so big, bigger than before' Sarah felt excitement in her and she

also moan softly. Theo looked at her with blue glassy eyes Sarah realized he was drunk but sober

enough to know what he is doing.

Theo did that again with her breast and she closed her eyes and try to control her body , it's stupid

pregnancy hormone that's reacting her body, but she also know it's more than that Theo was not harsh

and more sensual with her body...No she won't enjoy this, he will make her feel like whore again and

blame her for acting like a slut but looking at Theo hard sculpture muscles and attractive body makes it

more difficult.

Then theo did something with her lower part and she can't help it, she moans but put hands on her

mouth but it was too late and Theo said to her ear 'Don't fight, you won't feel this all the time, so enjoy

till you can' and then theo remove his pajama and make Sarah ready for him.

Sarah was flushed and was curious also, this is the first time she was excited about the sex...all the

other time she wants it to be over soon but now she was looking at every moment and Theo beautiful

face and then theo enters her and both of them moans loudly... theo start to move and cursed 'fuck it's

too long.. more than 2 months, oh god'..

Sarah felt something inside her which was making her tremble in pleasure.. she moans softly and grab

theo neck ...theo said in a demanding 'damn it Sarah you have to be fast'.

And then Sarah felt the pleasure she never felt in her whole this is what it felt like in sex...she

realized now..theo was looking at her face and she realized she said that aloud but it same time she

climaxed and she whispers 'theo'..which was undoing for Theo and he also came to his release he

cursed loudly and lay next to Sarah.

Both of them were breathing loudly and were covered with sweat. Sarah was too confused what the

hell just happen now..she was waiting at any moment he is going to snap at her and blame this whole

situation to be her fault..she tentatively looked at Theo but she saw her husband be sleeping naked

peacefully.... for a moment Sarah's heart beats fast looking at Theo beautiful face but she blamed it on

hormones.. she can't feel she won't.

In the morning Sarah and Theo wake up with a loud thud on the door ..Sarah thought she might be

dreaming and ignored it but then she heard Theo mom's voice ... Theo hurriedly sit on the bed and

looks at both of them laying naked .. and then realization Sarah can see in Theo eyes what happen at

yesterday night she put the blanket on the top of her neck but Theo was looking her in lust but with

another knock on the door. Theo cursed and said coming.. Theo put his pyjama only and gone to open

the door...Sarah sit down and listen to what Roma is doing this morning... she heard Theo saying 'Mom

what are you doing in my wing this early morning everything alright'

She heard Roma replied 'yeah everything is alright I was waiting for that girl to come to my room and

give my breakfast in my room, I don't feel like eating in the dining room and for your information it's not

early morning it's almost 8 in the morning and what are you doing without shirt'

Sarah blushed how it will look to her mother. She heard Theo loud sighs 'Mom there are other servants can ask them and what if it's 8 its still morning are you here to make me ready for school '

Sarah felt her lips to curved upward at Theo serious sarcasm

Then she heard Roma loud reply' Theo! I was alone as everyone has gone to work accept you and

become worried to check on my son and you are behaving like this , you know that girl do my all stuff,

instead scolding her for sleeping this late and not making my breakfast you are supporting her just

because she is pregnant now..have you forget everything Theo, what she did ?

Theo said loudly ' Mom you know I never forget anything and I told you this pregnancy means shit to

me to stop it, for now, she is coming to your room in a minute with your breakfast'.

Sarah heard the door to be closed..she suddenly stand up and start looking for her nightgown, where it

is? ..she bends down to retrieve it when she heard Theo loud breathing..she turned and saw theo

looking at very dangerously..she put the gown in front of her ..Theo looked away and said 'hide this

ugly body of your's now and go make breakfast for my mom and get my coffee before I go for

go' he yelled

Sarah felt the unwanted tears and don't know why. it was expected..what she think a night of passion

and satisfaction will make Theo change his mind about her...he still think she and her brother are

responsible for his sister death. She walked to the washroom and start her another day that was

waiting for her for lots of humiliation and degradation and abuse.


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