Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 240 The Baby Learned To Call Me Mummy (3)

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Outside the supermarket.

He had expected that she would not spend her own money anyway, so of course she would buy

anything she wanted, but she spent nearly 10,000 yuan just on the kid's stuff, which was really


It was at noon, and as usual, Heng found a private restaurant that was very remote. Today, their main

task was to hurry on with their journey, so they had plenty of time.

Venus felt that she hadn't sat at a table and had a comfortable meal for a long time.

Gavin is not very familiar with Chinese food so Mr. Cai did all the ordering for him.

During the meal, Gavin and Mr. Cai were discussing their next trip when his cell phone rang.

Sure enough, Gavin answered the phone and called out, "Xuan Chu."

Venus got surprised that Xuan had escaped? Then Gavin said, "That's good. I was worried about you."

Liar! In her heart, Venus said, "You're going crazy for the treasure. When have you ever worried about


"You don't have to come over here. We're doing fine ...... well, yes ......" Gavin looked at Venus who

was eating with relish and said bluntly. "She eats and sleeps well."

When Venus heard those four words, she knew she was talking about herself.

When can she eat and sleep well?

"Okay, I'll go back to you when I'm done here. Take care of yourself." Gavin's last words were very soft,

just like the feathers on a swan's neck, and Venus had never seen such a Gavin before, so she couldn't

help but look up at him a few more times.

What kind of feelings did he have for Xuan? She really don't get it.

Gavin put the phone away and his eyes became cold again, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm going to the bathroom," Venus wanted to tip off.

Gavin pointed the corner of the room with his chin, "There it is."

Oh, no.

In the county center.

At the same time, Nighthawk is in the supermarket's monitoring center. Shortly, a familiar face

appeared in the monitoring. She was followed by three men, two of them with shopping bags in their

hands, while the last man, Nighthawk carefully look, was very much like Zhangheng who Kerry showed


Venus and Heng got into a black car parked in front of the supermarket, and the other two men got into

the SUV in the back with their stuff.

Then the three cars started up and slid into the traffic next to them.

Nighthawk freezed the scene with the three vehicles, two military green SUVs and a Hummer that is in

a low profile, and is perfect in performance and power. The Hummer is the one that Venus got in.

Nighthawk was surprised. After looking for so long, this was the first time to know what kind of car they

drove. Although he could not clearly see the license plate number because of the low camera pixels,

can, but as long as he knows what kind of car they drive, next time it will be much easier to find them.

"Thank you." Nighthawk said mildly to the supermarket manager.

The manager felt nervous and stammered, "You're welcome."

"Let's go."

As Nighthawk and his men went after Venus, the supermarket manager sat without strength in his chair

and an employee asked, "Manager, should we call the police?"

The manager slapped him on the neck, "You stupid. Aren't you getting yourself into trouble by calling

the police?

As Nighthawk looked for the three cars in the county, he called to inform Kerry of the news he had


"I'll be there in two hours. Just be careful and try not to disturb them.” Kerry instructed.

"Got it, boss."

When Nighthawk searched around the county two or three times, but couldn't find any trace of the

three cars, he became anxious. A subordinate called and said: “Boss, I found the cars in front of a

private restaurant.”

"Great, send me the location." Nighthawk was extremely excited.

In ten minutes or so, Nighthawk arrived in front of the restaurant and looked across the street to see

two SUVs and a Hummer.

"It's their car." Nighthawk was extremely excited, "Fuck! I've been looking for you for more than half a

month. Finally I got you! This time I can never let you go."

"Nighthawk, do you want to go in and take a look?" The subordinate asked.

Nighthawk considered for a moment, but finally shook his head, "No, just keep an eye on it." He wasn't

sure if they knew all of them, so it was better not to catch them off guard.

After a few minutes, a group of people came out of the restaurant.

First, there were a few brawny men, keenly observing their surroundings and when they found no

suspicious characters, they escorted a man wearing a mask to the car, followed by Venus, who was

holding a child, and then Heng.

Nighthawk only felt all his anger pumping out. It was the man who wore a mask he had seen once at

sea who was so arrogant.

The three cars quickly started up and headed out of the city.

"We'll catch up first. You guys stay behind and don't let them find us." Nighthawk informed his

subordinates in the other car.


In the Hummer.

The baby, in a lazy state after eating and drinking, was lying on her mother's chest, playing with her

buttons from time to time. Venus was also a little sleepy, so she let him go. When she was almost

about to fall asleep she heard the baby's laughter.

Venus opened her eyes, "What do you see? Why are you so happy?" She looked at the direction

where the baby looked at, and found a toy floating up, but also playing somersault.

Venus was instantly awakened, grabbed the toy, and turned her head to look at Gavin, who seemed to

be a bit sleepy too, with his face towards the window and eyes closed.

Luckily, he didn't notice that. Venus was greatly relieved and looked back at the baby's eyes, which

were still purple and blue. So, the baby can use his supernormal abilities without changing the color of

his eyes?

"Be good and go to sleep. No more playing." Venus said in a slightly serious tone.

The baby looked at his mother with big, and confused eyes, "That was fun, why don't you let him play?

The baby was not happy.

"No, got it?" Venus's face was still serious, and she didn't know if the baby would understand what she

was saying.

The baby really felt like he was about to cry out. Mommy was so mean. She had never been so mean

to him before.

But this was the first time he had used his powers during the day, and if she didn't tell him it was wrong,

he might use it more often in the future.

Imagine when all the people around the table were eating, he's playing with dishes and other things in

the air ......

"Mom is seriously telling you that you're not allowed to do that anymore, okay?"

Gavin felt something was wrong, turned around and said, "What did he do? Why are you so hard on


Venus was stunned for a few seconds and made up a lie, "He spit on my clothes on purpose."

"Well, is it worth scolding him for such a small thing?" Gavin apparently believed the excuse and turned

his head to continue looking out at the landscape.

"Of course! A child needs to be educated from an early age to cultivate good habits," Venus added.

The baby, didn’t know if he realized his mistake or if he wanted to make his mother happy, hugged her

neck and softly shouted, "Mommy, Mommy."

Her anxious and panicky heart just now immediately calmed down, and she hugged him.

"Alright, mommy forgives you, but don't ever do that again, okay?"

Gavin couldn't hear it anymore and said coldly, "He's only half a year old. Does he understand?"

"None of your business" Venus retorted.

She found it so useful that whenever she didn't want to answer Gavin's question, she could use the

four words to end the conversation, and she could also give him a bet, which made her feel so great.

As the car quieted down, Venus looked out the window at the large rice paddies, and began to worry

about where Kerry had gone now. Did the nice shopping guide tell him the address?

When exactly will she be able to end this life of being in limbo with her child?

Without knowing how much time elapsed, the intercom system in the car suddenly rang.

"Boss, a car is following us."

For a moment, Venus's sleepiness vanished. Was it Kerry who had followed her?

Gavin's car was in the middle, and the news was coming from the car behind it.

"Who is that?" Gavin asked.

"I don't know, it seems to have been following us nonchalantly since we left the county."

Venus had little expression on her face, but her heart was in ecstasy. It must be Kerry!

The Gavin turned to look at her with a ghastly light in his eyes, "Did you lead him here?"

Venus was nervous, but she sneered, "What does this have to do with me? You think too highly of me."

"Haven't you always wanted to run away?"

Venus generously admitted, "Yes, I'm trying to escape, but I also need you to give me that chance.

Maybe the people in the back are coming for your treasure map?"

Gavin was speechless by what she said, but it wasn't impossible about what she was talking about. It

was just a subconscious feeling that the people in the back were coming for her.

"Boss, let K deal with them in the back." Heng spoke up.

"Okay. Find out where they're coming from by the way."

Heng nodded and opened the calling system, "K, you guys stay behind to intercept them."


The vehicle accelerated, and so did Venus's heart. Seeing that the person who was taking her away

was right behind her, she felt like they were thousands of kilometers away.

Nighthawk noticed that the speed of the SUV in front of him had slowed down, so he knew that he had

been found and immediately informed the vehicles behind him to cross him and follow, but kept an eye

not to be spotted again.

"Nighthawk, the SUV is deliberately blocking the road." The subordinate driving the car said.

"I see it." Nighthawk took out four guns from the bottom of the car, one for each of them. "Overtake it

first. If you can't overtake, get ready to fight."


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