Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 208 Venus, I Know It's You (2)

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Kerry handed Venus in his arms to Meiling He beside him, and then said to the marketing manager,

"We two take the remaining seven people up to find the other two."

"Mr. Ye, you'd better stay here. You still have an injury on your leg." The marketing manager said.

"It's fine, it's just a cut," Kerry who didn't care, "Don't waste time. Hurry up. You guys come with me."

"Mr. Ye, I'll go too." The security manager said.

"No, you stay here with a few vice presidents to protect our employees." Kerry patted him on the

shoulder and turned to Henry, who was going to follow up, and said, "You stay here, too."

"No, Young Master, I want to protect you." Henry said stubbornly, with his eyes a little red.

Kerry looked down at the still unconscious Venus and whispered to Henry, "She's Venus. You take care

of her here."

Henry opened his eyes wide in surprise and couldn't believe what Kerry had said. How could she... be

Young Mistress?

Kerry stared at Venus with emotion before he left, and turned around to enter the building where no

one knew what danger would happen.

Time seemed to freeze. Seeing their boss and managers risk their life to go in to save people, many

Yehuang Group's employees shed tears. Even if the salary was low, it’s good to have them be their

leaders because they made them feel safe.

Henry was quietly by Venus's side. He couldn't take his eyes off the woman, and his mind was turning

over and over with Kerry’s last words—“she’s Venus”.

But this face was obviously not like that of Young Mistress. How could she be Venus?

Henry suddenly remembered a few things: one day, Kerry told him not to check on Yan Chu, and also

asked John the Butler to be nice to her. So did Young Master find out that Yan was actually Venus?

He risked his own life to save Yan and doted on her. So, it was the reason!

That’ good! What he and John the Butler were worried about would never happen again, and Young

Master would not have to die alone.

In the midst of his rejoicing, Henry remembered one more thing: Where was the baby?

Before he could think carefully about it, Venus in front of him murmured in pain and finally opened her


"Young... Miss Chu, are you awake?" Henry almost said the wrong thing.

Venus looked around in a daze. She was familiar with faces surrounding her but she didn’t see Kerry’s.

She asked Henry, "What about Kerry? Where's he? "

"There are still a few people trapped inside the building. Young Master brought some persons in to

rescue them."

Venus set her heart at ease and coughed twice. When feeling a bit better, she said to Meiling, "Thank

you, Mr. He. Help me up, I'm better now."

Meiling beckoned Xiaoli over, and two of them helped Venus up together.

"Are you Okay?" Meiling asked with concern as Venus didn't look very good and her feet were flimsy.

Venus shook her head a few times and weakly said, "Yes, just a little headache." Then, she looked

around, feeling that the air was filled with the sense of fear and anxiety.

Injured people were crying out, but no paramedics were coming to help. The earthquake had come

without warning so that all people were stunned and effective rescue had yet to begin.

Suddenly, the aftershocks came again, and were much stronger than the previous ones. The screams

in the square were loud and clear. Henry grabbed Venus's shoulder so quickly that she didn’t fall.

The world seemed to come to an end but everyone gritted their teeth to overcome their fears.

"Heavens, please bless Mr. Ye and the people inside for getting out safely." Someone said, and all

employees gazed at the building. Venus's became worried.

At this moment, she stopped hating this man and was secretly hoping for his safe return.

"They're coming out." Another person shouted loudly.

A strong security guard carried a middle-aged woman on his back, walking over to a crowd of people in

the chaotic street. The crowd burst into applause.

This was the lady from the logistics department, who was cleaning the bathroom when the earthquake

happened. While running outside, she tripped over a mop on the ground and injured her leg.

Just when she was desperate, the manager of the logistics department with others found her. At that

moment, she burst into tears.

Soon, a little girl from the finance department who was crushed under the table was also rescued and

whose tears messed up her makeup.

"Why haven't the two people from the marketing department come out yet?" Secretary Liu looked

anxious, and he spoke what was on everyone's mind at this time.

"Don't worry. Mr. Ye and others will be fine." Someone comforted him.

Meanwhile, another group of people came over. Here came several security guards brought by the

marketing manager. One of them was carrying an unconscious lady on his back.

"Where are Mr. Ye and his men?" Henry asked.

The marketing manager swallowed his saliva and said with a dry throat, "I didn't see them. The

marketing department has two floors so we were separated as soon as we entered the building."

Henry was even more anxious. If it’s not for Kerry orders, he would have rushed to find him now.

As time passed, the sky grew darker and darker, as if black clouds were going to press down on the


Loud sirens and ambulance voices scraped through the chaotic air from far and near.

People cheered as if they saw hope.

A large number of police set out. Some were relieving traffic congestion, some were working with the

public to rescue the people in the car, and some were maintaining order.

Venus's nose was a little sore as she looked at all this. This was the place where she was born and

raised, so beautiful and vibrant, but in a moment it had become completely different and devastated.

At this moment, she felt that humans were really too small, and there were very few things of nature

that could be influenced.

While everyone was anxious, Kerry and a few others finally appeared in sight.

"Mr. Ye and the others have returned. They're back." Someone shouted excitedly.

Kerry found Venus at a glance and she was quietly looking at him. He felt warm and walked quickly to

her, "How are you? Are you feeling good?"

"I'm fine," Venus said.

"Does your head still hurt?" Kerry touched the swelling on her forehead and said sadly, "It's all swollen."

"It's fine. I was just hit by a box during the earthquake."

Kerry put his hand on her shoulder. Seeing the appearance of police and paramedics, he said to

Secretary Liu, "Quickly arrange for someone to send the people who were just injured to the

ambulance, and ask doctors their conditions."

"Got it," Secretary Liu looked at the injury on his knee and said worriedly, "Mr. Ye, you should also go

and have a check. Your knee is bleeding."

"No need to worry about me. I can feel it. The wound shouldn't be big." Kerry showed no care. He

actually couldn't really feel the pain in his knee now, as it was probably numb.

The traffic on the road began to gradually resume. Kerry said aloud to the employees, "I know that

many people's bags, keys as well as mobile phones are not brought down upstairs, but it is too

dangerous to go in now. I suggest that you wait for a moment until the aftershocks are not so frequent

and then you can go in to get things. Or you can go to the house of your friends or relatives. Everyone

doesn’t need to come to work these two days. Just take it as an early vacation, and wait for notice to

ask you to work."

"Got it..." "Okay, Mr. Ye..." Many people said.

After arranging things, Kerry worried about the wound on Venus’s forehead and whispered, "Let me

take you home first and treat the injury."

"No, besides, there's no way to go back now. The road is still blocked." Venus said with a sad face.

Kerry sighed. It seemed that he could only wait in the square first. And he didn’t know what happened

to the car placed in the underground.

The disaster was like a black hole, eating away people's hope little by little.

The radio in the square suddenly played a song, a cheerful piece of music that the Chinese people like,

which made thousands of people quiet down.

A moment later, a deep voice came, "Well, citizens, I'm Qidong Zhang, the Mayor of Sky City. An

earthquake that has just occurred damages our city severely, but the government has set up an action

group and the disaster relief operation is carried out in an orderly manner. I hope everyone will not

panic and try not to go indoors."

"In order to ensure your safety, we will have police set up tents in People's Square, Revolution Park

and the playgrounds of various high schools in this afternoon. We also hope that citizens who can help

will join us so we can get through this disaster together."


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