Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 257 Kevin Was Back (1)

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A long time had passed. With every minute that passed, Henry's heart sank a little more. He looked at

the vast ocean and felt more worried than ever before.

"Henry, come here." Xiran shouted from the side of the car with anxiety in her voice.

Henry ran over, as Tianye Mu was in the lifeboat.

"What's wrong, Miss Xiao?"

"Venus has passed out with a high fever. You need to send her back." Xiran's eyes fell on the clothes in

his arms and asked, "This is ......"

"This is a freshly salvaged shirt that Kerry wore last night." Henry said with a pale face.

"Fuck!" cursed Xiran in a low voice. "It looks like Kerry is really in trouble this time."

"Miss Xiao, you don't look well either. I'll have someone send you and Venus back." said Henry.

Xiran knew it was pointless for her to stay here, so he looked up at Tianye on the sea and said heavily,

"Fine, I'll go back with Venus first. Let us know immediately if you find anything about Kerry."

"I know, but….." he continued, shaking the suit in his hands, "Please don't tell Venus about the

salvaged shirt."

Xiran gave him a quick glance and nodded.

Henry gave the drver instructions. Then he told Dr. Han to the Ye family villa.

In the car, Venus's temperature was extremely high. She was murmuring. Xiran leaned in and listened

carefully, and found that she was calling Kerry's name.

Xiran found something cold from the car and put it on her forehead to cool her down.

“A very long piece of glass is stuck in your foot., but you're still walking all night. Doesn't your foot

hurt?" Xiran said to Venus, even though she knew Venus was in a coma and probably couldn't hear


The car was going fast, but Xiran kept urging the driver to go faster, though.

An hour or so later, the car sped up to the Ye family villa, but what Xiran didn't expect was that the

gates were already surrounded by reporters.

"Why are there so many reporters?" Xiran was confused.

"Miss Xiao, didn't you watch the video online this morning?" The driver said seriously.

"Nope. My phone ran out of battery last night. What happened?" Xiran asked.

"The Internet has a video of the Yehuang Group's annual meeting last night," the driver said, pulling out

his phone and showing it to Xiran. “People all say Mr. Ye is a monster.”


Xiran curiously took it, and after watching it, she couldn't help but curse. “Damn it, Tianye was right.

Someone was spying on Kerry.”

She looked straight through the windshield at the dozens of reporters in front of her.

As the car slowly came to the front door, the driver sounded the horn many times, but the reporters

turned a blind eye. Not only did they not get out of the way, but they surrounded the car. They all

wanted to know who was in the car.

Xiran became more and more anxious as he watched Venus, who was already in a coma.

"Tell the people at the villa to open the door," Xiran said to the driver.

"But these reporters will run into the villa."

Xiran really wanted to take a stick and drive these people away.

In the midst of the anxiety, there was the sound of police cars whistling from behind. Soon, several

police officers got out of their cars. One of them came to Xiran's car and calmly said to the dozens of


"You have been charged with trespassing, so please leave here as soon as possible.” the police said to

these reporters. "Your job has affected other people's lives. Please get out of here or we will take you to

the police station."

The reporters had no choice but to get out of the way. At the same time, the gate slowly opened and

John, the butler, appeared in the door. The driver quickly drove the car into the villa.

In the rearview mirror, Xiran saw that when the gate closed, some reporters still wanted to rush in, but

they were blocked by the bodyguards inside the gate. Seeing this scene, she had the urge to laugh.

However, she finally sighed deeply instead of laughing.

Dr. Han came early in the morning and brought two nurses with him.

As soon as the car pulled up, Dr. Han was shocked when he saw Venus' condition, "My God, how did

she get into this mess?

The two maids went to assist her, but Xiran stopped them, "She's got a piece of glass stuck in her foot,

so she can't walk. You come and take her out." Xiran said, pointing to a tall, strong bodyguard.

The bodyguard was hesitated, because Kerry wouldn't allow them to touch Venus.

Xiran got angry and almost kicked him, "What the fuck are you standing there for? Hurry up!"

The bodyguard didn't dare to hesitate any longer and bent down to carry Venus out.

Xiran breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Venus being placed on the hospital bed.

"Miss Xiao, thank you so much," said John, "You needn't worry too much about Venus. I'll have the

maid show you to the guest room."

Xiran then followed the maid upstairs. She wanted to take a bath now. Even though it was winter, her

clothes were soaked with sweat, and her shoes were full of sand.

The maid brought her a change of clothes, underwear and panties.

"Miss Xiao, please call me if you need anything, I'll be at the door." The maid said, bowed and then left.

After taking a hot shower, Xiran's nerves, which had been tense all night, gradually relaxed.

Dr. Han's brow was furrowed as he watched Venus in a coma. This was perhaps the most serious

condition Venus had been in since he had treated her. Her body was as hot as fire, but her legs were

as cold as ice, Dr. Han wondered if the piece of glass stuck in the bottom of her foot had hurt her vital



Pingan came out of his room and looked around the living room, but didn't see anyone. So he climbed

up the stairs to the second floor to look for his mom and dad.

Long before Pingan returned to the villa, John had carpeted each flight of stairs with thick carpets and

installed padding on the walls so that Pingan would not be seriously injured, even if he rolled down the


When he reached the seventh or eighth floor, Pingan heard footsteps upstairs. When he looked up, he

saw Xiran. He was very happy.

Xiran was wearing Venus' clothes and her hair was still dripping wet. When she saw Pingan, who was

climbing the stairs, her mood immediately improved.

"Pingan, what are you doing?" Xiran came down the stairs and sat down in front of him.

Xiran straightened up and said, "I want to find mommy."

Xiran touched his little face, took him into her arms, and said softly, "Your mother isn't in the room.

She's sick. The doctor is treating her."

Pingan's eyes were wide open. He understood what Xiran was saying, but didn't know how to express

it, so he just took Xiran's hand and tried to get her to take him to his mother.

"We'll go see your mom when she's better, okay?" Xiran tried to use the words he could understand.

Pingan was silent for a moment, and asked, "Where's Daddy?"

It was the first time he said the word "daddy". Kerry would have been very happy to know that his son

could finally say the word daddy.

Xiran kissed him on the cheek and said,"Your daddy has gone off to do a very great thing. He'll be back

in a few days."

Kerry went off to drop bombs alone for the safety of thousands of people, and that was definitely

something great.

Pingan believed her and smiled again, "Will you play with me?"

"Okay." Xiran picked him up and walked down the stairs to the toy room. She really wanted to see

Venus, but didn't want to disturb Dr. Han's treatment of Venus.

Dr. Han first gave Venus an antipyretic injection to reduce her fever. Then he asked the nurse to clean

the broken glass from her feet.

John stayed with Mrs. Qin outside the door.

Nearly three hours passed, and Dr. Han came out of the room, his brow still furrowed.

"How is Venus?" John was busy asking.

"Her fever hasn't completely gone down, but the glass has been removed from her foot. Jesus, it is

three centimeters long. I can’t believe she stand it all night." Dr. Han shook his head and said, "Venus's

feet may have been hurt badly, so she ......"

"Will she never be able to stand up again?" Mrs. Qin asked worriedly.

"That's not so bad. But she can't stand for long, and her feet may stay cold."

"When will she wake up?"

"I'm not sure. She's still in danger. As long as she gets through the night, she should wake up soon."

John sighed heavily, "Dr. Han, you’d better stay at the villa for the next two days. You may be needed

at any time."

Dr. Han nodded, and then went back into the room.

"It's time for Pingan to drink his formula," Mrs. Qin suddenly remembered this and ran to the toy room.

When she pushed open the door, she found Xiran and Pingan lying on the bed, and then she went to

gently cover them with a blanket.

Xiran fell asleep while telling Pingan a story and Pingan fell asleep as well.


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