Novel Name : Spoiled by Mr. Russell

Spoiled by Mr. Russell Chapter 478

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“Lily, Lily...” Alexander called out. He had been observing her and held her in his arms immediately,

preventing her from falling to the ground when he sensed she was not feeling well.

On the other hand, Olivia was crying her heart out and could not bring herself to notice anything else

around her while Lily passed out.

“Edward, take care of Ms. Hart,” Alexander ordered calmly.

Edward nodded and stood by Olivia‘s side silently. He placed his hands on her shoulders, supporting


Alexander carried Lily in his arms and went straight for the doctor. “Someone fainted over here!”

“You‘re going to kill your parents!”

“They died because of you!”

“Why are you still alive, but they‘re not? That‘s because you brought bad luck to them!” “Daddy!

Mommy! Please don‘t leave me! No...” “Daddy, Mornmy...

Several voices echoed around Lily‘s ears. It sounded like they were talking to her, but also not at the

same time. She saw many double images but not their faces. There was a loud noise, fire, fragments of

broken glass, and a blood stained face. Everything seemed to be so near, yet so far.

“Daddy! Mommy! Don‘t go...”

“Ah!” With a sudden exclamation, Lily opened her eyes abruptly. The white ceiling was the first thing

that entered her sight. The entirety of the whiteness that filled her view diluted the terror she felt from

her bloody red dream. She gasped for air while sweat dotted her face. “You‘re awake!” A familiar voice

sounded. It was near her, so she turned and saw Alexander‘s worried face. “Did you have a


At the sight of him, she calmed down. Lily nodded, her throat feeling extremely hoarse. “Water...”

Alexander quickly brought the water he had prepared to Lily. She gulped the glass of water down like

someone without water for many days in the desert.

“Do you want some more?” Alexander asked. Lily shook her head and lay down weakly. She could still

remember the scenes from her dream, but most were blurry to her. Lily felt that the incidents in her

dream had happened to her before this. However, she had no recollection of it at all.

To be exact, she had no memory of it before she fainted earlier.

“The doctor said you fainted because you were too shocked. It‘s fine now that you‘re awake.”

Alexander brushed her hair lightly, “Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

“No.” Lily shook her head and suddenly remembered something. “Oh, right. How‘s Liv?”

“She‘s fine. Edward is with her. The nurse moved Liv‘s mother to the mortuary, and her funeral will be

held soon,” Alexander explained. It was comforting for Lily to hear that because at least there was

someone by Olivia‘s side.

“I‘m really...” Sighing, Lily did not know what to feel about her situation. She came here to comfort

Olivia, but she was the one who fainted first.

“Don‘t overthink it. Olivia won‘t blame you, and she understands your situation. Just take care of

yourself and rest for now.” Alexander pulled the blankets over Lily.“ You‘ll need to stay here for the night

so the doctors can observe your condition. They‘ll discharge you tomorrow once we‘re sure you‘re



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