Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 214 Tianye Mu Woke Up From His Coma (3)

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Back at the villa, Tianye Mu was already asleep. Xiran ordered someone to carry him to the bed, and

then she left.

Tonight, even if there was an aftershock or a downpour, she would sleep soundly.

She had a dream. In her dream, she went to Iceland to see the aurora borealis. Tianye held her in his

arms. He went with her on every trip since then.

When she woke up the next day, Xiran looked at the ceiling and stared for a while before getting up.

She wanted to go see Tianye quickly.

After a quick freshen up, Xiran ran to his room. He was looking out the window at the sky. Hearing her

footsteps, he turned back to look at her silently.

Xiran smiled and said, "You can have some liquid food now. Someone will bring your food over later."

Then she left his room.

Tianye suddenly wanted to call out to her, but he couldn't make a sound now. He felt that she was a

very cute girl.

For the past few days, Tianye had been actively working with the recovery training. Even if his leg

muscles were hurting, he endured it. When he stood up for the third time to prepare for another lap,

Xiran stood up from the rattan chair. She brought the coffee to him, "You just woke up, so you better

rest more. The intensity of your exercise is not conducive to your recovery."

Tianye held out a finger, indicating that he would have to walk another lap.

"Alright, you'll be allowed to walk one more lap, or I'll just knock you out." Xiran smiled lightly, but she

was serious.

Tianye turned his head to look at her slender back and thought in his heart, "I must amaze this


After a slow walk around the lawn, Tianye sweated profusely and sat across from Xiran, panting


"Do you want some water?" asked Xiran, and then she gave him a cup of water.

Tianye took the water and tilted his head back and drank it all.

Clearing his throat, he tried to make a sound, "Thank you."

This was the first thing he had said since he had awakened. His voice was hoarse as if he had been

filled with the hottest sand. Xiran wasn't very surprised that he could suddenly vocalize. Tianye's

perseverance and endurance had shocked her too much these past few days. She was used to his

unusual behavior.

Then Xiran pointed at herself and said, "My name is Xiran Xiao."

Tianye stared deeply into her eyes and said word for word in that broken voice, "Xiran Xiao." It was as

if he wanted to carve her name into his heart.

Xiran had heard countless people call her name. Only when he said her name, she had a special


She dipped in her coffee cup and then wrote her name on the table.

Tianye Mu watched carefully, and when she finished writing, he said, "I remember it."

"What's your name?" Xiran smiled and asked.

Tianye reached out and dipped his hand into the coffee as well, then wrote his name under her name.

"Your name is Tianye Mu?"

He nodded.

"I remember that too." She looked into his eyes and smiled. Many men she'd seen before were either

too concerned with appearances, or they had a scholarly air, or they were very arrogant. Tianye, on the

other hand, seemed physically frail, but wild. She liked this kind of hormonal man. As for who pushed

him into the sea, it was none of her business and she didn't care either.

After two more days, Tianye was already able to run three large laps around the villa. His muscle

strength was growing rapidly, and he could talk fluently.

From the gossip of the other people at the villa, Tianno knew that Xiran had done a lot to take care of

him and save his life. Although she only said that he had delayed her travel plans for a year, but Tianye

knew that she had spent a lot of energy and money in rescuing him without any remuneration. He

would always remember her kindness.

The thing that attracted him most about Xiran was her temperament. It was as if she was interested in

everything, but she looked at everything as if it was boring.

He had heard of Xiran before. He originally thought she was just an ignorant girl from a rich family, but

he didn’t expect that she was such an interesting girl. Tianye didn't have a woman he liked, and yet he

wanted to be near her.

After doing the last set of rehabilitation training, Tianye was drenched.

"Mr. Zhou, where is Xiran?" Tianye asked. He felt so familiar with her that he never called her Miss


"She went swimming. It's her habit." said Mr. Zhou, the butler.

Tianye was a bit confused. "I didn't see a swimming pool here."

Mr. Zhou pointed to a maze not far away and smiled, "The swimming pool is inside the maze. If you get

out of the labyrinth, you'll find her."

After observing the maze for a long time, Tianye found the two-meter high maze with a very mysterious

design. He suddenly found it very interesting.

"Please wait a moment." Mr. Zhou called out to Tianye who took two steps and then gave him a cup of

fresh lemon honey water. “She likes this."

"Thank you." said Tianye.

Mr. Zhou's thoughts were simple. Xiran was interested in Tianye, so he tried his best to help Tianye win

Xiran's affection for him. After spending a few days with Tianye, he admired Tianye's ability to endure


Tianye entered the maze without the slightest hesitation. At first his path was blocked for every fifty

meters he advanced. Slowly he was in less of a hurry and drew a diagram of the places he walked

through in his mind. The more times he was blocked, the clearer the pattern in his mind became. After

ten minutes, Tianye smiled calmly and closed his eyes to follow the feeling in his heart to move

forward. The closer he got to the center, the clearer he heard the sound of waterfalls

When he realized that his sight was wide open and heard the sound of water stop, he opened his eyes.

In the pool, Xiran was floating on the water in a bathing suit, looking at him intently.

"Good morning." he said.

Xiran looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Why do you come here?"

"I bring you lemonade."

"If you catch up to me, I'll drink it." Xiran said.

Tianye placed the lemonade on the table next to him and stripped straight into the water.

"How do we compete?" he asked.

Xiran took a glance at the perfect muscular lines of his body, and then said, "We'll start here, then we'll

swim back."


The two of them each occupied a swimming lane. Tianye waited for her to get ready and shouted,

"One, two, three, go."

As soon as the words came out, the two people were like two big fish leaping out quickly.

Xiran had won the national championship in collegiate swimming. Nevertheless, on the return, Tianye

left her behind.

He was the first to reach the finish line, and Xiran was only a second or two behind because of her late


Leaping out of the water, Xiran touched a handful of water droplets on her face and said quite excitedly,

"You've just recovered your strength, but you swam faster than me."

Tianye looked at her unmade up face and said modestly, "You have swam several laps just now and

expended a lot of energy on it, that's why I won."

Xiran thought about it and then said. "Then we'll compete again tomorrow. I'll definitely beat you."

“Ok, it's my honor."

Xiran was ready to go ashore when suddenly she was hugged around the waist. Before she could

react, Tianye kissed her on the lips. Tianye's kiss was as hot as a volcano erupting, making her

impossible to refuse him.

She was just stunned for two seconds, and then she hugged his head and kissed with him. She loved

the taste of him so much.

Tianye clasped her slender waist and pressed tightly into himself, while Xiran used her two long legs

wrapped around his waist.

The first time they kissed, their passion almost brought the pool of water to a boil.


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