Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 175 Venus, I Want to Hear Your Voice (1)

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After the drip in the afternoon, Venus Mu set out on her journey again.

Now at this time, John the Butler should be helping Mrs. Qin in the kitchen.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, Venus quickly ran to the door of the study

on the third floor, and then gently opened the door.

"Click ", the study door opened.

So confident were Kerry and John the Butler that they hadn't locked the door. But this was great for her.

She quickly flashed into the study.

Venus carefully rummaged through the drawers, and when she finished, she put them back intact.

Kerry was too sensitive, so he could tell if there was any difference.

There was nothing in a few drawers. Venus found the bookshelf again, and still found nothing. She was

anxious, but she suddenly saw a small black box with a combination lock on the top of the shelf.

Her heartbeat was fast. What were the important things that Kerry had to lock in the box? Could it be

the treasure map?

It was placed too high, so Venus pushed the chair in front of the desk over. Before standing on it, she

heard a loud noise outside the door downstairs, Kerry was back.

It was only five o'clock in the afternoon. Why did he come back?

Venus raised her head to look at the box and had to push back the chair, thinking I needed to keep my

safety and looked for you next time.

Out of the door, Venus did not dare to stay, and rushed to go downstairs. When she just arrived at the

second floor, she heard the sound of Kerry going upstairs. Now going back to the room was definitely

not possible, so she could only pretend to go downstairs.

"Miss Chu? How’s it going?" Kerry was standing at the corner of the stairs, looking up at her in


"Much better. After being in my room all day, I want to go outside."

Kerry turned around and walked down as well, "Then let’s go. I'll accompany you."

Venus thought it's just okay. There were some things she couldn't ask. However, she was now Yan

Chu, it was easier to ask.

The two of them took a walk outside the villa. Venus felt chilly, so she wrapped her clothes tightly and

said, "Thank you for taking me in, otherwise I would have spent a pitiful time alone in the hospital."

Kerry face was calm and cold, "No need."

"Originally, I planned a two-day trip to sky city, now it becomes a two-day trip to Ye's house. Lol, but the

scenery of your house is not bad," Venus bobbed her head as if it was her first time here. She was full

of curiosity, "Such a big place. Do you live alone? Where are your mom and dad?"

Kerry’ footsteps noticeably paused. His face became more and more indifferent, "They passed away

many years ago."

"Alas? I'm sorry. I didn't know that." Venus apologized.

"It's okay. It happened many years ago," Kerry said. He seemed to have remembered something, and

gradually unfolded his eyebrows, "I still have a grandpa and a younger brother."

Venus was really surprised now, "Grandpa*?" She never knew he had a grandpa.

Kerry glanced at her suspiciously, "Is it strange to have a grandpa?"

"No. What about the others?" Venus hid the surprise shown in her eyes.

"He's recovering abroad since our parents died." Kerry showed a little tenderness.

Oh, that was right. Then should I ask him how his parents died? Wouldn't that be a rush? What if he


When she was hesitating, Kerry stood at the bench beside the lake with his slender fingers touched the

spots on the bench, "In the summer, my wife likes to sit here and cool off."

Venus's heart pounded, not daring to look at his sad face.

Kerry seemed to realize that he had said a little too much, so he restrained the tenderness in his eyes,

and lifted his feet to continue walking.

The summer wind carried heat. Even if it was in the evening, it was mixed with rolling heat.

Venus followed him slowly, unable to control her tumbling feelings, and asked him, "Do you love your

wife very much?"

Kerry stopped and lowered his head to look at her, so focused that he seemed to be looking at

someone else through her, and then she heard him say with deep emotions, "Yes, I love her very


"Then why did she still leave you?"

Kerry’s eyes went cold, grabbed her by the arm, and asked in a stern voice, "How do you know she left


Venus laughed bitterly, "Kerry, I have the reasoning of a normal person, okay? If you love her so much,

then surely it wasn't you who drove her away, then it was only her who left you. Wouldn’t I understand

such a simple thing?"

Kerry abruptly let go of her arm. Was he too sensitive? He thought ......

"I'm just asking. Why did you get so angry and grab me so hard?" Venus rubbed the place where he

had grabbed her, complaining.

Kerry was actually somewhat powerless as he stood in front of her at this point.

"It's my fault." He said in a deep voice.

"Of course it's your fault." Venus thought he was apologizing, only to realize a few seconds later that he

was answering the previous question.

Sure enough, Kerry continued, "It's my fault for doing a lot of things wrong to her. That's why she left

me, and this is my punishment."

Hearing this, Venus's eyes crawled over a touch of pain. She admitted that she just wanted to see him

in pain and regret. Only then could she feel comfortable.

"You didn't look for her?"

"I've searched everywhere I can to find her, and I haven't found her." Kerry raised his head to look at

the distant blue sky, "Now, no matter where she is, my only hope is that she can live safe and sound."

Venus had an inexplicable feeling of emotion, because Kerry had really changed a lot.

"I believe that she will live a good life." Venus said firmly, seemingly comforting him, but actually

comforting herself.

Kerry finally had a smile on his face, "I believe in it too. Let's go. It's time for dinner."

The mask has been worn for two days and plus she was sick. When eating dinner, her face was

already a little itchy, but she did not dare to touch her hands again, so she had to bundle her hair on

both sides, being afraid that Kerry would see something strange.

After hastily eating a few bites of food, Venus said to him, "I don't need a maid to take care of me

tonight, since I'm used to sleeping alone."

Kerry saw that she was better and nodded in agreement.

Back in her room, Venus locked the door and hurried to the mirror. The interface of her cheeks had

begun to become red.

"Thanks to my long hair, or he would have seen it." Venus said to herself as she put the water in the


Soon, a transparent human skin was removed from her face, and in this place, Venus was a little

nervous disclosing her face.

Making sure again that the door was closed, Venus lay down on the bed.

There was a picture of the one-month baby in her phone, with his big open clear eyes and bright

laughter. The smile seemed to melt the glaciers of ten thousand years.

It was a picture that Venus had cried and begged for a long time before that mysterious boss agreed to

pass it on to her.

Looking at the baby's face, Venus instantly burst into tears.

Was he fine now? Was he crying? Did he forget her mother?

Venus dared not think about these issues, and when she did, she couldn't stop crying and her heart


She wasn't a good mother, since she didn't protect her child.

Venus buried her face in the blanket to suppress her crying, when the door rang at that moment.

"Miss Chu? Are you there?" It was Dr. Han's voice.

Venus's hands were busy drying her tears with the blanket, and she cleared her throat and asked,

"Something wrong?"

"I'm going to do another test," Dr. Han said simply.

Venus panicked, since he hadn't said anything about this when he left this afternoon. He definitely

couldn't be allowed in now, because it took a long time to wear the mask.

"Doctor Han, I feel much better already and I'll check again in the morning."

Doctor Han outside the door thought she was taking a shower or something and didn't want to let him

in, so he didn't think much of it. He had to say, "That's fine, Miss Chu, Sleep tight."

Venus lay on the door and listened to his footsteps disappearing before she let out a sigh of relief.

It seemed that spies were not everyone's cup of tea, especially her, who accepted no training.

Fortunately, she was trained to be stronger by Kerry before, otherwise, she would be surprised to death

in minutes.


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