Novel Name : Spoiled by Mr. Russell

Spoiled by Mr. Russell Chapter 1510

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"Do you know your dad will treat you differently once you have a stepmother? No matter how nice he

was to you before, he would give all his love and attention to your stepmother once they married!"

Maria continued earnestly, "Plus, God knows what that woman truly wants.She might just be interested

in your dad’s wealth and influence.If you are not careful, you might be miserable in the future!"

"Exactly!" Fabian agreed.

"Also, don’t you feel sorry for your late mother when you’re ignorant toward these things?"

"My mom passed away over twenty years ago.I’m sure she wants my daddy to be happy as


Anastasia paused as she looked at Fabian and Maria.

"Uncle Fabian and Aunt Maria, I don’t think you two should get too involved in my daddy’s personal

affairs.If the two of you have any objections, you should tell him straight up instead of coming to me."


The couple exchanged glances, and Maria tugged Anastasia’s arm soon after.

"Silly girl, your mom is no longer around, so do you think your dad would still listen to us? We’re family

and are only saying this because we want the best for you!"

"Thanks, but I’m an adult now.I know how to take care of myself,"

Anastasia responded.

Rhea’s patience was running thin.She could not care less about Cameron’s mistress or if Anastasia

would have a stepmother.

All she wanted to know was the whereabouts of the things in her pen holder.

"Cut the cr*p, Anastasia.Where are my things?"

Rhea asked impatiently with a frown plastered between her brows.

"I told you many times that I didn’t see your pen holder and didn’t enter your room."

Anastasia turned to look at Rhea and replied.

Rhea stood up and stretched her limbs.

"Since you’re not going to admit you took it, I can only search for it myself."

She walked toward the stairs as she spoke.

"Stop right there! What are you trying to do? Are you going to search my whole house for it? Who do

you think you are to do that?"

Anastasia became furious upon seeing what Rhea was about to do.

It was rare for her to feel angry, and her face became flustered because of this emotion.

Rhea ignored her and proceeded to ascend the stairs.


Anastasia chased after her and grabbed her arm.

"You have no right to search my house!"

"You took my things, so I have the right to do this!"

Rhea sneered and swung her arm, shaking Anastasia’s hand off.

"Hey, Ree..."

Maria did not understand why her daughter was obsessed with a pen holder.

When she saw the two young ladies in an argument, she wanted to mediate the situation, but just as

she took a step forward, she saw them pushing and shoving each other on the stairs.

Anastasia was grabbing onto Rhea’s arm or Rhea’s sleeve, as she did not get the right spot.

When Rhea swung her arm, Anastasia, initially standing on one of the steps, fell backward


"Ah! Ahbh!"

Anastasia shrieked as she rolled down the stairs.

When Maria arrived at the foot of the stairs, she saw Anastasia rolling down like a snowball.


Maria widened her eyes and exclaimed.

Rhea also did not expect this to happen, and it stunned her momentarily.

However, that did not bother her much as she continued to ascend the stairs.

"What are you guys doing?!"

A low roar sounded.

At this moment, Cameron entered through the door, and that was what he saw.It was chaotic.

Maria’s heart skipped a beat, and when she returned to her senses, she quickly helped Anastasia to

her feet.

"Tasia, are you okay? Don’t scare me like that!"

Her voice sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

Fabian did not expect things to turn out this way either.

After being in a daze for a short while, he returned to his senses and called out.


He initially went there to question Cameron, but he could not utter a single word at that moment.

Update Chapter 1510 of Spoiled by Mr. Russell by Luminous


With the author's famous Spoiled by Mr. Russell series authorName that makes readers fall in love

with every word, go to chapter Chapter 1510 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed

with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Spoiled by Mr. Russell series are available today.

Key: Spoiled by Mr. Russell Chapter 1510


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