Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 703-704

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Chapter 703 Past Events

Looking at these barrages, Fu Jingting knew that Assistant Zhang had suppressed the heat.

He turned off the live broadcast room, rubbed his eyebrows, and didn’t breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, if the heat is suppressed, it does not mean that the matter is resolved, and what should be

seen has already been seen.

So, things have to be resolved.

Just as he was thinking, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Rong Shu walked out wearing the black silk suspender nightdress that Fu Jingting had chosen for her.

She had no shoes on, and just stepped on the carpet with her bare feet, without making a sound.

If it wasn’t for the scent on her body, Fu Jingting wouldn’t know she came out.

Fu Jingting put his hand down from his eyebrows and looked up.

Seeing Rong Shu wearing a suspender nightdress and walking towards this side step by step, Fu

Jingting’s pupils shrank slightly.

She had just taken a bath, her hair was still wet at the moment, casually draped on her white

shoulders, with a few strands, and even naughty hanging on her sexy collarbone, swaying from side to

side as she walked, and then again. In addition, the black nightdress combined with her fair skin

formed a strong color contrast, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

Rong Shu naturally felt the man’s fiery, hot gaze, and her face, which was already reddened by water

vapor, turned even redder now.

She looked down at her cool self, then glared at the man, “What are you looking at?”

Fu Jingting chuckled, “You look beautiful in this.” The

unexpected compliment made Rong Shu feel shy and turned her head away.

But the faintly raised corners of her mouth still showed her good mood at the moment.

Obviously, a man’s compliments are very useful to her.

“Come here.” Fu Jingting suddenly patted the position beside the bed.

Seeing this, Rong Shu suddenly became vigilant, “Why?”

Shouldn’t he want…

no, no, he shouldn’t be so changeable yet.

After all, she was not finished, he knew it.

“Blow your hair.” Fu Jingting took out a small hair dryer out of nowhere and shook it in the air.

Seeing this, Rong Shu heaved a sigh of relief.

It was a hair dryer.

She just said, he’s not like that.

Rong Shu raised her feet and walked over and sat down beside the bed.

As soon as she sat down, a shadow suddenly descended from her head, and then a pair of big hands

stretched out from behind, grabbed one side of the white bathrobe, and wrapped her body tightly.

Rong Shu looked down at the two hands that were hugging her waist, “Fu Jingting, you are…”

Fu Jingting put his head on the back of her neck, his voice slightly hoarse, “Cover you, or you will be

like this all the time. In front of me, I’m afraid I can’t help it.”

After all, he’s a normal man, and the woman he loves wears so sexy and sexy, dangling in front of his

eyes, it’s strange that he’s not impulsive.

So in order to hold back, he could only wrap her in his nightgown, isolating the pajamas on her.

Otherwise, you can only see the feeling that you can’t touch it, which is too bad.

Hearing the meaning of Fu Jingting’s words, Rong Shu was stunned for a moment, then she covered

her lips and laughed. The laughter was mixed with a bit of gloating, “This is what you chose for me.”

“Well.” Fu Jingting pressed his forehead On the back of Rong Shu’s neck, he rubbed lightly, “So I regret


He should not rush to let her wear such pajamas now, but should wait until after marriage.

Now that she wears it, she can’t see it or touch it, and it’s her who suffers.

Rong Shu’s laughter became more and more arrogant, “You deserve it!”

Fu Jingting sighed helplessly, “Okay, wrap the bathrobe and I’ll blow your hair.”

“Yeah.” Rong Shu nodded, then slipped her hands into her two sleeves and tied the belt around her


Fu Jingting turned on the hair dryer and began to scratch her hair.

Rong Shu sat on the edge of the bed and closed her eyes slightly to enjoy.

Isn’t it a treat to have someone blow their own hair for free without having to do it yourself?

I don’t know how long it took, until Rong Shu was about to fall asleep, and Fu Jingting turned off the

hair dryer, “Okay.”

Rong Shu opened her eyes, raised her hand to touch her hair, and it was dry.

Her hair is very long and many, and it is not an easy task to blow dry.

After blowing it down, your hands will definitely be sore.

If you don’t have the patience, even if you blow halfway, you won’t be able to keep blowing.

But Fu Jingting was able to persevere patiently, which made her very happy.

“Thank you.” Rong Shu pushed her hair aside and turned around to thank the man behind him who

was cleaning his hair.

The man frowned, as if thinking about something.

Rong Shu blinked, “What’s the matter? When I came out of the bathroom, I saw that your face was a

little bad. Did something happen?”

Fu Jingting put the blower on the bed, and then replied, “It’s not me, it’s you. “

Me?” Rong Shu pointed at her nose in surprise.

Fu Jingting snorted, “Rong Yuan exposed your identity on the Internet, and also spread rumors about

you on the live broadcast.”

“What?” Rong Shu was stunned for a moment, then reacted with a sullen face, and quickly picked up

her mobile phone and searched the Internet for what he said. thing.

Although the popularity has been suppressed, but if you want to search, you can still find it.

After seeing the rebroadcast of Rong Yuan’s live broadcast, Rong Shu sneered, “It’s really something

she knows how to do.”

“You seem to have known that she would expose you online?” Fu Jingting didn’t look surprised at all.

woman, asked in surprise.

Rong Shu nodded, “Yes, I know Rong Yuan, this woman is stupid or stupid, but she can make troubles.

After she found out that I was not the biological daughter of the Rong family, she immediately went to

me and wanted me to give her the shares. I feel that she is the biological daughter of the Rong family,

so she should inherit all the shares. As everyone knows, Tiancheng is no longer the family business of

the Rong family, and the shares are not passed down from her father, so her purpose has failed, but

with my attitude towards her She will definitely not be reconciled, and she will continue to use my

identity to make me stumbling, no, it is the best choice to use the public opinion on the Internet.”

“You mean, in the daytime, content Yuan asked you for shares?” Fu Jingting asked after hearing the

meaning of her words.

Rong Shu nodded slightly, “Yes, ask me for shares, humiliate my mother, say that my mother betrayed

my father, I couldn’t be angry, I slapped her a few times.”

Therefore, the slap marks on Rong Yuan’s face are really her dry.

Fu Jingting’s thin lips twitched.

He thought that it was Rong Yuan who deliberately let others beat her in order to frame her.

Thinking, Fu Jingting chuckled, “Good fight.”

“I think so too.” Rong Shu raised her chin proudly, then her face turned cold again, “If you dare to

slander and humiliate my mother, she should be beaten, I thought she was beaten. If you take her, it

will make her remember, stop slandering my mother, but I didn’t expect that she didn’t take my words to

heart at all, revealing that I am not the daughter of the Rong family, it’s okay to slander me and bully

her since I was a child, how dare she still dare to I slandered my mother in public. This time I didn’t

beat her and she cried for her father and mother, so I won’t talk about Rong Shu. What’s more, Li

Xiuzhi is the one who really cuckolded her father.”

“Oh?” Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, “Rong Yuan Is it Li Xiuzhi’s illegitimate daughter?”

“No.” Rong Shu shook her head, “Rong Yuan is indeed my father’s daughter, but Li Xiuzhi did give my

father a green hat. In fact, my father did not plan to marry a second time at the beginning.”

She stood When he got up, his expression was cold, “My father’s love has always been my mother.

After my mother died, my father’s heart also died, so how could my father marry another woman?”

“But he still married.” Fu Jingting looked at her, “Is there any conspiracy here?”

Chapter 704 The Evidence I Take

He is not a fool, since she said that Rong Hao had no plans to marry again at first, he married later.

There must be some reason here.

Coupled with her subtle expression, it is clear that this reason is not a good one.

Sure enough, Rong Shu nodded slightly, “Yes, my father was tricked. That year my father went out to

meet with clients, and was then targeted by Li Xiuzhi, who was a waiter in the hotel. Li Xiuzhi added

something to my father’s wine, and then In this way, my father was recruited, and then the next day, Li

Xiuzhi sneaked away before my father woke up, and only appeared in front of my father after knowing

that he was pregnant with Rong Yuan. My father is a person with a strong sense of responsibility. , Li

Xiuzhi is already pregnant with his child, it is impossible for him not to be responsible for Liu Xiuzhi, so

he chooses to marry Li Xiuzhi.”

“So it is!” Fu Jingting was stunned.

Rong Shu bit her lip and said, “I still remember that the night my father decided to marry Liu Xiuzhi, he

drank a lot, hugged me and cried to me for a long time, and kept saying sorry to me, sorry to mother, in

fact, Rong Yuan has a little bit of it. That’s right, that’s the fact that Dad doesn’t really care about their

mother and daughter.”

“How could he have no grievances when he was calculated like this by a woman.” Fu Jingting said

softly with thin lips.

Rong Shu snorted, “Yeah, Li Xiuzhi calculated her father so much, her father hated her very much and

hated her, but at best he didn’t get close, not even cold and violent, and he never treated her badly.

Rong Yuan is indeed not that kind to me, but no matter what, Rong Yuan is indeed his child, and he

also has Rong Yuan in his heart, so he hates Rong Yuan, but it’s ridiculous that Rong Yuan treats Rong

Yuan as iron and steel. Dad’s strictness towards her is a sign of not loving her, and even for this…”

Rong Shu clenched her fists, trembled slightly, and there was a look of anger and hatred on her face.

Fu Jingting squeezed her hand gently, motioning her to calm down first, and then said, “Li Xiuzhi

cheated because your father wasn’t close to her, right?”

“Yes, my dad didn’t treat her as a wife, just as a colleague, so Li Xiuzhi was unwilling to be lonely, so he

secretly cheated outside. Although my dad didn’t love her, he couldn’t accept being cuckolded, so in his

anger, he violently I cleaned up Li Xiuzhi for a meal. After that, Li Xiuzhi did not cheat again, but she

was also mad at my father. My father didn’t love her, so he didn’t bother to care about her. Before I

knew that Li Xiuzhi was also the one who poisoned my father, I didn’t Thinking about it a lot, but now I

know, I’m afraid it was the time when Li Xiuzhi hated her father, so she and Rong Yuan poisoned her


Speaking of this, Rong Shu’s eyes were full of grief and pain.

Fu Jingting gently embraced her, “It’s okay, you will avenge your father.”

“Yeah.” Rong Shu leaned on his shoulder and nodded.

Fu Jingting touched her smooth hair, “This time Rong Yuan exposed your identity on the Internet and

spread rumors about you. The purpose is to use the pressure of public opinion to make you hand over

your shares. What are you going to do?

” If he didn’t know how to solve it, he would do it.

However, he believed that she would choose to handle it herself.

Sure enough, Rong Shu squinted her beautiful eyes and said, “Rong Yuan thinks that if I let netizens

call me an illegitimate daughter, I will not be able to stand the pressure of the Internet violence, and I

will admit defeat, but I will not do what she wishes, She wanted to take advantage of netizens, but she

never thought about it. Once I clarified that what she said was false, the netizens would immediately

react. They were taken advantage of by her. At that time, the Internet violence I suffered would be

doubled to her. Backlashing back, and she dared to break the news online, she just felt that I had no

evidence to prove that she was not an illegitimate daughter.”

“So, can you prove it?” Fu Jingting looked down at her.

Rong Shu nodded, “I can definitely show it. I was adopted by my parents. Since I was adopted, I must

have an adoption certificate. Once the adoption certificate is issued, it can prove that I was not born by

my mother who betrayed my father. Then Rong Yuan is the first. A lie can be broken, and I told you

before that I was bullied by Rong Yuan’s mother and daughter when I was a child, and my father

installed surveillance at home for me, do you remember?”

“Of course!” Fu Jingting curled his lips, “I will never forget about you.”

Rong Shu rolled his eyes at him.

What time has he said such sensational words.

But, weirdly sweet.

Rong Shu smiled, “Those surveillance cameras have photographed many scenes of their mother and

daughter bullying me, and the memory has been kept all the time. Together with the property certificate

of the Rong family’s villa, they are stored in the bank’s safe deposit box. Rong Yuan’s mother and

daughter I don’t know, because my father planned to divorce Li Xiuzhi when Rong Yuan became an

adult, so he specially left the surveillance memory. Fortunately, when the divorce lawsuit was filed, it

would come in handy, but before Rong Yuan became an adult, my father would “…”

Her voice suddenly became choked up.

Fu Jingting kissed her forehead, “It doesn’t matter, there will be me in the future.”

Rong Shu laughed again, and then said, “With these surveillance videos, Rong Yuan’s second lie, I

have always bullied her since she was a child. It will be pierced, and all her lies will be turned into sharp

swords and stabbed at herself.”

This is called, self-inflicted.

Fu Jingting tidied her hair, “Are you going to hold a press conference to release the evidence?”

Rong Shu nodded, “This is the quickest and most direct.”

“Have you decided when? ?” Fu Jingting asked again.

“Tomorrow morning, the sooner the better.”

Speaking of this , she suddenly thought of something and looked at the man, “By the way, when I was

watching my news on the Internet just now, I found that there was not much enthusiasm, you are

making people pressurized. “

Yes.” Fu Jingting nodded and admitted, his face was a little cold, “I can’t watch you being scolded by

those stupid netizens all the time.”

Rong Shu’s heart warmed, “Thank you.”

“No, this is what I should do. Yes.” Fu Jingting said softly.

Rong Shu chuckled, “Next, I will publish the content of the press conference on my social platform,

which will definitely bring the popularity back, so don’t let people down, after all, the higher the

popularity, the more Rong Yuan’s backlash. The bigger it is.”

Fu Jingting frowned, a little unhappy now.

After all, who wants to see their beloved woman being raped online.

Rong Shu saw Fu Jingting’s expression and knew what he was thinking, she raised her hands to cup

his handsome face and rubbed, “Okay, don’t worry, I’m measured, although it’s really hard to be

scolded, but I won’t go. Can’t you just watch it? And after the press conference tomorrow, the netizens

who have scolded me will feel guilty towards me. While swearing at Rong Yuan, they will also buy

Tiansheng products in order to make up for the guilt in their hearts. Isn’t this the best of both worlds?

It’s also an advertisement for Tiansheng.”

Hearing this, Fu Jingting laughed, “You are now getting closer to a qualified businessman, and you are

more and more able to seize opportunities.”

“I will take it . It’s your compliment to me.”

After speaking, Rong Shu put down her hand, took out her mobile phone, and prepared for the

announcement of the editorial conference.

As a result, just after unlocking the phone, I saw a lot of messages from people.

There were Lu Qi, Mrs. Lu, grandmother, and Secretary Tong, all of them came to ask her about things


Rong Shu replied to them one by one first, so that they don’t worry, she only started editing after she

had a solution.

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