Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 483-484

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Chapter 483 Don’t Do Stupid Things

Even Lu Qi opened his mouth and couldn’t speak at this moment. He felt very uncomfortable and

couldn’t calm down.

The baby was not the child of Uncle Rong and his wife, but was adopted by Aunt Rong and his wife

from an orphanage. How could there be such a bloody thing!

Babe had suspected her identity before, but later went to Nanjiang to confirm that Babe was born by

Aunt Rong and his wife, and they were very happy at the time.

But now…

Lu Qi looked at Rong Shu with his head down and his whole body was depressed, and he was a little

worried, “Baby…”

“Auntie.” Rong Shu suddenly stood up, clenched the box in his hand and asked, “Here , what is it?”

Mrs. Lu shook her head, “I don’t know the specifics. I have never opened it. After all, it was left to you

by your mother. You want to know what it is, and you can open it when you go back. Right.”

Rong Shu didn’t speak anymore.

Mrs. Lu took her hand, “Okay Shushu, don’t think too much, you have to learn to accept many things

calmly, let’s go, it’s time to eat.”

After speaking, Mrs. Lu took Rong Shu to the restaurant.

Lu Qi looked at the backs of the two of them, then looked at the box that Rong Shu had put down, and

finally followed him with a fist.

During this meal, Rong Shu had no taste, and the whole person was not in a good state. Even Mrs. Lu

and Lu Qi could not be quiet.

So much so that in the huge restaurant, except for the slight collision of tableware and chopsticks and

the sound of chewing, there is no other sound, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily depressing and


Father Lu didn’t know what was going on. He didn’t like the atmosphere very much. He had to speak

when he put down his chopsticks.

When Mrs. Lu noticed it, she narrowed her eyes and gave him a warning look, signaling him to shut up.

Father Lu had bronchitis. After being stared at by Mrs. Lu, he lowered his head, picked up his

chopsticks again and continued to eat, without saying anything more.

After some time, dinner was over.

Rong Shu picked up the box, said goodbye to Mrs. Lu and Father Lu, and then walked towards the

door of the villa.

Mrs. Lu hurriedly signaled to Lu Qi, “Go and see Shu Shu off, it is very dangerous for Shu Shu to drive

in this state.”

“I don’t need you to tell me.” As soon as Lu Qi’s voice fell, she rushed out.

After chasing outside the villa, Lu Qi saw that Rong Shu was walking without looking at his feet, and

was caught under his feet, almost tripping over.

His face tightened, he stepped forward quickly, grabbed her arm, pulled her unbalanced body back,

and asked nervously, “Baby, are you all right?”

Rong Shu blinked her eyes. Still looked at him with no expression, finally shook her head, and replied

in a hoarse voice, “It’s okay, I’ll go first.”

She took out the car key and poked at the door.

Lu Qi looked at her operation, his eyebrows were raised high, “Baby, do you know what you are


Rong Shu continued to poke the car door with the key as if she hadn’t heard it.

Lu Qi couldn’t stand it any longer, and snatched the car key from her hand, “Okay, baby, let me come,

you are not in the state now, you can’t even tell the car key and the door key, let you drive, I’m not at

ease, so I’ll drive you back, okay, get in the car.”

He pressed the car key and unlocked the door.

Rong Shu pursed her red lips and said nothing, walking around the front of the car towards the co-pilot.

Because she herself knew that in her state, she couldn’t drive.

The car quickly left the villa area, entered the bustling city, and drove towards Repulse Bay.

Along the way, Rong Shu was still very quiet and didn’t say a word.

Lu Qi watched her from time to time out of the corner of his eyes and wanted to say something several

times, but in the end he closed his mouth and said nothing.

When Repulse Bay arrived, Rong Shu got out of the car and walked towards the apartment building

with the box, when Lu Qi suddenly opened the door and got out of the car, stood beside the car, and

shouted to Rong Shu, “Wait a minute.”

Rong Shu stopped. Without looking back, he just asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lu Qi walked over, walked behind her, and stopped about two steps away, “Baby, tonight…”

Rong Shu suddenly turned her head towards him With a reluctant smile, “I know what you want to say.

You want to persuade me to accept my identity and not be influenced by this fact and then do stupid

things, right?”

“You guessed it.” Lu Qi was embarrassed scratched his hair.

Rong Shu hummed, “I guessed it, you are very straightforward, it’s hard to guess if you don’t think

about it.”

“Then baby you…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t do stupid things, I just need time to calm down. , after all, suddenly knowing that I

am not a child of the Rong family, it was a big blow to me, so Aqi, go back, I need to be alone for a

while.” Rong Shu turned her head back, closed her eyes slightly, her voice extremely tired say.

Lu Qi also knew that she needed to be quiet at this time to adapt to the change in her identity, and

nodded in agreement, “Okay, I’ll see you again tomorrow morning.”

“Well.” Rong Shu responded and continued to walk forward.

Lu Qi stood there and looked at her until he saw her figure entering the elevator, and then he turned to

the side of the loop.

Just as he walked in front of his car, a figure suddenly crossed and stopped him, “Mr. Lu, we want to

talk to you.”

Lu Qi stopped and looked at Assistant Zhang in front of him, frowning. “It’s you? It’s so late, why are

you here?”

“It’s none of Mr. Lu’s business. Mr. Lu should come with me first.” Assistant Zhang pushed his glasses

and replied quietly.

Lu Qi sneered, “If you let me go, I’ll go with you, am I so shameless?”

Assistant Zhang narrowed his eyes, “So Mr. LuAre you going with me? “

“That’s right. “Lu Qi raised his chest,” Fu Jingting wanted to talk to me, he should have come to see me

in person, there is no reason for me to see him, so if he doesn’t come, I won’t go. “

“Well, since that’s the case, then I’ll just do it myself and take you there, Mr. Lu.” After speaking,

Assistant Zhang rubbed his hands twice and approached Lu Qi.

Lu Qi’s pupils shrank, his face changed suddenly, and he stepped back, “What do you want to do? I

warn you Zhang Cheng, you dare to be rough with me, I… I rely on me! Before

he finished speaking, Assistant Zhang suddenly came behind him like a ghost, then quickly grabbed

both of his hands and cut them behind his back.

Lu Qitong’s face was deformed, and he turned his head towards Assistant Zhang scolded, “I rely on

Zhang Cheng, remember it for me, I will kill you when I get the chance. “

“Just your small body?” Assistant Zhang lowered his head and glanced at Lu Qi disdainfully.

Lu Qi was trembling with anger, “You…”

“Okay, Mr. Lu, stop yelling, come with me to see President Fu. Assistant Zhang interrupted him, then

escorted him to the side of the road not far away.

Assistant Zhang led the landing to the bright black Mercedes-Benz on the side of the road.

The window of the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz rolled down, revealing Fu Jingting’s picture Slightly

pale, but with an extremely beautiful face.

Probably because he was afraid that Rong Shu would see and recognize him when he came in a

Maybach, so he specially changed to a low-key car this time.

Fu Jingting tilted his head slightly and looked out, Zhang The assistant released Lu Qi, “Mr. Fu,

someone brought it here. “

Fu Jingting snorted, and then his eyes fell on Lu Qi.

Lu Qi was moving his aching arm, and when he noticed that Fu Jingting was looking at him, he

immediately opened his eyes and stared back, “Fu Jingting, you ask me Zhang Cheng to take me with

you.” Come here, what do you want to talk to me about? “

“I ask you, what happened to Rong Shu?” “Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and asked in a deep voice.

Chapter 484 Substitutes

When Rong Shu got off the car just now, it was very different from usual, and anyone with a discerning

eye would know that there was something wrong with his emotions.

He was worried that something had happened to her.

Listening to Fu Jingting’s words, Lu Qi stopped moving his arms, looked at Fu Jingting with a sneer,

and said, “I said Fu Jingting, I heard baby, didn’t you let go of her, and you are still alienating her these

two days, So what do you mean by asking these now? Why, don’t you want to let go?”

Fu Jingting’s eyes darkened, “This is not your question, you just need to answer me, what’s wrong with

Rong Shu?”

“Why should I To answer you? Since you chose to let go, everything about the baby has nothing to do

with you, and you have no right to ask.” Lu Qi wrapped his arms around his arms, as if I won’t say, how

can you take me.

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, “Lu Qi, do you think I can’t

know if you don’t tell me?”

Lu Qi looked startled, “What do you mean?”

“I know Rong Shu is going tonight. Because of your house, so…”

Fu Jingting picked up the phone and made a direct call out.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Lu Qi’s familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, “Mr.


“Mom?” Lu Qi was stunned when he heard this voice, and looked at Fu Jingting in disbelief. “Why do

you have my mother’s phone number and still have contact with my mother?”

Assistant Zhang rolled his eyes and replied with a smile, “Don’t you know, Mr. Lu, Lingtang and our wife

used to be college classmates.”

“I Mom and Fu Jingting are college classmates?” Lu Qi was so shocked that his voice broke, “How is

this possible?”

“That’s the truth.” Assistant Zhang spread his hands, “Not only are they college classmates, they used

to have a good relationship. Besides, Lingtang The beauty salon was jointly established with our wife,

but after the death of our wife, our wife’s share of the shares will be inherited by our President Fu, so

President Fu and Lingtang can also be regarded as partners, and there is no contact information for

Lingtang. Strange.”

After listening to Assistant Zhang’s explanation, Lu Qi’s mouth twitched, “Damn, there’s actually such a


And he didn’t know anything about it.

In the car, after hearing Mrs. Lu’s answer, Fu Jingting’s expression changed slightly, “What? Did you tell

Rong Shu her identity?”

Outside the car, Lu Qi heard Fu Jingting’s words, and immediately stepped out of the car window and

grabbed the car. He stared at Fu Jingting on the edge of the bed by the window, and quickly asked, “Fu

Jingting, do you know that the baby is not the child of the Rong family?”

Fu Jingting ignored him, and just said to the other end of the phone, “I understand, please trouble you.

” Fu Jingting put down the phone.

Lu Qi gritted his teeth and repeated, “Fu Jingting, did you already know that the baby is not the

biological child of the Rong family?”

“It has nothing to do with you.” After he finished speaking, he turned his attention to Assistant Zhang,

“Drive. “

Yes.” Assistant Zhang responded and pulled Lu Qi away from Fu Jingting’s car door.

Fu Jingting closed the car window.

Lu Qi patted the window angrily, “Fu Jingting, don’t go. Open the window and make it clear how did you

know that the baby is not a child of the Rong family, and when did you know it, Fu Jingting, please


Fu Jingting naturally He heard Lu Qi’s questioning, but he ignored it and closed his eyes, not knowing

what he was thinking.

Outside, Assistant Zhang also opened the driver’s door and sat up, then drove away under Lu Qi’s

angry gaze.

Lu Qi, who had eaten a face of car exhaust, jumped his feet in anger.

Assistant Zhang saw Lu Qi’s claws and claws in the rearview mirror, a playful smile flashed in his eyes,

but it disappeared quickly, looking at the mirror of the car door, at the man in the back seat, “Mr. Fu,

really Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lu actually knew that Miss Rong was not the child of Rong Hao’s husband

and wife, and she told Miss Rong.”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “I really didn’t expect that.”

He thought that the secret that Rong Shu was not a child of the Rong family, only Rong Hao and his

wife knew.

And their husband and wife have been dead for so long, this secret will be buried forever in the ground

and will never be discovered again.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lu was actually questioned by an insider and told Rong Shu.

I just don’t know why Mrs. Lu told Rong Shu.

Assistant Zhang saw Fu Jingting frowning with a pensive expression on his face. After thinking about it,

he said again, “Mr. Fu, do you think Mrs. Lu told Miss Rong that Miss Rong was actually born by Gu

Yaotian’s husband and wife?”

“No “Fu Jingting shook his head slightly, “I just tested her, and she told me that Rong Shu was brought

back from the orphanage by Rong Hao, so I guess that Mrs. Lu should not know that Rong Shu was

not from the orphanage, but Rong Hao. It was taken away from Gu Yaotian and his wife, maybe even

Rong Shu’s adoptive mother, Ms. Fan Lina didn’t know.”

“That Rong Hao is really serious enough to hide it, even his original wife.” Assistant Zhang said in a

stupefied voice.

Fu Jingting pursed his lips, “I’m curious, why did Rong Hao keep Rong Shu and raise him as his own


Hearing this, Assistant Zhang nodded quickly, “Yes, yes, I’m also curious about this. At that time, the

Rong and Gu family had become enemies of life and death. Not only did Gu Yaotian stole Tiancheng’s

technical information, causing Tiancheng to almost go bankrupt, he also forced to death a technician

under Rong Hao’s hands, so Rong Hao stole Miss Rong, I wanted to kill Miss Rong to take revenge on

Gu Yaotian, but at the last moment, Rong Shu not only didn’t do that, but instead left Miss Rong to

raise her, which is really incomprehensible.”

Fu Jingting tapped his fingers lightly on his knees and said nothing.

Assistant Zhang suddenly asked, “By the way, Mr. Fu, Miss Rong suddenly knew that she was not the

child of the Rong family, and she must be in a bad mood. Let’s just go like this and not worry about it, is

it really okay?”

“I know Rong Shu, she is really in pain at this time, but she doesn’t need others to care, what she

needs is quietness, and she also has to rely on her own reason and mentality to accept this fact, rather

than rely on others to comfort her. The comfort of others is always an external force, and it is also

fragile. It is easy to make her heart bounce back, so accepting it by yourself is the most stable heart,

and I believe her, she will come out soon and accept this fact. “Fu Jingting curled his lips slightly and

said in a low voice, his eyes did not hide his confidence in Rong Shu.

Seeing that Fu Jingting believed so strongly in Rong Shu, Assistant Zhang shrugged and was


On the other side, Repulse Bay.

After Rong Shu returned to the apartment, she threw herself on the sofa, stared at the ceiling out of

focus, and blinked for a long time, proving that she was not a puppet, but a living person.

Everything she learned at the Lu family tonight was a huge blow to her.

She is not her parents’ daughter, but a substitute for her parents’ daughter.

Her identity is replaced, all the pets she enjoys are also replaced, even her name is replaced.

She never knew that she was actually a substitute.

And everything he owns comes from that child, that real Rong Shu.

Rong Shu’s eyes gradually turned red, and a tear slid down the corner of her eye and landed on the

sofa, moistening the small piece.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the box she had thrown on the

coffee table. Thinking that it was something her mother had left for her, she hurriedly sat up, reached

out and grabbed the box, then slowly opened it. .

She wondered what was in the box.

Why did mom leave this box for her.

Soon, the box was opened. Unexpectedly, it was not a photo or something like a paternity test as Rong

Shu thought, but a CD.

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