Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 471-472

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Chapter 471 Good news for Huai

“No.” Rong Shu shook her head gently, “Am I so easy to bully? She attacked me before, but she was

lucky enough to succeed when I was unprepared. It’s impossible to bully me.”

Fu Jingting felt relieved when she heard that she was not bullied, “That’s good.”

“Mr. Fu, you called me to ask me this?” Rong Shu blinked and asked.

Fu Jingting nodded, “I’m worried that you will be bullied.”

Rong Shu felt inexplicably happy, her red lips slightly curved, and her tone softened, “Don’t worry, I’ll be


“Well . .” Fu Jingting responded.

After that, the two were speechless and fell into silence.

Rong Shu found that since the fall off a cliff with Fu Jingting, the way they get along has become

extremely embarrassing.

How should I put it, first of all, her attitude towards Fu Jingting will not be as cold as before, nor can it

be as cold as before, so their relationship will become strange.

Just like now, after I finished talking to him, I didn’t know what to say, so I started to be silent.

In the past, she would have hung up the phone without saying hello, not afraid of offending him, but

now she can’t, because he is her benefactor and she owes him favor.

So even if you have to hang up, say hello.

Thinking, Rong Shu took a breath, then held the phone with both hands and said to the man on the

other end, “Mr. Fu, I’m almost there, so I’ll hang up first.” She

really didn’t know what to say, and she couldn’t keep silent. go down.

Then the best way to solve this embarrassment is to say hello and hang up the phone

. Fu Jingting also knew this, opened his thin lips slightly, and replied in a slightly hoarse voice: “Okay.”

After the

call was combined, Rong Shu put down the phone and looked out the window to start For a while, I

don’t know what to think.

Soon, Repulse Bay arrived.

Rong Shu gave the money and got out of the car, pulled the suitcase into the apartment building, and

prepared to take a bath and rest for a while.

As a result, as soon as she put the suitcase down, the doorbell rang.

“Who is it?” Rong Shu frowned, then propped up on the armrest of the sofa, walked towards the

entrance, and opened the door.

Outside the door is Cheng Huai. He stood there with his hands on his knees, panting and looking


Rong Shu looked at him in astonishment, “You… came up the stairs?”

She shook her head and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

But because I was too tired, I couldn’t organize the language at all, I couldn’t say anything, and I

stomped my feet in a hurry.

Seeing this, Rong Shu was a little dumbfounded, and squeezed her hands, “It’s alright, you can rest for

a while, calm down and talk.”

Cheng Huai looked at her, nodded repeatedly, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

After a while, he finally calmed down and his breathing calmed down. Then he stood up straight, and

then hurriedly asked, “Rong Shu, are you okay?”

“Huh?” Rong Shu tilted her head, “What can I do? , why are you asking this?”

“No, I heard that you and Jing Ting fell off the cliff.” Cheng Huai said, looking her up and down, wanting

to see if she was injured anywhere.

Only then did Rong Shu understand. He asked her if she was referring to something, and shook his

head slightly, “I’m fine, but where did you hear that Fu Jingting and I fell off a cliff?”

Aqi and Fu Jingting fell off a cliff. Assistant Zhang blocked it as early as the first time, and did not

spread it out, so how did Cheng Huai know?

“I just came back from the capital, and I went to Jing Ting for some matters. After contacting Jing Ting, I

found out that something like this happened between you and him, and then I hurried over to see you.”

Cheng Huai raised his hand and wiped it away. He said with sweat from his forehead.

Rong Shu suddenly said, “So he told you.”

Cheng Huai nodded, “Rong Shu, what’s going on here? How did you and Fu Jingting fall off the cliff?”

He went to the capital to do some errands a few days ago, but he never came back. This happened to

Fu Jingting.

And Fu Jingting didn’t even tell him what the reason for this happened.

No way, he had to ask her.

“It was Xiaochuan’s opponent who took me away, and Fu Jingting wanted to save me, so he and I both

fell off the cliff.” Rong Shu turned sideways to let the door out, and replied succinctly.

Cheng Huai walked into the room, “Li Chuan’s opponent? Who is it?”

“It’s just a small role, let’s not talk about it.” Rong Shu shook her head, obviously not wanting to

mention more.

Cheng Huai shrugged, “Okay, but you’re really not injured?”

Fu Jingting was both injured and hospitalized, and she fell off the cliff together, so the possibility of

injury must be high.

However, Rong Shu shook her head and replied, “No, Fu Jingting protected me the whole time. I only

suffered from scratches at most. Now I have healed. The real serious one is Fu Jingting.”

“It’s good that you are not injured.” Afterwards, he breathed a sigh of relief, took the water cup she

handed over, took a sip and said, “As for Jing Ting, I asked Lin Tianchen, he is not seriously injured,

the most serious is the arm, take good care of it for a few months, It ‘ll be fine too.”

“I know.” Rong Shu sat down opposite him and sighed, “But no matter what, he was hurt like this in

order to save me, and I feel very sorry.”

Cheng Huai looked at her, ” What’s the matter? It’s enough to repay his life-saving grace. As for how to

repay it, I’ll talk about it later. After all, repayment is not something that can be repaid by repayment.”

Rong Shu smiled, “That’s what you said.”

Fu Jingting replied . She is a life-saving grace. For such a great kindness, it is not her who takes care

of him until he recovers, even if the repayment is complete.

Her care is far from enough.

Therefore, in order to repay Fu Jingting’s life-saving grace, she has to start from other aspects. As for

which aspect, she has no clue yet. Only when Fu Jingting needs help in the future will she have the

opportunity to repay.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore, you came here to find me, what’s the matter?” Rong Shu

picked up her water glass and asked with a sip of saliva.

Cheng Huai leaned against the back of the sofa, “It’s okay, I just heard that you fell off a cliff, so I came

to see you and ask about your situation.”

Although Jing Ting also said that she was fine, he didn’t see it with his own eyes. She was still worried,

so in Jing Ting’s gloomy tone, she hung up the phone and came here.

“That’s it.” Rong Shu nodded and smiled, “Thank you for your concern, I’m fine.”

“What’s there to thank you for?” Cheng Huai waved his hand, then thought of something, leaning

forward towards her With a mysterious smile, “By the way, I’ll tell you some good news.”

“What good news?” Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, showing interest.

Cheng Huai squinted slightly and said, “This time I went to the capital to hold a meeting, and then I

heard that the above was planning to conduct a random inspection of ten companies across the


“What do you mean?” Rong Shu’s eyes revealed a bit of confusion.

Cheng Huai sat forward and narrowed the distance with her, “It means that the country is ready to take

action to rectify ten problematic companies in the country that have a bad reputation and often make

troubles, and then use it to deter To warn other companies, in short, it is to eliminate some chaotic

horses in the business world.”

“I understand.” Rong Shu bit her lip suddenly.

Cheng Huai raised two fingers, “In our sea market, there are two companies that have been targeted.”

Hearing this, Rong Shu’s heart stunned, “Which two?”

One of them would not be Tiansheng Bar?

In the past few months, because of fighting with the Gu family, Tian Sheng has been pulled out by

netizens and whipped, and his reputation is definitely not good.

Chapter 472 Invite him to dinner

Therefore, she was very worried that Tiancheng would be thoroughly investigated.

Although Tian Cheng had never done anything illegal or taboo since she took over, he definitely did.

Since his father committed suicide by jumping off the building, Tian Sheng has been managed by Duan


Duan Xingbang knows very well that there is nothing she can’t do with greed for money and snobbery.

Four months ago, when Xingnuo took over the finance department, he found out a lot of fake accounts

and tax evasion, and Duan Xingbang did all this.

Now that the fake account has been written off, she has already asked Xingnuo to pay for the evaded

tax, but there is no guarantee that there will be no other problems.

After all, Duan Xingbang managed the company for six more years than her, and the company had far

more staff than her. They were intertwined in various departments. Who knows if they have done other

illegal things.

However, based on what she knew about Duan Xingbang, there must be more, but she didn’t find out.

But once it was found out, Tiansheng would be finished.

Looking at Rong Shu’s frowning brows and her tense face, Cheng Huai knew what she was worried

about, and said with a smile, “Don’t be so nervous, look at your serious look, like an old woman, I said

yes. Good news, so take it easy, the mirage companies to be checked this time are Sansheng and


“Sansheng and Wang?” After hearing that it was these two companies and there was no Tiansheng,

Rong Shu immediately With a sigh of relief, the beating heart slowly returned to its normal rhythm.

She patted her chest slightly, calmed down, and then asked suspiciously, “I’m not surprised that

Sansheng was selected for the random check list. After all, there have been a lot of troubles in

Sansheng in recent months, but how could Wang Shi be arrested? Spot check? Logically speaking,

Tiancheng has the highest probability of being selected.”

“That’s right. The two places that were set at the beginning were Tiancheng and Sansheng. After all,

you and the Gu family have been making a lot of noise during this period of time, and the whole country

knows it, but recently there was a murder case in the Wang family. It’s special, so I didn’t announce it to

the public, but it’s already known from the above, so I decided to choose a spot check between

Tiancheng and Sansheng, and make a spot for Wang.” Cheng Huai explained with a drink of water.

Rong Shu nodded, “Then Tiancheng was lucky not to be selected, right?”

“Almost, but it was mainly because my dad did some secret manipulation. You know, we have a grudge

against the Gu family, and of course we would like to see the Gu family more. Sansheng was

thoroughly investigated. I don’t believe that Sansheng is so clean, so when Sansheng is found out, my

Gu family and Sansheng will be finished. At that time, we can also directly take action against Gu

Yaotian without worrying about others. That’s it.”

Said, Cheng Huai winked at her, “How about Rong Shu, is this good news?”

Rong Shu clenched her palms tightly, nodding excitedly in her eyes, “Of course it’s good news, great


She and Cheng Huai had been looking for evidence of Sansheng’s crimes, so they arranged for Li

Zhaodi to enter Gu’s house.

Because only if they find evidence of Sansheng’s crimes and crimes, and after they hand them over,

they will take action against Sansheng and the Gu family.

It’s just that the evidence of Sansheng’s crimes has been hidden too deeply. For so long, she and

Cheng Huai have not collected it at all.

Unexpectedly, the twists and turns have now turned, and the above has personally checked.

Moreover, the above investigation is to directly enter Sansheng and conduct an open and honest

investigation. There is no need to conduct a sneaky investigation like her and Cheng Huai, for fear of

disturbing Gu Yaotian and causing Gu Yaotian to destroy the evidence.

But if you check above, you don’t have to worry about these. After all, how can one person fight against

the state machine.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Rong Shu hurriedly asked, “Cheng Huai,

when will it be checked?”

“It should be within three months. I can’t tell you the specifics. After all, there are ten companies to

check.” Cheng Huai spread his hands. back.

Rong Shu smiled happily: “Three months will do, and it will be very soon. If we want to know if we

check it ourselves, it will take at least a year and a half.”

“That’s true.” Cheng Huai put his hands behind the sofa backrest On, lazy response.

Because she was too happy, Rong Shu’s body was shaking slightly, and her beautiful eyes were even

more dazzling.

Three months, in three months, she can avenge her father.

This is really exciting news.

The tip of Rong Shu’s nose was sore, and her eyes gradually turned red.

Cheng Huai saw it and said in surprise, “Rong Shu, why are you crying?”

“I’m not crying.” Rong Shu raised her head, wiped the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile, “I’m

so happy.”

Cheng Huai looked Looking at her bright eyes, she believed that she was really crying because she

was happy, and she felt relieved when she mentioned it, “It scared me to death, I thought you…”

“I’ll treat you to dinner.” Rong Shu suddenly interrupted him .

Cheng Huai blinked, “Invite me to dinner?”

“Well, thank you for bringing me such good news.” Rong Shu stood up and said.

Cheng Huai smiled, “Okay, since you invited me so sincerely, I’ll be disrespectful and go.”

He put his hand down from the back of the sofa and stood up.

The two went out one after another and drove to a high-end western restaurant.

“What do you want to eat?” Cheng Huai handed the menu to Rong Shu.

After taking it, Rong Shu opened it and looked at it, choosing a sirloin steak and a fruit salad, “That’s


“Eating so little?” Cheng Huai frowned.

Rong Shu picked up the white water and took a sip, “It’s almost there, you shouldn’t eat too much at

night, it’s easy to gain weight.”

“You women are really troublesome.” Cheng Huai opened the menu and shook his head helplessly.

Rong Shu chuckled, “I can’t help it, it’s because of my figure.”

“You have such a good figure, you don’t need to care about that.” After speaking, Cheng Huai looked at

her chest.

Rong Shu noticed his eyes, looked down, her face darkened suddenly, raised her hand to block her

chest, and said angrily, “Cheng Huai, what are you looking at?”

Cheng Huai heard her roar, A Ji Ling came back to his senses, realized that he had just been rude, and

touched the tip of his nose embarrassedly, “I’m sorry, I was distracted for a while.”

He never mentioned what he was looking at.

But Rong Shu didn’t know what he was thinking, so he sneered, “You really…”

“Waiter.” Cheng Huai snapped her fingers and interrupted her immediately, “That’s all, hurry up.”

“Okay sir.” The waiter took the menu, turned and left with a smile.

Rong Shu looked at Cheng Huai coldly, “Did you do it on purpose?”

“What did you say?” Cheng Huai pretended not to hear what she meant.

Rong Shu pursed her lips, “You interrupted me on purpose.”

“No, I’m hungry, so I want to serve the food quickly.” Cheng Huai replied with a guilty smile.

Well, he admits, he did it on purpose.

Because he knew what she was going to say, and he would definitely say that he was shameless,

wretched and the like.

He didn’t want to admit that he was a wretched man, so it was better to change the subject quickly.

Rong Shu looked at Cheng Huai pretending to be stunned, angry and helpless, and finally held her

forehead, “Forget it, I’ll let you go now, next time you dare to look around, I’ll gouge your eyes.

” , she bent two fingers and made a digging motion in front of his eyes.

Cheng Huai pretended to be afraid and leaned back, “Wow, you are so cruel.”

Rong Shu snorted, “I have something more cruel, do you want to try it?”

Cheng Huai quickly shook his head, “No, auntie, I was wrong, I will never dare again.

” Rong Shu couldn’t help being laughed at by him, covered her lips and smiled, her eyes were


In the box on the second floor of the restaurant, Fu Jingting stood in front of the window and looked

down at this scene.

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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce by Novelebook

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Key: This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 471-472


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