Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 170 Tianye Was Coming to Save Venus (1)

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They went home in time for lunch.

Venus Mu had such a good appetite that she finished two bowls of rice in succession. This change

delighted both Kerry Ye and Mrs. Qin because it indicated that she wanted to live on.

Perhaps it was the change of mind, Venus fell into sleep very quickly this night. The maid told this good

news to Kerry.

“Fair well, take good care of her.”

The maid nodded heavily and was going to leave, then Kerry said, “It’s not easy for her to fall into

sleep, so keep as quiet as you can when you go to bed and don’t wake her up by your noise.”

With her face blushed, the maid whispered, “Yes, Young Master.” And then she rushed to the second


Good sleep and nutritious diets gave Venus a florid complexion and a better body shape. She still

seldom talked, however, nor did she put on a smiley face. She turned herself into a mute, especially in

face of Kerry.

It’s painful to face her silence and nonchalance, but Kerry had little idea to deal with this situation,

besides, he didn’t want to force her to do anything. The unborn baby had pulled her back from the brink

of death, he didn’t want to set her in that dangerous and desperate situation again because of him.


This morning, Venus suddenly found that she could find no clothes in the closet to fit her, especially the


It seemed that it was time to go shopping.

“I need to go to the mall and buy some clothes.” Said she suddenly while she was taking breakfast.

Kerry paused in eating for a moment and felt quite excited—How long had it been since she talked on

her initiative last time! That was indeed a voice much melodious than any other amazing music in the


“Ok, I will accompany you after breakfast.” Kerry’s long-standing gloom was thus emptied in an instant

with gaiety glittered in his azured eyes.

“No, I will ask Xiaoyu to come with me.” Venus refused coldly.

Xiaoyu was her trustworthy maid.

But obviously, Kerry would not rest assured to let her go out alone, and he ignored her refusal, “I’m just

in charge of paying the piper, you can pretend I don’t exist.”

Venus said nothing because she knew that Kerry would not change his mind no matter how much she


Seeing that she did not continue to decline his ask, Kerry drank the soup with a smile and thought that

he should tell Secretary Liu to postpone today’s work.

They went to the greatest upmarket in Sky City. Since it wasn't the weekend, there were very few


All stores Venus visited were boutiques because she didn't like maternity clothes which, in her opinion,

looked too bulky and didn’t fit her style.

Venus walked around a few stores, but neither did she invited Kerry’s comment nor try on them when

she decided her picks. Instead, she just handed them to Xiaoyu and told the shop assistant she

needed I size.

Kerry didn’t say a word, he just followed them and paid the clerks, presenting himself as a nice man.

He enjoyed paying for his lady. The faint smile in her eyes made him more motivated.

After half a day of shopping, Henry and Xiaoyu's hands were fully occupied, Venus didn’t stop and turn

to a nearby coffee shop until she noticed that they couldn’t take more stuff.

"You can't drink coffee right now." Kerry reminded her.

"Can't I sit down and rest for a while?"

Kerry looked at her with deep affection, "Sure, you're in charge. Waiter, three cups of coffee and one

cup of hot water please!"

"Okay, one moment please."

"Excuse me, where is the restroom?" Venus asked the waiter.

"Go forward from here, turn right and you'll see it."

Venus went to the toilet with a hand propping her sore waist. Kerry recalled what happened last time

and gave a look to Xiaoyu, the smart maid appreciated his points and followed on immediately.

Venus snickered at the man with high vigilance. As the saying goes, a burned child dreads the fire.

Her brother had been killed by him, could someone else help her escape once more?

When she came back to her seat, the hot water had already been served. Kerry sat opposite to her and

had a call about work.

Venus held the cup and turned her head to look at the people walking to and fro outside of the café.

Some were rushing alone towards somewhere, some were strolling in groups with their friends, and

some were frolicking with their families, everyone was relishing their felicity except she was being alone

with nothing but the unborn child.

Then a couple appeared in her field of vision. At first, she didn't see anything special until the girl

smiled at her with a fresh smile.

Venus felt that her blood stopped flowing through her body at that moment, and her heart that had died

for a long time thumped again, but she didn't dare to show a different expression. She recognized the

girl, the little nurse who had repeatedly taken her away.

Why was she here?

Realizing she had seen her, the little nurse patted the arm of the man beside her and nodded at her.

Venus’s eyes fell on the man's face, quite ordinary, you might still fail to recognize him even once you

were met again.

Then, the man gently moved his lips.

He said quite slowly, twice in a row. Just like hit by a thunderbolt, it occurred to her the husky voice as

he mouthed, Miss Mu.

He was the man in black who had come for her that night!

It must be him! He was as tall as the man in black!

Venus’s heart was beating fiercely. It turned out that what he said was true, he really came to finish the

task to kill her brother.

Kerry was off the line, seeing Venus’s agitated expression, he asked in confusion, "What are you

looking at?"

She withdrew her gaze immediately and lowered her head to drink water, "Nothing."

Kerry followed her eyesight and only caught sight of a young mother who was stooping down to teach a

little boy, quite a warm and cute scene.

Was she touched by that? Kerry turned to look at her top of the head and wanted to take her into his

arms, telling her that if their child annoyed her, he would definitely teach the child a lesson and ask him

to be obedient to mother.

Venus took a sip of water, when she looked outside of the window again, she found that the little nurse

and the man had disappeared, seeming that Kerry hadn't noticed them.

In the blind corner, the little nurse stared angrily at the man and whispered in a rage, "I've done

everything according to your demands, when are you going to let my friend go?"

The man said indifferently, "What's the hurry? When this is done, our boss will let you go. But Tianye

Mu was dead, why don’t you consider turning to our boss? You can also make money here anyway."

The little nurse sneered, "Sorry, I’m afraid that it’s not easy for us to appreciate your boss’s taste."

"Where did Tianye find you sharp-toned girls?"

"You guys promised that you won't touch a hair of Venus’s head. If you break your word in the future,

we will not let the matter go until we die." The little nurse said grimly, completely devoid of the

gentleness a girl of this age should have.

The man pushed her forward with the gun in his hand and said, "Don't worry, our boss will honor his


After meeting the little nurse, Venus was in a better mood, and sometimes she would talk to Mrs. Qin.

Compared to her performance in the previous two days, she looked so good that made everyone in the

villa relieved.

As she tried several times to commit suicide a few days before, everyone, including Ye Kerry, was put

under great strain that they followed her wherever she went. Even when she went downstairs, Xiaoyu

would accompany her in order to keep her from sliding down to put an end to her life.

The two maids were trimming plants in the garden.

"Hey, why does the young lady suddenly change her mind? Wasn’t she trying to end her life before?"

"Xiaoyu said the young grandmother saw the baby's face through B-type ultrasonography last time and

then she thought it through."

"People say that child is the angel falling into the mortal world, it’s true. It must be this angel that saved

the young grandmother."

"He also saved us .....haha, I was scared to death previously......"

"Me too. I’m so glad to see all’s well......"

After confirming the identity of the man in black, Venus began to wait for a chance. Since he infiltrated

the Ye family last time, Henry had stepped up the security Kerry also tried his best to come home as

soon as he got off work, it was too difficult to take her out of the Ye family.


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