Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 463-464

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Chapter 463 The Mysterious Album

Seeing that she went in so directly, Lu Qi felt that if he didn’t go in, he was simply not a man, not even a


Taking a deep breath, Lu Qi shivered and followed into the old house.

Since the old house has not been inhabited for a long time, it is covered with cobwebs and dust

everywhere. It looks like a haunted house in a movie.

No wonder Ah Qi just said there are no ghosts.

Rong Shu wiped the dust off the table and thought.

“Baby.” Lu Qi’s voice sounded behind him.

Rong Shu patted off the dust in his hand, “What’s wrong?”

“Where are your grandfather’s notes?” Lu Qi asked while waving a long broom he got from


Rong Shu pointed in the direction of the study, “It’s over there, but it’s too dirty here, clean it first, and

then go to look for notes later.”

“It’s time to clean, otherwise I won’t be able to live tonight.” Lu Tou agreed .

Rong Shu opened the suitcase and took out a few towels from it, “Let’s get started.”

“Okay, you clean the tables and chairs, I’ll twist the cobwebs and sweep the floor.” Lu Qi stopped

waving his broom. Say.

Rong Shu hummed, “Okay, that’s it, I’ll fetch water from the well.”

With that, she went to the backyard with a towel.

There is an ancient well, which has water all year round.

Soon, the two began to get busy.

This busy work lasted for several hours, and it was not until four o’clock in the afternoon that the two of

them cleaned the huge yard.

At this moment, the two of them were exhausted and collapsed, and one of them rested on a Taishi


Lu Qi gasped, “Baby, I… I’ve grown so big, and it’s the first time I’ve done so much cleaning. I’m


“I’m sorry Ah Qi, I’ve worked so hard for you, I’ll make something delicious to treat you later.” Rong Shu

also panted tiredly.

Lu Qi nodded with bright eyes, “Okay, I want to eat fish, but is there any fish here?”

“Yes.” Rong Shu sat up straight and rubbed her aching back, “There is a village on the hillside below. ,

there is fish farming in the village chief’s house, and I went to buy it a few years ago, so I can just go to

the village chief’s house to buy it later.”

“That would be great.” Lu Qi clapped his hands happily.

Rong Shu stood up, “Aqi, you go to make the bed first, I’ll go to grandpa’s study to look for notes.”

“Okay.” Lu Qi looked down the room he pointed to.

It seems that tonight, he is staying in that room.

“Then baby, which room do you live in?” Lu Qi turned to look at her, “I made your bed by the way.”

Rong Shu thought that was fine, and pointed to the room opposite him, “That’s the room, that’s the one.

It’s the room I used to be here.”

“Okay.” Lu Qi clapped his hands, and walked over with his suitcase.

Rong Shu didn’t delay, and went straight to the old man’s study.

The study has just been cleaned, and it is spotless and clean now.

Rong Shu came to the old man’s desk and opened the drawer to look for notes.

The notes were not difficult to find, Rong Shu found them in the second drawer.

She flipped through it, and after confirming that it was the one her grandfather asked her to find, she

closed the note and was about to close the drawer and go out.

But just as she was closing the drawer, she suddenly saw something and snorted.

“This is… an album?” Rong Shu saw the pink album in the drawer, which was just pressed down by the

notes, and couldn’t help but reach out and take it out.

This album is small, only the size of a palm, but it is very thick.

But what really aroused Rong Shu’s curiosity was not these, but this album, which she had never seen


Before marrying Fu Jingting, she lived here for a period of time every year, so she knew everything

about the old house.

There are several albums in the old house, and she has seen them all, but she has never seen this one

at all.

And looking at this album is very old, I know that this album has existed for a long time. In fact, it has

been upwards for more than ten years, and it cannot be appeared in the past few years.

After all, six years is not enough to make this album so old, so it wasn’t my grandfather who put it in

during these six years.

But this album, more than ten years ago, has been here all the time, but she never knew about it.

Suddenly, Rong Shu thought of something, and her figure was startled.

She remembered that every time she came to the old house, she could go anywhere, and she could

rummage everywhere, but every time she entered her grandfather’s study, her grandfather would tell

her not to open the drawer of his desk, as if there was something in the drawer. Something, I don’t want

her to see the same.

And in this drawer, except for the note, it’s this photo album, so what I don’t want her to see should be

this photo album.

As for why it’s not a note, that’s because she hasn’t seen her grandpa’s other archaeological notes, so

her grandfather definitely doesn’t mind her reading the archaeological notes, so this album is the only

thing that minds her.

What exactly is in this album that Grandpa won’t let her see?

Rong Shu’s eyes fell on the album in his right hand, and his heart beat fast.

In the end, Rong Shu’s inner curiosity prevailed over reason.

She bit her lower lip, took a deep breath, and whispered in a low voice, “I’ll take a look, it should be fine

to see one or two…” As

she said, she put down the archaeological notes on her left hand and carefully opened the album.

The first thing that caught my eye was a picture of a baby.

The baby was lying in a swaddle, eyes closed, face wrinkled, red, and at first glance it was just born.

In the lower right corner of the photo, there is also a date written.

Looking at the date, Rong Shu laughed, “This is me!”

The date above was her birth date, so there was no need to guess who this baby was, it was her.

“It turns out that when I was first born, I was so ugly, and I was so young that I didn’t look healthy.”

Rong Shu stroked the baby’s face in the photo with her thumb and said with a light smile.

Then, Rong Shu flipped through the next photo.

Still a baby.

In the lower right corner of the photo, the date is still written, which is the date of the second day of her


Is this a photo album of her birth?

Thinking about it, Rong Shu turned to the third page, and sure enough it was still her, and in the lower

right corner was the date of her third day of birth.

This time, Rong Shu was completely sure that this was the album of her birth records, and every photo

on it recorded what she looked like every day after she was born.

And such record albums are not uncommon. Almost many families will take a book for their children.

Some will be photographed until the first year, some will be half a year old, and some will be a hundred


Looking at the thickness of the album in her hand, it should be a record of half a year old.

What Rong Shu couldn’t figure out was that since this was her record album, why did her grandfather

never let her see it?

Rong Shu narrowed her eyes, her heart full of confusion.

But she didn’t think much about it, just thought it was her grandfather who wanted to keep it as a

souvenir, so she didn’t want to show it to her.

But now, the photo album is in her hands, she can look at it by herself, just reminiscing about her


But it’s strange to say that there are no photos of her when she was a child at home, but never when

she was born, so she really doesn’t know what she looked like when she was born.

Rong Shu pulled over the Taishi chair and sat down, and began to look at the photos at the back page

by page.

At first, when she looked at it, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she felt that she was

so cute when she was born.

But I don’t know why, cute is cute, but she doesn’t feel any closeness?

As he looked back, the smile on Rong Shu’s face slowly disappeared, replaced by a face full of shock.

Chapter 464

What exactly is going on?

Who is this baby?

Rong Shu looked at the photo, the pale face, as if the baby had no vital signs, her palms could not help

tightening, her eyes were full of shock, confusion, puzzlement, and even a trace of strangeness that

could not be explained. .

The time in the lower right corner of the photo is her fourth month and five days, but the baby in the

photo is not her.

Except that she hadn’t seen the photos of herself in the first month or two after she was born, she had

seen all the photos after that.

When she was four months old, she didn’t look like this at all!

So the baby in the photo is definitely not her.

But it’s not her, why is the time in the lower right corner consistent with the previous photos?

And it’s not just the dates that are consistent, but the looks of the babies as well.

Let’s not talk about the first month, the baby in the first month can’t see the specific appearance at all.

From the second month onwards, the baby’s appearance begins to show.

And the appearance of the baby in the photo of the fourth month and five days is similar to the baby in

the photo of the second month.

That is, this is not her birth record album at all, and the baby in the photo is not her from the beginning.

She thought it was her, a picture of her when she was born, but it wasn’t.

That’s why she doesn’t feel close.

Yes, if it is me in the photo, how can I not feel close to me.

Because no, there is no.

But why, the birth date of this baby is the same as hers?

Rong Shu bit her lower lip, feeling inexplicably complicated and messy in her heart.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the study.

Rong Shu looked up and saw Lu Qi standing outside the open door, smiling at her, “Baby, haven’t you

found your notes? My bed is already made.”

“I found it.” Rong Shu rubbed his brows and replied.

Lu Qi blinked, “Why didn’t you come out when you found it? Also, your face is not very good, what


He walked in.

Rong Shu pursed her lips and replied, “I found an album.”

“Then what?” Lu Qi asked.

Rong Shu squeezed her palm, “I thought the baby in the album was me, but in the end I found out that

it wasn’t.”

“What do you mean?” Lu Qi didn’t understand.

Rong Shu stood up, closed the album, opened it again, turned to the first glance, pointed at the

newborn baby and said, “Aqi, do you think this is me?”

Lu Qi looked down, then nodded, ” Yes, isn’t it your birthday?”

Rong Shu hummed, “Yes, because of this date, I thought the baby was me, but you look back.”

“What happened next?” Lu Qi Although he asked curiously, he followed suit, turning back page by


When he saw the photos of the baby’s first month, the expression on Lu Qi’s face didn’t change much,

but when he turned to the second month, Lu Qi’s brows furrowed, and then the speed of looking back

was obviously accelerated. .

Seeing his actions, Rong Shu knew that he clearly saw the problem, took a breath and said, “Aqi, do

you still think this baby is me?”

“It’s not you.” Lu Qi replied with a serious expression, “I Four years older than you, I’m afraid I know

better than you what you looked like when you were a child. The baby in this album can’t see the

specific appearance in the first month. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is you, but from the second

Since the beginning of the month, the baby’s appearance has become prominent, and I can see at a

glance that it is not you, and I also know who she is.”

“You know?” Rong Shu looked at him in surprise.

Lu nodded and turned to one of the pictures when the baby was in the fourth month, “Actually, this

baby, as you know, what I told you before was the first time I saw it at the Rong’s house when I was

four years old. , I thought it was your baby.”

When he mentioned it like this, Rong Shu instantly remembered it, and nodded suddenly, “So this is the


“Well, didn’t my mother also say that, this The baby belongs to the relatives and friends of the Rong

family.” Lu Qi looked at the baby in the photo and said.

Rong Shu was still not relieved, “Since it belongs to relatives and friends, why is the date of birth the

same as me? And why does my grandfather want to treasure this baby’s photo so much?”

Although the album is still old, but The photos inside, except for some yellowing, did not even lose

color, which shows how well preserved.

If you don’t take special care to save it, the photo will not have this rendering effect at all.

Lu Qi shook his head, “I don’t know about that, why don’t you ask your grandfather?”

he suggested.

Rong Shu thought about it and closed the photo album, “Okay, I’ll ask when the time comes, alright,

let’s leave this alone, let’s go, let’s go to the village chief’s house to buy fish first.”

“Go.” Speaking of buying Yu, Lu Qi was immediately excited.

Rong Shu put the album back in the drawer, smiled and went out with him.

On the other side, the First Hospital.

Assistant Zhang knocked on the door of Fu Jingting’s ward.

In the ward, Fu Jingting was examining and approving documents. Hearing the voice, he spit out a

word without raising his head, “Come in.”

Assistant Zhang opened the door and went in, “Mr. Fu.”

“What are you doing here at this time?” Fu Jingting raised his eyes Glancing at him, he put his eyes

back on the document and asked in a low voice.

Assistant Zhang came to the hospital bed and said, “That’s it, didn’t you ask me to check Mrs.’s lover

before marriage last time? I found it.”

Hearing this, Fu Jingting pen paused and raised his head abruptly, “What did you say? I found it ?”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded, “This person’s surname is Su, his name is Su Cheng, and he is the

head of the Su family in Jiangcheng. “

It’s actually from the Su family.” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes, his expression a little dignified.

Although the Su family is not comparable to the Fu family, their power is not small, and they are also

the leader in Jiangcheng.

Unexpectedly, the person in my mother’s heart was actually Su Cheng from the Su family.

“I remember, Su Cheng is married, right?” Fu Jingting asked gloomily.

Assistant Zhang replied, “That’s right, twenty years ago, he married the daughter of Jiang Cheng’s Lin

family, and it was because of this incident that his wife committed suicide. Su Cheng and his wife used

to be very good lovers, but in the end Zhong There was a major change in the family. At that time, Su

Cheng was not the heir of the Su family, and he was not even a candidate for succession, so even if he

was the young master of the Su family, he could not help the Zhong family. Therefore, in the end, the

wife broke up with Su Cheng, and then with The master is married.”

Speaking of which, Assistant Zhang glanced at Fu Jingting and said, “After marriage, Madam and Su

Cheng have always been in touch, this Master knows, because Master doesn’t love Madam, so he

doesn’t mind, so Madam There is almost no cover up about the connection with Su Cheng, so I can

find a lot of things when I check it, including that Su Cheng has been waiting for his wife to divorce, but

after ten years of waiting, seeing that his wife can divorce his master, Su Cheng has At that juncture,

the marriage was suddenly announced.”

“So my mother committed suicide due to being greatly stimulated.” Fu Jingting clenched his fists and

said with a cold face.

Assistant Zhang nodded, “Yes.”

“Can you be sure that Su Cheng was the murderer behind my father’s death?” Fu Jingting looked at


This is what he most wants to know.

Assistant Zhang shook his head regretfully, “Sorry, Mr. Fu, no, our investigation team went to the short-

term rental house to look up fingerprints, and our investigation team did find a lot of people’s questions,

but none of them were from Sucheng, so we It is still uncertain that Su Cheng is the one who killed the

master and designed your car accident.”

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