Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 757-758

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Chapter 757 Sudden Accident

Rong Yuan was terrified, her body was cold and stiff, her calf was shaking.

This man is the devil!

He actually wanted someone to greet her in prison!

No, she can’t be like Li Xiuzhi, that’s too scary!

“Mr. Fu, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please, please don’t do this to me, I will never dare again, I

really don’t dare.” Rong Yuan began to panic and kept going. She begged Fu Jingting for mercy and

wanted Fu Jingting to let her go.

But Fu Jingting remained expressionless and unmoved. He was simply a man with a hard heart.

Rong Yuan is not stupid, otherwise it would be impossible to imagine how Rong Shu would react when

she knew her identity.

In the same way, she now knows that no matter how she pleads with this man, this man will not let her


If so, what is she asking for?

Thinking of this, Rong Yuan’s face twisted, she glared at Fu Jingting, and growled, “Fu, you won’t let

me live, right? Well, anyway, I’ll only be in prison for a few months. I will also tell Rong Shu that she is

Gu Yaotian’s daughter!”

“I am afraid that Gu Yaotian will not live for a few months now. Do you think Gu Yaotian will still be

there after you come out? After Gu Yaotian’s death, Rong Gu’s grievances It can also be solved

automatically. At that time, Rong Shu knows her identity, and it doesn’t matter much, so you are still

doomed to fail.” Fu Jingting coldly dropped this sentence, turned and walked towards the door, leaving

a dull expression on his face. Rong Yuan.

Really… is it really so?

Is she really doomed?

Rong Yuan’s lips trembled, unwilling to accept this fact.

But at this moment, in her mind, it kept appearing that since all the things she had done with Shang

Rong Shu, she found that every time she had failed, she had never won against Rong Shu once.

So, is she really destined to win against Rong Shu?

No, it’s impossible, she doesn’t accept it, and she doesn’t accept her fate!

“Come on, come on, I want to see Rong Shu, I want to see Rong Shu!” Rong Yuan turned her head

and stared at the door, shouting frantically outside.

She does not believe that Fu Jingting can really make the police violate the rights of citizens and

prevent her from seeing people.

However, no matter how Rong Yuan roared in the detention room, no police officer came in to check.

Because these police stations were greeted by Assistant Zhang.

“Mr. Fu.” Seeing Fu Jingting coming out, Assistant Zhang stopped talking with the director and greeted

Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting hummed as a response, then walked over and extended his hand to the director.

The director naturally held it up politely.

“There is one thing I need to ask you.” After shaking hands, Fu Jingting took his hand back and said.

The director looked at him, “Mr. Fu, please tell me.”

“Regarding Rong Yuan, I hope that in the next few months, she will not be allowed to contact the

outside world, let alone meet with anyone. I am sorry that someone contacted her, someone wants to

see her. She all refused and notified me immediately.” Fu Jingting looked at the director.

The director smiled, “Of course, it’s not a big deal.”

Of course, he only agreed because of the identity of the person in front of him.

If the person in front of him was not the chairman of the Fu Group, but an ordinary person, he would

naturally not agree.

What’s more, the grandfather of the person in front of him was a hero of the founding of the country,

and he would give this face because of his feelings and reason.

“Excuse me.” Fu Jingting nodded, “When I go back, I will let someone allocate a sum for you to use as

police labor.”

Hearing this, the director couldn’t close his mouth with a smile, “Then Thank you so much, Mr. Fu.”

Fu Jingting snorted and left with Assistant Zhang.

In the car, Assistant Zhang looked back at the man in the back seat who was rubbing his eyebrows,

“Mr. Fu, where are we going now, are we going back to your residence or Miss Rong?”

“What do you think?” Fu Jingting raised his eyes, faintly glanced at him.

Assistant Zhang immediately retracted his gaze and sat upright, “I see, go back to Miss Rong.”

Also, Mr. Fu just got Miss Rong last night, so he just wanted to accompany Miss Rong.

Otherwise, put on your pants and leave, what a scumbag.

No wonder President Fu just glared at him, he really asked a nonsense, hahaha…

Assistant Zhang smiled shyly, stopped talking, and drove the car seriously.

Fu Jingting took the mobile phone and sent a message to Rong Shu that I’m back and I’ll be home


In Repulse Bay, Rong Shu was sitting on the sofa watching TV when she heard the phone ringing. She

picked it up and saw the message sent by the man. Her red lips twitched and she typed back, “I’ll wait

for you. Pay attention on the road.” Safety.

Fu Jingting chuckled lightly, and after a good response, he dropped the phone and looked out the

window with his head supported.

It was dark now, and his figure was reflected in the car window.

He suddenly thought of something, his eyebrows were wrinkled, his face was gloomy, and he was

obviously in a bad state.

After a while, he put his hand down from the car door and asked with narrowed eyes, “When will Rong

Yuan’s trial start?”

Assistant Zhang turned the steering wheel and replied, “Three days later, since it’s not a criminal case,

the trial dates are very different. Hurry up, it’s not like a criminal case that takes several months.”

“Well.” Fu Jingting nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and then instructed in a cold voice,

“After Rong Yuan is transferred to the prison, let someone greet her well inside, I want to Her life is

better than death!”

Dare to threaten her, dare to attack Rong Shu.

This is the price!

Assistant Zhang nodded with a serious expression, “Okay, Mr. Fu.”

Fu Jingting closed his eyes and said nothing.

Assistant Zhang glanced at him in the rearview mirror, silently sympathizing with Rong Yuan.

Really, it’s not good to be hot, you have to mess with President Fu and Miss Rong, who is most

concerned about by President Fu.

So Rong Yuan deserved this fate!

Just thinking about it, Assistant Zhang’s face suddenly changed, and a wheelchair suddenly jumped

out from the pedestrian crossing in front of the left.

In the wheelchair, there was a woman sitting.

The woman didn’t seem to expect that a car would suddenly come over at this time, and she froze in

place for a while.

When Assistant Zhang saw this, he scolded with an ugly face, “Grass, why did someone appear!”

This is a red light!

“Mr. Fu…” Assistant Zhang didn’t know what to do. The car was so short from the woman that it was

too late to brake. Even if it braked, it would hit him directly due to inertia.

But if you don’t hit it and smash the car to the other side, then you and Mr. Fu will definitely be injured.

Fu Jingting also knew that the situation was urgent, and clenched his fists with an ugly face, “Go to the

left and hit the flower bed.”

In short, don’t hit people!

Assistant Zhang knew what Fu Jingting meant and had no choice but to turn the steering wheel quickly

and drive the car to the left.

Fortunately, there are no high steps on the flower bed on the left, so after the car hit it, it only vibrated

violently, the headlights were damaged, and the car blared the siren.

Other than that, there are no other issues.

However, the airbag was still knocked out. Assistant Zhang was dizzy and dizzy. Fu Jingting in the back

seat was not much better. His head hit the car window, and he was dizzy right now.

“Mr. Fu!” Assistant Zhang had a hard time reacting. He didn’t care about his dizziness, so he quickly

unfastened his seat belt and turned to look at the man in the back seat.

Seeing Fu Jingting lowered his head and put his hand on his forehead, he immediately became

anxious, “Mr. Fu, are you all right?”

Fu Jingting did not answer.

Assistant Zhang knew where he must have been injured, so he quickly opened the car door, took out

his mobile phone, and called an ambulance while opening the back seat door to check on Fu Jingting’s


“President Fu, President Fu?” Assistant Zhang shook Fu Jingting’s shoulder.

Fu Jingting raised his eyes and glanced at him, suddenly his face changed slightly, and after groaning,

he fainted.

Chapter 758 is responsible for this gentleman

Assistant Zhang’s pupils shrank, “President Fu!”

“What’s going on?” At this time, the traffic and police officers who were on duty nearby rushed over to

check the situation.

Assistant Zhang grabbed him and said eagerly, “Quick, send a car and take our boss to the hospital.

” Fu Jingting, who was in a coma, also became anxious, “Wait, I’ll drive now.” After the

words were finished, the traffic police and the police hurried to the duty booth, where their official car

was parked.

Seeing that Mr. Fu was saved, Assistant Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly helped the

person out of the car.

While helping, Assistant Zhang said anxiously, “Mr. Fu, you have to bear with it, we will go to the

hospital soon, you must not have any trouble, if you have trouble, the old lady and Miss Rong will be

very sad, so you Be sure to cheer up.”

As if hearing it, Fu Jingting moved his fingers slightly.

Assistant Zhang almost cried with joy, “Great, great, Mr. Fu is still conscious, not completely fainted.”

As long as he is conscious, it means that the current situation is not the worst.

“That…” Suddenly, a timid female voice came from behind Assistant Zhang.

Assistant Zhang supported Fu Jingting and turned his head to see that it was the culprit who was in a

wheelchair and crossed the road, causing them to have a car accident.

Seeing this culprit, Assistant Zhang naturally couldn’t have a good face.

The woman also seemed to know that she had caused a big disaster. She clutched the corner of her

clothes tightly, looked at Fu Jingting who was in a coma, and said with a pale face, “I’m sorry, is this

gentleman alright?”

Assistant Zhang growled angrily. ” What’s the use of saying sorry now, if it wasn’t for our boss to let me

hit the flowerbed in order not to bump into you, our boss would be fine now.”

The woman trembled when he yelled, her face paled even more, and her eyes were full of water, “I’m

sorry, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it, I was in a hurry so…”

“Okay, you don’t have to follow me. Explain this, I don’t want to hear it, you have caused us to have a

car accident, and you better hope that our boss is okay, otherwise you will wait for the prison to go

through.” Assistant Zhang interrupted her with cold eyes.

The woman’s pupils shrank, as if she was frightened, and tears fell down her cheeks.

Assistant Zhang was too lazy to look at her, so he took out his mobile phone to call Rong Shu and told

Rong Shu about it.

But before he could call out the phone, the traffic police and the police came over in their official cars.

There was no other way, Assistant Zhang had to put away his mobile phone temporarily, help Fu

Jingting into the car, and prepare to go to the hospital to contact Rong Shu. After all, the top priority

now is to send President Fu to the doctor.

“Wait.” Just as Assistant Zhang got into the car and was about to close the door, the woman suddenly

grabbed the door.

Assistant Zhang was instantly furious, staring at her with red eyes, “What are you doing?”

He hurriedly sent President Fu to the doctor.

And this woman grabbed the car door and wouldn’t let them go!

“I warn you, let go of your hands quickly, if you delay our boss’s treatment, I will make it too late for you

to regret it.” Assistant Zhang said in a very gloomy voice.

If it weren’t for the fact that this woman was a disabled person, he would have thrown this woman away


The woman’s assistant Zhang looked like she was going to kill, shrinking her neck in horror, but

stubbornly didn’t let go of the hand holding the car door, “That… I’ll go too, it was the accident I killed

the gentleman. , so I’m responsible for this gentleman.”

Assistant Zhang wanted to say something.

The traffic and police officers sitting in the driver’s seat suddenly turned their heads, “Sir, according to

what you just said, this lady is the main responsible party for the accident, so she should go to the

hospital together.”

Seeing the trafficker and the police have said so, what else can Assistant Zhang do? Naturally, he can

only agree.

Seeing that Assistant Zhang agreed to follow her, the woman laughed as if she had a great blessing,

and then got on the co-pilot with the help of the traffic and police.

On the way, the woman kept turning her head and staring at Fu Jingting.

There were no driving lights in the car, and it was a little dim. Therefore, Assistant Zhang did not notice

the happy and crazy eyes that flashed past when the woman stared at Fu Jingting.

At this moment, Assistant Zhang took out his mobile phone again and dialed Rong Shu’s phone again

with a nervous and bitter expression.

He never thought that he and Mr. Fu would be so unlucky to go out to meet Rong Yuan, but they had a

car accident on the way back.

I was fine, protected by seat belts and airbags, and I was not injured, but I broke my head and bleed a

little. Except for the dizziness in my head, there was nothing serious.

But Mr. Fu is different. Mr. Fu’s heart has a problem, and he can’t bear too much stimulation at ordinary


Now that I suddenly fainted, it is very likely that it was a car accident, which caused the heart to be

stimulated, and then the heart was suddenly overloaded.

I hope that there is nothing wrong with Mr. Fu. If there is something, he simply dare not think about the


Assistant Zhang rubbed his brows, hoping that Miss Rong would not faint from fright when she heard

that something happened to President Fu.

“Hello?” Just as she was thinking, Rong Shu’s gentle and tactful voice came from her phone, “Assistant

Zhang, what’s the matter?”

Rong Shu sat on the sofa and paused the TV, wondering how Assistant Zhang gave her Called.

He is Fu Jingting’s personal assistant. Is there anything wrong with Fu Jingting?

But it’s not right. Fu Jingting has something to do. Shouldn’t he contact her in person? Why should he

go through Assistant Zhang?

It’s impossible for Fu Jingting to be too busy to contact her. After all, they only contacted her on

WeChat ten minutes ago.

“Miss Rong.” Assistant Zhang’s throat slid twice, his voice very hoarse.

Hearing the seriousness in his tone, Rong Shu’s heart sank subconsciously, and the hand holding the

phone tightened slightly, “Assistant Zhang, what’s wrong with Fu Jingting?”

She was very keen, and she guessed at once There, Fu Jingting may have an accident.

Otherwise, Assistant Zhang would not be able to speak to her in such a tone.

Just hope it’s not a bad thing.

Rong Shu thought silently in her heart.

However, in the next second, Assistant Zhang’s voice choked up, full of self-blame and shame, “Miss

Rong, Mr. Fu has had a car accident.”

“What did you say?” Rong Shu stood up from the sofa in shock by his words. , even if she suddenly got

up, pulled it somewhere, and made it sore again, she didn’t care to check it, grabbed her phone tightly,

and said loudly, “You said Fu Jingting had a car accident?”

“Yes…” Zhang The assistant nodded.

There was a bang in Rong Shu’s head, only to feel that the whole world was spinning.

She swayed, her eyes gradually darkened, and she almost fainted.

Fortunately, she grabbed the armrest of the sofa in time and sat down on the sofa again, thus avoiding

the consequences of fainting.

But Assistant Zhang heard the sudden movement of her sitting down.

Assistant Zhang’s heart suddenly lifted, and he quickly asked, “Miss Rong, are you alright?”

He didn’t protect President Fu well, so something happened to President Fu.

Now if something happened to Miss Rong, who was hurt again, he would really be to blame.

However, he couldn’t hide the fact that President Fu had a car accident…

“I’m fine.” Rong Shu replied.

Although she said that, her face was very pale, full of nervousness and worry.

He grabbed the phone with one hand and the armrest of the sofa with the other, panting slightly to

prevent himself from fainting, then took a deep breath and tried his best to remain calm and asked,

“How is Fu Jingting now?”

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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

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Chapter 757-758 with many amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere

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Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 757-758


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