Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 279 Won't Make You Sad (1)

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"No." The answer was unanimous again.

Kerry leaned back against the back of his chair in frustration and the anger he felt towards Tianye Mu

had almost dissipated.

"Where are you now?"

"Jiangnan Road, Venus arrived by a taxi and then the car disappeared from the surveillance." Kerry

said in a weak voice.

"Jiangnan Road?" Tianye asked.

"Yes, can you think of anywhere she would go?"

"Jiangnan Road ......" said Tianye, who suddenly had an idea, "I know, the villa we used to live in with

our parents is in that area, maybe Venus will go there! I'll be there immediately!."

"OK. I'll be right over."

With hope, Kerry was quick to cheer up, but he had only been to the Mu family villa once, when he

accompanied Venus to her mother's house. With a vague memory, Fang's car pulled up in front of the

villa half an hour later.

As soon as Kerry got out of the car, he saw a black Bentley, a car of Tianye coming right across the


Kerry glared at him angrily, then walked straight to the villa.

But he didn't know the password of the villa door, so he could only stop and wait for Tianye.

Inside the iron fence, the lawn was level, the flower beds were in full bloom with large clusters of

daisies, and the scent of flowers was wafting through the hot and dry air.

Since Tianye 's return, he had the place redecorated in the same way as it was when his parents were

here, and every two days someone would come to clean the house and mowed the lawn.

It's where the family lived and Tianye didn't want it to fall apart, so sometimes he came over for a night

when he got upset or missed his parents.

Tianye did not look kindly on Kerry, and after entering the four-digit code, the iron door "clicked"


At the entrance to the villa, there was also a log gate where Tianye entered the code again and they

walked in.

There was no air conditioning in the villa, which was a bit stuffy.

The two men walked through the hallway to the living room, and then froze in place.

There was a woman sleeping on the sofa, no one else, but Venus.

Her shoes were messy on the carpet and she was not covered with anything.

Seeing her, Kerry and Tianye both breathed a sigh of relief. Tianye was the first to walk over to her,

only to find that she was holding a picture frame in her hand, and gently pulled it out to see that it was a

family portrait of the four of them.

The photo showed their young mum and dad, he was wearing a high school uniform, and Venus in a

floral mini-skirt, all with happy smiles on their faces.

As if sensing someone, Venus opened her eyes in confusion and saw her brother with a faint smile,

"Hey, brother."

Tianye squatted down and sat cross-legged in front of her, "My little girl, what are you doing here?"

"I miss Mom and Dad." Venus had a soft voice, whispering as she woke up, which made Tianye sad.

Venus was caught up in deep memories, "I remember when the four of us used to sit here and play

cards and whoever lost would be given notes, and Mum always lost and had notes all over her


Tianye also remembered the old days and laughed, "That's because you cheated, otherwise how could

mother lose?"

"Yes, mum loves me the most," Venus smiled, and her tears fell, "brother, if only mum was still here, I

could still eat braised pork ribs, I could snuggle in her arms and tell her what I had in my mind, and she

would teach me how to raise a child ......".

Tianye 's eyes couldn't help but moisten, he wiped the tears from her face with hand back and said

softly, "I've often wished that they had lived, but Venus, even if they leave us, their love for us will

always be there."

"I know, I know," Venus burst into tears, "but I just want them to stand in front of me alive, not in our


Tianye changed his position to kneel on the thick carpet and took his sister in his arms, gently patting

her back, "Alright, alright, I will always be with you."

Kerry, standing at the entrance, was heartbroken at the sight. He was wondering how sad Venus felt to

have come here to find the warmth her parents once brought her.

He was tempted to push Tianye away and take his wife in his arms, but his feet were heavy as lead

and he couldn't lift them.

Tianye comforted Venus for a while and when she stopped crying, he turned head to glare at Kerry and

beckoned him over with his eyes.

Kerry came to his wife with guilt and remorse and softly called out, "Dear."

Venus wiped the tears, turned her back on him and did not say a word.

Tianye said earnestly, "It's normal for a couple to quarrel, but you have to solve problems if something

happened. Don't get into a cold war frequently, it hurts each other."

Kerry was quite surprised when he looked at Tianye. God, this guy could even say things like that. He

had thought that Tianye would scold him and then take Venus away.

Then Tianye got up when Venus couldn't see, kicked Kerry in the calf and then nuzzled him, and Kerry

understood him and knelt down on his knees in front of Venus.

"Honey, I was wrong, it’s all my fault, you can hit me if you want, just don't get angry, okay?" Kerry was

sincere and didn't care about his dignity, as long as he could make Venus happy, he's willing to roll over

twice, not to mention kneel down.

Venus looked out of the window at the flowering branches swaying with the wind, but he was too

depressed to speak.

As soon as Kerry hold her soft little hand, Venus shook it off.

The man's heart twisted, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be angry at you last night, I shouldn't turn around and


Before he finished speaking, Tianye asked angrily, "What? Have you been angry at my sister? Don't

you have a conscience? She is still pregnant with your child, how can you yell at her? "

"I didn't yell at her," said Kerry, "I just spoke a bit impulsively, but I didn’t mean to yell at her."


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