Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 725-726

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Chapter 725

Then, she stared at him, her eyes clearly written what are you laughing at? There is still a smile, it’s all

because of you, it’s okay to go under the table and cause me to lose face together.

Fu Jingting touched Rong Shu’s cheek, then pressed it to his ear, and said in a voice that only the two

of them could hear, “Don’t worry, you won’t be found.”

“How do you know?” Rong Shu obviously didn’t quite believe it. .

Fu Jingting’s thin lips moved, and just as he was about to say something, a voice sounded again above

his head.

“No, no one?” The employee named Xiaoli looked around, “There are only the two of us here, you can’t

read it wrong.”

“It’s just the two of us here, but I just heard someone speak. .” The female employee who started

talking said here, and waved her hand again, “No, no, no, no, she snorted, yes, she snorted.”

“Snort?” Xiao Li blinked, ” Why didn’t I hear it, did you hear it wrong?”

“Absolutely impossible, I definitely didn’t hear it wrong.” The female employee shook her head with


“That’s weird, there’s no one there, and there’s a voice, shouldn’t it…” Xiaoli shuddered, her voice

began to tremble, “Is there a ghost!”

“Ah!” The female employee was frightened With a cry, her face turned pale, “Bah, pah, don’t talk

nonsense, Xiao Li, what a ghost, it’s still broad daylight, don’t scare me.”

“I didn’t scare you, you said it yourself. There is a voice, but there are only the two of us here, so where

does this voice come from? I can’t think of anything other than a ghost.” Xiao Li said in a serious tone.

The female employee swallowed her saliva, “No… it’s not really a ghost, is it?”

“Who knows.” Xiao Li also shook her head in fear.

The female employee shook the rag in her hand again and again, “Then what, Xiao Li, let’s go, don’t

stay here, the more you talk, the more frightened you are, it’s weird.”

“But the conference room hasn’t been cleaned yet. “Xiao Li was a little moved, but a little hesitant.

The female employee took her arm, “Oh, don’t clean, anyway, it’s not very dirty, and the conference

room is not often used, it’s alright, let’s go, the more I stay here, the more scared I get.”

“You said it too, Let’s go.” The

two of them quickly left the conference room with cleaning tools such as cleaning buckets.

Under the table, Rong Shu’s little face was dark, and she was not very popular. “They… they actually

called me a ghost, it’s too much!”

Does she look like a ghost?

“Well, it’s too much!” Fu Jingting nodded in agreement, “Ghosts are so ugly, you are so beautiful, they

have no vision.”

Rong Shu rolled his eyes at him, “It’s all you, if it weren’t for you, would I do this?

She pushed the man away from her and sat up, straightening the messed up hair. “This is the first time

in my life that I have drilled under the table.” “

Me too.” After Fu Jingting sat up straight, he also sorted Some messy necklines and sleeves back.

Rong Shu said angrily, “It’s not all made by you. I told you to let go of me. You’d better just hold me and

get in.”

Fu Jingting chuckled, “If we don’t get in, we will be caught. They saw that even if we didn’t do anything

at that time, there would still be rumors tomorrow, do you believe it?”

Rong Shu was stunned, “Why?”

She obviously hadn’t reacted.

Fu Jingting sat on the ground with one leg crossed and one leg bent, sitting in a very handsome and

unrestrained posture.

He raised a slender finger and said, “Because it’s been a long time since the press conference ended,

but we haven’t been out here, do you think they won’t think too much about what we did inside?”

“…” Rong Shu choked for a moment , did not speak.

It really is.

Lonely men and widows stay inside and can’t go out, which really makes people wonder.

“One more thing, you are too obvious.” Fu Jingting said, raising his second finger.

Rong Shu tilted her head, “It’s obvious.”

Fu Jingting pointed to his lips.

Rong Shu looked at his lips, his lips were very thin, the shape of his lips was beautiful, and the color of

his lips was usually light.

But at this moment, his thin lips were reddish in color and very conspicuous.

As for why it turns red, and why, it’s kissing.

His thin lips turned red from the kiss, so her lips must be the same.

Moreover, her upper lip is thin and her lower lip is thick, which is the most suitable kind of lips for

kissing, so after kissing, it must be redder than his thin lips, and it may be a little swollen.

It was his fault for saying she was obvious.

Also, the lips are all red and swollen, can it be obvious?

So as he just said, even after the two employees came in, she and Fu Jingting didn’t kiss or be next to

each other, it would still be seen what they were doing before they came in.

However, the next day, rumors were still flying.

“So, you hugged me and got under the table, I have to thank you?” Rong Shu looked at the man


The man pinned the loose hair behind her ear, and whispered, “No, of course, if you insist on giving it,

that’s fine.”

Rong Shu’s mouth twitched, “You’re really going up the pole. Climbing, you, hum, leave you alone, I’m

going out.”

After she finished speaking, she opened the curtain and crawled outside.

After she went out, Fu Jingting also bent down and went out.

The two reappeared in the conference room.

Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief, “I don’t want to experience this kind of sneaky behavior again.”

Fu Jingting tidied up her suit and laughed lightly when she heard her, “But don’t you find it exciting?”

“Oh, this kind of stimulation, once is enough.” Rong Shu rubbed her neck and said, “This time we were

lucky not to be found, but next time we can’t be sure, so I don’t bet, and you don’t want to pull me back.


Fu Jingting shrugged a little regretfully.

Well, there is no next time if there is no next time.

But in the future, they can be elsewhere.

The bathroom, the sofa, the balcony, etc…

Thinking about it, the corners of Fu Jingting’s lips twitched slightly.

Rong Shu looked at him like this. Although he didn’t know what he was thinking, he inexplicably fought

a cold war and had a bad premonition.

This guy must be thinking bad things.

“Okay, we’re going out.” Rong Shu took Fu Jingting’s arm, interrupted the man to continue thinking, and

pulled the man out.

The man looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and followed her obediently.

The door of the conference room opened, and after Rong Shu went out, she looked left and right, like a

person who was stepping on the spot to commit a crime.

Fu Jingting looked at her like this, and was amused by her cute appearance, “What are you doing?”

“What do you know.” Rong Shu looked back at him, “Of course I was looking to see if anyone was

there, in case Someone saw us coming out of the conference room at this time, and they must be

gossiping, so we have to avoid the crowd, understand?”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “Understood.”

“Okay, look at me over there . Look here, we divide the labor and cooperate, and the effect is better.”

Rong Shu pointed to the left and said to him.

“Okay.” Fu Jingting nodded.

Since she wants to play, he will play with her.

As if she had just drilled under the table, although she was reluctant, she still accompanied him.

In this way, the chairman of the two large groups, sneaking along the way, avoided many offices and

many crowds, and finally returned to his office.

At the moment when the door of the office closed, Rong Shu took a long breath, “It’s all right now, I’m

at ease, and I’m not afraid of being found out.”

Fu Jingting stood beside her and responded dotingly with a smile, “You’re right.”

Rong Shu stretched and turned to look at the man, “What are you going to do next? It’s still early, won’t

you go back to the Fu Group?”

Chapter 726 Two Childish Men

“I won’t go back, I’ll be here with you.” Fu Jingting said, walking to the sofa and sitting down.

Seeing him like this, Rong Shu didn’t mean to drive him away. After returning to her desk, “That’s fine,

as long as you don’t get bored.”

“Am I such a restless person?” Fu Jingting fell to himself. cup of tea, said with a chuckle.

Rong Shu also smiled, ignoring him, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Fu Jingting saw her put the phone to her ear, rubbed the edge of the teacup and asked, “Who to call?

Fu Jingting frowned immediately, “Lu Qi?”


“Why did you call him?” His tone was a little sour.

Although he knew that Lu Qi had let go, he still had feelings for her in his heart.

Based on this alone, he has a lot of opinion on Lu Qi.

Of course, Rong Shu knew why Fu Jingting changed his face, and shook his head helplessly, “Of

course, thanks to him, Rong Yuan lied about me on the Internet, Ah Qi was the first person to speak up

on the Internet to help me clarify, and so did Cheng Huai, so I I have to thank Cheng Huai for a while,

don’t be jealous.”

Fu Jingting snorted and stopped talking.

Well, since these two are for her sake, he will be more generous and not care about it.

Although he thought so in his heart, he kept his eyes fixed on Rong Shu, and his ears perked up

quietly, for fear that the two of them said something that shouldn’t be said.

Rong Shu naturally felt that the man was looking at him all the time, and understood why the man was

looking, and shook his head amusedly.

Lu Qi on the other end of the phone heard her laughter, and a big question mark appeared on his

forehead, “Shushu, what are you laughing at?”

They didn’t seem to say anything funny, did they?

Rong Shu waved her hand, “It’s nothing, I just saw a childish person and couldn’t help laughing.”

“A childish person?” The question mark on Lu Qi’s head became bigger, “Who is it?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Rong Shu didn’t plan to tell him that he was talking about Fu Jingting.

Lu Qi heard that she didn’t want to say it, shrugged his shoulders, and didn’t ask any more.

On the sofa opposite, Fu Jingting realized that the childish person Rong Shu said was himself, and

raised his eyebrows.

In her eyes, is he childish?

“That’s right, Shushu.” Just as Rong Shu said a few more words to Lu Qi, and was about to hang up

and call Cheng Huai, Lu Qi suddenly thought of something and stopped her in a slightly serious tone.

Rong Shu put the phone back to her ear and her expression became serious, “What’s wrong, Aqi?”

“The hospital over Nanjiang just called me, the hospital where your parents’ biological daughter was

born. “

Well, then what?” Rong Shu nodded.

Lu Qi narrowed his eyes, “Then the hospital told me that Gu Yaotian sent someone there to inquire

about the birth of a child 26 years ago by his aunt.”

“What?” Rong Shu’s expression sank, “Gu Yaotian inquired. What’s this for?” On the

sofa, Fu Jingting heard her words and paused while drinking tea, then got up and walked towards her,

“What’s wrong?”

Rong Shu shook her head at him, instead of answering him, instead Waiting for Lu Qi’s answer on the

other end of the phone.

Lu Qi also shook his head, “I don’t know, the hospital said that Gu Yaotian’s people just asked his

aunt’s basic situation about the childbirth and left, so he couldn’t see what the purpose was.”

“I see.” Rong Shu Biting his lower lip.

Lu Qi said again, “In short, I don’t think it’s that simple here. Gu Yaotian must have some conspiracy,

otherwise why would he ask about these things so carefully, Shushu, you have to be careful.”

“I will.” Rong Shu squeezed the corner of her mouth and replied, “Thank you for your reminder.”

Lu Qi waved his hand, “What’s the matter, we are friends, just call me if you have anything, I can help

Yes, I must help.”

Rong Shu was about to answer, but the man who had been bending over to eavesdrop on her phone

suddenly spoke with a sullen face, “No need, she has me, not to mention, with your little ability, you can

send What’s the use?”

Rong Shu’s mouth twitched, and she stared at the man angrily, “What are you doing?”

“It’s the truth.” Fu Jingting replied with hooked lips.

Lu Qi on the other end of the ring heard Fu Jingting’s words and stayed for a while. After realizing it, he

stood up from his chair angrily, “Fu Jingting, you’re actually there!”

“Is there any problem?” Put it on Rong Shu’s shoulder and put one hand on the back of the chair

behind her, as if hugging her from behind, with a more smug tone, “I’m her lover, I’m not here, who can

be here? Are you?”

“You…” Lu Qi stomped his feet angrily, “Fu Jingting, what are you proud of? When I met Shu Shu, you

didn’t know where you were.”

Fu Jingting raised his eyelids lazily, not panicking . He hurriedly replied, “What if we knew each other

early? Isn’t it still empty!”

“…” Lu Qi drew a black line on the corner of his forehead, and he was speechless.

Rong Shu sat on the chair, holding her forehead silently.

These two men, who are 60 years old together, are still the speakers of their respective groups, and

they actually quarreled like elementary school students.

And the content of the quarrel was not at all level.

It makes people cry.

Fu Jingting didn’t know that he was labelled childish again by Rong Shu. He was complacent at the

moment that he won the quarrel.

Can you not like it?

That’s a rival!

Winning the rival, of course happy!

“Okay, we’re still busy next time, and we don’t have time to spend with you here. Hang up.” Fu Jingting

rubbed his eyebrows and said arrogantly to Lu Qi on the other end of the phone.

Lu Qi looked stunned, then clenched his phone, and quickly asked, “Wait a minute, Fu Jingting, what

are you and Shushu doing? I warn you, you are not allowed to mess with Shushu. Did you hear that?

Fu Jingting, did you hear that? !”

Fu Jingting didn’t have to think about it, he could know how anxious the person on the other end of the

phone was at the moment, and he was probably going to jump.

“You don’t care what Xiao Ye and I are going to do next. I’ll tell you Lu Qi, no matter what we want to

do, it’s a matter between the two of us. What qualifications do you have as an outsider to intervene?”

Fu Jingting snorted coldly and took it. With the phone in his hand, Guo Rongshu said in a cold and

indifferent voice.

Lu Qi’s eyes were about to pop out, “Little Leaf? You actually called her Little Leaf?”

“And then?” Fu Jingting touched Rong Shu’s long soft hair and asked in disapproval.

Lu Qi clenched his fist, “Then what? Then, this is Shushu’s parents. What qualifications do you have to

call Shushu’s exclusive nickname?”

“I’m sorry to tell you, I have it, and Xiaoye personally allowed it.” The curvature of Fu Jingting’s lips

became more intense.

Lu Qi was stunned, “What? Did she personally allow it?”

Not only did she even tell Fu Jingting her nickname, but she also allowed Fu Jingting to call her like


“That’s right!” Fu Jingting lifted a lock of Rong Shu’s hair and kissed her affectionately.

Lu Qi was silent again.

It’s not that he didn’t fight for it in the past. He wanted to call her Xiaoye Ye, but she refused, saying

that only her parents could call it, so he changed his name to her baby.

Later, he thought that after his uncle and aunt died, she would seal up this nickname.

Unexpectedly, after being sealed for six years, she allowed Fu Jingting to call her that.

Sure enough, this is the difference between love and not love.

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Will Get My Divorce Chapter 725-726

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