Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 195 Got drunk, she was going to be exposed (3)

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“Sure. That’s why I didn’t want to interrupt you.” Venus Mu joked.

When they were talking, the food was all served. As soon as the pot boiled, the two gobbled up.

“Do you like it?” Venus asked him.

Xuan Chu exhaled as he exclaimed, “Delicious. Spicy but not dry, it’s terrific.”

“Oh my god, you’re really the first person I met in my life who is so crazy about pepper.” Venus was

stunned and she didn’t even dare to try the spicy one, or her face would be ruined tonight.

Xuan Chu laughed, “Some of my friends are better than me.”

Venus gave him a thumb up, “Awesome!”

“Would you like some beer?” Xuan Chu suggested.

Venus was surprised with her eyes widened, “Really?”

He was confused, “Why can’t I?”

“Don’t noble sons like you drink red wine?”

He grinned, “I don’t care about that. I can eat in the most luxurious restaurant to eat steak and drink

wine, while I can also eat at a street market for a bowl of noodles. I choose what I want. Life is short

and one should try different things. Who told you steak is better?”

After hearing these words, Venus found that she had a new understanding of Xuan Chu. It turned out

that he was not like those that superficial ones like Kerry and Hao, who had his own thoughts.

Unfortunately, why would she want to be in the same boat with the man who kidnapped his child?

“Do you want a drink or not?” He interrupted her thought.

“Then I’ll drink one bottle.” Venus said to herself. She shouldn’t get drunk for one bottle.

However, she still overestimated herself.

After two-thirds of the beer, Venus started to get dizzy. She informed Xuan Chu in advance, “I’m not

very good when I’m drunk. Don’t leave me alone if I’m going to do something humiliating later.”

“It’s just a beer, seriously?” Xuan Chu was surprised and asked.

Venus grinned, “I do not know, I thought I was better at it, but I didn’t expect… let’s drink.”

The table was in a mess. Xuan Chu paid the bill. Seeing Venus leaning on the soft and humming, he

came to her and asked, “Can you stand up?”

Venus looked at him, “Of course.” Standing up with her hand on the table, she swayed towards the

door. Seeing that she was about to bump into the table, Xuan Chu even went forward to hold her arm,

“Be careful.”

Out of the restaurant, with the summer breeze, Venus got more drunk, dancing and sing, “You are my

little apple, how to love you is not enough…”

As soon as she was singing, the pedestrians all looked over and saw that it was still a beautiful woman,

unable to hold back their laugh.

Xuan Chu was embarrassed, she was out of tune, although her voice was very good.

If she hadn’t told him in advance, he really wanted to pretend he didn’t know this woman.

“Yan, can you stop singing?” He said helplessly as he pulled her towards the car.

“Don’t you like this song? Right, it’s outdated. I’ll sing another one.” Venus shook her head searching

for the latest song of the day.

“No, no, please. Don’t.” Xuan Chu really didn’t see that Venus would have this kind of fetish when she

got drunk, which was simply a disaster.

How could the drunken Venus listen to his words and said in aggrievance, “I want to sing, but why don’t

you let me?”

Xuan Chu looked back, finding that she was about to cry, and said, “Ok, sing.”

Venus immediately became happy again, singing with great joy.

Xuan Chu was completely speechless, only to hurry up. he opened the passenger door, immediately

pushing her in. if they were there for another half a minute, she would be the star of the funny video. He

didn’t want his sister to be famous for this kind of thing. What a shame.

Xuan Chu bent down to fasten her seat belt, before closing the passenger door.

When she was sitting in the passenger seat, she was still singing. Xuan Chu who was driving the car

was so depressed that he couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “Yan, stop, please.”

When he drove downstairs to the hotel, Venus finally stopped, maybe she was tired.

After parking the car, he came to the passenger seat to unbuckle her seat belt, then supporting her out.

“Slow down, slow down.”

He then closed the car door.

There was a black car parked not far away, inside was Kerry, who sat inside, gazing at the two. He

clenched into a fist.

Seeing Xuan Chu support his wife into the revolving door, Kerry could no longer sit there. He pushed

open the door and ran over in big strides.

“Where is this?” Venus asked in confusion.

“This is the hotel. I’ll send you back to your room.” Xuan Chu led her into the elevator. The moment the

elevator door was about to close, a hand reached in, making the elevator door open again. It was


Xuan Chu was slightly surprised, “Mr. Ye, why are you here?”

Kerry entered the elevator, staring at the drunken Venus, “She didn’t call me back, so I come over to

see her.”

Xuan Chu knew what he meant, smiling, “Yan is with me, what do you have to worry about?”

Kerry was tempted to say, “it’s just because she’ s with you that I’m worried.”

“Nothing. I just want to see her.” Kerry saw the hand that Xuan Chu was supporting, and he looked up

straight at Xuan Chu, “You’ve also drunk a lot, so let me hold her.”

“It’s fine, it’s just beer.” Xuan Chu clearly had no intention of handing her over to him.

Kerry couldn’t take it by force, so he had to stand by.

In this situation, Xuan Chu, the nominal fake brother, was more qualified than him, the actual husband.

The elevator was dreadful, except for Venus’s slight breathing, there wasn’t any other sound. Xuan Chu

looked tired and didn’t want to talk to Kerry at all.

Soon, they arrived at the floor where Xuan Chu and Venus lived.

Xuan Chu almost dragged Venus to her door, “Mr. Ye, please take the room card from her bag.”

Kerry could only do as he was told. After opening the door, Xuan Chu got Venus into the house and put

her on the bed.

“Yan, wake up. Get up and wash before sleeping.” Xuan Chu leaned over and lightly patted her face,

and was shocked to find that the skin on her jaw was a little wrinkled. He remembered that she had to

take off her mask once every two days. Yesterday she didn’t take it off at Ye’ s house and if she still

wore it tonight, there would be a big problem tomorrow, and it was already a bit weird now.

The intimacy was all captured by Kerry, so he coldly said, “Since she wants to sleep, don’t wake her


Xuan Chu turned back and looked into him, “No, the one thing she must do at night is to remove her

makeup and wash her face. If she doesn’t do it, she will come and torment me tomorrow, blaming for

not that waking her up.”

Every word he said was like a knife, stabbing into his heart.

“It’s just one night. How can it be that serious? How about this, I help her wipe her face a few more

times with a hot towel.”

Of course Xuan Chu disagreed. If he wiped the mask off, he would be scared.

“There’s no need for Mr. Ye to worry about this. I’ll wash her face later. It’s already late, please return,

Mr. Ye.” Xuan Chu directly gave the eviction order.

How could Kerry leave him alone in this room, and Venus was still asleep.

“It’s only ten o’clock, I usually sleep until after midnight.”

Xuan Chu really wanted to kick him out, but the most important thing right now was to make Venus

wake up. So, he didn’t care about Kerry and turned around to continue calling for Venus.

“Yan, wake up.” Xuan Chu shouted a few times, so he had to pinch her nose, which worked out.

She opened her eyes and looked at Xuan Chu in puzzlement, “What are you doing?”

Xuan Chu signaled, but Venus couldn’t understand, so he could only say, “Wash your face before you


“Wash my face?” Venus blinked her eyes and repeated the words. She didn’t know what he was

saying. Xuan Chu leaned down and whispered in her ear, “That mask on your chin is wrinkled, don’t

shout, Kerry is in the room.”

Venus woke up all of a sudden, and with some sanity in her intoxicated eyes. She stretched out her

head to look, only to see Kerry standing not far away, who was looking towards her.

Venus swallowed her saliva, with her hand unnaturally touching her chin and said, “Kerry, when did you


“Not long ago.” Kerry suppressed his anger.

But Venus didn’t catch his meaning, “Oh, that, I’m sorry. I drank too much, why don’t you both go back

to sleep? We’ll talk about it tomorrow. I’m so sleepy.”

“You’re really awake?” Kerry suspected.

Venus nodded, “Sure. Brother, you and Mr. Ye please go out. It’s so strange that you two men are in my

room at night.”

Xuan Chu glared at her. What an ungrateful woman.


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