Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 379-380

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Chapter 379 Hypnotize Her

Chen Xiuzhi looked at Rong Shu’s bandaged wrist, her eyes flashed with guilt, “I…I…”

“Don’t hesitate, and don’t say you don’t know, if you don’t tell me, Rong Shu swears, I will spend all my

wealth, and I will not let your family and your most important person go, believe it or not!” Rong Shu put

down her hand, her voice as cold as an ice cellar.

Lu Qi also nodded quickly, “Yes, don’t think we are joking, with our status, we can definitely do it, so

let’s be honest.”

Chen Xiuzhi was about to cry.

Be honest?

How can she explain it!

She didn’t know what the red mole represented. The woman just said that Miss Rong’s red mole would

pose a threat, but the woman didn’t tell her what kind of threat.

Seeing Chen Xiuzhi shivering, she still refused to speak.

Rong Shu lost her patience completely, and a cold dark light flashed in her eyes, “Since you still refuse

to say, okay, then don’t blame me, Ah Qi, push me out!”

Originally, she knew that Fu Jingting wanted this woman After handing it over to Lin Tianchen for

medical experiments, I still wanted to stop it. After all, medical experiments are too perverted, even if

they are testing drugs.

Generally, people who test medicines are basically sick people, and they are all sick people who have

a dead horse as a living horse doctor. A healthy person will not try medicine, because no one knows

what will happen to the body. Change.

Her kindness also doesn’t want to see a healthy person who ends up missing arms, legs or organs due

to side effects, so she wants to stop it.

But now she suddenly realizes that some people are not worthy of her kindness at all, maybe she

should be more cruel, only in this way, people who are tough will learn to compromise!

Outside the interrogation room, Lu Qi pushed Rong Shu to a corner, “Baby, this woman’s mouth is too

hard to say anything, should we just forget it?”

“Forget it?” Rong Shu sneered, ” Of course not, I haven’t figured out what I want to know, how can I


“Then what do you want to do?” Lu Qi looked at her.

Rong Shu bit her lower lip, “Isn’t Lin Tianchen able to hypnotize? Give him this Chen Xiuzhi and let him

pry open Chen Xiuzhi’s mouth. I still don’t believe that Chen Xiuzhi can withstand the mental attack of a


Lu Qi Her eyes lit up and she smiled, “By the way, this is a good way, baby, you are smart.”

Rong Shu rolled her eyes at him and said, “Secondly, check the information of this Chen Xiuzhi,

especially her family. Background, interpersonal relationships, I think the person she cares most about

is either her relatives or her lover.”

“Okay, I’ll contact the detective agency in a while.” Lu Tou.

At this time, Fu Jingting answered the phone and was pushed over by Assistant Zhang.

When he saw Rong Shu, he raised his eyebrows slightly, “Have you finished asking?”

Rong Shu couldn’t see Fu Jingting, but heard the sound of the wheelchair sliding, she roughly knew

where Fu Jingting was, and shook her head in that direction, “No, your mouth is too hard. Now , she

won’t say anything.”

“Don’t say anything?” Fu Jingting’s face sank, “I’ve moved out of her family to threaten her, but she


Rong Shu hummed, “She doesn’t seem to believe it. We can hurt her family.”

“So it seems that this Chen Xiuzhi should have something to rely on. I think we can’t hurt her family, but

I don’t know where she got her confidence.” Assistant Zhang pushed his glasses and interjected

disdainfully. .

Rong Shu looked at Fu Jingting with empty eyes, “Mr. Fu, say hello to the police and send someone to

Lin Tianchen.”

Fu Jingting was slightly surprised, “You don’t agree to do experiments on Lin Tianchen. What?”

Rong Shu lowered her eyes, “I changed my mind, I need Lin Tianchen’s help now, and I need him to

hypnotize Chen Xiuzhi.”

“Okay.” Fu Jingting nodded in agreement.

Soon, Chen Xiuzhi was released directly.

Because Fu Jingting said hello, and because Rong Shu, the victim, was not held accountable, the

police could only let him go.

Chen Xiuzhi was called by Fu Jingting and sent directly to the First Hospital.

Fu Jingting didn’t follow him. The phone call just now was from the group. Something happened to the

group and he had to go back.

So Assistant Zhang pushed Fu Jingting back to the Fu Group.

Lu Qi drove Rong Shu to the First Hospital, ready to witness Lin Tianchen’s hypnosis process.

On the way, Lu Qi didn’t mention how happy he was, he slapped the steering wheel excitedly, “It’s

good, that fellow Fu Jingting finally came over with no shame.”

Rong Shu sat in the back seat and smiled when she heard this, “Okay, Concentrate on driving, I know

you are not paying attention when I hear your movements.”

Lu Qi smiled, “I’m happy.” We talked and laughed all the

way, and soon the first hospital arrived.

Lin Tianchen knew that Rong Shu was coming, so he deliberately waited for her at the door of the


Seeing her coming, she stepped forward with her white coat in her hands, “How is it, is there any

discomfort when you come out?”

Rong Shu shook her head, “It’s okay, although my head is still a little dizzy, it’s much better than

yesterday. “

That’s good, what about the eyes?” Lin Tianchen looked at her dull eyes.

Rong Shu raised her hand and touched it, “It’s still the same.”

“Can you feel it’s daytime now?” Lin Tianchen asked again.

Rong Shu raised her head slightly, and then replied, “Yes, I can feel the light.”

“That means the light is still there, not bad. It looks like it will recover soon.” Lin Tianchen straightened

his body and said.

Hearing this, Rong Shu was in a better mood and said with a smile, “Thank you for your auspicious

words, by the way, have you arrived?”

“Arrived, in my office, let’s go.” Lin Tianchen led the way.

Lu Qi pushed Rong Shu and followed behind.

The three came to the office, Lin Tianchen opened the door, Chen Xiuzhi slumped on the sofa, her

eyes were tightly closed, she seemed to have passed out.

Lu Qi pointed at her and asked, “What’s wrong with her?”

“I fell asleep. I haven’t slept at the police station. After I got here, I couldn’t survive and fell asleep.” Lin

Tianchen shrugged his shoulders and said.

Rong Shu couldn’t see it, so he didn’t speak.

Lu Qi pushed her to a position not far in front of Chen Xiuzhi and stopped, “Lin Tianchen, you can


“Okay.” Lin Tianchen shrugged, and then began to formally hypnotize.

Lu Qi saw that with Lin Tianchen’s hypnosis, Chen Xiuzhi’s expression became more and more

peaceful and quiet.

When she first saw Chen Xiuzhi, her brows were still furrowed. Even when she was asleep, her

expression was full of unease and fear for the future.

But now, that has completely changed.

Seeing this change, Lu Qi was dumbfounded, “God, this is sorcery.”

“Don’t make trouble.” Rong Shu nudged him with his elbow.

Lin Tianchen put away his pocket watch, shook his body and said, “Okay, if you have any questions,

just ask, she will know everything.”

His face turned pale.

Seeing this, Lu released the armrest of the wheelchair and gave him a hand, “Are you all right?”

“What’s wrong with him?” Rong Shu squinted slightly and asked.

Lin Tianchen pushed Lu Qi away, went back to the desk and sat down, “I’m fine, it’s just hypnosis that

consumes energy.”

Hypnosis and psychological counseling are two different things.

Psychological counseling does not consume energy, but hypnosis is extremely exhausting.

And he learned the convenience of psychological counseling very well, but hypnosis was only

acceptable, and it was far worse than his senior brother.

If the senior brother came to hypnotize, he would definitely not be like him, and he would be dizzy.

Rong Shu couldn’t see what Lin Tianchen looked like at the moment, but his tired voice made her feel


She lowered her eyelids and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I’ve worked hard for you.”

Chapter 380 It turned out to be the top sin

“It’s nothing, what do you have, ask her first.” Lin Tianchen waved his hand, then closed his eyes and

began to rest and recover.

Rong Shu thanked him, then patted Lu Qi behind him, “Aqi, push me closer.”

Lu Qi responded and pushed her closer to Chen Xiuzhi.

Rong Shu stretched out her hand, touched Chen Xiuzhi’s face, and then leaned into her ear,

whispering like a devil, “Chen Xiuzhi, tell me, who is your most important person!”

“It’s my son.” Chen Xiuzhi slowly answer.

Rong Shu squinted, “Son? So you attacked Rong Shu for your son?”

“I didn’t attack Rong Shu.” Chen Xiuzhi said.

Rong Shu’s eyes widened in surprise, “You haven’t?”

Lu Qi and Lin Tianchen were also surprised.

Obviously at the police station before, Chen Xiuzhi admitted that she had attacked Rong Shu, why did

she say no now?

But people under hypnosis cannot tell lies at all.

In other words, Chen Xiuzhi told a lie at the police station.

“I didn’t, it wasn’t me, it was she who attacked Rong Shu.” Chen Xiuzhi opened her mouth and


Rong Shu clenched her palm, “Who is she? Why do you say you attacked Rong Shu?”

“I don’t know who she is, she didn’t tell me her name. I only know what she looks like, she found me ,

said that the red mole on Rong Shu’s wrist would threaten her identity, she wanted to get rid of the red

mole, and then gave me a sum of money to treat my son’s illness, and then take the blame for her.”

Chen Xiuzhi said amazingly .

Lu Qi gasped, “God, it’s actually the culprit!”

Rong Shu was also shocked by this.

She thought that this Chen Xiuzhi might have been bribed.

But I didn’t expect it to be a culprit.

Rong Shu was trembling all over.

The person who really attacked her continued to go unpunished after arranging a top culprit.

Does that mean that in the future that person will still attack her!

“Why do you say that my red mole threatens her identity? What secret does my red mole hold?” Rong

Shu bit her lower lip tightly and asked.

Chen Xiuzhi’s mouth moved, “I don’t know, she didn’t tell me, she only told me that she would threaten

her identity.”

“No wonder she didn’t answer at the time, so she didn’t know.” Lu Qi touched his chin suddenly.

Rong Shu took a deep breath, “Then why did you say that the person who made you blame is the most

important person to you?”

“Because, I want to hide my son, I don’t want to expose that I have a son, so Saying this, you will be

misled by me, thinking that I attacked Rong Shu for her sake.” Chen Xiuzhi replied.

Lu Qi sneered, “Then you are really shrewd.”

“What happened to your son?” Rong Shu asked again.

“My son has leukemia and needs a lot of surgery and medical expenses, so she found me, and as long

as I convicted her, she would pay for my son’s treatment.”

“So that’s how it is.” Lu Qi sighed, “for the sake of Treat her son’s illness, so she can’t confess that

person, she must firmly believe that she is the one who attacked you, otherwise once she exposes her

innocence, she is just here to take the blame, no matter whether that person is caught or not, her son

will There ‘s no help.”

Rong Shu’s eyes flashed, “She’s pitiful, but being pitiful doesn’t mean she’s right.”

“That’s true.” Lu nodded.

Rong Shu’s eyes fell on Chen Xiuzhi again, “You said you didn’t know the name of that person, and you

have only seen her appearance, then you can describe her appearance now.”

As long as you know the appearance of that person, feature.

You can find that person very quickly.

Chen Xiuzhi began to describe, “The height is the same as me, the weight is the same as me, the skin

is not particularly white, and the appearance can only be regarded as delicate, but she wears very well,

and the clothes look very expensive at first glance.”

“The clothes are very expensive.” Expensive, it seems that your identity is unusual.” Lu Qi analyzed.

Rong Shu pursed her lips, “I need you to describe her facial features in detail.”

What kind of description is her appearance alone.

Good-looking people, grab a lot of them.

“Five senses…” Chen Xiuzhi frowned and seemed to be thinking about adjectives. After a while, she

spoke again, “Her mouth is thin, her nose is a little big, and her eyes are pretty and round.”

“Are there any features? Like Is there a mole on the face or something?”


Rong Shu was silent.

There are no obvious features on the face, and it is still somewhat difficult to find someone based on

these facial features alone.

“If only I could draw it.” Lu Qi scratched his hair and said helplessly.

Rong Shu’s eyes flickered, “Aqi, you reminded me, we can find a painter, according to the oral, let the

painter draw the portrait, the police station is handling the case, if we don’t know the appearance of the

suspect, we will draw the portrait according to the victim. draw the suspect.”

Lu Qiyi clapped his hands, “This is easy to handle, there is an employee in my company who draws

well, especially Xiao Xiang who is very good at drawing, I asked him to draw, but it will have to be

tomorrow. “

Then tomorrow, just hypnotize her again tomorrow.” Lin Tianchen opened his eyes at some point and

suddenly said.

Rong Shu nodded, “Okay, then tomorrow, I’ll trouble you Dr. Lin tomorrow.”

“It’s alright, this person will stay with me.” Lin Tianchen glanced at Chen Xiuzhi with no emotion in his


Rong Shu hummed, “Okay.”

After that, Lu Qi pushed her away and went back to the Third Hospital.

Because the time for leave is coming.

On the way back, Rong Shu kept feeling her bandaged wrist, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lu Qi looked at her several times, and finally couldn’t help but say, “Okay baby, don’t think too much,

when you catch that person, you will know the secret of the red mole on your wrist.”

Rong Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, ” I know, I’m just thinking, this red mole has been with me

for twenty-six years. For the past twenty-six years, I have always regarded it as an ordinary mole. I

never thought that it still has It ‘s a secret.”

“Speaking of which, I suddenly thought of a strange thing.” Lu Qi’s expression became a little strange.

Rong Shu couldn’t see it, but he could probably imagine what he looked like at the moment, and asked

curiously, “What’s so strange?”

“It’s also about your red mole.” Lu Qi turned the steering wheel, his memory drifting away, “I I’m four

years older than you, so I’ve seen all the babies you look like in swaddling, and I remember them

clearly. I remember the first time I saw you, you were only five months old, and my mother took me to

Rong family, I am very curious about you, so I turned around your crib.”

“And then what?” Rong Shu blinked.

“Then your hand grabbed my hand, it was soft and very cute, but at that time, I didn’t see any red

moles on your wrist, neither of your wrists.” Lu Qi frowned slightly. said wrinkled.

Rong Shu’s pupils shrank slightly, “What did you say? No?”

Lu Tou, “No, I’m pretty sure, I was four years old at that time, I remembered things, and then the

second time I saw you, it was six months after you. , that is, when you were half a year old, at that time,

you had a red mole on your wrist, and even more strange thing, I also found that your appearance at

that time was a little different from the first time I saw you, but I When I was young, I didn’t think much

about it, but now that I think about it, there seems to be some secret that we don’t know.”

If we talk about the appearance of the child, it may change.

But moles are innate. If a person does not have moles, they will never have them at any time. It is

impossible for them to appear suddenly, so the problem is already obvious.

The first time he saw Rong Shu, and the second time he saw Rong Shu, it was two people!

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