Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 679-680

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Chapter 679

She didn’t tell him that Rong Yuan also knew that she was not the biological daughter of her parents.

Otherwise, given the importance he attached to her, he would definitely investigate how Rong Yuan

knew about it.

And this matter, she can do it herself, and doesn’t want to rely on him for everything.

Otherwise, it would appear to be too useless.

Fu Jingting didn’t notice that Rong Shu was still hiding, so he lowered his head and rubbed her

shoulder, and asked, “Then you agree?

” , Besides, she won’t run.”

“That’s fine, it’s getting late, rest.” Fu Jingting glanced at the clock on the wall.

It’s almost ten o’clock now.

Rong Shu yawned, “Okay, I’m really sleepy too.”

She knitted a scarf for him last night, and she didn’t rest all night. In order to take care of him during the

day, he was tossed a lot by him, and she was already exhausted. .

Now she just wanted to lie down and have a good sleep.

“I’ll take you to the room.” Fu Jingting took Rong Shu’s hand.

Rong Shu glanced down and didn’t mean to break free.

When they were together, it was natural to hold hands.

Follow Fu Jingting to the door of a room.

Rong Shu’s expression suddenly became subtle.

She stopped walking.

Fu Jingting naturally stopped and turned to look at her, “What’s wrong?”

“This is your room.” Rong Shu lifted her chin towards the door in front of her.

Fu Jingting nodded, “I know.”

Rong Shu’s eyes widened, “Fu Jingting, shouldn’t you let me sleep in your room?”

“Don’t you want to?” Fu Jingting looked at her.

Rong Shu was silent for a while.

Sure enough, it was exactly what she thought.

Just now, he said he was going to make the bed, and then walked to his own room.

At that time, she didn’t think much about it, thinking that he might have gone into her room to hug the

quilt or something.

After all the other rooms are empty and probably have no quilts.

It turned out that she thought too much, he didn’t mean to arrange a room for her at all, he just wanted

her to sleep in his room.

Thinking of Fu Jingting’s behavior of crawling and bedding secretly at his place in the middle of the

night before, and looking at his current behavior, it seems less surprising.

In order to sleep with her, what else could he do that he couldn’t do?

Maybe it will be able to climb the bed in the future.

Thinking of this, Rong Shu held her forehead, somewhat dumbfounded, “No, that’s it.”

After she finished speaking, she squeezed the door handle and twisted it gently.

The door opened and she walked in first.

Seeing that Rong Shu was willing to sleep with him, Fu Jingting’s eyes brightened obviously, and then

he walked quickly into the room and followed.

Just now, he was quite worried that she would refuse.

But now seeing that she did not refuse, he was finally relieved.

Rong Shu walked into Fu Jingting’s room, looked at Fu Jingting’s big bed that could sleep several

people, and couldn’t help blushing.

Although she and Fu Jingting won’t have that kind of thing happening now, she couldn’t help thinking

about that in her mind.

Especially since his bed is so big, it seems easy to get fancied.

Rong Shu rubbed his temples.

It seems that she is really influenced by Fu Jingting, the old man who is thinking about her, otherwise,

why do you think about it when you see the bed?

Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it.

Rong Shu tapped her forehead lightly, took a deep breath, and calmed herself down.

Seeing her action, Fu Jingting quickly took her hand off her head and looked at her with a serious

expression, “What’s wrong? Is it a headache?”

“No.” Rong Shu shook her head.

She forced a smile, “I just thought of some subtle things.”

“Subtle things?” Fu Jingting obviously didn’t understand what she meant.

Rong Shu waved her hand, “It’s nothing, go to sleep, I’m so tired.”

She yawned again.

Fu Jingting looked at the tiredness on her face and the blue and black where the silkworm was lying. A

hint of distress flashed in his eyes. He gently touched her hair, and his voice became gentle, “Okay, go

to sleep.”

Rong Shu hummed, He took off the quilt and lay down.

Fu Jingting walked around from the end of the bed, lay down on the other half of the bed, then

stretched out his arms and put her in his arms, his movements were very natural, as if they had been

sleeping like this for a long time, just like a real couple for many years.

Rong Shu touched the man’s hand on her waist under the quilt, and the corner of her mouth couldn’t

help twitching twice.

He was really familiar with him, so he hugged him without her consent.

It can be seen that he is not as shy and nervous as his new boyfriend.

Really cheeky.

Shaking her head helplessly, Rong Shu didn’t take the man’s hand away and went with him.

She was so sleepy now that as soon as she lay on the bed, her eyelids began to be heavy and kept

pressing down.

All in all, she just wants to sleep now and doesn’t care about anything else.

Soon, Rong Shu couldn’t bear sleep anymore and fell asleep.

Because she was so tired, she was breathing louder than usual when she was asleep.

Fu Jingting had just woken up not long ago, and now he was naturally not sleepy, so he leaned on his

side, propped his head, and stared at her sleeping face.

Even if she didn’t move, no matter how she looked, her face wouldn’t change, but he couldn’t get tired

of seeing it no matter how he looked, and he never looked away.

I don’t know how long it took, until Rong Shu turned over, so he turned off the headlights, leaving only a

dim yellow light, and lay down and closed his eyes.

The next day, Fu Jingting was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms first.

The woman’s eyes were still closed, she was still sleeping soundly, and she was not affected by the

ringing of the mobile phone at all.

But he was still worried that the phone ringing would wake her up, so he got up gently and took the

phone from the bedside. It was Rong Shu’s cell phone that was ringing, and the three characters of

Secretary Tong were flashing

constantly on the screen . Fu Jingting swiped his thumb, answered the phone, and said in a low voice,

“Speak.” Upon hearing his voice, Secretary Tong on the other end of the phone was stunned for a

moment, then quickly took the phone to him and looked at it, and saw that it was indeed Rong Shu’s

number, after typing it correctly, put the phone to her ear again, and asked cautiously, “Is it… Mr. Fu?”

Fu Jingting hummed. Secretary Tong breathed a sigh of relief. It’s really Mr. Fu. She thought it was

some other man just now, startling her. But how does President Fu answer the phone with the

chairman’s mobile phone? Still this morning. Could it be the two of them… Realizing that the two might

have spent the night together last night, Secretary Tong suddenly had no doubts in his heart. She

pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and asked politely, “Mr. Fu, may I ask, is

the chairman here?”

“She hasn’t woken up yet.” Fu Jingting held the phone in one hand and played with a strand of Rong

Shu’s hair with the other, and replied in a cold voice.

Secretary Tong raised his eyebrows.

Not awake yet?

She looked at the clock on the wall in her office, it was almost ten o’clock, and she was exclaimed.

God, the chairman is still awake at this time. It can be seen how much the chairman and President Fu

played last night.

I was too tired to wake up.

Fu Jingting didn’t know what Secretary Tong had misunderstood, he said lightly, “if you have anything,

you can tell me first, and I’ll tell her later. If you’re not in a hurry, I’ll ask her to call you back when she

wakes up. You can say it again.”

“That’s fine, then please Mr. Fu, please wait for the chairman to wake up and ask the chairman to call

me back. It’s not important, so don’t worry.” Secretary Tong replied politely.

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “Got it.”

He hung up the phone, put the phone back on the bedside table, and was about to pick up his phone

and contact Zhang Cheng.

At this moment, two beautiful hands got out of the quilt and suddenly hugged his arms, “What time is


Chapter 680

Her voice was hoarse and soft, with a strong sense of sleepiness, and her eyes hadn’t opened yet, so

she obviously wasn’t fully awake yet.

She hasn’t fully woken up yet, but she can ask him what time it is now, which shows that she has

always known that she herself is sleeping beside him.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be calm now, she would have sat up long ago and questioned why he was


“It’s ten o’clock.” Fu Jingting glanced at his watch and replied.

Rong Shu opened her eyes suddenly, “What? It’s ten o’clock?”

She raised her voice, obviously shocked by this time.

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “It’s ten o’clock.”

Rong Shu hurriedly sat up, “It’s over, I’m late, I have a meeting to start this morning.”

She scratched her hair that was messed up in sleep, and asked Take off the quilt and get out of bed.

Fu Jingting suddenly hooked her waist from behind and pulled her back into his arms.

Rong Shu hurriedly broke the man’s arm, “Fu Jingting, what are you doing, let me go, I’m going to

wash up.”

“Don’t worry.” Fu Jingting chuckled, “Your secretary called just now, probably just to ask you Why hasn’t

this time passed yet, but after she learned that you were with me, she hung up the phone and didn’t

ask me to urge you to go to Tianzhu quickly. It’s not very important to come to your meeting today, so

don’t be in such a hurry to go there, It’s not too late to go after breakfast.”

“But…” Rong Shu knew that today’s meeting was not particularly urgent, but she was a person who

didn’t like to let pigeons go.

Fu Jingting looked at Rong Shu’s frowning eyebrows, and knew what she was thinking, he reached out

and nodded her brows, smoothing her frown, “I know what you mean, sometimes being late and letting

go of pigeons, It’s not a bad thing, on the contrary, it can increase your deterrence in the group,

because you are the chairman of the board, so you have the right to be late.”

Hearing what he said, Rong Shu gradually calmed down and was anxious. also slowly dissipated.

She nodded, “Since you said so, then I’ll be self-willed this time.” Not to mention that

as the president and chairman of the Fu Group, it is impossible for him to deliberately lie to her.

It is said that she herself is very clear that being late this time will indeed not cause any loss to the


So since it’s already late, it’s better to be late.

“But even if you’re not in a hurry to go to Tiancheng, it’s time for me to get up, aren’t you hungry?”

Rong Shu turned her head and asked the man who was holding her behind her.

The man lowered his head and was playing with the hand she put on his.

Her hands are small and soft, very playful, the kind that people can’t put it down.

“It’s okay, then get up.” After Fu Jingting finished speaking, he let go of Rong Shu’s hand.

Rong Shu felt the reluctance when he let go of her hand, and couldn’t help laughing.

Is her hand so fun?

Rong Shu turned his hand back and forth and looked at it, but he didn’t have any extra fingers.

Without thinking much, Rong Shu lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked to Fu Jingting’s


Fu Jingting followed closely behind, wanting to wash up with her.

They almost washed up together last night, so Rong Shu didn’t drive him away and acquiesced to his


In saying, this is his site, and she is a guest.

As a guest, can you drive away the host?

After washing up, Fu Jingting went to his cloakroom to change his clothes.

Rong Shu also went to the balcony to collect her clothes.

Her clothes are dried before drying, so there is no need to worry about the clothes not drying.

Fu Jingting changed his clothes and came out of the room. Rong Yuan had also changed. She was

sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding a small mirror and drawing her eyebrows.

“What would you like to have for breakfast in a while?” Rong Shu asked while drawing her eyebrows

while looking at the man from the corner of her eyes.

The man walked towards her, his eyes fell on the clothes on her body, “Would you like to go out to eat

in a while?”

Rong Shu put down the mirror in her hand, “Okay.”

“Then go to the Imperial Restaurant, you like to eat seafood there. Crystal dumplings.” Fu Jingting said

as he adjusted his tie.

The clothes on her are from yesterday.

He also said just now that he asked Zhang Cheng to send her a new set of clothes, but she refused,

saying that he didn’t know how long he would have to wait, so he would just do it.

But now, he suddenly felt that he could prepare some of her clothes here.

Thinking that Rong Shu’s clothes would be mixed with Rong Shu’s clothes in his cloakroom, Fu

Jingting expected fire and heat in his heart.

His Adam’s apple moved, and seeing that Rong Shu was already packing his bag, he said in a hoarse

voice, “Let’s go.”

“What’s wrong with your voice?” Rong Shu put the bag on his shoulder and looked at him with concern

Asked, “Is it because of drinking yesterday and my throat hasn’t recovered yet?”

But no, when he woke up, he was fine.

Rong Shu tilted her head slightly, her face puzzled.

Fu Jingting lowered his eyes, “No, it’s just because of thirst.”

He wouldn’t tell her, he just imagined that they would be too excited to put their clothes together.

Otherwise, she should laugh at him.

Rong Shu heard that Fu Jingting was thirsty, and did not suspect that he was lying.

After all, when I woke up in the morning, I did not drink water.

Rong Shu bent down, poured a glass of water and handed it to Fu Jingting, “Drink a little to moisten the

sore throat before leaving.”

Fu Jingting hummed, took the glass and took a sip.

If you don’t drink, you can’t do it, doesn’t that mean you’re not thirsty, you just lied?

After drinking the water, the two walked towards the door side by side.

As soon as he got to the door, the doorbell rang.

Fu Jingting opened the view, and the person standing outside the door was Assistant Zhang.

Assistant Zhang kept pacing with his hands together, taking deep breaths from time to time, looking

very nervous and worried.

Seeing this, Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, “Assistant Zhang is here to confess to you, right?”

“Admit?” Fu Jingting was about to speak, but stopped when he heard her words.

Rong Shu flipped her hair around her ear, “Well, I forgot to tell you one thing, after you were drunk

yesterday, Assistant Zhang was here too. At that time, grandmother called to ask how your situation

was. The assistant didn’t know what he told grandma, but grandma passed out.”

“Grandma passed out?” Fu Jingting’s pupils shrank, and his face suddenly became ugly and tense.

Rong Shu took his hand, “Don’t get excited, don’t worry, grandmother is fine, grandmother was in a

hurry, she fainted after being stimulated for a while, in the afternoon, assistant Zhang called and said

that grandmother is all right, I I originally planned to tell you this after you sober up, but I just kept

taking care of you and forgot about it, and I didn’t remember it until I saw Assistant Zhang’s uneasy


Hearing her words, Fu Jingting mentioned it. The heart, finally reluctantly fell back to its original place.

Grandma is fine, otherwise…

Fu Jingting’s eyes flashed gloomily, then he held the door handle and opened the door forcefully.

When Assistant Zhang outside the door saw the door open, he straightened his back and stood up

straight, “Mr. Fu!” Fu

Jingting looked at him coldly and did not respond.

When Assistant Zhang saw Fu Jingting like this, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Well, it seems that President Fu already knew that the old lady was stunned by him.

Assistant Zhang was not surprised that Fu Jingting would know, even if Miss Rong didn’t say it, he

would take the initiative to plead guilty.

No, he has come here specially to plead guilty.

Thinking about it, Assistant Zhang took a breath, and then bowed 90 degrees to Fu Jingting, “I’m sorry

Mr. Fu… It’s my fault for the old lady, please punish me.”

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