Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 285 The First Snow of The Year (1)

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When Kerry Ye had no love for Venus Mu, what he wanted was to torture her, but now, falling in love

with her, he would do his best to love and care her.

A song eased Venus a lot. Perhaps the little girl inside her also heard the song, so she gradually

quieted down.

After this song, Kerry began to sing again, still Jay Chou’ s song.

After four songs, the car arrived at the hospital, and Venus got much better, almost feeling no pain.

“Let’s have a check-up it even if you’re feeling better now,” said Kerry. But ten minutes ago, the pain

had made her face distorted.


They came to the obstetrics department which Kerry had appointed earlier and had a thorough

examination. Then the doctor said in a serious way, “It’s just a pseudo-contraction, not in labor, you…

are not doing anything, aren’t you?”

Venus blushed all of a sudden, with her head down and didn’t answer the doctor. Kerry, however,

explained in an easy manner, “We didn’t do that. We just cuddled each other for a while.”

The doctor knew what he was talking about and hearing what Kerry said, he said, “Don’t do that again,

OK? There are three weeks left to deliver the baby. If she is stimulated, it is easy to cause premature


As soon as he heard this, Kerry immediately became serious, “I am sorry and I won’t do it again.”

“Okay, that’s it. It’s not a big deal. Be careful and you can’t touch her belly too often, which is also easy

to cause pseudo-contractions. But it’s normal, but if the pain is regular and the time intervals are getting

shorter, come to the hospital immediately.”

“I see. Thank you, doctor.”

Kerry then took Venus out of the doctor’s office, who was annoyed and gave him a spiteful pinch.

“It hurts. Honey, forgive me.” Kerry pretended to beg for mercy. In fact, it did not hurt much and he was

just making fun of her.

“Will you do it again?” Venus’ s face still blushed.

Kerry answered, “I won’t. Never, I promise.”

Only then did Venus let him go. She laughed, “It’s your fault. What an embarrassment.”

Kerry comforted her, “No, baby, don’t think in this way. Doctors have met such cases before and they

have got used to it. He would just laugh at us, no more.”

“Come on, stop!”

“Well, OK. Let’s go back.” Kerry circled her waist and walked into the elevator with a smile on his face.

Fortunately, it’s not a big deal, otherwise, Kerry would spend the rest of his life to regret.

It seemed that Kerry couldn’t touch Venus until she’s in labor. Well, he must depend of his hands.

When they got back in the car, Henry asked with concern, “Young master, how is the young lady?”

“She’s fine. The doctor said it’s normal.” Kerry explained simply, who had received a warning from


“Thank God.” Henry breathed in relief and started the car to go back.

Only then did Kerry realize that what he was wearing was a T-shirt, for he was in a hurry to get to the

hospital, so he only changed the clothes for Venus and he had no time for himself.

When they got back to the villa, John was waiting for them with the light on, and when he saw three of

them back and the young lady looked quite good, he then went back to sleep.

After all this, Venus was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she lied down, who did not wake up

until the next morning.

In the meantime, Kerry came in several times to check on her, fearing that something might have

happened to her again.

After washing up, Venus was hungry and went out to look for food, but she was a little surprised to see

Dr. Han in the living room.

“Dr. Han, what are you doing here?”

Dr. Han looked sad, “Of course it’s Mr. Ye that asks me to come. He called me early in the morning and

told me to come over and stay at the villa from today until you gave birth, but I didn’t bring anything with


“Okay, okay, stop for a moment, will you?” Kerry came out of the study with a cup of tea and called out

Henry, “Send him back to get his stuff. Remember, bring him back.”

“Sure.” Henry said with a smile.

Dr. Han sighed and looked at Kerry helplessly, then left.

Venus didn’t know his intention and asked, “What’s going on with Dr. Han? Doesn’t he want to come?”

“This guy is now a famous expert at several hospitals, making money by my reputation, so how can he

be happy when I trap him here for more than half a month?”

“Oh, I see,” nodded Venus, “Then let’s just keep him here. Anyway, he needs to pay something for

using your name.”

Kerry scorned, “My name is worth much more than that.”

Venus ignored him and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

The following days, just as the doctor had said, the more she got closer to the date, the more frequent

her pseudo contractions occurred, but with Dr. Han here, she didn’t worry that much.

It’s just a hard time for Dr. Han, a good surgeon, who was forced by Kerry to deal with obstetrics stuff.

Pingan knew that her mother was not feeling well, so he seldom came to make trouble for her, who

spent most of his time with Satsuma.

Tianye Mu’ s twins were almost one month old and there were four day left before her due date, so she

took Kerry and her son to her nephews’ one-month celebration party while she could still move around.

The wedding of Tianye and Xiran Xiao had not yet been held, and Xiran was a low-key person who

didn’t like noise, so all the guests today were family members, except for Kerry’s family, there were

Xiran’ s parents.

“Wow, is it snowing outside?” Pingan was surprised to see the snow.

It was the first time for him to see this, so his excitement was overwhelming.

Venus looked out the window and answered him, “Yes, it’s snowing.”


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