Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 485-486

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Chapter 485 Mother’s Consolation

There are no images on the disc, no labels, nothing.

So Rong Shu couldn’t tell what kind of CD this was.

But she was not discouraged, took the CD to her study, used the CD-ROM that came with the laptop,

opened the CD, and there was a folder inside.

Rong Shu opened the folder with the mouse and found that there was actually a video in it.

She clicked the mouse again and opened the video. The first thing that appeared on the computer

screen was a young face with a pale and sickly face.

Looking at that face, Rong Shu’s pupils dilated, then she covered her mouth in disbelief, tears rolled

down her eyes, and said in a trembling and excited voice, “Mom…”

It was Rong Hao’s original wife, Ms. Fan Lina, who appeared on the screen.

It was also her mother who died of illness when Rong Shu was five years old.

Rong Shu reached out her hand tremblingly and touched the face of the woman on the screen.

Even though she knew that she didn’t really touch the woman, she still didn’t want to take her hand

back, her fingertips still stayed on the woman’s face and eyes, and she refused to put it down for a long


The woman on the screen was in a ward. She was also wearing a blue and white striped hospital

uniform, and her head was bare without a single hair.

Rong Shu knew that this was what she looked like when her mother was hospitalized when she was

diagnosed with cancer when she was five years old.

Looking at the moving mother on the screen, Rong Shu burst into tears again.

Twenty-one years.

She has not seen her mother for twenty-one years, and she is still a moving mother.

“Mom, I miss you so much…” Rong Shu’s hand holding the mouse kept shaking, her voice choked.

As if hearing Rong Shu’s thoughts, Fan Lina was facing the camera with a gentle smile, “Shu Shu, it’s

mom, maybe when you saw this video, mom was gone, but mom wants to tell you that mom will I have

been watching you from the sky and growing up with you.”

“Mom…” Listening to her mother’s words, Rong Shu couldn’t hold back any longer, and she fell on the

table and cried.

The video continued, Fan Lina coughed a few times, her face became worse and whiter, and her voice

was much weaker, “Shu Shu, my mother wants to say sorry to you here, because your father and I

have been hiding from you and didn’t tell you. You, your true identity, I hope you can forgive us.”

Rong Shu raised her head, bit her lower lip tightly, watched the video with tears in her eyes, and said


Fan Lina coughed a few more times, and then Rong Shu saw a hand stretched out from the camera,

holding a water glass.

She could see at a glance that it was a man’s hand, and there was a black mole on her thumb.

That’s… Dad’s hand!

It turns out that Dad is in the video too!

Rong Shu’s expression became even more excited.

Can’t she see her dad later?

Just thinking about it, Rong Shu heard a gentle but grief-stricken male voice in the video, “Wife, drink

some water.”

It’s really Dad!

Rong Shu’s body trembled with excitement.

In the video, Fan Lina tilted her head and smiled away from the camera, “Thank you husband.”

She took the water cup, took a sip of water, and her cough improved a little, then put down the cup, and

then faced the camera and said again ” Shu Shu, when Mom and Dad know that you know that you are

not our biological daughter, you will definitely feel sad, unacceptable, and even think more, thinking that

we are taking you home as our biological daughter’s stand-in because our biological daughter is gone.

Yes, right?”

Rong Shu clenched her hands.

Sure enough, in this world, the people who know her best are her parents.

Fan Lina smiled weakly, “Shu Shu, you must not think that way, Mom and Dad tell you, you were

adopted because our daughter died, but it’s definitely not our daughter’s substitute, nor is our love for

you. Because we have transferred our love for our biological daughter to you, your name is not

inherited from our biological daughter. Your name was chosen by me and your father, and it was

specially chosen for you by looking through the dictionary. Yours.”

Specially for her?

Rong Shu’s back was slightly stiff, and her gloomy eyes gradually became brighter.

So, she’s not a stand-in for that child, is she?

Yes, what Rong Shu cared about most was not the fact that she was not the biological child of her


Because the kindness of her parents to her is no different from that of her own, whether there is such a

blood relationship is really not that important.

What she really cares about is that she is the child’s stand-in.

She was wondering if the reason why her parents treated her as their own was because they loved her

as that child.

After all, she was taken to Rong’s house when the child died. At that time, her parents were in a period

of grief. Her appearance made it easy for parents to transfer their love for that child to her.

But now her mother’s words tell her that things don’t seem to be what she thought.

She is not a stand-in for the child, and they love her not because of the child, but because of her.

There is also a name, which was not inherited from the child, but was specially given to her by her


As if she knew what Rong Shu was thinking, in the video, Fan Lina said again, “Shu Shu, your father’s

biological daughter and I are called Rong Nuan, your name is Rong Shu, you are the second daughter

of your parents, you have never been Nuan Nuan. The reason why we didn’t tell you at the beginning

was because we were worried that you were young, and you would be even more confused, but when

you grew up after watching this video, your father and mother believed in you, and you would

understand, right? ?”

“Hmm…” Rong Shu nodded in a choked voice.

Fan Lina added, “Shu, mom and dad hope you don’t keep immersed in the sadness of knowing your

identity, and mom and dad hope you come out as soon as possible. Although we are not related by

blood, mom and dad love you, and you are mom and dad’s biological daughter. “

That’s right.” At this time, Rong Hao, who had never shown up, suddenly probed and appeared in the


Looking at Rong Hao’s face that was much younger than six years ago, the tip of Rong Shu’s nose was

sore, and the tears that she had finally managed to stop were about to flow out again, “Dad…”

“Shu Shu, Mom and Dad love you very much. , so don’t worry about whether you are our own. In our

hearts, you are the same as Nuan Nuan. Also, Dad also wants to say sorry to you. I hope you forgive

Dad in the future, but Dad doesn’t regret it. Do, maybe one day in the future you will understand that if

you follow them, they will teach you badly.” Rong Hao suddenly lowered his eyelids and said something

in his words.

Rong Shu squinted slightly, a hint of suspicion flashed in her eyes.

What does dad mean by that?

What is it that they will become bad if they follow them, and who are these them?

Before Rong Shu could understand, Rong Hao and Fan Lina suddenly waved to the camera.

“Okay Shushu, it’s time for your mother’s examination. Dad is going to take your mother for an

examination. The video is here first. Goodbye!”

“Goodbye Shushu, mother loves you!” Fan Lina made a gesture to the camera The action of blowing a

kiss, and then the video ends and jumps back to the cover.

Rong Shu’s tears slid down, wetting both cheeks, and her red lips were lightly opened, her voice full of

crying, “Goodbye mother, goodbye father, I love you too.”

She knew that in this video, in addition to parents wanting to comfort her, Telling her not to think too

much and accepting her identity calmly is also a video of her mother saying goodbye to her forever.

Chapter 486

When her mother died, she was only five years old. At that time, she didn’t know what cancer meant,

nor what death was. She only knew that her mother was sick, very ill, and she was in the hospital all

the time and didn’t go home. .

She wanted to go to the hospital to accompany her mother, but her grandfather suddenly came to the

house and took her away, saying that her mother wanted her to spend the summer vacation with her

grandfather. After the summer vacation, her mother would come out of the hospital.

However, after she accompanied her grandfather for a month, she did not see her mother come back.

She only saw that her mother had changed from being so tall to a small box.

Later, when she grew up a little, she didn’t know what death was. At that time, she cried a lot, regretting

why she had to follow her grandfather. She didn’t insist on staying in the hospital to accompany her

mother. In the end, I didn’t even see my mother for the last time.

But now, in this video, she heard her mother say goodbye to her.

And my father, too. Six years ago, my father committed suicide too suddenly, and she couldn’t see his

father for the last time.

But fortunately, her parents’ farewell to her and her farewell to her parents were all realized in this


Rong Shu clicked the mouse, exited the CD, and then held the CD carefully, cherishing it in her arms,

no longer hiding her inner grief, and burst into tears.

I don’t know how long she cried. She was probably tired from crying, so she fell directly on the desk

and fell asleep.

The next day, Rong Shu was woken up by the doorbell.

She opened her eyes and sat up straight, only to find that her lower back was sore, and her neck too,

seemed to be unable to move freely.

There was no way, after she carefully put away the CD, she got up and rubbed her neck as she walked

out of the study and towards the entrance of the living room.

The door opened, Lu Qi held a stuffed toy, and smiled at her showing a row of white teeth, “Baby, good


Rong Shu couldn’t help but smile when he saw how silly he was smiling, ” Come in early.”

Lu Qi stood there and didn’t move, as if stunned.

Rong Shu frowned slightly, “What’s wrong with you? What are you doing?”

Lu Qi finally recovered and looked at her in surprise, “Baby, have you changed back to your usual


“Well.” Rong Shu squeezed The corner of his mouth turned back.

Lu Qi became curious, “Baby, how did you change back to the way you were before? You have

accepted the change in your identity?”

Rong Shu hummed, “Yes, I accepted.”

“Why so fast?” Lu Qi grabbed her wrist, pulled her to the sofa in the living room, then pressed her

shoulders, let her sit down, and said, “Baby, tell me, how did you accept it?”

He Knowing that she will accept her identity change sooner or later, after all, the matter has long been

a foregone conclusion, what else can she do if she doesn’t accept it?

You can also break away from the Rong family!

It’s just that he didn’t expect that she would accept it after only one night. He originally thought it would

take a long time.

Rong Shu took a wet towel from the coffee table and wiped her eyes.

I probably cried a few times last night, and I didn’t remove my makeup and wash my face before going

to bed, so my eyes were extremely dry and uncomfortable at the moment.

As she wiped her eyes, she replied, “In the box that my aunt gave me, there is a CD, and in it, my

parents were recorded during their lifetimes. They know that sooner or later I will know that I am not

their own. So I was afraid that I would think too much and that I would be sad, so I specially recorded a

video to comfort me and tell me that even if I was not born by them, I am their daughter and they love

me very much.”

Speaking of this, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, smiled.

Lu Qi looked at her and nodded suddenly, “So it is.”

“So I am relieved.” Rong Shu looked up at him, “They treat me as their biological daughter, if I know

that I am not their biological daughter If you do, just veto them, then I don’t deserve to be human.”

Lu Qi also sat down, “You’re right to think so, you don’t know, I was so worried about you last night, and

my mother, who didn’t sleep all night, after all, she told you your true identity. Yes, if you don’t come

out, she is ashamed and hated, and she has been wondering if she did something wrong.”

“I’m sorry, Aqi, for worrying you and Auntie, I’ll give her a call later. “Rong Shu poured herself a glass of

water and said embarrassedly.

“Okay.” Lu Tou, then thought of something, and shoved the plush toy in her arms, “This is for you.”

“Why are you giving me this?” Rong Shu looked down at the cute one in her arms Little Bear, asked


Lu Qi scratched his head, “I’m worried that you haven’t come out yet, so I want to buy something to

comfort you, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to buy anything, so I chose this one in the end, don’t

dislike it.”

Rong Shu chuckled . , “How come, I like it very much, thank you Aqi.”

Even if she doesn’t like this kind of toys.

But for the kindness of others, she will never live up to it.

Hearing that Rong Shu liked it, Lu Qi grinned, “By the way, baby, have you eaten breakfast?”

Rong Shu shook her head, “Not yet.”

“Then I’ll buy it, you wait for me at home.” Lu Qi said , stood up.

Rong Shu nodded slightly, “Okay, let’s go, I’m also about to take a bath and put some on my eyes.”

Even if she didn’t look in the mirror, she knew that her eyes must be very red and swollen now.

Because when the door was just opened, Lu Qi was obviously startled when he saw her, but he didn’t

say it clearly.

Lu Qi left, and Rong Shu went to the bathroom in the bedroom to take a shower.

When she just finished washing, Lu Qi bought breakfast and came back.

After breakfast, the two went out together, separated outside the community, one drove back to Lu’s

house, and the other drove to Tiancheng.

After the two cars disappeared from sight, a figure came out of the dark, holding a mobile phone in his

hand, talking to the other end of the phone.

In the Fu Group, Assistant Zhang nodded, “I see, you should come back first.”

After he finished speaking, he put down the phone and knocked on the door of the president’s office.

“Come in.” Fu Jingting’s somewhat depressed voice came from the door.

Assistant Zhang pushed open the door and went in, and saw Fu Jingting sitting behind the desk with

his eyes slightly closed, leaning on the back of the seat, one hand caressing his heart, his brows

furrowed, and he seemed uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene, Assistant Zhang’s face tightened and he stepped forward, “Mr. Fu, what’s the matter

with you?” Fu

Jingting opened his eyes, took his hand from his heart, and waved, “I’m fine.”

“It’s really fine . Is it? I think your face is not right, is it your heart…” “Okay.” Fu Jingting pursed

his lips and interrupted him a little impatiently, “What’s the matter with you?”

Said that he didn’t want others to ask about his physical condition, Assistant Zhang sighed helplessly,

“It’s Miss Rong who has news. Miss Rong went out this morning, and her condition is no different from

usual. She should have since found out that her identity collapsed. I’ve come out.”

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, “So soon?” On

this point, he and Lu Qi were surprisingly consistent, and knew that Rong Shu would come out.

Didn’t expect it would be so fast.

Assistant Zhang nodded, “Yes.”

Fu Jingting squinted, “It seems that someone said something to her, otherwise she would never be able

to be so fast, with her character, she will be confused and doubt herself for a while before she will be

able to Slowly think about it.”

“Then, I’ll check to see who it is…”

Fu Jingting raised his hand, “No need, that’s it, it’s a good thing for her to come out, don’t worry about

anything else.”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang responded.

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Will Get My Divorce Chapter 485-486

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