Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 753-754

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Chapter 753 Seeing Rong Yuan

“I listen to you.” Fu Jingting opened his eyelids slightly and said in a low voice.

Rong Shu hummed, picked up the anti-inflammatory ointment, and began to smear the scratches on

his back.

During the smearing, her fingers inevitably touched the whiplashes on his back.

Those whip wounds were healed, but they left scars that were shocking, like centipedes.

Looking at these scars, Rong Shu’s nose suddenly felt a little sore, and her eyes filled with enthusiasm,

“At that time, it was very painful, right?”

Fu Jingting knew what she was asking, and looked at the white sheets under him, the corners of his

mouth puckered. With a faint smile, he replied, “It’s all over. I was inactive at the beginning, so I should

be punished.”

He didn’t answer whether she was in pain or not.

After all, this answer is meaningless, and it leaves scars, can it not hurt?

It’s just that he’s a big man, so it’s not good to tell her pain directly, what’s the difference between that

and a little white face who is not manly?

Saying it doesn’t hurt, it’s a bit false.

So it’s best not to answer at all.

Rong Shu was amused by Fu Jingting’s words, “If you don’t do anything, how can you say that about


Fu Jingting turned slightly and looked at her with his head propped up, “I’m not wrong, the hypnotized

me in the past did it. Those, in my opinion, are really not what I can do, so it’s not wrong to say that I

don’t do human affairs.”

Rong Shu sighed, “If you want to blame Gu Manyin, you have the ability to hypnotize a man. Help her.”

“The hypnotist is her boyfriend’s brother at the time.” Fu Jingting said with narrowed eyes.

Rong Shu nodded, “I know, Lin Tianchen told me, and also said that the heart of yours now belongs to

Gu Manyin’s boyfriend at the time, that is, the younger brother of the hypnotist.”

Fu Jingting nodded, “That’s right, It’s timeless.”

Rong Shu looked at him, “Lin Tianchen also said that your heart appeared too coincidentally, your Fu

family has been looking for a suitable heart for you, after twenty-four years of searching, but they

haven’t been able to find it, but in your When the deadline for the heart transplant operation was over,

Shi Qing died. It just so happened that his heart could match yours. This is obviously very problematic,

so Lin Tianchen has always suspected that Shi Qing’s car accident was not an accident. It’s possible

that Gu Manyin did it on purpose, and said that you have been investigating this matter, is there any

progress now?”

Fu Jingting shook his head with a cold expression, “No progress, after all, Shiqing’s car accident

happened six years ago. The location is also in the suburbs, there is no surveillance, and no one even

lives nearby, that is to say, when the accident happened, no one else saw it, so it is not easy to


“Listen to you, then this car accident is a hundred 100% there is a problem.” Rong Shu touched her

chin and analyzed, “The car accident is in the suburbs, there is still no surveillance, and there are no

people living in the suburbs. Obviously, I just don’t want people to find out what happened to the car


Fu Jingting Looking at her and chuckling, “You’re right, so Shi Qing’s death must have something to do

with Gu Manyin, but now Gu Manyin’s whereabouts are not known, otherwise, you can directly

interrogate him.”

“That’s true. Rong Shu nodded, “I don’t know where this Gu Manyin is hiding, so you can’t find it.”

“It’s okay, we are still alive, she will jump out one day. It will definitely attack us.” Fu Jingting said while

holding her little hand.

Rong Shu squeezed the corners of her mouth, “I know, so I haven’t been in a hurry to find Gu Manyin,

but Shi Qing’s death was not an accident. Did you tell the hypnotist?”

“Not yet.” Fu Jingting shook his head. “It’s not too late to tell Shi Mo when you find Gu Manyin. At that

time, if Gu Manyin refuses to explain, you can also let Shi Mo take action.”

“You’re right, okay, don’t hold my hand, I’ll put some medicine on you.” Rong Shu interrupted the topic

and twitched her hand, but after she couldn’t get it out, she said to the man angrily.

The man chuckled and let go.

Rong Shu’s hand was free and continued to apply ointment to the scratches on his back.

After wiping, Fu Jingting put on his clothes and got up from the bed, “Then I’ll go out first.”

“Go.” Rong Shu waved her hand, “Didn’t you say that you have to go out to do something? , otherwise

it will be dark.”

At least half past five by now.

Fu Jingting looked at the time, and really felt that he couldn’t delay any longer, and nodded, “Okay, then

I’ll go first, I’ll be back with you soon.”

After finishing speaking, after kissing her on the face, she picked up a jacket and walked out of the


Rong Shu touched her cheek, smiled, then picked up the rest of the ointment, blushing and took off her


On the other side, Fu Jingting came to the parking lot and drove away from Repulse Bay.

On the road, he was driving while talking on the phone.

Half an hour later, the police arrived.

Fu Jingting parked the car, Assistant Zhang came over and opened the car door for him, “Mr. Fu.” Fu

Jingting responded with a humming, then unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, handed him

the car key, and walked to the police station go.

Assistant Zhang took the key and followed behind him, “By the way, Mr. Fu, you came to see Rong

Yuan, didn’t you tell Miss Rong?”

“No.” Fu Jingting stopped, “Why? Can’t you tell her?”

” Yes.” Assistant Zhang pushed up his glasses embarrassedly, “When I received a call from the police

in the morning, the police told me that if you want to see Rong Yuan, don’t tell Miss Rong, saying that

this is Rong Yuan’s special purpose. What is required, if you tell Miss Rong, she will not say what is

wrong with you, but will directly make you regret it after coming out later. I called you at that time and

forgot to tell you this, and I will call you later. You sent a message, but you didn’t reply, I thought you

didn’t see it, so I’m asking now.”

“I saw it.” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes.

Therefore, he didn’t tell Rong Shu that he was coming here to see Rong Yuan.

“But you just said, that Rong Yuan said that if I told Xiaoye Ye that I wanted to come here to see her,

she would make me regret it?” Fu Jingting sneered coldly.

“Yes, that’s what Rong Yuan said.” Assistant Zhang nodded.

The sneer on Fu Jingting’s face became stronger and stronger, “Yes, then I want to see how she made

me regret, is Rong Yuan still in the police station’s detention room?”

“That’s right.” Assistant Zhang responded, “About her The verdict has not yet come down, and the

court has not yet had a trial, so he is still being held in the detention room of the police station, and will

be transferred to the women’s prison after the verdict.”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “Got it.”

He didn’t say anything. After speaking, he walked straight forward.

Soon, a police officer took him to see Rong Yuan.

Rong Yuan sat on the regret chair in the detention room, her hands were tied by the handcuffs of the

regret chair, and she couldn’t move. She also wore a yellow vest specially worn by criminals, and she

looked very haggard.

Also, I was locked in the detention room for the past two days, and I was about to face the disaster of

prison. I was afraid that I would not be able to eat or sleep well under the fear. Isn’t it just that I was

emaciated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, his face is sallow and sallow, his eye sockets are sunken, his cheekbones are

prominent, and his dark circles look like a panda. The whole person seems to be several years older at

once, which is very incredible.

“This is Rong Yuan?” Assistant Zhang stood behind Fu Jingting, looking at Rong Yuan behind the

glass, and couldn’t help exclaiming.

Fu Jingting looked back at him, “What are you yelling for?”

Assistant Zhang chuckled, “Sorry, Mr. Fu, I was really surprised by her, so I couldn’t help shouting out


Chapter 754 Rong Yuan’s Chip

So, you can’t blame him.

Really, this Rong Yuan is too scary.

Rong Yuan, who was sitting in the detention room, could naturally hear the conversation between

Assistant Zhang and Fu Jingting. Looking at Assistant Zhang’s terrified eyes, Rong Yuan’s heart fell to

the bottom.

She didn’t wash her face for a few days, she didn’t remove her makeup for a few days, and she didn’t

sleep well, she naturally knew that she must be ugly now.

But I never thought it would be amazingly ugly.

And she has always loved beauty, she is quite confident in her beauty, and even used it as a weapon to

catch men.

So, how could she accept that she was ugly, especially in front of Fu Jingting, a superb man.

The more she thought about it, the more unacceptable it became. Rong Yuan wanted to cover her face

so that no one could see it.

But her hand was tightly bound on the regret chair, and she couldn’t move at all, so she could only

lower her head to avoid their purpose, “Don’t look, don’t look!”

Her voice was frantic, and her body was also Trembling, looking like a mad woman.

Fu Jingting frowned, eyes full of disgust.

Assistant Zhang pointed at her, “President Fu, isn’t she crazy?”

Fu Jingting said coldly, “Do you think someone with a sullen mind and a deep sense of government can

go crazy so easily?”

“Er…” Assistant Zhang After choking, he scratched his head, “That’s true.”

At this time, the police officer who was guarding the door suddenly opened the door and came in,

knocked on the glass with a baton, and warned in a stern tone, “What’s your name, be quiet, and don’t

look at it. Look where this is!”

Facing the police officer’s face like the King of Hell, Rong Yuan shrank her neck in fear and stopped


She was tortured by these police officers a lot during the days she was locked in, so she was already

afraid of these people from the bottom of her heart.

Because these people pick up prisoners and have all kinds of underhand tricks, so how dare she run

wild under these people.

Seeing that Rong Yuan closed her mouth and became quiet, the police officer put down the baton,

turned around and smiled politely at Fu Jingting, “Mr. Fu, please continue talking to her.”

“Uh.” Fu Jingting nodded and responded lightly. .

The policeman pressed the brim of his hat and walked out.

There were only three Fu Jingting left in the detention room.

Fu Jingting took a step forward and came to the glass, staring at the person inside with cold eyes,

“Why do you want to see me?”

Rong Yuan raised her head tremblingly when she heard his question.

But the next second, as if frightened, she lowered her head again.

Assistant Zhang couldn’t stand it any longer, and frowned in annoyance, “Hey, what’s your expression

like, as if our President Fu wants to eat you?”

Even if he wants to eat, he will eat Miss Rong.

There is no way this woman can turn.

“Okay, that’s it, I don’t want to see her face either.” Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and said indifferently.

Rong Yuan’s pupils shrank, and then a touch of humiliation appeared on her face.

She knew that this man didn’t want to see her, but she was a woman after all, but he didn’t have the

slightest feeling of pity.

She doesn’t believe it, he doesn’t know what she thinks of him, and he doesn’t believe that he doesn’t

know that she bows her head, just because he doesn’t want him to see her ugly appearance now.

He absolutely knows.

However, he still said such words to break her heart!

Thinking about it, Rong Yuan simply raised her head and looked at Fu Jingting with the look of a

heartless man.

Fu Jingting didn’t respond yet, but Assistant Zhang shivered with chills, and goosebumps all over his


This woman, what is that look?

It’s disgusting okay!

“Mr. Fu.” Rong Yuan sat on the regret chair, straightened her back a little, then took a deep breath and

looked out of the glass, that handsome, wealthy and powerful man with a perfect body that seemed to

glow, his eyes gradually changed. I became obsessed, “Mr. Fu, I called you here today because I

wanted you to save me out. I know that with your ability, it is very easy to save me out.”

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, ” What did you just say? Let me save you out?”

“That’s right!” Rong Yuan nodded seriously.

Fu Jingting’s eyes became weird when he looked at her, as if he didn’t know the person in front of him.

Assistant Zhang was even more exaggerated, exclaiming directly, “My God, am I crazy or you are

crazy, you actually asked President Fu to save you? Rong Yuan, are you okay? I don’t know about our

President Fu and Rong Shu. Is it a relationship with Miss? You have a grudge against Miss Rong Shu,

that is, with our President Fu, where did you come from and asked President Fu to save you? Our

President Fu is crazy and wants to break up with Miss Rong. I will agree, moreover!”

After a pause, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth and he said, “Even if our President Fu has

nothing to do with Miss Rong, it is impossible to save you a stranger. Who are you from our President


” The words were very rude.

Rong Yuan’s face twisted for a moment, but soon returned to normal. Looking at Fu Jingting, her face

showed a conceited expression, “I am indeed not Mr. Fu’s right now, but, Mr. Fu, you will definitely

promise to save me out.”

Fu Jingting Eyes narrowed.

Assistant Zhang frowned, “Where did you get your confidence?”

“My confidence is that I know a secret, a secret about Rong Shu.” The expression on Rong Yuan’s face

gradually became complacent.

Fu Jingting’s eyes narrowed even more. “Oh? Rong Shu’s secret?

When Assistant Zhang heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes, “Cut, what do I think it is, it turns out

to be this, didn’t you already know Miss Rong’s true identity, or is it not the biological daughter of the

Rong family ? It was exposed on the Internet and used to make an article, but it failed, why, you still

want to use this deceased secret to make trouble?”

Fu Jingting didn’t speak, his eyelids were slightly lowered, as if he was thinking about something.

Rong Yuan gave Assistant Zhang a disdainful look, “Don’t worry, I’m not a fool, I can’t help but know

that this outdated secret is useless, I’m talking about Rong Shu’s true identity, I found out that she is

Whose biological daughter is that?”

As soon as he said this, Fu Jingting instantly raised his head, his whole body was terrifying.

Assistant Zhang’s expression also changed, “What did you say?”

“I said, I know who Rong Shu’s biological parents are.” Rong Yuan was very satisfied with the reaction

of the two, and her laughter became more and more frantic.

Assistant Zhang didn’t know whether what she said was true or false. After thinking about it, he helped

Fu Jingting to probe, “If you say you know, you must know, who knows if you are lying.”

“I don’t need to . I lied to you about this kind of thing, after all, I have to rely on this secret to get out.”

Rong Yuan snorted coldly.

Fu Jingting’s eyes flashed a bit of coldness, and it was fleeting. He opened his thin lips and said in a

cold voice, “So you mean that you want to use the secret of Rong Shu’s biological parents in exchange

for me to rescue you?”

“No Wrong!” Rong Shu raised her chin.

Assistant Zhang didn’t dare to look so complacent, as if everything was in his hands, and was about to

say something.

Fu Jingting raised a hand to signal him to be quiet.

No way, Assistant Zhang had to close his mouth again and stop talking.

Fu Jingting stared at Rong Yuan, his eyes were so deep that he could not see any emotion, “Why do

you think that if you told me Rong Shu’s biological parents, I would rescue you? Do you think this is

really qualified to be an exchange? ?”

He didn’t know if the woman knew that the Gu family and his wife were Rong Shu’s biological parents.

But that didn’t stop him from trying it out.

Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My

Divorce Chapter 753-754

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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 753-754 novel This Time, I Will Get My Divorce


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