Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 157 Kerry Regretted It (3)

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Venus looked around the pit, there were a lot of scratch marks by animals along the edge, it must be an

abandoned trap, as the weeds in the pit were a foot tall and the trapper didn’t clean it.

Forget it, it's better to call for help first.

Venus looked up and she was stunned, her bag was left somewhere and nowhere to be found when

she rolled down here, and all her food, water and cell phone were in that bag.

When people fall on evil days, they would choke when drink water. Why could she see a snake when

she wanted to find a toilet, if she should have known that she would only fishing by the lake.

"Someone! Help! Me!" Venus shouted towards the sky, but her yell quickly disappeared into the wind.

"Help me, someone help!"

Venus kept shouting, yet the only thing that answered her was the wind. She tried to climb up from the

edge of the pit to see if she could do it, but she failed every time.

After struggled for a while, Venus decided to reserve some energy, her colleagues were still climbing

the mountain now, and when they had had enough fun and go down the mountain after a few hours,

maybe someone would hear her call then.

It's just Venus always felt a chill down her spine being alone in a place like this, and wondered how

many lives this pit had taken. Also, praying those animals that live in the woods would never visit her,

even if they did nothing, she would still be frightened.


Three or four hours later, most workers of the company finally reached the top of the mountain, the sun

was not dazzling as it was cloudy.

Many people shouted loudly at the top, as if to shout out all the pressure in their hearts.

The first place was finally gained by a young man from the sales department, it seemed that do regular

exercise would help you gain a healthier body than those who didn’t exercise.

At 3,00 p.m., Secretary Liu began to count noses, and one person was missing, excluding Kerry who

did not go to the mountain, of course.

"Let's all check each other and see who isn’t here yet?"

A few people from the design department looked at each other, and finally noticed that one person

wasn't here.

"Secretary Liu, Venus is not here." Meiling He said worriedly.

Secretary Liu's eyelids jumped, his heart swelled with uncertain, "Call her, ask her where she is."

Meiling He nodded and called Venus hastily, yet the phone ringing for a long time with no answer, she

called again and still no answer.

"Those who up the hill later, who met Venus on the road?" Secretary Liu asked aloud.

"Oh, I saw her, and I asked her whether she wanted to climb with me, but she said she was taking a


"I saw her too, she was sitting on a rock and said she needed to get some exercise."

Secretary Liu panicked, "What time was it when you saw her, approximately, and where?"

"About twelve o'clock, just halfway up the hill."

Three hours had passed since twelve o'clock, she couldn't be in any danger, please.

"What now?" Meiling He's face turned pale, she didn’t want any accidents happen to Venus.

Secretary Liu considered for a moment and said, "I'll call President. Ye to inform him. Don't call Venus

yet, in case her phone is running out of battery, that’s trouble."


Colleagues began to whisper, Secretary Liu said seriously, "It's not early now, everyone go down the

mountain immediately, remember to go in pairs, look for Venus on the way back, maybe she's asleep

somewhere, remember not to walk alone."

"Okay ......"

At the villa, Kerry finished a lengthy meeting and started to write a work plan.

The phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence in the room.

"What?" He clicked the answer button casually.

Secretary Liu's anxious voice came over, "Mr. Ye, something bad happened, Venus is missing."

"What did you say?" Kerry stood up from his office chair shockingly, "What happened exactly."

After Secretary Liu explained the situation briefly and how it’s handled permanently, Kerry said, "Let

your colleagues pay attention to their own safety, don't walk around on the mountain, I will contact a

professional rescue team to find her immediately."

"Yes, Mr. Ye."

Hanging up the phone, Kerry realized that his heart was thumping heavily, Venus, you mustn't have an

accident, you haven't forgiven me yet, how could you leave me now?

After forcing himself to calm down, Kerry made some phone calls, then found the villa manager for

some life-saving equipment, and headed towards the mountain.

The temperature in the mountain plummeted, and by four o'clock it was dewy. Venus was so boring that

she made a cushion with weeds. Actually, she was afraid that something had hidden in those weeds,

so it’s better for her to cut those weeds first other than being scared all the time. She felt safer when

the ground was clean.

She was thinking about when her colleagues would go down the hill while stretched her chin, and

suddenly she heard a vague call in the air drifting over along with the sound.

"Venus, Venus!"

Venus was so excited that she was busy shouting to that direction, "I'm here, I'm here, help me!"

Unfortunately, she was downwind, and her voice soon dissipated along with the wind, so others didn't

even hear her cries for help.

"Venus, Venus!"

"I'm here! Can you hear me? Help!"

Venus was so anxious that she was shouting so hard until she felt her throat had break, couldn't they

hear her?

"Help! Hey! I'm here!" Venus kept shouting as she knew it was where the closest to her colleagues,

once they hadn't found her, they would continue to walk down the hill, the hope of saving her from the

pit was slim.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the voices calling for her spread away.

"Hey! I'm here, don't go." Venus shouted as she leaned to the edge of the pit, but it still had no effect.

Soon, the mountain turned silent again, and only the sound remained was the wind.

"Hey… Don't go… "

Venus's throat was a little hoarse and sore, and after not drinking water for nearly a day and shouting

for a long time, it’s not surprise that her throat was hurt.

Sitting back in the weed cushion, Venus was tired and hungry.

Darkness shrouded the mountains so fast, and night began to fall after the fog.

Venus prayed again and again, God please bless me, please let me be found. I didn’t want to spend a

night here.

A rustling noise came from the other side of the pit, and Venus looked up to see a snow-white rabbit

looking at her, and after a few seconds of looking at each other, the rabbit squeaked and ran away.


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