Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 145 Venus disappeared (2)

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An hour later, Hao Nangong’ s car slowly approached the airport, and from afar, he could hear the

announcement on the airport radio.

“Dear passengers, due to the thunderstorm weather, all flights have been temporarily cancelled, and

when the flights will resume will be announced.”

“Holy shit!” Hao slapped the steering wheel in anger. How could God do so to him?

But soon, he found something even more unpleasant.

There were more than ten bodyguards at the entrance of the airport, inspecting the passing cars one

by one, and all of them were familiar.

They were dad…’ s men? How did Dad know he was coming to the airport? Was it possible that the car

following him was Dad’s?

Unable to move forward any further, Hao immediately turned the car around and drove back.

Where to go now?

Now that his father knew what he was going to do, he couldn’t go back to his home, as well as the

residences, so he could only go to the private villa halfway up the hill.


It was the one he had bought a long time ago, but he hadn’t gone to live there much. There was usually

only a housekeeper, watching over the house and cleaning it. His parents didn’t know about it, so he

could go there to settle down first and then re-plot.

In the early morning, he arrived at the villa.

“Is the bedroom clean?” Hao carried Venus upstairs and asked the housekeeper.

The housekeeper was surprised to see him, “Sure, yes. I’ve been cleaning it every day.”

He hadn’t seen Hao for a long time, so he was a little shocked.

Hao went to the second-floor bedroom and kicked the door open with his foot. The housekeeper

following behind to turn on the light for him.

“You go down and make some breakfast. Don’t come here without my permission.” Hao commanded

with his back to him.

“Yes, boss.” The housekeeper answered, and the moment he closed the door, he saw Venus’s delicate


She ...... looked somewhat familiar. Where had he seen her before?

Ye’ s villa

The sun was about to come out and Kevin received a call from Ajia in his agitation.

“How’s it going? Did you find Hao?”

Half an hour ago, he told him that he had lost Hao, so Kevin then ordered everyone out to look for it.

“Not yet, no clue.” “Keep looking for him!” Kevin sounded a bit angry.

“Yes, boss.”

Kevin hung up the phone, rubbing his sore eyes. Venus’s phone couldn’t be reached now, and Hao’s

phone was also off.

How else could he find them? One person came to mind.

He couldn’t wait any longer. One more minute of waiting, more dangerous Venus will be.

Wearing pajamas, Kevin strode to Xinyou’ s door.

“Knock, knock, knock.” The rapid knock on the door was particularly harsh in the early morning.

Kevin clenched his hand into a fist and knocked vigorously on the door.

Inside finally came Xinyou’ s lazy tone, “Who is it? I’m coming.”

The moment the door opened, Xinyou was surprised, “Kevin?”

“Where did Hao take Venus to?” At this time, Kevin didn’t bother to maneuver with her and directly

questioned her.

Xinyou suddenly woke up and pretended to know nothing, “Hao? I don’t know.”

Kevin smashed his fist on the door frame and roared at her, “Don’t act like as if you know nothing, I saw

everything yesterday when you went to the café to meet Hao. Tell me, where?”

Xinyou’ s heart was beating so fast. He knew it?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Xinyou was about to close the door.

Kevin kicked the door open, his eyes filled with viciousness, “Xinyou, don’t think that I don’t know about

those things you and Hao did. You’ d better tell me. Otherwise, I’ll tell Kerry all the tricks you’ve been


Xinyou had never seen such a strong Kevin, but at this point, she could only resist to the end, not to

mention that she really didn’t know where Hao was.

“Kevin, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know Hao and I don’t even know where he is!”

When Kevin was about to explode, Kerry’s voice sounded behind him.

“It’s early in the morning, what are you two arguing about?”

Kevin knew that he couldn’t hide it, so he turned to him and said seriously, “Brother, sister-in-law was

taken away by Hao last night, and now she can’t be found.”

Kerry was surprised and then grew angry, and quickly dialed the phone number of Venus’s attending


“I’m Kerry. Is Venus in the ward?”

The doctor was obviously still asleep and spoke in a somewhat impatient tone, “Of course she’s in the


Kerry shouted, “Go to check it for me right now! Now, immediately.”

The doctor was woken up by his yelling and he didn’t dare to delay. He put on his shoes and ran to

Venus’ s ward, but she was not there.

“She… she’s not…” The doctor stammered. God, the patient had been lost…

“Bastard!” Kerry hung up the phone and turned back to ask Kevin, “You said Venus was taken away by


Kevin looked anxious, “Yeah, he dumped my man. Brother, you are familiar with Hao, so where do you

think he will go?”


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