Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 475-476

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Chapter 475

“Contradiction?” Rong Shu frowned suspiciously, “No.”

“Really?” Cheng Huai obviously didn’t believe it.

Rong Shu nodded heavily, “Of course not, but why did you ask that.”

“Of course it was Jing Ting’s attitude just now, it’s too abnormal.” Cheng Huai looked at the room where

Fu Jingting left, squinting slightly, his eyes full of doubts.

Rong Shu also followed, “It’s a little abnormal.”

“Yeah.” Cheng Huai touched his chin, looking like a deep detective, “If it were normal times, Jing Ting

would have seen you approaching me already. Appearing in front of us is disruptive, because he

doesn’t allow you to be with other men, but today he didn’t do that, and looking at his appearance, he

seems very happy to see this situation.”

Rong Shu didn’t say anything. , just biting his lower lip.

Because of what Cheng Huai said, she also saw it.

And it made her feel quite uncomfortable.

“So you guessed that there was a conflict between Fu Jingting and I?” Rong Shu asked while holding

her palm.

Cheng Huai nodded, “That’s right, otherwise I can’t figure out why Jingting did this.”

“Because he let go.” Rong Shu lowered her eyes and replied.

Cheng Huai was stunned, “What?”

“I said, because Fu Jingting gave up, he won’t chase me back anymore.” Rong Shu’s palm tightened.

Cheng Huai was stunned, “Really?”

“Really.” Rong Shu replied with two words.

Cheng Huai’s mouth was wide open, “How is this possible, Jing Ting loves you so much, and he is so

strong, once he decides on something, he will never give up.”

“This is a fact, he said it himself. .” Rong Shu looked at him.

This was what Fu Jingting told her in person the day after she woke up.

He said he would not be pursuing her to be with him anymore.

I don’t know why, but she remembered this sentence very clearly, and she should be happy, after all,

the people she hates don’t bother her anymore.

But the reality was the opposite. She didn’t feel happy. Instead, she was still a little blocked and a little

astringent, and she couldn’t tell the taste.

Looking at the seriousness in Rong Shu’s eyes, Cheng Huai completely believed her now, and believed

what she said, Fu Jingting really didn’t plan to pursue her, and really planned to let go.

But precisely because of his belief, Cheng Huai felt even more incredible and shocked.

“Jing Ting… he actually let go, this…” Cheng Huai opened his mouth, but did not calm down for a


He could guarantee that something must have happened here.

Otherwise, Jing Ting could not give up.

“Okay Cheng Huai, it’s getting late, I’ll go first.” Rong Shu raised her wrist and looked at her watch.

Cheng Huai temporarily suppressed the shock in his heart and laughed again, “I’ll take you back.”

“No, I’ll take a taxi by myself. You and I are not on the way at all. It’s too troublesome to send me back

to my own home.”

Said After finishing, she walked to the side of the road, reached out to stop the car, and then opened

the car door and sat up, waving at him, “Goodbye.”

She completed these series of actions in one go, and did not give him another chance to insist on

sending her.

Cheng Huai sighed helplessly, “Goodbye.”

Rong Shu rolled up the car window, “Master, let’s drive.”

“Okay.” The driver put the gear on and drove away.

Cheng Huai stood on the side of the road, looking at the taxi that was leaving, frowning slightly, not

knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed Fu Jingting’s number.

“What’s the matter?” Fu Jingting’s deep voice came.

Cheng Huai returned to his car, leaned on the door and asked, “Jing Ting, did something happen to


“What do you mean?” Fu Jingting changed into a blue and white striped hospital uniform, sat on the

sofa in the ward, and asked with a frown.

Cheng Huai took a breath, “I mean, is it true that Rong Shu said you’re not going to chase her back?”

“Well.” Fu Jingting nodded, admitting that he did say such a thing.

Cheng Huai’s hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, “Jing Ting, this is not you, you are not the

type to give up easily, so I asked you, did something happen that made you choose to give up?”

“What’s the point of you asking this?” Fu Jingting pursed his lips, and a sneer flashed in his eyes,

“Don’t you like Rong Shu? You should be happy when I give up, so what are you talking about? Hope I

don’t give up? “

Of course I don’t mean that. Of course I’m happy if you give up. After all, one less rival in love means

that my chances of getting Rong Shu are higher, but Fu Jingting, you are my friend, you give up Rong

Shu, and I care about you.” They are two different things, they can’t be confused, I understand you, if

something didn’t happen to you, you would never give up Rong Shu, so Jing Ting, tell me, what

happened to you?” Cheng Huai frowned and said.

Rong Shu lowered her eyelids and replied lightly, “I’m fine, I’m just tired, so I want to give up. If you like

Rong Shu, go after her, I won’t interfere.”

After that, he hung up the phone directly . .

“Hello? Hello?” Cheng Huai called twice to the other end of the phone. After no response, he took the

phone to him and saw that the screen had jumped back to the main menu. He was so angry, “This guy,

still So unpleasant!”

Anxiously scratching his hair, Cheng Huai put down the phone, opened the door and got in the car, it

took a while to regain his composure, frowning in thought.

Intuition told him that something must have happened to Fu Jingting.

And things are not small.

Thinking about it, Cheng Huai made another call and went out.

A yawning, sleepy voice came from the other end of the phone, “Mr. Cheng, are you looking for me?”

“Yes, I have something I need you to inquire about.” Cheng Huai said with a serious expression. He

could hear the seriousness of his tone on the other end of the

phone , and immediately put away his sleepy eyes, and said earnestly, “Please tell me.” “I want you to

inquire in secret, what happened to Fu Jingting recently.” Cheng Huai said. The other end of the phone

nodded, “Okay, Mr. Cheng, I’ll give you the results within two days at the latest.” Cheng Huai hummed

and hung up the phone. In the hospital, Fu Jingting threw away his mobile phone, leaned back on the

back of the sofa, raised his right hand to cover his eyes, and his body was filled with a heavy and lonely

aura. No one knew how painful his heart was when he just said that Cheng Huai would go after Rong

Shu and he would not interfere. If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t live long, who would push his

beloved into another man’s arms. “Mr. Fu.” At this moment, Assistant Zhang pushed open the door of

the ward and entered. Fu Jingting put his hands down from his eyes and looked up at him, “Is it done?”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded. Fu Jingting nodded slightly, then stood up, “You will go through the

discharge procedures in a while.” “What?” Assistant Zhang was stunned for a moment, then looked at

him in surprise, “Mr. Fu, are you going to be discharged from the hospital?” “Well.” Fu Jingting asked

Go to the hospital bed. Assistant Zhang followed behind him, “Why? Your injury hasn’t healed yet, and

it won’t be time for you to be discharged from the hospital.” “It’s the same for healing at home.” Fu

Jingting sat on the edge of the bed, squeezed his eyebrows and said, “The most important thing is that

I I don’t want Rong Shu to take care of me.” “Why?” Assistant Zhang was a little puzzled. At first, Miss

Rong said to take care of Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu was obviously very happy. Because President Fu can get

along with Miss Rong all the time.

But now, why did President Fu change his mind again?

Fu Jingting pursed his lips and said softly, “I’ve let go of Rong Shu, so naturally I shouldn’t continue to

approach her.” After

hearing this, Assistant Zhang instantly understood what he meant, and his heart was full of emotion.

Chapter 476 Fu Jingting’s Indifference

Fu always felt that he only had three years to live, so not only should he let go of Miss Rong, but he

should not even approach Miss Rong.

Because President Fu is afraid that his approach to Miss Rong will affect Miss Rong’s mentality. If as

time goes by, Miss Rong begins to fall in love with President Fu again, and President Fu dies again, it

will hurt Miss Rong as well.

After all, the person you just fell in love with is gone, so what’s the harm?

President Fu is worried about this, so now he plans to alienate Miss Rong.

“Okay, Mr. Fu, I understand. I’ll go through the discharge procedures in a while.” Assistant Zhang

sighed and agreed.

Fu Jingting waved his hand slightly, “Go.”

Assistant Zhang responded and turned around and went out.

That night, Fu Jingting was discharged directly from the hospital and moved into an apartment in the

center of the city, where he planned to recover from his injuries a little, and then return to Fu Mansion.

And all this, Rong Shu doesn’t know yet.

Until the next morning, she took the stewed big bone soup to the hospital and found that it was not Fu

Jingting but another patient she didn’t know in the ward, and she was stunned.

What’s going on here?

What about Fu Jingting?

“Miss nurse.” Rong Shu grabbed the nurse who was pushing the cart and was about to pass by, and

quickly asked, “I want to ask, what about the patients in this ward?” The

nurse gave her a strange look, “The patient is not Is it inside?”

“No, I’m not referring to him, I’m talking about Fu Jingting.” Rong Shu frowned.

Only then did the nurse realize, and she said, “Mr. Fu was discharged from the hospital last night.”

“What? He was discharged?” Rong Shu was shocked.

The nurse nodded, “Yes, Mr. Fu left the hospital in the middle of the night last night.”

“Midnight!” Rong Shu bit her lips.

That is the courtyard after leaving the restaurant.

“Miss nurse, why is he leaving the hospital? Isn’t his injury still healed?” Rong Shu pulled the nurse and

asked again.

The nurse shook her head, “I don’t know about that. Mr. Fu’s injury is not yet ready to be discharged

from the hospital, but it is also possible to rest at home, so the hospital agreed to his discharge.”

“So, I see. Rong Shu also knew that there was nothing to ask, so she squeezed the corners of her

mouth, squeezed out a smile, and released her hand.

The nurse’s arm was free, and she continued to move forward with the push cart.

Rong Shu looked at the door of the ward in front of her. It was no longer Fu Jingting, but another name.

She pursed her red lips, turned and walked towards the elevator.

In the small garden outside the inpatient building, Rong Shu found a row of chairs and sat down, then

took out her mobile phone and called Fu Jingting.

The phone was not answered by Fu Jingting as soon as it was connected, but it rang several times

before being answered by Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting’s indifferent voice came, “Is something wrong?”

Rong Shu heard the indifference in his tone, and felt a little uncomfortable.

What’s the matter with him?

How did the attitude suddenly become like this?

It changed back to the cold attitude towards her in those six years.

This made Rong Shu’s brows wrinkle subconsciously, “Mr. Fu, are you discharged from the hospital?”

“Well.” Fu Jingting nodded.

Rong Shu put the insulation bucket aside, “Why? Why didn’t you tell me when you were discharged

from the hospital?”

“This is my business, why should I tell you?” Fu Jingting asked coldly.

Rong Shu choked for a moment, and quickly continued, “Yes, this is indeed your business, but it also

has to do with me, I made you like this, I said, I will take care of you until you recover, so You should be

discharged from the hospital, of course you should tell me not to let me find you where to take care of


“No need.”

“What?” Rong Shu was slightly startled.

Fu Jingting lowered his eyelids, covering the look in his eyes, and replied in a slightly hoarse voice, “I

said, you don’t need to take care of me anymore, and I don’t need to take care of me in the future, and

I don’t need your care either.” After

he finished speaking, he hung up the phone . .

Rong Shu looked at the phone, feeling angry and aggrieved.

What does he mean, suddenly being so indifferent to her, and saying that she doesn’t need her to take

care of her, did she not offend him?

Rong Shu held her palm and began to search hard in her mind to see if she had offended Fu Jingting in

the past two days.

But after some searching, it was found that there was nothing to offend him.

And Fu Jingting became like this, it started last night.

In other words, it is very likely that Fu Jingting changed his attitude when he saw her and Cheng Huai

having dinner together last night?

No, not right.

Fu Jingting is indeed cautious, but it is not so.

After all, Fu Jingting had seen her and Aqi Xiaochuan getting close before, and their attitudes had not

changed greatly, so there must be other reasons.

But no matter what the reason, nothing could stop her from repaying her gratitude.

He can be indifferent to her and bored with her because she doesn’t care.

But it is absolutely impossible to stop her from taking care of him to repay her kindness.

She didn’t want to keep holding her kindness in her hands and owe more and more.

Looking at the insulation bucket next to her, Rong Shu took a breath and stood up, preparing to leave

the hospital and go to the Fu Group.

Just as she was carrying the heat preservation bucket and just walked to the exit of the garden, she

heard a familiar voice.

This is… Mrs. Gu?

Rong Shu subconsciously slowed down, turned her head and looked to the right, and she saw Mrs. Gu

behind a pot of flowers.

Mrs. Gu turned her back to her and held her mobile phone in her hand, apparently calling someone.

“Professor Su, please, please contact me. I must help my husband find a suitable kidney. My husband

passed out from pain again today. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will

have to stay in the hospital.” Madam Gu pumped He sniffed, his voice choked with begging.

Rong Shu raised an eyebrow.

She understood.

Mrs. Gu is asking the person on the other end of the phone to help find a suitable kidney for Gu


Soon, Mrs. Gu’s voice sounded again, this time choked with excitement and joy, “Great, thank you

Professor Su, fine, I will wait patiently.”

Rong Shu narrowed her eyes.


The person on the other end of the phone promised to help Gu Yaotian find a kidney?

It seems that Gu Yaotian’s relationship is quite extensive.

I just don’t know who this Professor Su is.

Over there, when Professor Su promised to help her contact the organ bank she couldn’t reach, Mrs.

Gu finally let go of her heart for a while, put away her phone, wiped the corners of her eyes, and turned

around with a smile.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he saw Rong Shu on the opposite side, and the smile on his

face suddenly froze.

In the next second, she seemed to think of something, Madam Gu’s face changed greatly, and she

glared at Rong Shu and said, “Are you eavesdropping on me?”

Rong Shu spread her hands, “I didn’t eavesdrop, it’s because your voice is too loud, I don’t want to. It’s

hard to hear.”

Madam Gu’s pupils contracted, “Did you really hear it? What did you hear?”

Rong Shu’s eyes flickered, and she replied with a smile, “I just came, what can I hear? Isn’t it just

hearing you? Say thank you, Professor Su, and wait patiently.”

“Really?” Mrs. Gu squeezed her phone tightly, staring at Rong Shu with some doubts in her eyes.

These words were her last words. If this Rong Shu really only heard these words, there would be no


But she couldn’t just trust Rong Shu so easily, she really only heard this sentence.

“Could it be that there are still fakes? What’s the benefit of me lying to you?” Rong Shu rolled her eyes

at her.

Mrs. Gu stared at Rong Shu for a while, but she did not see that she was lying. She gradually believed

her words and was relieved.

It’s better not to hear anything else.

If Rong Shu heard other things, he would have guessed that Yaotian’s kidney was in trouble and

needed a new kidney source.

At that time, Rong Shu would probably take this opportunity to intercept Yaotian’s kidney source.

Then the sky will be over.

“I hope you didn’t lie to me, otherwise I will find out that you are lying, and I will never forgive you.”

Madam Gu pointed at Rong Shu’s nose and threatened.

Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My

Divorce Chapter 475-476 TODAY

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Chapter 475-476 with many unexpected details, removing many love knots for the male and female

lead. In addition, the author Novelebook is very talented in making the situation extremely different.

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Novel This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 475-476

Novel This Time, I Will Get My Divorce by Novelebook


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