Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 501-502

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Chapter 501 Fu Jingting’s Dress

Having said that, the uncertainty and apprehension in Zhang Shengguo’s tone could not be concealed.

Obviously, he was also not confident that Fu Jingting hadn’t found them.

He said that now, just to comfort himself.

However, at this moment, the servant suddenly hurried over, “Zhang Dong, the special help of the

president of Fu’s Group is here.”

Hearing the words of Fu’s Group, Zhang Shengguo groaned in his heart, and the muscles on his face

were frantic. She also trembled, “What did you say? Who is here?”

“Dad!” Zhang Lili clenched her palms in fear.

The servant looked at Zhang Shengguo and replied, “Mr. Fu’s assistant Zhang.”

After confirming that he heard correctly, Zhang Shengguo’s expression changed completely, he stood

up suddenly, and walked around in front of the sofa with a hammer, “Why is he here? What is he here


“Assistant Zhang said that he is here to seek justice for President Fu.” Having said that, the servant

raised his head and glanced at him cautiously, “Said that you and the eldest lady dare to plot against

President Fu…”


Before the servant’s words were finished, Zhang Shengguo slumped back onto the sofa.

Zhang Lili was even more frightened and trembling, “He knows, Dad, he knows!”

Zhang Shengguo opened his mouth, and after a while he forced out a trace of anger, staring at her with

scarlet eyes, “I heard!”

“Then Zhang Dong, do you want to see Assistant Zhang? Is he outside the door now?” the servant


Zhang Shengguo clenched his fist tightly, “See you at what? You tell him, I don’t see him, and I don’t

know what to do with Mr. Fu, I…”

“I’m afraid it won’t do what you want, Director Zhang, I’ve already come in. Now, I wish that you don’t

want to see me, Director Zhang, so you can only see me.” Assistant Zhang walked in with a bodyguard

and a lawyer with a smile.

His smile landed on Zhang Shengguo’s father and daughter’s eyes, but it was like a demon urging their

lives and souls, making the father and daughter sluggish.

Especially Zhang Shengguo.

He didn’t want to see Assistant Zhang, and wanted to use escape to resolve the immediate crisis.

But unexpectedly, Assistant Zhang came in without saying hello.

But his wish naturally became hot.

In the end, I don’t know what Assistant Zhang said to Zhang Shengguo’s father and daughter.

When Assistant Zhang left, the father and daughter seemed to have lost their souls, sitting on the sofa

without responding for a long time.

Assistant Zhang, looking at the signed document in his hand, smiled and pushed down his glasses, as

if the fox had succeeded.

An hour later, he came to Fu Jingting’s apartment.

“Mr. Fu, on the Zhang family’s side, I have solved it. Zhang Shengguo signed the document. After a

while, someone will short their stock market, and then the Zhang family will disappear in the sea

market.” Assistant Zhang said The document was handed to Fu Jingting.

After Fu Jingting took it, he didn’t look at it, and threw it on the coffee table, “I see.”

In fact, it stands to reason that the Zhang family’s calculations on him are not enough to pay such a

painful price.

However, before Assistant Zhang went to the Zhang family to deal with the rumor incident, he

accidentally discovered that the Zhang family was also involved in the turmoil of Tiancheng six years


Six years ago, Zhang Shengguo, taking advantage of Tiancheng’s shaky years, made a sum of money,

wanting to short Tiansheng’s last stock market and drain Tiansheng’s last blood.

But in the end, because of Zhang Shengguo’s small amount of funds, he couldn’t completely absorb

Tiancheng’s blood, so Tiancheng was able to retain a ray of life and not completely bankrupt at that


But Rong Hao still owed a lot of debt and finally committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Although he did not understand how Rong Hao was suddenly so vulnerable six years ago that he

committed suicide because of debts, what was certain was that Zhang Shengguo also contributed to

Rong Hao’s suicide.

So when he brought down the Zhang family this time, it was considered a revenge for Rong Shu.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t know that besides the Gu family, she has other enemies.

“One more thing, Mr. Fu.” Assistant Zhang didn’t care that Fu Jingting didn’t read the documents.

The file was there anyway, and he could read it whenever he wanted.

“What’s the matter?” Fu Jingting rubbed his eyebrows, then leaned over and poured himself a glass of


Assistant Zhang stood beside him and replied respectfully, “There are still two days before the 80th

birthday banquet of the old lady. You ordered a dress for Miss Rong before, and now the dress is in

customs, and now you have to give it to Miss Rong. Is it?”

Hearing this, Fu Jingting’s drinking water paused, then raised his eyelids, apparently remembering that

this was the case.

He frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

If it were changed to today, he would definitely let someone send a gift to Rong Shu in someone else’s


But now, he doesn’t want to die, he wants to be with her.

Therefore, he naturally did not want to do it.

It’s just that he had said nothing before, not only saying that he disliked her poor care, but also said that

she should not appear in front of him in the future.

Then, if he sent it in his own name, she might not accept it.

Fu Jingting rubbed his brows and felt a hint of regret in his heart.

I regret that I gave up too early to find my heart, and I also regret that I broke with Rong Shu too soon.

If he had known that he would be reluctant to accept reality and die in the end, he would definitely not


Looking at Fu Jingting, who was exuding black aura, Assistant Zhang’s glasses were reflective, and he

roughly guessed what he was thinking.

He had said at the beginning that Mr. Fu should not give up so early and think about it again.

The results of it?

I didn’t listen to him at all, so much so that I regret it now!

With a helpless sigh, Assistant Zhang said, “Mr. Fu, if you don’t have a dress, should I send it over?”

“Huh?” Fu Jingting turned to look at him, obviously wanting to know his reason.

Assistant Zhang shrugged his shoulders lightly and said, “You no longer intend to accept the

arrangement of fate, but have decided to find your heart and continue to live, so I think you definitely

don’t intend to continue estranged from Miss Rong now, you are thinking How to approach Miss Rong

and change the relationship with Miss Rong back to the way you were in hospital, but I don’t know what

to do, right?”

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

Assistant Zhang knew that he was right, and said again, “Isn’t this dress the best stepping stone? You

can send the dress over. How about testing Miss Rong’s attitude first?”

Fu Jingting listened to his words and raised his chin slightly. After hesitating, “What you said makes

sense, so let’s try it.”

“Okay, then I’ll have someone go to customs to get the dress back.” Assistant Zhang said.

Fu Jingting hummed, “Go.”

Assistant Zhang nodded and turned to leave.

Lu’s Group.

After Rong Shu parked the car, she walked into the hall.

She seldom came here, at least not as much as Lu Qi went to Tiancheng.

Therefore, most of the people here do not know her.

So she can’t go upstairs directly like Lu Qi went to Tiancheng, but go to the front desk to register.

“Hello, I want to see you, President Lu.” Rong Shu said standing in front of the front desk.

The front desk took out the registration list, “Hello, Miss, please state your name and I’ll make an

appointment for you.”

“Rong Shu.” Rong Shu said her name.

The front desk moved for a while, and finally looked up at her quickly, staring at her face all the time, as

if confirming something.

After a while, the front desk took back the registration list and said enthusiastically to Rong Shu, “It

turned out to be Miss Rong.”

“You know me?” Rong Shu was surprised.

The front desk nodded, “Mr. Lu instructed the front desk to let us all write down your name and face,

Miss Rong, as long as you come, you don’t need to inform him, just let you go up, but Miss Rong, I’m

sorry, today, Mr. Not in the company.”

“Not in the company?” Rong Shu frowned, “Where is he?”

Chapter 502 Secret Base

“I don’t know about this.” The front desk shook his head, “Miss Rong, you can call and ask.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Rong Shu’s mouth, “Okay, please.”

She turned and walked outside.

Back in the car, Rong Shu took out her mobile phone and dialed Lu Qi’s number.

However, what came over the phone was not Lu Qi’s voice, but a cold mechanical female voice, “Hello,

the number you dialed has been switched off, please call again later…”

Rong Shu frowned and turned the phone from the phone. Take it off the ear,


Is it still off?

What the hell is wrong with him?

Biting her lower lip, Rong Shu stretched out her finger, tapped the screen a few times, and made

another call, this time to Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu’s phone was not turned off and was answered quickly.

Mrs. Lu’s gentle voice came, “Shu Shu, why did you remember to call your aunt?”

Rong Shu smiled and replied, “I miss you, I want to ask you something by the way.”

“What do you want to say.” Lu The lady is sitting on the sofa, sipping coffee gracefully.

Rong Shu leaned back on the seat, “It’s such an aunt, I want to know if Aqi is at home?”

“Aqi?” Mrs. Lu shook her head, “He’s not here, at this time, he’s in the company. “

He’s not in the company.” Rong Shu rubbed her temples and returned.

Mrs. Lu put down the coffee, “Not at the company?”


Mrs. Lu pondered for a while, “That should be him going out to socialize, or inspecting the factory

department, Shushu, if you are looking for him, just call him and ask. Ah.”

“I called, and his phone was turned off.” Rong Shu said helplessly, holding her forehead.

Mrs. Lu shrugged, “Then I can’t do anything about it, that child is sometimes very stubborn. He wants

to hide, but no one can find him. By the way, Shushu, you can’t find him, plus he Suddenly

disappeared, are you having a conflict?”

Rong Shu replied blankly: “No, Aqi and I didn’t have a conflict. He called me before, and we had a good

conversation, but later he My mood suddenly went wrong, and that’s what happened after that, so I’m

also very puzzled.”

“What did you guys talk about, can you tell my aunt? My aunt can help you analyze it.” Mrs. Lu


Rong Shu nodded in agreement, and then roughly explained the content of the phone call between

herself and Lu Qi.

After Mrs. Lu listened, she suddenly fell into silence.

Rong Shu’s heart sank, “Auntie, why didn’t you speak? Did I really offend Ah Qi?”

“No.” Mrs. Lu smiled, but her expression was a little helpless, “You didn’t offend him, yes His own


“His own problem?” Rong Shu tilted her head, becoming more and more incomprehensible, and asked,

“Auntie, do you know what happened to Ah Qi?”

“Almost . , That kid, I know that I missed it again.” Madam Lu sighed, “Actually, I said at the beginning,

let him show his courage, don’t hide it, but he doesn’t listen to it every time, it’s okay now, and again

There is no hope anymore, I see, he did all of this himself.”

“Auntie…” Hearing Madam Lu’s words, Rong Shu felt a little subtle in her heart, she vaguely guessed

something, but was not sure.

Mrs. Lu said again: “Okay Shushu, don’t worry about that stinky boy, let him hide, he will come back by

himself after a while, I’ll hang up first, I have an appointment with a few wives to go out to do Beauty,

it’s almost time now.”

“Okay.” Rong Shu nodded.

After the call, she threw the phone on the co-pilot, raised her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Regardless of Aqi?

How could it be possible.

She and Lu Qi’s friend of more than 20 years grew up together, and this time Lu Qi suddenly became

wrong, and it seemed to have something to do with her.

So, she had to find him no matter what.

Rong Shu tapped lightly with her fingers beside her temple, thinking about where Lu Qi might go.

Missing you for a while, her eyes suddenly widened and her body suddenly sat up straight.

She thought about it.

She thought of a place where Aqi might go.

That’s the park they used to go to.

She remembered that when she was eight years old, she was slapped on the face by Li Xiuzhi once,

and then ran out of the house sadly, and happened to meet Lu Qi who came to the Rong family villa to

play with her.

When Lu Qi learned that she had been beaten, he scolded Li Xiuzhi, and while Li Xiuzhi was in a hurry

to fight back with a broom, Lu Qi grabbed her and ran out of the villa, and then took her to a park.

That park was an abandoned park and Lu Qi’s secret base. There, she could talk and laugh as much

as she wanted, and she couldn’t hear Li Xiuzhi saying she was noisy, and she couldn’t see Li Xiuzhi’s

disgusting eyes.

So in the end, it also became her secret base.

Every time Lu Qi called her and asked her out to play, they would meet at the secret base.

It can be said that the secret grassroots carried all the happy memories of her and Lu Qi’s childhood

and adolescence.

But I don’t know when, she never went to their secret base again?

Counting the time, it seems like six years ago.

Since she married Fu Jingting six years ago, she has never been there again.

If it wasn’t for Ah Qi’s sudden disappearance this time, she might not even remember, they still have a

secret base.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Shu felt a little ashamed in her heart, then put the gear on and started the


About forty minutes later, the car stopped at an old abandoned BC.

Rong Shu opened the door and got out of the car. She looked up at the rusted park sign with two words

missing. She was slightly raised recently, and a flash of nostalgia flashed .

After six years, she finally came to this place, full of laughter and laughter.

Looking back, Rong Shu raised her feet and walked into the park.

As she walked, she looked at the environment of the park to see if it was different from the past.

Soon, Rong Shu walked to the innermost part of the park, and on an old swing, she saw the person

she was looking for.

Lu Qi turned his back to her and lowered his head slightly. He grabbed the iron chains on both sides of

the swing with both hands, tapped his feet on the ground back and forth, and swayed the swing.

Rong Shu walked over on high heels.

Lu Qi heard the sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground, his toes stopped lightly, and the

swinging swing stopped immediately.

He loosened the chains on both sides and sat up straight, then turned his head slowly.

He thought that the person who came was some kind of stranger, who came in out of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, what he saw when he turned his head was Rong Shu.

Lu Qi immediately stood up from the swing, or looked at her in surprise or surprise, “Baby, why are you


“Surprise?” Rong Shu asked without answering.

Lu nodded, “Of course, you haven’t been here for many years. I thought you had forgotten about it, so

what the hell did you think about coming here?”

he asked.

Rong Shu’s red lips moved, and she said, “I couldn’t find you, so I started to tell the truth about where

you’re going, and then I thought of this place. I didn’t expect you to be here.”

Lu Qi was very excited. , “So, you came here specifically to find me?”

“Yeah.” Rong Shu nodded, “You suddenly hung up the phone in a bad mood. I was a little worried, so I

went to your company to find you first. The front desk of your company said you weren’t here, and I

didn’t know where to go, so I’ll give it to you. You called, but your mobile phone was turned off, so I

contacted my aunt again and asked if you were at home, but you were still not there, so I finally found

this place.”

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