Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 445-446

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Chapter 445 Qualified Audience

“She is indeed the third party of my parents.” Fu Jingting rubbed his eyebrows and said.

Rong Shu’s eyes widened, “What? Is it really a third party?”


“Then why are you still treating her…”

“She is not a third party in the conventional sense, and it didn’t destroy my parents’ feelings, because

My parents didn’t love each other themselves, they only got married because of marriage, and they

gave birth to me only because of responsibility. After I was born, my parents separated, and then my

father met Wang Shuqin outside and fell in love with Wang Shuqin.” Fu Jingting leaned back and

leaned against the stone wall.

Rong Shu nodded suddenly, “I see.”

His parents didn’t love each other.

This was the first time she had heard of it.

“And after that? Your father is with Wang Shuqin, won’t your mother be angry?” Rong Shu looked at the

man and asked again.

Even if she doesn’t love that man, that man is also her husband.

It’s impossible for her husband to look for a mistress during marriage.

However, Fu Jingting shook his head, “Don’t be angry, my mother is happy to see my father fall in love

with Wang Shuqin.”

“What?” Rong Shu’s mouth twitched.

Happy to see it happen?

This… she should say, is his mother really tolerant?

“Surprised, right?” Fu Jingting looked at her and smiled.

Rong Shu nodded, “I’m really surprised, if it were me, I would definitely not be so generous.”

Hearing this, Fu Jingting suddenly remembered that four months ago, he proposed to let her move out

and give the place to Gu Manyin .

No wonder she didn’t file for divorce after six years of loveless marriage, but when he wanted to bring

Gu Manyin home, she immediately filed for divorce.

“What are you thinking?” Seeing that Fu Jingting suddenly lost his mind, Rong Shu reached out and

waved in front of him.

Fu Jingting’s eyes flickered vaguely, and he came back to his senses, “It’s nothing.”

Seeing that he didn’t want to say anything, Rong Shu didn’t ask much, and turned the topic back to just


“By the way, why is your mother happy to see it happen? Although they don’t love each other, your

father loves Wang Shuqin, and Wang Shuqin is a threat to your mother’s position, Mrs. Fu.” Rong Shu

sat down cross-legged and said.

Fu Jingting took another bite of the biscuit, “Because my mother has always wanted to leave the Fu

family, as long as my father and Wang Shuqin get married, my mother can divorce my father. This is

her dream all the time, so my mother is very grateful to Wang Shuqin, In order to get my father and

Wang Shuqin to get married earlier, she even planned to go to the old house to find her grandmother

and tell her some nice things about Wang Shuqin.”

“And then?” Rong Shu arched her back, resting her elbows on her thighs, her chin Holding it in the

palm of his hand, he just looked at him like a listener.

Speaking of which, she seemed to have never spoken to him so peacefully.

“Then the night before my mother went to visit my grandmother, my mother committed suicide because

of something.” Fu Jingting said here, his hand holding the biscuits tightened abruptly, squeezing the

plastic packaging and making a harsh sound .

Rong Shu’s mouth grew in shock, “Suicide?”

Ever since she learned that Wang Shuqin was not his biological mother, she probably guessed that his

biological mother was gone.

But it never occurred to me that it was suicide.

“Well.” Fu Jingting lowered his eyelids, making it difficult to see the expression in his eyes.

“Is it related to Wang Shuqin?” Rong Shu asked.

Fu Jingting shook his head, “It has nothing to do with her, she doesn’t even know, my mother actually

approves of her being with my father, so after my mother’s death, Wang Shuqin has always blamed

herself, thinking that it was her appearance that made my mother suffer. She can’t commit suicide, so

she has always felt guilty towards my mother, and that’s why Wang Shuqin treats me as her own child,

even when she was pregnant with Jinglin, she wanted to kill Jinglin, but I stopped it.”

“I see. After hearing what you said, my opinion of Wang Shuqin has changed a bit.” Rong Shu raised

her eyebrows.

Fu Jingting chuckled, “Although she has a lot of faults, she cannot be called an absolute good person,

but she is not a bad person either.”

Rong Shu did not deny this.

In fact, in the sixth year of the Fu family, Wang Shuqin had an ugly mouth, but she had never really

touched her.

That is, after the divorce from Fu Jingting, Wang Shuqin came to her door several times and touched


“Aren’t you going to eat?” Rong Shu asked when Fu Jingting suddenly put down the biscuits.

Fu Jingting snorted, “It’s almost there, I want to sleep a little longer, but my head is still dizzy.”

“Okay, then you sleep.” Rong Shu helped him to lie down and covered him with a quilt.

Fu Jingting looked at her, “How about you?”

“I’ll go to bed later, my hair is still dry.” Rong Shu pointed to her own hair.

Fu Jingting nodded slightly and closed his eyes.

Rong Shu got up, went back to the fire, added some more firewood, then sat down to continue drying

her hair.

After about half an hour, her hair was dry, and she couldn’t hold it anymore, so she let out a breath.

On this day, it was simply thrilling, plus the speed of life and death, from morning to night, it has always

been from the heartbreak.

So now I’m relaxed, and I’m exhausted both physically and mentally.

Rubbing her eyes that she couldn’t lift up, Rong Shu added some more firewood to ensure that the fire

would not go out in the middle of the night, and then walked towards Fu Jingting, hugged another quilt,

and was about half a meter away from Fu Jingting. Lie down.

After all, the place where the straw is laid is so big. If she doesn’t sleep with Fu Jingting, she can only

sleep on the cold ground.

Even if there is a quilt, it will definitely make people shiver, so she can only lie down next to Fu Jingting.

Anyway, if one person covers a quilt, it does not count as sleeping in a quilt.

The quilt on her body had a musty smell, which was not very pleasant. Rong Shu, who had never

covered such a quilt, was not used to it.

However, there is only such a condition at present, and if you are not used to it, you can only get used

to it.

So Rong Shu took a deep breath, tried her best to ignore the smell, and closed her eyes.

Because she was too tired, even if the quilt smelled bad, Rong Shu quickly fell asleep, and her

breathing became long and calm.

At this moment, the man beside her suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no sleepiness in his

eyes. Obviously, he had never really fallen asleep before, but was pretending to be asleep.

Fu Jingting’s eyes fell on Rong Shu’s face, looking at her peaceful sleeping face, he propped up his

body with one hand, and then moved to where she was.

In order not to wake her up, he moved very carefully, like a thief, staring at her face while moving to see

if she was awake.

When he finally moved to Rong Shu’s side, Rong Shu didn’t wake up, and Fu Jingting fell down again

satisfied, then stretched out his arms and hugged Rong Shu through the quilt, and then closed his eyes


The next day, when Rong Shu woke up, it was no longer raining outside.

She opened her eyes and saw that the top of her head was not the familiar bedroom ceiling, but a

stone, and she was startled “What’s the situation?”

How could she be here?

Rong Shu sat up subconsciously, and then the memory of why she was here immediately flooded into

her mind.

She suddenly realized what happened yesterday.

Rong Shu couldn’t help rubbing his temples and calmed down.

I was so sleepy that I forgot how I and Fu Jingting appeared here yesterday.

Thinking of Fu Jingting, Rong Shu was startled, and quickly looked to the right to see how Fu Jingting

was doing.

As a result, seeing Fu Jingting sleeping beside him, next to him, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a


what happened?

How could he sleep so close?

Chapter 446: Finally Saved

Rong Shu blinked blankly.

She remembered that when she slept last night, she deliberately kept a half-meter distance from him.

Could it be that he woke up in the middle of the night and leaned over specially?

As soon as this speculation came up, it was rejected by Rong Shu herself.

Because Fu Jingting went to bed earlier than her, and his posture was exactly the same as now, he

should not have woken up in the middle of the night.

As for why he didn’t wake up and why he was so close to her, there was only one answer.

She was the one who slept dishonestly and squeezed in!

Thinking about it, Rong Shu suddenly became a little embarrassed. She didn’t expect that she would

be so dishonest when she fell asleep.

But soon, Rong Shu calmed down.

She thought that she squeezed past anyway, and no one saw it, she didn’t say it, who knows?

Fu Jingting didn’t even know.

After stretching, Rong Shu lifted the quilt and went to the fire.

The firewood had run out, so the fire went out on its own, but the fire was still hot, and it was estimated

that the fire did not go out for long.

Afterwards, Rong Shu touched the clothes by the fire again, and found that they were all dried out, so

they took them off one by one and prepared to change them later.

“I don’t know what time it is.” Rong Shu looked at the white light at the entrance of the cave and


The next second, she remembered Fu Jingting’s watch, and hurriedly put down the clothes in her hand,

ready to check the time.

But when Rong Shu came to Fu Jingting and squatted down before he could take out his hand, he saw

that his face was very wrong.

Why is his face so red?

And breathing, also very fast and heavy.

This is clearly a sign of a fever.

Feeling nervous, Rong Shu quickly reached out and touched Fu Jingting’s forehead, “It’s so hot!”

She immediately retracted her hand, frowned, and looked at the man with a serious expression.

When she gave him medicine last night, she specially disinfected and anti-inflammatory, and was

worried that the wound on his back would not be handled properly and would cause a fever.

But he didn’t expect that even after the wound was treated, he still had a fever.

It seemed that the cause of the fever was not because of the wound, but because of the long wet

clothes after falling into the water, and the cold wind that blew longer than her on her back.

“No, I have to find a way to reduce the fever.” Rong Shu bit her lip, then got up quickly, went to the

medicine box from last night, and found the antipyretic.

Rong Shu took the medicine and returned to Fu Jingting, then helped him up, made him lean on her

shoulder, opened his mouth, and put a fever-reducing medicine into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she closed his mouth and lifted his chin, trying to make him swallow the


But for an unconscious person, swallowing is simply impossible.

So Rong Shu worked hard for a long time, but the medicine was still in Fu Jingting’s mouth.

Rong Shu frowned anxiously.

The next second, she suddenly thought of a way, and her eyes lit up.

But that method is a bit embarrassing, if she can, she really doesn’t want to do it.

But now she had to do the same in order to reduce his fever.

Rong Shu lowered her eyes, stared at Fu Jingting’s blushing handsome face for a few seconds, finally

took a deep breath, opened his mouth again, and lowered her head to kiss.

Rong Shu used tongue kissing to push the medicine down Fu Jingting’s throat little by little with her


After feeling pushed to the mouth of her throat, she raised her head, picked up the mineral water next

to it, opened it, raised her head and put saliva in her mouth, kissed Fu Jingting’s thin lips again, and a

little bit of water flowed into his mouth until Seeing that the white tablet in her throat was washed down

by the water, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s great, let’s go.” Rong Shu smiled happily and screwed on the water bottle.

She was not happy for a long time, because she was not sure whether the antipyretic medicine would

work or not, and whether it could reduce Fu Jingting’s fever.

So they can’t stay here any longer until Fu Jingting’s people come over.

Because no one knows when Fu Jingting’s people will come over. If they come soon, then of course it’s

good, but I’m afraid it will be very late. Maybe by that time, Fu Jingting has already been burned into a


So, she had to take him and move on.

Thinking of this, Rong Shu immediately put down the water bottle, went to the place where the clothes

had just been placed, picked up Fu Jingting’s trousers, took out the wallet from his trousers pocket,

took out all the cash from it, a thick stack , and put it in the medicine cabinet.

This is a thank you fee to the two rangers for leaving such material in the cave.

Otherwise, she and Fu Jingting might have been frozen to death last night.

After doing this, Rong Shu carried Fu Jingting on his back and walked to the entrance of the cave

without even changing his clothes.

Because it’s too late, changing clothes is just delaying time. Fu Jingting needs to see a doctor earlier,

so the clothes are not needed.

The mountain road that had just rained was not easy to walk. Rong Shu took every step carefully, for

fear of falling herself and Fu Jingting, so in this way, she was even more tired than yesterday.

After walking for an unknown time, Rong Shu finally walked out of the woods with Fu Jingting on his


Just when Rong Shu was exhausted, sweating profusely, and seeing that she was about to lose it, she

saw a two-story self-built house.

Looking at the house, Rong Shu seemed to see a life-saving straw, and with her last strength, she

gritted her teeth and walked over with Fu Jingting on her back.

Just walking to the courtyard of the house, a middle-aged woman came out of the house with this

basin. Seeing the embarrassed Rong Shu and the others, she couldn’t help but froze for a moment,

“You are…”

“Save… Rong Shu’s dry lips moved, and before he could finish speaking, his eyes darkened.


She softened and fell to the ground with Fu Jingting.

Before she lost consciousness completely, she saw the middle-aged woman was so frightened that she

hurriedly dropped the basin in her hand and ran towards her and Fu Jingting, still shouting, “Come out,

old man, someone fainted! “

Should she and Fu Jingting be saved?

Thinking about it, Rong Shu finally fainted with confidence.

When I woke up again, it was already a day later.

Rong Shu opened her eyes, looked at the white ceiling, and smelled the faint scent of disinfectant in

the air, she knew that she was in the hospital.

And the decoration of the ward is so familiar, it is undoubtedly the first hospital.

But why is she in the first hospital?

Could it be that Fu Jingting’s people found them?

Rong Shu rubbed her heavy head, then propped her body up and tried to sit up.

As a result, as soon as she woke up a little, her face was deformed, “It hurts…”

Rong Shu hurriedly lay down again, and her whole body was not well.

What the hell did she do? Why is the back pain so severe that it looks like it’s broken!


Just as Rong Shu gently adjusted her lying position to avoid pulling her back, the door of the ward was

suddenly pushed open, and a figure came in from the outside in a hurry and went straight to the

hospital bed, his handsome face full of writing Feeling nervous and concerned, “Baby, you’re finally

awake, it’s great, you’re worried about me!” As

he spoke, Lu Qi suddenly bent down and hugged Rong Shu, his eyes were red, and his voice was full

of voices. With a hint of crying, “Not only was I worried, I was almost scared to death by you. After

knowing that you fell off the cliff, my soul was scared to the ground. I haven’t even slept in the past two

days, and my whole body is haggard, baby, You are responsible for me.”

Hearing Lu Qi’s trembling voice and the fear in his voice, Rong Shu knew that the fact that she fell off

the cliff really scared him, she raised her hand and patted his back lightly, “Sorry Qi, this time It makes

you scared, and you won’t be in the future.”

“You still want to have a future.” Lu Qi let go of her, coaxed his eyes and stared at her.

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Will Get My Divorce Chapter 445-446

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