Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 661-662

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Chapter 661 The old lady fainted

After Rong Shu took it, she shook it away and covered it with Fu Jingting.

Before this was over, she asked Assistant Zhang to turn on the heating in the study, which made her

feel completely relieved.

Assistant Zhang was relieved to see her being so considerate to Fu Jingting.

It can be seen that President Fu’s dedication to Miss Rong has finally paid off.

Rong Shu didn’t know what Assistant Zhang was thinking. She sat beside Fu Jingting and looked at Fu

Jingting sideways.

His face was red at the moment, because of the alcohol on his face, but under his eyelids, it was blue

and black. Obviously, he hadn’t slept all night last night and had been drinking.

Fortunately, all he drank was some red wine, otherwise he would have been in the hospital even after

he had been in the hospital all night.

Thinking of the consequences, Rong Shu couldn’t help shivering.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Rong Shu collected her thoughts and took the phone out of her bag.

When the old lady called, she should have come to ask about Fu Jingting’s situation.

Rong Shu didn’t hesitate and answered immediately, “Grandmother.”

“Shu Shu, have you seen Jing Ting?” On the other end of the phone, the old lady asked eagerly.

Rong Shu nodded, “I see.”

“Well, that’s great, how is Jing Ting now? Did he do something stupid?” The old lady clenched her cane

and asked again.

Rong Shu looked down at Fu Jingting, “He drank alcohol. Besides, he hasn’t had time to do stupid

things yet.”

“Didn’t do stupid things?” The old lady still couldn’t believe it.

You must know that every year before, Jing Ting was drinking, and the alcohol level was not enough for

him to get drunk, so he started to self-harm.

But this time, Jing Ting was only drinking and did not self-harm, which made people unbelievable.

“Yes.” Rong Shu nodded, “Assistant Zhang said that Fu Jingting was drunk, so he didn’t have time to


“It’s impossible!” The old lady suddenly stood up.

Rong Shu was stunned for a while, “Grandmother, what

‘s wrong?” The old lady’s face was a little strange, “Shushu, tell grandma, what kind of wine is Jing Ting


“It’s red wine.” Rong Shu replied without hesitation.

Assistant Zhang’s expression changed slightly, and he clenched his fist nervously.

It’s over, the old lady is not Miss Rong, so it’s impossible not to know that Mr. Fu won’t get drunk after

drinking a few bottles of red wine.

But Mr. Fu just got drunk by drinking red wine. It’s no wonder that the old lady doesn’t suspect that

there is a problem.

Sure enough, when the old lady heard Rong Shu’s answer, she tightened her hand holding the phone,

“It’s impossible, Jing Ting is very good at drinking, how could it be possible to drink a few bottles of red

wine and get drunk? Shu Shu, Zhang Is Cheng next to you?”

“Yes.” Rong Shu glanced at Assistant Zhang.

The old lady said with a sullen face, “Give him the phone, I have something to ask him.”

“Okay, wait a moment.” Rong Shu took the phone from her ear and handed it to Assistant Zhang,

“Assistant Zhang, grandma asked you to pick it up. Phone.”

Assistant Zhang knew that what should come is always coming, after taking a deep breath, he took the

phone with a reluctance smile, “Old Madam.”

He walked out of the study.

Rong Shu looked at his back in confusion, not understanding why he went out to pick him up.

But I didn’t think much about it. After finishing Fu Jingting’s hair, he got up and went to the bathroom,

ready to draw some water and wipe his face.

On the balcony outside, Assistant Zhang closed the balcony door, and then answered the old lady’s

question with confidence, “Old lady, Mr. Fu was indeed drunk with red wine.”

“Zhang Cheng, are you still lying to me?” On the other end of the phone, The old lady’s face was ugly,

“Jing Ting never gets drunk with red wine, so tell me honestly, did Jing Ting hide other spirits?”

“No.” Assistant Zhang shook his head, “Madam, Mr. Fu really didn’t buy other spirits.”

“Then tell me, how did he get drunk?” The old lady asked.

“This…” Assistant Zhang lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Can he tell what happened to President Fu?

After speaking, will the old lady be greatly stimulated?

For a time, Assistant Zhang was caught in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do.

“What is this, tell me quickly!” The old lady didn’t know his difficulty and urged impatiently.

Assistant Zhang sighed, and finally decided to tell Fu Jingting’s situation.

If I don’t say it now, the old lady will know about it in the future.

“Old lady, I said, but you must be mentally prepared.” Assistant Zhang calmed down and said.

The old lady’s face became serious, “Prepare in

your heart?” “Yes!”

“What happened, and you want me to prepare yourself mentally?” The old lady was puzzled, but she

was smart, and she vaguely guessed something, and asked in a trembling voice. , “Zhang Cheng, tell

me honestly, did something happen to Jing Ting?”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded, “Mr. Fu’s heart… has collapsed, so this should be the reason why Mr.

Fu is drunk. Go.”

“…” There was no sound on the other end of the phone, only the sound of glass breaking.

When Assistant Zhang heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly called out, “Old

Madam? Old Madam?”

Wouldn’t the Old Madam be stimulated and fainted when she heard this?

If this is the case, then he is guilty of a great sin.

The old lady was already so old, and if she fainted and couldn’t wake up, then…

Assistant Zhang didn’t dare to think about it any longer. He held the phone tightly with both hands, and

continued to call into the phone, “Old Madam.”

There was finally a voice on the phone, but it was not the old lady, but Feng Ma.

Feng Ma helped the old lady up from the sofa, pinched the person, and shouted anxiously, “Old lady,

wake up, wake up!”

Feng Ma was so anxious that she was about to cry, but the old lady still didn’t respond.

Assistant Zhang has already guessed the current situation of the old lady through Feng Ma’s words.

Madam, I really fainted.

Here’s to trouble!

Assistant Zhang’s face was extremely tense, he took the mobile phone from his ear, made an

emergency call, then went back to the study, returned the mobile phone to Rong Shu, and said eagerly,

“Miss Rong, Mr. Fu will trouble you to take care of me. I ‘m going to the old house.”

Rong Shu looked at him, and when she heard that he was going to the old house, her heart tightened,

“Is something wrong with my grandmother?”

“The old lady seems to have fainted.”

“What?” Rong Shu raised her voice, “Has passed out? How… how could this pass out? Wasn’t it okay

just now?”

“It’s all my fault, I said something I shouldn’t have said.” Assistant Zhang patted his face reproachfully,

“If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have said it.”

He shouldn’t take chances, thinking that Mrs. Fu’s affairs will be known to the old lady sooner or later.

It’s ok.

But now he regrets it, really regrets it.

Not to mention whether something happened to the old lady, just after President Fu woke up, he

couldn’t explain it.

“What did you tell your grandmother?” Rong Shu frowned.

Assistant Zhang shook his head, “Miss Rong, don’t ask, I can’t say, I’ve already made the old lady faint,

in case I let you… Forget it, I won’t talk to you, I’ll rush over to see the old man As for the person’s

situation, Mr. Fu’s side will leave it to you.”

Although Rong Shu was also worried about the old lady, Fu Jingting did not let her go away, so she

nodded and returned, “Okay, I will take care of him, don’t worry, grandma will ask you, if there is any

situation, give it to you. I’ll call.”

“Okay.” Assistant Zhang turned around and left quickly.

Rong Shu looked at Fu Jingting, clenched Fu Jingting’s hand, and whispered softly, “I don’t know what

happened to you, so grandma fainted after hearing it?”

Rong Shu’s question was destined to be unanswered. Because Fu Jingting has not woken up yet.

He was stuck in a nightmare and couldn’t get out of it.

Of course, it was more of a personal experience than a nightmare.

Chapter 662 I’m Sorry Who

At this moment, Fu Jingting has returned to his childhood in a dream.

As usual, he went upstairs and called his mother down for breakfast.

Usually, as soon as he knocked on the door, his mother would open the door and give him a gentle


But this time, no matter how he knocked on the door, his mother’s door was tightly closed without any

intention of opening it, which made him feel a little uneasy feeling in his heart.

After that, he asked the servant to find the backup key, opened the door of his mother’s room and

opened the door, and a strong smell of blood came from the direction of the bathroom.

His face paled instantly, his footsteps stopped for a few seconds, and then he ran to the bathroom like

a madman.

The door of the bathroom was open, and as soon as he got to the door of the bathroom, he saw the

tragic scene inside.

Mother was lying on the edge of the bathtub, her face and body splattered with blood.

She held the brow razor in one hand and hung down on the ground, while the other hand was placed in

the bathtub full of water.

The entire bathtub was bright red, stained with mother’s blood.

The mother, who was already stiff and cold, lost her life.

This scene has always been deeply engraved in Fu Jingting’s memory, so that every year on the day of

his mother’s death, it will appear, tormenting his body and mind, making him unable to relax.

Even sometimes, this scene will evolve into a situation that has never happened on its own.

For example, this time, he dreamed that his dead mother suddenly stood up from the edge of the

bathtub covered in blood, walked towards him slowly, and asked why he came to her belly.

If she hadn’t been pregnant with him, she would have left the Fu family long ago and pursued her love.

Then, his mother’s blood-stained hand pinched his neck.

Fu Jingting was awakened by his nightmare, his eyes were abruptly opened, his eyes were blood red,

and his breathing was short.

Rong Shu was startled by him, and it took a while for him to recover. He lowered his head and patted

his face lightly, “Fu Jingting , what’s the matter with you?” He moved, as if he was saying something.

Rong Shu bent down, put her ear to his mouth and listened carefully, and finally heard clearly.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”

I’m sorry?

Rong Shu frowned, her eyes full of doubts.

Why did he say sorry?

Who are you sorry again?

Rong Shu looked at Fu Jingting and knew that he was a little hysterical at the moment, his thoughts

and consciousness had not fully recovered, so he quickly grabbed his shoulder and shook him, “Fu

Jingting, wake up, wake up!”

She couldn’t Let him be stuck in it all the time, otherwise it will not be a good thing for his spirit.

He had to get out quickly and regain his sanity.

Maybe it was Rong Shu’s shaking that worked. Fu Jingting’s pupils gradually focused, and his eyes

moved from the ceiling to Rong Shu’s face.

He looked at Rong Shu, and after a few seconds, he made a voice, “Rong… Shu?”

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like a drake’s voice.

When I heard it, I drank too much alcohol and burned my throat.

Rong Shu let go of his shoulders angrily and helplessly, “I can still recognize me, it seems that I have

sobered up a bit.”

“Why are you here?” Fu Jingting raised his hand, rested his forehead, and prepared to leave Sit up on

the sofa.

But he was so weak at the moment, not to mention sitting up, even lifting his neck.

Seeing this, Rong Shu pressed his shoulders and pushed him back on the sofa, “It’s alright, just lie

down and don’t get up.”

After she finished speaking, she gave him another look, “Why am I here? Didn’t you guess yesterday

that I would come to you today? And I said two days ago that you should not turn off your phone today,

and you promised me too. Well, in the end, you still shut down! If it weren’t for the reason why you shut

down today, I’ll tell you, we’d quit immediately.”

If it were normal times and heard that the recombination was over, Fu Jingting must have admitted his

mistake and made her happy.

But now, he is really not in the mood.

He closed his eyes slightly, raised an arm, put it over his eyes, and said nothing.

Seeing him like this, Rong Shu felt very uncomfortable and very distressed.

They are all people who have lost their parents.

But what happened to him was even more pitiful than hers.

His father was murdered in the hotel, and although his mother committed suicide by himself, he

witnessed the tragedy of his mother’s suicide at a young age.

As for her, although her mother died when she was very young, she did die of illness, and at that time,

she hadn’t started to remember, so although she was sad about her mother’s death, she didn’t have

too many unacceptable feelings. .

As for her father’s death, although she experienced it, she was an adult at that time, and her heart was

strong enough, so she could quickly come out of the shadow of her father’s death.

But Fu Jingting is different from her. Her mother committed suicide too suddenly. There was no warning

before the incident. It was the first time he found the body when he was young. It is conceivable that it

was a big blow to his young mind. .

Thinking of this, Rong Shu suddenly leaned over, hugged Fu Jingting, buried her head in his neck, her

voice full of anxiety and worry, “Fu Jingting, do you know that you almost scared me to death!”

Fu Jingting did not expect her He suddenly hugged her and looked down at her.

Rong Shu also raised her head at this moment and stared at him with red eyes, “Did you know that my

grandmother told me a while ago that your temperament changes greatly on this day of the year, and

even self-mutilation acts, so When your phone can’t get through, do you know how worried I am? How

scared am I? I’m afraid that you have self-harmed, that you are late, and what you see is your cold


The trembling and choking, Fu Jingting knew that he really scared her.

He raised his hand and patted his back lightly, his voice still so hoarse, “Sorry…”

“You still know what’s wrong?” Rong Shu stretched out her hands and held his face tightly, He

pretended to be angry and said, “The person you want to apologize is not only me, but also my

grandmother, and Assistant Zhang. They are all worried about you, worried that something really

happened to you, but fortunately…”

Rong Shu’s expression softened. , “Fortunately I came in time, and fortunately you were drunk and

didn’t have time to self-harm, otherwise you would not be lying on a sofa, but a hospital bed.”

Fu Jingting lowered his eyes, his eyes flashed, and he did not speak.

It’s not that he didn’t have time to self-harm.

But his body doesn’t allow it.

After drinking a few bottles of wine, his heart felt a burning pain, causing him to faint.

Yes, he fainted, not drunk.

His heart was still aching now.

But these, he could not let her know.

Seeing Fu Jingting’s sullen look, Rong Shu sighed helplessly, then looked into his eyes and suggested

softly, “Fu Jingting, shall we go to see a psychiatrist?”

“Psych…doctor?” Fu Jingting’s thin lips moved Move, repeat these four words again.

Rong Shu nodded, “Yes, psychiatrist, on this day of every year, you seem to be a different person. It’s

because you have a psychological problem and you have witnessed your mother’s suicide, so you

have a big shadow in your heart. As for every year today, you will subconsciously become like this, but

as long as we go to a psychiatrist, let the psychiatrist enlighten you, let you forget what you saw in the

past, or let you accept what you saw in the past, you will be fine .”

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