Novel Name : Spoiled by Mr. Russell

Spoiled by Mr. Russell Spoiled By Mr. Russell By Luminous Night Chapter 574

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Chapter 574

“Who are you looking for?” Brandon asked, frowning.

The car slowly drove into the yard and parked. Even before entering the house, conversations from

within the living room could be heard. It sounded pleasant, with occasional chuckles.

Upon entering the house, Arianna was startled to see her mother sitting on the sofa with Brittany

beside her.

After a bit of hesitation, Arianna changed out of her shoes and walked over with a smile.” Mom, I‘m

home. I didn‘t know Brittany was here!”

The way she greeted Brittany was warm and natural, as if nothing was wrong.

Eloise nodded with a smile. “Brittany has been here a while. She was just chatting with me. She‘s such

a wonderful girl. Look at you. God knows what you‘re doing all day that you don‘t even have time to talk

to your own mother.”

“I‘ve been occupied with all the things happening in the company recently. You know how busy Uncle

Derrick has been. I‘m just doing what I can to help ease his burden!” She said playfully. “Yeah, yeah,

You‘re the only capable one here!” Eloise mocked and stood up. “Now that you‘re here, entertain

Brittany while I prepare some desserts for the two of you.”

“Thanks, Mom!” Arianna leaned over to peck Eloise on the cheek before she sat down and looked at

Brittany with a smile. “Why didn‘t you call me if you were free?”

Brittany took a sip from the teacup and chuckled. “If I did, would you have welcomed me?”

Although Arianna‘s eyes narrowed slightly when she heard this, she still had a smile. “What are you

talking about? Of course I‘d welcome you. It‘ll be great if you can come over every day!

“Really?” Brittany slowly put down lier cup and looked up at Arianna. “It‘s a pity then because I‘m afraid

I won‘t be able to come again anymore.”

“Huh? Why not?”

Arianna looked genuinely surprised, with disbelief written all over her face. It was as if she knew

nothing about it at all. Looking at Arianna‘s face, Brittany was suddenly reminded of what Brandon had

said and how he was right. She was naive. The person she called her friend was not as genuine as

Brittany thought she was.

“Do you really have no idea?” Brittany tilted her head, and her fingers gently caressed the arm of the

chair. “I‘ll be going abroad in two days, and I may not be coming back.”

“You‘re not coming back? Why? Where are you going? What‘s with the sudden decision?” Arianna

blurted a series of questions, seemingly worried about Brittany‘s situation.

Brittany questioned with a mocking laughi, “Shouldn‘t you ask if I succeeded that day and what

happened after? Aren‘t you curious if there‘s any good news?”

At this moment, the anxiety on Arianna’s face faded a little as she pitifully said, “I was about to get to

that. What happened the other day? Why were you with your brother? Did he ruin your plans? It‘s okay,

don‘t be too discouraged by it. There‘s always another chance!”


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