Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 433-434

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Chapter 433

Li Chuan nodded, “I don’t need you to tell me, but you are a sports car, and you are faster. You go to

intercept Ye Yu and the others first, and we will rush over immediately.

” go with.

In the traffic jam section, Ye Yu’s driver frowned and returned to the convoy.

“Fourth Young Master, it’s a little troublesome.” The driver said with a solemn expression, “There has

been a series of rear-end collisions ahead. It is estimated that it will take one or two hours to

clear the road.” “One or two hours?” It’s twisted, “Why so long?”

“No way, there are too many rear-ending cars.” The driver replied helplessly.

Ye Yu looked left and right, saw the endless cars in front, and then looked at the back of the car, which

began to block into a long queue one after another, his face was very ugly.

This situation of not being able to move forward and not going back is simply terrible.

“No, we can’t continue to block here, otherwise, Ye Hanchuan and Fu Jingting will chase after them.”

Ye Yu clenched his fists and said in a gloomy voice.

The driver also thought that would be the case, looked at him and asked, “The four young masters,

what should we do now?”

Ye Yu lowered his eyes and seemed to be thinking about this question.

After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and replied, “Abandon the car!”

“Abandon the car?”

“That’s right, the car can’t get in, and it can’t go back. In order not to be chased, the only way to

abandon the car is to take the mountain road.”

” Take the mountain road to Yunwu Mountain?” The driver was surprised.

Ye Yu stared at him coldly, “Otherwise?”

“But the mountain road is too far, and within a few hours, it is absolutely impossible to reach Yunwu

Mountain.” The driver said.

Ye Yu rubbed his temples, “I know, but this is the only way, and the mountains and forests are

overgrown with weeds and lush trees, which are the best shelters. Even if Ye Hanchuan and the others

know that we have entered the mountains, it is absolutely difficult to find them. We.” The

driver took a deep breath and finally nodded, “I know about the four young masters, so I’ll make

arrangements and set off immediately.”

“Yeah.” Ye Yu turned the wrench of his thumb, and lowered his eyes in response.

The driver walked towards the van, raised his hand and knocked on the driver’s window.

The window rolled down, and the big man driving stuck his head out, “What’s the matter?”

“Fourth Young Master said, we will immediately abandon the car and take the mountain road to Yunwu

Mountain.” The driver replied.

“Take the mountain road?” The big man gasped, “It’s quite a long way.”

“No way, if you continue to gamble, people will chase you.” When the driver said this, he glanced at the

back seat.

Seeing that there was no one in the back seat, his face changed greatly, and his voice became sharp,

“Where is the person?”

“What?” The big man in the co-pilot and the big man in the co-pilot asked together.

The driver pointed to the back seat, “It’s the woman in your car!”

“Isn’t it in the back, it’s stuck under the seat.” The big man in the co-pilot pointed back boredly.

The driver stretched his head in, and finally saw Rong Shu, he couldn’t help laughing, “Why is she

stuck there?” The big man in the

co-pilot patted the big man in the driver’s seat on the shoulder, “It’s not big brother, A sharp turn threw

the woman off.”

“So it is.” The three laughed.

Rong Shu in the back was so angry and embarrassed, her whole face turned red.

She knew it was hilarious that she was stuck here.

But listening to these people mocking her, she was really angry and irritable.

But no matter how angry you can be, it’s not like you can’t do anything, you can only watch these

people take yourself as a joke.

Fortunately, these people did not laugh for long, and soon calmed down.

The driver said with a serious face, “Okay, you two quickly arrange her and hurry up.”

“Okay, we got it.” The two big men in the van nodded.

The driver turned and left.

The two big men opened the door and got out of the car, and then, with Rong Shu’s fearful eyes,

opened the door of the back seat and reached out to grab her.

Rong Shu shook her head violently, obviously not wanting to be touched by them.

She knew that they wanted to get her out of the car and take her into the mountains.

She didn’t want to go into the mountains, and she couldn’t.

The car was blocked here, and it was possible for Fu Jingting to chase after him, but once he entered

the mountain, it would be useless for Fu Jingting to chase after him.

So whatever she said, she couldn’t be brought into the mountains by them.

However, Rong Shu thinks well, but the reality is often cruel. She is just a woman, and she is still tied

up. How can she fight two tall men, not to mention, even if she is not tied, she can’t fight. .

In the end, Rong Shu was forcibly dragged out of the car by two men.

Then one of the big men took off his coat and put it on Rong Shu’s head.

The coat was very long, covering Rong Shu like a sheet, covering her from head to tail.

In this way, people outside can’t see her appearance, nor can they see the rope on her body.

“Uuuuu…” Rong Shu twisted violently, trying to shake the jacket off her body.

In this case, maybe passers-by will save her when they see her being tied up.

Although he had suffered a human indifference outside the hospital before.

But she believes that not all human nature is indifferent, there are always warm-hearted people.

The two big men who just grabbed her, saw her intention, and suddenly shot, pinching Rong Shu’s arm


Rong Shu groaned in pain, and her face turned pale under her coat.

It can be seen that these two big men are working hard.

And the two big men hadn’t let her go. They leaned close to her ear and warned in a cold voice, “You’re

doing these little tricks. Believe not, I took off your arm?”

Rong Shu’s body suddenly tense. Get up, eyes wide.

These two people actually seem to take off her arms!

Seeing that Rong Shu was no longer moving, the two big men loosened the strength on her arms a

little, and then took her to the shore of Ye Yu.


It’s better to say that it is walking, it is better to say that it is carried away by two big men.

Because her feet were tied tightly together, she couldn’t walk away, so she walked by herself, she

couldn’t walk at all, she could only be carried away.

However, this journey has attracted the attention and curiosity of many people. After all, the two big

men brought a person who was wrapped tightly and could not see clearly between men and women.

This scene, no matter how you looked at it, was not normal.

So there was a daring driver who couldn’t help but asked, “Hey guys, what are you doing?” The

two big men heard it, but they ignored it and continued to walk forward.

When the driver saw them ignoring him, he consciously lost face and became a little unhappy. He got

out of the car and shouted with a bad expression, “Hey, what about you guys, are you guys covered?

And depending on your height, it’s probably still a woman, you guys. Could it be a human trafficker who

specializes in abducting women and children?”

These words made the two big men stop.

When the driver saw this, he was even more certain that he had guessed correctly. He pointed at them

and said indignantly, “Okay, you are really human traffickers, you…”

Just when the driver was about to say that you should release the people quickly, or else they will call

the police, one of the big men suddenly turned around and took out something from his pocket, giving a

sullen warning, ” If you dare to talk nonsense again, I promise, today is your last day!”

“…” The driver was shocked, his eyes bulged, and he looked at the big man with a horrified face,

sweating profusely on his forehead. With his mouth open, he couldn’t say a word, and his body was


At this moment, he was not only frightened by the words of the big man, but also frightened by the thing

that the big man took out.

Chapter 434

Although not all the thing was taken out, only half of it was taken out, but the driver also recognized

what it was, Mu Cang!

These human traffickers actually have wooden warehouses!

The driver shivered and looked at them with an extremely pale face. His mouth trembled uncontrollably,

as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t make a sound, as if his throat had been strangled.

“Okay, big brother, don’t waste your time with him. Judging from his appearance, he should be

frightened by you and won’t do anything that will make our plan go wrong.” Another big man reminded.

The big man who threatened the driver nodded, “Okay, let’s go.”

He turned around again, and took Rong Shu to meet Ye Yu.

After they were far away, the driver breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground, patted his still

beating heart, and was glad that he had saved his life.

Over there, Ye Yu saw two big men bringing Rong Shu over, and waved his hand, “Let’s go.”

Then the group climbed over the guardrail and walked towards a path leading to the mountain.

Not long after their forefoot left, Fu Jingting appeared beside the car they abandoned.

Looking at the empty and empty van, Fu Jingting’s heart sank to the bottom.

What about people?

Why are people not there?

The van that wasn’t photographed must be this one, but there was no one in it.

Fu Jingting clenched his fists tightly and his face was very cold.

He galloped all the way, and finally arrived here, thinking that he could see Rong Shu.

However, what I saw was an empty car!


Fu Jingting couldn’t hold back his anger and punched the van directly.

Due to the excessive force, the door of the van was hammered into a small hole by him.

The van Ulla Ulla sounded an alarm, causing the drivers of other cars in the front and rear to stick their

heads out of the driver’s window to see what happened.

Especially the driver of the car behind the van, when he saw that the van was called, a trace of fear

flashed in his eyes, and his expression also showed a touch of entanglement and hesitation.

However, in the end, this entanglement and hesitation were defeated by the enthusiasm and kindness

in his heart.

He stretched out his hand and beckoned to Fu Jingting, “This handsome guy.”

Fu Jingting turned his head to look, “You called me?” The

driver nodded, “Handsome guy, are you here to save people?” He

heard the word “save people”.

Fu Jingting understood that this driver might know something, and immediately walked over in three or

two steps and stood outside the driver’s door, “How do you know that I am here to save people?”

“I see your expression is very angry and anxious. , so I guess you are here to save people, the woman

who was taken away by the traffickers.” The woman in the

driver’s mouth made Fu Jingting sure that it was Rong Shu. He clenched his fists and asked quickly,

“Yes, I ‘m

here to save her. She’s my wife. Where did they take her?”

I caught up, so I abandoned the car and left.

After all, no one knows when this road will resume normal driving.

“I don’t know where they took the people, but I saw that they went from this road.” The driver pointed to

the protective fence that Ye Ping and his party had climbed over at the time.

Fu Jingting turned his head and glanced at it. He saw the path in the woods behind the guardrail, and

narrowed his eyes.

That road leads to the mountain ahead.

It seems that they took the mountain road.

“I understand, thank you, I will thank you for today’s affairs.” After speaking, Fu Jingting glanced at the

driver’s license plate, took out his mobile phone and made a call while turning over the guardrail, and

chased after him. past.

The phone was quickly connected, and Li Chuan’s voice came, “I know what you’re going to say, I’m

boosting the signal of that number now, because the signal in the mountain is too weak and it’s easy to

be interrupted. I will send you the moving route of the

prey and his group.” He knew that Ye Yu and his group had abandoned the car and entered the

mountain, after all, he could listen to their conversation through Ye Yu’s mobile phone at any time.

When Fu Jingting heard Li Chuan say this, he was relieved and hung up the phone directly.

Because he had already guessed that Li Chuan was a hacker.

And it was the fox man who had always helped Rong Shu.

Fu Jingting held the mobile phone in his hand and ran towards the mountain quickly.

After running for a while, the phone vibrated.

He hurriedly stopped to check his mobile phone, saw the route map sent by Li Chuan, and quickly

clicked on it.

After clicking it, Fu Jingting saw a green dot and a red dot on the map.

He understood that the green dot was himself, and the red dot should be Ye Yu’s group.

“Three kilometers…” Fu Jingting saw that he was still three kilometers away from the red dot, pursed

his thin lips, then raised his feet again and chased forward.

Three kilometers, if you have time, you must catch up.

At this moment, Li Chuan and his party also arrived at the foot of the mountain and started going up the


Three kilometers away, Ye Yu wiped the sweat from his face, looked up, and asked in a breathless

voice, “How long will it take to reach the top of the mountain?”

“It should be half an hour.” Beside him, his driver replied. .

“Water.” Ye Yu stretched out his hand.

The driver opened his backpack and handed him a bottle of water, “Here, four young masters.”

Ye Yu grabbed it, unscrewed the bottle cap, raised his head and took a few sips, then barely dispelled

the tiredness of climbing the mountain, squinted and said, “Notify the people over at Yunwu Mountain

that a helicopter can be sent over to pick us up at the top of the mountain. “

Originally, they planned to take the mountain road until they reached Yunwu Mountain.

However, they received a call later, and the helicopter sent out to do business suddenly returned to

Yunwu Mountain, so it was just right, and they could come and pick them up.

So they went to the top of the mountain instead of going down the other side.

“Okay, I’ll contact that side right away.” The driver nodded, took out his mobile phone and started


Naturally, Li Chuan heard it, and immediately informed Fu Jingting.

When Fu Jingting heard the helicopter, a glint flashed in his eyes.

It reminded him.

Since Ye Yu can let the helicopter go to the top of the mountain, he can also let the helicopter come

over and go directly to the top of the mountain to intercept.

Ye Yu and his party still had less than half an hour to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour

was enough for his helicopter to fly over from Haishi.

Thinking of this, Fu Jingting contacted Assistant Zhang and asked Assistant Zhang to arrange this

matter, and he himself continued to go up the mountain.

In order to shorten the distance with Ye Ping and the others, Fu Jingting did not follow the path that Ye

Ping and the others had traveled.

So in the end, Fu Jingting looked very embarrassed, his hair was messy, and his high-definition suit

was scratched a lot, and even many places were stained with things like mud and moss.

In addition, there were even some minor scratches on his face. Obviously, the climbing and rock

climbing was not smooth, and he even fell.

But the ending was good, he was only a few minutes slower than Ye Yu and reached the top of the


Fu Jingting took out his mobile phone and saw that Ye Yu and the others were now on the other side of

the mountain, not too far from his side, so he hurriedly ran there.

After running for a few minutes, Fu Jingting saw Ye Yu and his party, as well as the strict people who

were covered by two big men.

Through the man’s height, Fu Jingting recognized at once that it was Rong Shu.

“Rong Shu!” Fu Jingting shouted directly.

This is…

Fu Jingting?

Under the coat, Rong Shu, who could not see anything, was stunned for a moment, then surprised and


Fu Jingting is really chasing after him!

This sound instantly silenced Ye Yu and his group, who were still talking, and then turned their heads to

look at Fu Jingting, who was dressed in tatters and was in a state of embarrassment.

Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My

Divorce Chapter 433-434

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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 433-434 novel This Time, I Will Get My Divorce


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