Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 129 Xinyou' s final try (6)

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“How are you feeling?” Kerry asked concernedly, which was pretty rare.

Venus’s anger flared up in an instant when she saw Xinyou’s smile. She grabbed a medicine bottle and

threw it at Xinyou.

Xinyou startled. She stood behind Kerry in an instant, and the bottle hit the wall and smashed into


Kerry held Xinyou in his arms and shouted: “Venus! Are you insane?”

“Am I insane? This woman is trying to kill me!! She is insane!!” Venus shouted.

Xinyou acted to be hurt. She rested her head against Kerry’ s chest and said in a low voice: “Venus. I

don’t understand what you are saying.”

Venus laughed coldly. She pointed at Venus and said: “You asked me to drink coffee with you, and said

you wanted me to forgive you, and when I met you, you pushed me to the street so that I can get killed

by a car. Have you forgotten all this? Xinyou Qiao! I could never imagine that you are willing to kill me

to get what you want! I have really underestimated your shamelessness!”

A sharp pain shot up her liver because of her anger, and what made it worse was that her injured ankle

was also torturing her nonstop.

Kerry found Venus’s narration a little bit convincing. But he would rather trust Kevin.

“Venus, why would I do that? You can’t just sling mud at me like that.”

“Xinyou! What kind of person are you! If you have the courage to do that, you should also have the

courage to acknowledge it!”

“I didn’t do it!! Venus, I thought you are my good friend. Why would you do this to me?”

Venus had to release her anger or she would surly explode. She grabbed another bottle and was about

to attack Xinyou with it, but Kerry took a step forward and grabbed her wrist.

“Venus! Calm down! This has nothing to do Xinyou. You can’t wrong her like this.” Kerry said.

Venus froze. She didn’t expect her so-called husband to defend her in the first place. When she saw

him holding the woman who tried to kill her so tightly in his arms, and accusing her for framing Xinyou,

her anger gave way to despair.

She thought she must committed an egregious sin in her precious life, or she wouldn’t be punished like

this in her current life.

“Kerry! You are not only blind. You are freaking stupid! Please let me go!! I surrender!! I want to leave

this place!!” Venus looked at Kerry and said.

Kerry put his hand round her neck and said: “Don’t forget about what I said at noon. You are going

nowhere until I found your brother!!”

Venus stared at Kerry’ s eyes and smiled dryly. “Kerry, I will surly be killed by Xinyou before I get killed

by you. Why don’t you strangle me to death right now!”

Kerry tightened his grip and looked at her murderously. He said: “You think I don’t dare to kill you? I

should kill you just because you almost got Kevin killed!”

Venus’s face changed when she heard Kevin’s name. So it was Kevin who saved her? She thought.

Then why wouldn’t Kevin tell Kerry the truth? Why would he defend Xinyou?

“What? Are you afraid?” Kerry loosened his grip when he saw Venus’s expression changed.

Venus then broke away from his grip. She would have a thousand ways to kill herself if she really

waned to die. But she couldn’t die. She must live. She must tear Xinyou’s mask off in front of everyone!

“Afraid? You will be so happy if I die now. So I can’t die. Besides, how can I die before I meet my big


Xinyou was getting so excited when she thought Kerry was really going to strangle Venus, and she felt

so down when Kerry released his grip. She cursed Xinyou inwardly.

“Then you should just live, and see how will I kill him!” Kerry said. Then he turned around and left the


Xinyou was very happy when she saw Venus was in such a wretched state. She said: “Venus, are you

feeling hurt? Are you feeling jealous when your husband protected me?”

Venus countered: “Xinyou, you have tried so hard to kill me, and you know why I am still alive?”

Xinyou snorted and said: “You are just lucky. Although Kevin saved you, he is still on my side.”

Venus clenched her hands in her quilt, but she was still smiling. She said: “Xinyou, you have the

advantage of the environment, and people around you also trust you. But the reason why you always

fail is because you don’t have god’s help!! You will never succeed, because god will never take side

with you!!”

Xinyou said viciously: “I don’t believe god will help you next time!!”

“Okay, then let’s try it out! Let’s see who will win god’s help!”

Xinyou was angry, and she stomped out of the room. Venus shouted at her when she left: “Xinyou!!

Don’t forget about your oath!! God is watching you!!”

Xinyou stopped for a moment, and she clenched her teeth so hard.


Kevin and his body guard were shocked when they heard the bottle being thrown at the wall.

“Young master, are they fighting?” The guard was surprised.

Kevin was rather amused. He said smilingly: “Venus looks like a very soft person. I never thought she

has such a temper.”

The guard then asked a question that had been puzzling him. He asked: “Young master, it was that

woman who pushed Venus down, and why would you......”

The guard checked himself and looked at Kevin.

“Why would I defend Xinyou?” Kevin smiled. “I have my own plan.”

The reason why Kevin did that was very simple: Kevin was very jealous of Kerry. For the past year,

Kevin had been leading a miserable life, but Kerry was just the opposite. He made a huge fortune and

he was living his life to the fullest.

So, Kevin was very envious. He wanted Kerry to have some problems, to have some worries and

confusions, and Xinyou can perfectly inflict these things on him And that’s why, Kevin lied for Xinyou.

Kevin was looking forward to the following days very much.


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