Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 240 The Baby Learned To Call Me Mummy (1)

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Kerry Ye continued to ask others but failed to get any useful clue.

Xiran Xiao suddenly recalled her police friend Officer Bai, she got the recording from Kerry and then

sent it to her friend, and soon, she received the detailed address.

It was a small town of a certain county of C city in F province that required at least a four-or-five-hour

drive from here, but luckily, they had Nighthawk in C city.

After informing Nighthawk to chase after Venus Mu immediately, Kerry also rushed to C City together

with Tianye Mu, maybe they could not see her this time, but at least their distance was thus shortened

a little bit.

He kept close contact with Nighthawk on the way in order to know the situation backward.

Nighthawk, on the other hand, found the hotel within mere an hour and turned around to catch up with

them after getting the exact direction they headed to.

“Did the innkeeper tell you anything useful?” Kerry asked him on the phone.

“Not much. He just saw their car went west and I was catching up with them.”

“Had him saw the car license plate or something else?” Asked Kerry.

“Nay. It’s just a small hotel, kinda impossible for the innkeeper to install CCTV.” Said Nighthawk.

Kerry was sort of disappointed but said, “Fine, call me if you find something.”

“Yes, boss.”

If the innkeeper called shortly after Venus and the baby left, then Nighthawk just needs to spend over

an hour to catch up with them in the right direction.

But the problem is, where will they go?

Venus was lifting the baby to teach him standing on the back seat of the car while Gavin, the man

sitting next to her, gave her an occasional disgusted glance, they hadn't spoken to each other since

morning due to the unpleasant incident that happened last night.

She hoped that he could continue to keep it that way, and to be honest, she really didn’t want to talk to

him too much, lest Alisa got suspicious again and put me down.

"Baby, follow me and say, mummy, mummy." Said Venus to the baby.

The little guy beamed with a smile lit his big eyes, he opened his mouth to say something but it was not


"M-u-m-m-y, mummy!" Venus didn’t give up and continued to teach him. For the past few days, as soon

as she got into the car, she would try to teach the baby to call her “mummy”. Even the word “grandma”

was accessible to him, how could he be unable to call her “mummy”? Was it the most easily

pronounced word?

Gavin, clearly annoyed by the repetition of such tedious conversations between the mother and the

son, finally said, "Would you please stop it? I’ve been tired of this kind of talking even the child and you

didn’t feel it in the same way."

"Then you can take a rest, I’m not in your way, am I?"

"How can I do that when you're sitting next to me?"

"Then you can let me stay in another car."

"Wow, you begin to get your temper frayed?"

"Hostages have their dignity too, okay?" Venus said nonsense in a quite serious way, "By the way, the

baby is learning to talk, what if he grows up with communication difficulties without more practices?"

"I think that you are exactly the one who has a communication problem."

Venus didn’t retort, "Whatever. If you don't like me, you can change to another car or put up with it."

Gavin would have really slapped her on the face if she was not a woman. She’s quite an amazing

person who could easily break the calmness and coldness he had maintained for years, making him

fire up whenever they were thrown in an argument, the worst part, however, was that he couldn’t do

anything to her.

The baby's pure eyes darted around the two and laughed joyfully.

"What are you laughing at, babe? Call me mommy, let’s say, mommy." Again Venus began her

parenting cause.

The baby opened his mouth and said in a soft and cute tone, "Mummy." It didn’t sound quite standard

but was indeed the right word.

Venus almost jumped up with excitement and exclaimed in excitement, “You just called me mummy,

right? Haha! Come on, one more time babe!”

The baby repeated obediently, "Mummy."

The two simple words were like heavenly music striking straight to her heart, Venus felt filled with

warmth, but at the same time, with a tad sadness.

Tears were thus brought to her eyes and her voice became hoarse, "Baby, finally you learned to call me


The baby also seemed quite happy with this and kept saying, "Mummy, mummy, Mummy ......"

Venus tried her best to hold back her tears and touched his smooth face, breaking into a smile, "Alright,

alright, what a mom's boy."

Gavin scowled at her crying and laughing face, "Is there any necessity for you to be that excited?"

"It’s none of your business." Venus retorted.

Gavin snorted and turned his head to look out the window. He wanted to bring the child over and have

him called himself "uncle", but then the woman would probably laugh in his face, so it was better not to

do such a childish thing.

"Where are we going later?" Mavis asked casually.

"What for?"

"The baby's milk is gone, and there are no more biscuits, nappies as well as other necessities. It’s ok

for me to starve for a while, but I can't let my child stay hungry," Said she seriously. These are all

consumables and no matter how much you’ve prepared, you'll run out of them someday or other.

Gavin looked back at the beaming little guy and clearly knew that what she said was true—that little

guy was exactly a hand at crying—and asked Heng Zhang who was driving, “Stopped at the

supermarket and get him some daily necessities.”

"Okay, boss."

Venus smiled secretly, she needed to think about how to mark later for Kerry.

"Baby, mom's gonna buy you the-yummy-yummy later, okay?"

"Yummy! Yummy!" The baby picked up the word quite quickly because he could get delicious food

when he said so.

"What a little foodie just like me!" Venus said with her forehead against the little guy’s one.

And she said in her heart, "Thank god you’re not of folly.”

They stopped after arriving at a slightly larger county to find a supermarket through countless turnings,

and Venus stretched out her hands towards Gavin.

"What?" Gavin was puzzled.

Venus said with a serious expression, "Give me some money. My credit card had been destroyed by

you. Would you buy something with a humble smile?"

Gavin was completely defeated by this cheeky woman. It's strange, he’s so fierce, why isn't she afraid

of him anymore?

"Heng will go with you, you can ask him to pay for the shopping." Gavin said indifferently.

"Oh." Venus was about to get out of the car with the baby in her arms, but she was grabbed instantly

while the baby was taken by Gavin.

"Any question?" Gavin raised his eyebrows.

"No, of course not." Venus cast an angry glance at him with an expression that seemed to say “it’s


"Heng, take two more people with you."

When she was about to get out of the car, Venus heard this and turned her head and said sarcastically,

"Why are you still afraid that I'll run away as my child is in your hands?"

"Who knows?"

Venus sneered, fetched a smart blow on the door, got out of the car, and was about to slam the door to

express her rage, but finally closed it very gently for fear of scaring the child.

Of course, Gavin would not go to the supermarket as his mask would draw attention from the crowd,

and he detained the baby because, firstly, Venus wouldn’t run away with her child in his hands, and

secondly, the child’s extinct features will also make him become the focus of the crowd.

The reason why he let Heng take two more people to go with her, however, was that he wanted to give

her a hand in case she would buy too much to bring them back. But he was fine with Venus’s

interpretation of his intention.

“Come on, call me uncle.” Gavin touched the little guy’s face with warmth almost spilled over his eyes.

The baby reached out to touch his silver mask and grinned, “Duncle!”

“Not Duncle. It’s U-N-C-L-E.” Gavin corrected his pronunciation carefully.

“Duncle!” The little guy repeated.

Gavin shook his head and said, “Follow me, U-N-C-L-E.”

The baby stared at his mouth for a while, seeming to ponder how to pronounce it properly, but finally

put it as the same, “Duncle.”

Gavin let out a bitter smile and said, “Not Duncle, little guy, it’s uncle. I’ve raised you for such a long

time, why haven’t you learned to call me uncle?”

The baby just kept giggling, “Duncle, duncle.”





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