Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 389-390

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Chapter 389

The more she thought about it, the more wrong she felt. Rong Shu took out her mobile phone and

handed it to Chen Xingnuo, “Xingnuo, help me dial Aqi’s number.”

“Okay.” Chen Xingnuo closed the file in his hand and took the phone over. He found Lu Qi’s phone

number and dialed it.

The call was quickly connected, and Lu Qi’s voice came, “Baby.”

Chen Xingnuo rolled his eyes, and replied maliciously, “Hey, husband, call me.”

“Cough…” Rong Shu Choked on his own saliva.

On the other end of the phone, Lu Qi was even more stunned, and then roared angrily, “What the hell?

Who are you? Who is your husband?”

“Okay, okay.” Chen Xingnuo wanted to tease He, Rong Shuren smiled and stretched out his hand,

“Okay Xingnuo, don’t make trouble, give me your phone.”

Chen Xingnuo laughed and handed the phone over, “Mr. Rong, President Lu is really surprised. It’s


Rong Shu shook her head in tears and put the phone to her ear, “Hey, Ah Qi, it’s me.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Qi was relieved, “Baby, who was it just now? An inexplicable person

called my husband, and it scared me a lot. If I hadn’t seen the phone number as yours, I would have

thought who made the wrong call.”

“It’s Xing Nuo, I asked her to call for me, she was funny. What about you?” Rong Shu said with a smile.

Lu Qi angrily replied, “Damn, it’s actually her, baby, tell her, wait for her to come back and see how I

deal with her, how dare you make fun of me!”

“Okay.” Rong Shu covered her lips and smiled twice.

Lu Qi snorted, then regained his composure, and asked about the business, “By the way, baby, did you

find something when you called me at this time?”

Hearing this, Rong Shu’s face smiled. It froze, and he hummed in a deep voice, “Aqi, I’m in the hospital

where I was born, and I’ve seen the file. Our guess was wrong, and I wasn’t wrong.”

“What? “Lu Qi raised his voice.

Then, aware of the gazes around, she quickly covered her mouth and lowered her voice, “Darling, are

you really holding me right?”

“Yes.” Rong Shu nodded, “So I’m calling you now, just to know, your first What the hell happened to the

baby I saw once.”

“I’ll say it first, I’m definitely not hallucinating.” Lu Qi took the phone and walked aside.

Rong Shu pinched the bridge of her nose, “I didn’t say it was a hallucination, I just wanted you to ask

your aunt if she knew about it. After all, she and my mother are best friends.”

“Okay, I’ll ask.” Lu Qi agreed. Come down and go to Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu was talking to the relatives of the Lu family. She received Lu Qi’s beckoning, frowned in

disgust, then got up and walked over, “What’s the matter?”

“Mom, I want to ask you why I saw two treasures when I was a child. Rong Shu?” Lu Qi looked at his

mother and asked.

Mrs. Lu squinted at him, “What two Shushu, are you confused?”

Lu Qi stomped his feet, “Aiya, what I’m talking about is the first time I saw Rong Shu when I was a

child, why did I have the second time with me? Isn’t it the same Rong Shu you saw?”

Hearing this, Madam Lu’s expression changed, and her pupils contracted slightly.

But soon, she sorted out her expression and returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

She smiled and said, “Of course it’s not the same.”

Lu Qi took Madam Lu’s arm excitedly, “Then I’ll be the first. Who was the baby you saw last time?”

Madam Lu replied with slightly drooping eyelids, “It’s a girl from a relative of the Rong family, and asked

your Uncle Rong and the others to take care of her for a few days, so the first time you saw her was

her, not her. Shu Shu, Shu Shu was sleeping in the room at the time.”

“Is that so?” Lu Qi was surprised.

Mrs. Lu poked his forehead, “Otherwise what do you think it is?”

“I thought that Rong Shu was carried by mistake and was carried back again.” Lu Qi muttered.

Mrs. Lu rolled her eyes at him, “Are you stupid? If you were wrong, would there be no news reports?”

“That’s true.” Lu nodded.

Mrs. Lu breathed a sigh of relief, then narrowed her eyes, stared at him, and asked tentatively, “You are

so short, why are you suddenly asking this?”

Lu Qi’s eyes wandered away, “I’m curious, I am I suddenly remembered what happened when I was a

child, and felt strange, so I asked you, okay, mom, I have nothing else to ask, so I’ll go first.”

After speaking, he turned and walked into the distance.

Mrs. Lu looked at his back and sighed softly, her eyes dark and unclear.

“Baby, did you just hear it?” Lu Qi returned to the place where he stood before, put the phone back to

his ear, and asked on the other end of the phone.

Rong Shu nodded, “I heard, it’s a relative’s child.”

Auntie was so kind to her.

She believed that her aunt would not lie.

Lu Qi hummed twice, “It doesn’t matter if it’s a relative’s child. In this way, there is no problem with your

identity, baby.”

“Yes.” Rong Shu smiled.

Knowing that it was a relative’s child, she was really relieved.

“It seems that Li Zhaodi said that your red mole will threaten her identity, and it has other meanings.” Lu

Qi pondered.

Rong Shu twitched the corners of her mouth coldly, “What do you mean, go back and let her explain it


Anyway, as long as she knew that she was the daughter of the Rong family, there was no problem.

“That’s right.” Lu nodded.

At this time, someone next to him was calling him, “Aqi, come over and offer incense.”

“Come here.” Lu Qi replied to that person.

Rong Shu heard it and said, “Aqi, you are busy in advance.”

“Okay, then I’ll go first, and I’ll pick you up at the airport tomorrow.”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and ran .

Rong Shu also put down the phone, “Xingnuo, let’s go back too.”

Chen Xingnuo, who had been an invisible man next to him, pointed to the file, “Did you not read the


“No, there is no problem with my identity. “Rong Shu said with a smile.

Chen Xingnuo was happy for her, “That’s great, then Mr. Rong, wait a moment, I’ll return the file first.”

“Go.” Rong Shu waved her hand.

Chen Xingnuo took the file and went to the archives.

Soon, after she came back, she pushed Rong Shu out of the hospital.

As soon as the two left on the front foot, someone went to the archive room on the back foot to ask

Rong Shu the purpose of coming here.

After asking clearly, the man made a phone call and went out.

After listening to the content on the phone, Assistant Zhang gently pushed his glasses, “I see, you

should come back first.”

He put down his phone and walked towards the study in the presidential suite.

“Mr. Fu, it’s clear. Miss Rong and the others went to Nanjiang No. 1 Hospital to check the dossier when

she was born.” Assistant Zhang knocked on the door and said to the man inside.

The man frowned, “Why is she checking this?”

“According to what the file manager heard, it seems that Miss Rong suspected that she was holding the

wrong baby with another baby when she was born.” Assistant Zhang replied.

Holding the wrong one?

Why does she have such doubts?

Fu Jingting squinted, “What’s the result? Is there a mistake?”

“No, the manager said that Miss Rong called and asked about her background, and finally confirmed

that there was no problem with her background.” Assistant Zhang shook his head.

Fu Jingting raised his chin slightly, “Since there is no problem, don’t worry about it, you can go to work


“Yes.” Assistant Zhang backed out.

The door of the study was closed again, Fu Jingting folded his legs, crossed his fingers in front of his

abdomen, and lowered his head slightly, as if thinking about something.

Chapter 390 Paying Back His Breakfast

After a while, he separated his hands, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

On the other side, Rong Shu returned to the hotel suite.

Because this trip out has relieved her of one of her concerns, she is relaxed at the moment.

Seeing that she was still humming, Chen Xingnuo couldn’t help laughing and said, “Mr. Rong, you are

in such a good mood.”

“Of course.” Rong Shu nodded.

Knowing that your life is okay.

Of course she’s in a good mood.

Seeing her so happy, Chen Xingnuo also felt relieved.

Afterwards, Chen Xingnuo looked at the time, saw that it was twelve o’clock, and walked to the landline

in the room, “Mr. Rong, are you hungry, I’ll ask the hotel to bring lunch.”

“Call, but one more. “Rong Shu said, blinking her eyes.

Chen Xingnuo was puzzled, “Why? We are just two of us.”

“Called for Fu Jingting.” Rong Shu pursed her red lips and said lightly, “Didn’t you say he transferred

the money for breakfast in the morning? So just give him a lunch, so he can’t return it, right?”

Chen Xingnuo smiled, “That’s true, but I don’t know what Mr. Fu likes to eat, Mr. Rong, you should


Although he doesn’t love him anymore, Mr. Rong used to love him.

So Mr. Rong must still remember Mr. Fu’s preferences.

Rong Shu was noncommittal and named a few dishes.

Chen Xingnuo wrote it down, picked up the landline microphone and contacted the front desk of the

hotel, and ordered lunch.

Half an hour later, the hotel staff pushed the dining cart to the presidential suite.

Assistant Zhang started driving, and when he saw the dining car, there was a flash of surprise in his

eyes, “We didn’t have lunch scheduled?”

He and Mr. Fu were going out in a while. The manager of the branch in Nanjiang wanted to invite Mr.

Fu to dinner.

So he didn’t order lunch, why did the hotel deliver lunch?

The staff replied with a smile, “Miss Rong from the business suite ordered it for Mr. Fu.”

“Miss Rong?” Assistant Zhang’s eyes lit up.


“I see, give me the dining cart and I’ll take it in.” Assistant Zhang hurriedly stretched out his hand.

The staff pushed the restaurant to him.

After he took it, he immediately pushed it into the house.

He can already predict what kind of expression will Fu always look like in a while.

“Mr. Fu.” Assistant Zhang came to the door of Fu Jingting’s study, raised his hand and knocked on the

door, “Miss Rong has ordered lunch for you!” In the

room, Fu Jingting was having a video conference with the manager of the branch when he heard

Zhang At the words of the assistant, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately put down the

laptop, got up and strode towards the door.

Rong Shu actually ordered lunch for him!

With undisguised joy on his face, Fu Jingting reached out and opened the door.

Seeing the dining car behind Assistant Zhang, his eyes were clearly written with excitement and

impatience, but his face still pretended to be reserved and cold, lightly opened his thin lips and said,

“You just said, this is for me by Rong Shu. “

Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded, then asked with a smile, “Mr. Fu, are you happy?” Fu

Jingting’s lips curled slightly, “It’s okay.”

He actually knew why Rong Shu ordered lunch for him.

Probably because of that morning breakfast, she didn’t want to owe him.

Although this made him feel somewhat uncomfortable, more than that, he was still happy.

Because he can take it, this is what she specially ordered for him, not what she pays back.

Assistant Zhang looked at the joy in Fu Jingting’s eyes, and was almost unable to hide it, but he still

tried to pretend to be ‘reluctantly’, so he couldn’t help rolling his eyes in his heart.

“Then Mr. Fu, shall I push you to the dining table?” Assistant Zhang pointed to the dining table over


Fu Jingting waved his hand, “No, I’ll do it myself.”

After speaking, he pulled the dining cart and pushed it towards the dining table.

Assistant Zhang followed behind him, watching him push the dining cart, he couldn’t help but snickered


He felt that the identities of himself and President Fu were exchanged. He looked relaxed like the boss,

and President Fu who was pushing the dining car looked like his assistant.

Don’t say, being the boss of the boss, this feeling is really cool!

Coming to the dining table, Assistant Zhang helped Fu Jingting to bring the above plates to the table.

Assistant Zhang lifted the lids one by one and looked at the dishes on the table, a hint of surprise

flashed in his eyes, “Mr. Fu, these are all your favorite dishes.”

Fu Jingting’s eyes were gentle as if about to drown, “I know .”

He saw it at a glance.

Unexpectedly, she still remembered his favorite dishes.

“Mr. Fu, you must be happier now, right?” Assistant Zhang looked at Fu Jingting jokingly.

Fu Jingting glanced at him, ignored him, pulled out his chair, sat down, and picked up his chopsticks,

“Tell Lin Shu, I’m not going to lunch at noon.”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded.

If Miss Rong sent someone for lunch, other people’s dinners have to be at the back.

Assistant Zhang took out his mobile phone and sent a text message out.

After seeing that the transmission was successful, he also pulled out his chair and sat down, reaching

for the chopsticks.

When Fu Jingting saw this, Jun’s face suddenly sank, and his voice was cold and faint and said, “What

are you doing?”

Assistant Zhang answered naturally, “Eat.”

“Who told you to eat?” Fu Jingting’s voice became even colder.

Assistant Zhang blinked, “Of course it’s Miss Rong. At first glance, these dishes are for two people, and

there are two pairs of chopsticks, which means that Miss Rong also prepared mine.”

“Heh.” Fu Jingting sneered “Even so, I don’t want to feed you.”

“Why?” Assistant Zhang’s eyes widened.

Fu Jingting leaned back on the chair, with a domineering expression on his face, “Because these are all

mine, you want to eat, you can decide for yourself, in short, this table is not yours!”

“…” Assistant Zhang’s mouth twitched. Sucked, speechless.

Don’t think he doesn’t know, this dog boss is clearly possessive and doesn’t want others to eat the

lunch ordered by Miss Rong.

“But Mr. Fu , you won’t be able to finish it all. It’s a waste to throw it away, and I’m sorry for Miss Rong’s

intentions.” Assistant Zhang said with a smile.

He said that, President Fu should let him eat it.

He’s really hungry right now.

“Who said I would throw it away if I couldn’t finish it, I can keep it for the evening.” Fu Jingting looked at

him and said lightly.

Assistant Zhang opened his mouth, “That’s leftovers.”

“It doesn’t matter!” Fu Jingting raised his chin arrogantly.

Assistant Zhang was completely speechless at this moment, only admiration remained in his heart.

People who have never eaten leftovers are willing to eat leftovers in order not to waste the food

ordered by their loved ones.

He had to admire this.

In order to pursue his wife, President Fu really put down his face and dignity.

Especially for a person with the identity of President Fu, it is more admirable to let go of these.

It’s just a pity, even if you can let it go, you still can’t catch up with your wife.

Assistant Zhang took one last look at the table full of hearty meals, pouted and went out.

Let him order his own meals, okay, he will order the most expensive and let the dog owner reimburse


At night, after Li Chuan finished all his work, he came to the hotel to find Rong Shu.

Just when Rong Shu was chatting with him, and they were chatting happily, Chen Xingnuo came in

from outside, covered his stomach, and smiled.

Rong Shu and Li Chuan stopped chatting and looked at her.

Although Rong Shu couldn’t see it, it didn’t prevent her from asking, “Xing Nuo, what happened to you,

why are you smiling like this?”

“It’s not me, it’s puff hahaha…” Laughed once.

Li Chuan frowned, his tone a little impatient, “Can you stop laughing?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to, it’s so funny, the scene of the death of a large society.” Chen Xingnuo wiped

the corners of his eyes and laughed Tears said, “When I came in from outside the hotel just now, I saw

Assistant Zhang pulling a doctor in.”

“And then?” Rong Shu raised her eyebrows.

Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce - This Time, I Will Get

My Divorce Chapter 389-390

Read with many climactic and unique details.

The series This Time, I Will Get My Divorce one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter

content chapter This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 389-390 - The heroine seems to fall into

the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So

what was that event? Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

Chapter 389-390 for more details


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