Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 222 Meet again. Venus saw Tianye (1)

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“Tianye Mu, thank you for saving me.”

The smile on Tianye’ s face instantly disappeared, “No more thanks, OK?”

Xiran Xiao was startled, whose eyes were sore, and she wanted to cry again.

In the last few hours, she had cried more than the past twenty more years.

Tianye had never seen such a fragile Xiran before. He sat next to her and hugged her with one hand,

“Okay, I shouldn’t be that harsh, but you’re not allowed to say ‘thank you’ to me in the future.”

Xiran nodded. The moment Tianye fell down, her heart stopped beating. Luckily, he was alive.

“Don’t cry, OK? Good girl.” Tianye rubbed her hair.

Xiran choked out, “I thought you wouldn’t wake up.”

“Silly girl, I won’t break my promise since I promise you that I will keep alive.” Tianye wiped away the

tears from the corner of her eye with his finger, “Besides, I can’t leave you alone.”

She smiled, reaching out her hand to put around his waist and murmured, “Let’s go home tomorrow.”


The flowers she wanted to see were seen, so she was content. Tianye still had work to do and she

couldn’t squander his time.

After staying at the inn for the night and recovering almost completely, the two took a flight back to Sky

City the next day. Before going to the airport, Tianye found the young man who drove them to the clinic

with a tricycle and gave him a generous payment. Although the young man said it was not a big deal,

Tianye still put the money into his hands.

Tianye didn’t like to owe people, whether it was favor or money.

Except for Xiran, she was his woman, not anyone else.

Back to Sky City, Tianye first took Xiran to the hospital for a blood test to make sure there was no more

venom in her body before he went to work.

It was cloudy and sultry.

After entering the re-match, Venus started to prepare the work for the second round. Because of Xiao

Xie’ s death, Venus was in a low mood. She was too irritated to sit in the office, so she told her

colleagues before going to the street.

She didn’t tell Kerry Ye, for if she did, she would definitely be followed by a bodyguard, which she

wasn’t used to.

Strolling from one shop to another, it was pouring rain when she came out, so she then got into the

dessert shop next to her.

Ordering a glass of juice and a cake, Venus turned her head away to look out the window.

It was raining hard. People on the street without umbrellas were running for a shelter. Suddenly, a

familiar figure was in sight, who propped his suit on the head of the woman beside him and the two

walked forward unhurriedly. The woman’s head was in the suit, so she couldn’t see it. However, Venus

recognized the man immediately according to his shape.

She went blank, gazing at the man. When the man turned around and whispered to the woman, her

heart seemed to stop beating for a second. It was her brother.

Without picking up her bag, she rushed out to run after that man.

It was raining hard outside, so as soon as she went out, Venus was drenched in the rain. The man she

was staring at stepped onto the busy road.

The angry blowing of a car horn came, making Venus back to her senses. A car was rushing towards

her through the rain and fog, so she took a few steps backwards, back onto the pavement. When she

looked up again, the man who resembled her brother started a car parked on the side of the road, first

escorting the woman into the car, and then walked around the front of the car to the driver’s seat.

Venus took a careful look this time. She will never forget her brother’s figure and shape in this life, and

it was indeed her brother.

“Brother!” Venus shouted, but the sound of the rain and the oncoming cars were so loud that her voice

had been drowned out.

“Brother!” Venus shouted again with all her strength, yet the man heard nothing, who opened the door

and got into the car.

The headlights flashed twice, and Venus knew the car was leaving, so she anxiously tried to go cross

the road, but as soon as she stepped into the driveway, she was blocked by the loud sound of the



Venus watched the car start and leave. Now for her, it seemed that there were some ants in her pants.

She ran after the car on the pavement and the passers-by all looked at her with puzzlement.

“Pa!” She didn’t step on the ground, so she fell hard into the rain. When she got up, the black car had

already disappeared from sight.

Venus stood in a daze in the heavy rain for a moment, and then ran back at a gallop. Her bag was still

at the dessert shop.

The owner thought she would eat without paying the moeny, but as soon as he saw that her bag was

still there, he knew she would return. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Venus came back, wet all over.

Venus’s hands shivered as she took out her phone to call Kerry.

“Hello? Kerry, I saw my brother.” Venus’s cords were trembling.

Kerry froze for a second and asked her, “Where are you now? Where did you see him?”

“I’m at a dessert shop on Chenxi Road. Just now, I saw him and it must have been him.” Venus said in

a firm and rather emotional tone, “He’s not dead. He’s alive.”

“Send me the location, I’ll come to you now.” Kerry hung up the phone without saying more.

Venus sent him a location and sat there, holding her phone before she came to her senses. Her brother

really wasn’t dead.

God, what good news that was. It couldn’t be a dream, could it?

“Lady, dry yourself before you catch a cold.” The owner brought a new towel to her, and Venus said

thank you. She was wiping the water from her face and arms as she recalled what she had just seen.

This dessert shop was two blocks away from Yehuang, so Kerry showed up immediately.

When he saw Venus who was in a mess, he looked astonished, “What happened?”

Venus’s eyes were like stars in the sky, grabbing Kerry’s hand and said, “I saw him. It’s him, I’m sure.”

Kerry turned around and asked the waiter for a cup of water and began to calm her down, “Take it easy.

Tell me what you have seen, OK?”

Venus excitedly told Kerry everything that she had just seen.

“Did you see his face?” Kerry wondered.

“Yes, otherwise I won’t be so sure.” Venus spoke firmly.

“Have you seen the license plate number? And do you know what car it is?”

Venus shook her head, “It was pouring rain, so I couldn’t see the license plate, and after I fell down, the

car drove far away.”

Kerry looked down at her knee and there was indeed a large red swelling. He asked with care, “Does it


Venus smiled, “I feel nothing.”

Kerry knocked her forehead. She had completely forgotten her pain once she saw her brother.

But was that person really Tianye? Suddenly he recalled the big movements made by Mu’s Group

during this period of time. If it was Tianye, then everything made sense.

Venus saw him frowning, thinking that he didn’t believe her, so she explaining, “I’m telling the truth,

don’t you believe me?”

“No, of course I believe you, but,” Kerry paused and lowered his voice, “What I’m worried about is that

since you were able to disguise as Yan Chu, could someone pretend to be Tianye? And if he’s back,

why doesn’t he come to you?”

Venus stiffened, for what he said made sense. She calmed down, “Whether it’s true or no. If you can

find him, I can tell he is my brother or not.”

Kerry nodded, “As long as he is in Sky City, I will find him. I promise.” But Kerry was a little worried. If it

was Tianye, would he take Venus away again?

“Ah-choo!” A loud sneeze interrupted Kerry’s thought. He cradled Venus in his arms and blamed, “See,

you’ve got a cold. “

Venus gave him a disgruntled glance, “What’s that look on your face? Do you want me to sit here while

I see my brother?”

“Fine, I’m sorry. Go home and take a shower.”


Then, Kerry went to the traffic police station to get the surveillance of this road, but unfortunately, the

rain was really too heavy, and only vague figures of man and woman could be seen. As for the license

plate numbers, no clues could be got from it.

A villa in the eastern suburbs

Tianye hung up the subordinate’s phone and went to the gym. Xiran running on the treadmill.

“What’s going on? You look not so good.”

“Kerry is looking for me, Mu Tianye didn’t intend to hide it from her, “I don’t know how he knows it.”

Xiran felt it was not a big deal, “There should be quite a few people who know you in this city and it’s

only a matter of time before he finds out. What are you worried about?”

“Nothing. It’s just that sometimes it’s easier to act in the dark.” Tianye wiped the sweat from her

forehead and asked softly, “What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you tonight.”

Xiran looked at him unexpectedly, “Don’t you know how to cook?”

“I can refer to the recipe.” Tianye was a little smug.

“Then please. I’ll eat whatever you cook.” Xiran had been running for half an hour, but her breath was

still steady.

Tianye pinched her face and smiled, “I love you.”

Xiran lightly patted his hand off and said, “I love you, too.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

“Then go to cook for me.”


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