Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 134 He Was Obsessed with Her Body (2)

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Henry shook his head and said: “He said he was too nervous at that time to remember anything.”

Actually, Shaopeng Han wouldn’t dare to say it even though he remembered. He didn’t want to trigger

their retaliation.

Venus stood up when she saw the problem was solved. She said coldly: “Can I go now?”

Kerry looked at her. Mixed feelings came over him. He said: “If you know this, why didn’t you tell me

about it earlier?”

Venus laughed dryly. She said: “I just told you about it, but did you believe me? Do you still remember

how many shitty things have happened since Xinyou moved into this villa? I have explained so many

times, but did you even believe me once? Why should I keep explaining when you obviously have no

trust in me?”

Kerry didn’t know what to say. So many memories came flooding back to him, and just like she said, he

didn’t believe her once.

“You should have given me the number earlier......” His voice was low and he sounded very regretful.

Venus smiled coldly and said: “Kerry, do you still remember how many times have you tried to kill me?

You are right about one thing: I really want Xinyou’s plan to succeed, because I will be free if you

compromise and get divorced with me! That’s why I didn’t expose Xinyou’s lie.”

What she just said pierced Kerry’ s armor and stabbed his heart slowly as if her words were a knife. He

felt painful and he felt all his strength was drained.

“Now, the truth is finally uncovered. If you still want to kill me, just do it. I am too tired to resist.” Venus

straightened her shoulders, and looked in Kerry’ s eyes.

Silence then fell upon the living room. The sunshine came streaming in at the window, but Venus was

still feeling cold.

The clock was ticking the time away. Kerry looked at Venus, who was standing right in front of him. Her

face remained the same, but her character changed. At first, all her emotions were written on her face,

but now, she became so good at concealing her feelings. She was so close to him, but still, he couldn’t

tell how was she feeling. Is she feeling nervous? Or fearless? Or what?

And he knew, it was him who changed her.

Some time later, Kerry said to Mrs Qin: “Please take her upstairs. And ask Doctor Han to check her


“Sure, young master!” Mrs Qin was so happy. Kerry was finally caring for Venus. She thought.

Venus also sighed inwardly with relief.

Henry, after thinking for a long time, said to Kerry: “Young master, Mr Nangong is still trying to give this

incident more publicity, and people will talk about it for a long time. Should we also find some medias to

stop it?”

“No. Don’t they want to know what is my attitude? I’ll tell them what is my attitude.” Kerry said. Then he

called Xinyou and said: “Xinyou, where are you now? Come back. I have something to say to you. I’ll

be waiting for you.”


Xinyou was at Yehuang Group at that time. She was filled with excitement when she hung up the

phone. She thought her plan finally succeeded, because the way he just talked to her was so gentle

and so sweet.

She couldn’t wait anymore. She turned off the computer, with which she was just reading a new report

about Kerry and Venus, and got back to the villa without even asking Meilin He for leave.

She felt so excited when she thought that she would soon become Mrs Ye, and she would soon kick

Venus out of the villa.

The first thing she saw when she walked into the living room was all the glass pieces on the ground,

and she looked at Kerry, and found his face was grim. She thought Kerry just quarreled with Venus,

and she was very glad.

“Kerry, what’s the matter?” Xinyou asked in a soft voice.

Kerry looked at her and he wanted to give her one last chance. He asked flatly: “ The rumors about me

and Venus are now flying around. You know who started these rumors?”

Xinyou didn’t expect to be asked about this. She calmed herself down and said: “Eh, I have no idea.

Aren’t you investigating? Is there still no result?”

“I got the result. She is living right in this villa. I just can’t believe it was her.” Kerry said in a cold voice.

He fixed his gaze on her face.

Xinyou smiled awkwardly and said: “So, you know who she is?”

“Yeah. Do you want to guess? Who do you think she is?”

Xinyou arched her brows and thought about it carefully, and then she acted to be surprised and said:

“Is she Venus? No, it can’t be her. She wouldn’t do that. Why would she?”

Kerry was seized by both anger and disappointment. He knew he would wrong Venus again if he didn’t

know the truth beforehand. And he knew Xinyou would keep pretending to be a good friend of Venus’s.

Kerry was silent, and Xinyou continued: “But if you think about it carefully, it is also possible. Because

Venus has told me many times that she wants to leave this place. But what she did was just way over

the line. Not only did she get her own reputation tarnished, she also dragged you into......”

“Xinyou Qiao!!” Kerry shouted suddenly. “How can you still blame Venus for what you did!! Have you no


Xinyou was numb with shock. Her mind went blank. A few seconds later, she asked nervously: “Kerry,

what are you talking about? I don’t understand you.”

“You don’t understand? Fine, let me ask you: do you know this person named Shaopeng Han?”

Shaopeng Han? the hacker? how did he know this person? Xinyou thought to herself.

“I...I...” Xinyou’s face went pale, and she didn’t know what to say.

“Cat got your tongue? Xinyou, I always thought you are a nice girl! But you are a woman with no moral

scruples! Is there anything that you can not do to achieve your purpose?” Kerry stared at her. He found

he didn’t know the woman standing in front of him at all.

He remembered Venus once said that he was blind, and now he realized Venus was so right about


“Kerry, please listen to me. It’s not like that......” Xinyou grabbed Kerry’ s arm, and tears were streaming

down her face.

Kerry slapped her hand away and said coldly: “Okay. Give me an explanation. I’m listening.”

Xinyou’s mind was racing. She thought she could only blame Hao Nangong for everything. She said:

“Kerry, I did this because I was forced by Hao Nangong. He wants to get Venus, and that’s why he

devised this plan. It’s really none of my business.”

“How did he force you?”

Xinyou lied blatantly: “He said that if I don’t cooperate with him, he would......he would drive me out of

this city. You know, his family is very powerful....”


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