Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 316 There is No Way I'm Gonna Marry You (3)

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“Why are you in such a hurry? I have another question.” Kerry said. Then Kerry hooked Jingyan’s neck

and asked with a smile, “Do you have any feeling when you wake up in the morning?”

Jingyan shook his head and said, “No. I drank too much wine last night and I got a headache.”

“That’s is.” Kerry patted Jingyan on the shoulder and said seriously, “Remember, if you did something

to hurt that woman, you mustn’t shirk off responsibility. We can give her some money to make up to

her. But if she used some dirty tricks, we won’t be fooled by her.”

After hearing that, Jingyan felt a lot more relaxed and he said naughtily to ridicule Kerry, “Dad, have

you suffered a loss before? Why are you so experienced?”

“I was fooled by a woman’s dirty tricks and did a lot of bad things to your mother by then. That’s why I

don’t want you to follow my same old disastrous road.” Kerry said.

“Dad, I see. I’m leaving now.” Jingyan said.

“OK.” Kerry said.

After Jingyan left, Kerry went back to the villa. “What did you say to Pingan?” Venus asked Kerry.

“Things between men. Leave us alone.” Kerry said.

Venus gave Kerry a meaningful look and said nothing more.

While Jingyan was thinking of Yiyao Duan, he called his subordinates with a spare cell phone. “Check

up on Xuan Zhao, including her family background, whether she has a boyfriend, and where she has

been to these days.” Jingyan said.

“Yes, boss.”

After hanging up the phone, Jingyan called Yiyao Duan on the off chance, but it seemed that he was

blacklisted. In desperation, he made another phone call. “Find a military jeep in Sky City as soon as

possible. The license plate number of it is 7481.” Kerry said.

“Yes, boss.”

Half a day has passed and it’s possible that Yiyao has left Sky City, but Jingyan still wanted to find her.

Maybe she was still in Sky City.

When secretary Wang saw Jingyan come to the company, he was surprised. He wanted to ask Jingyan

why he came to the company after he had asked for leave, but he didn’t do that after thinking for a


“Ask Xuan to come to my office.” Jingyan said coldly.

“She asked for leave this morning.” Secretary Wang said.

“Ask for leave? Doesn’t she have to ask for leave a day in advance?” Jingyan said.

“Well…” Secretary Wang stammered. He didn’t know whether he should say freely.

Jingyan knew secretary Wang was hiding something from him and he said with sneer, “Don’t forget

who pays you.”

After hearing that, Secretary Wang was nervous. “When Xuan called me this morning to ask for leave, I

said she has to ask for leave a day in advance, but she said you will also ask for leave, so…” Secretary

Wang lowered his head and said.

“Hum. Secretary Wang, when a secretary can decide my schedule?” Jingyan said. As Jingyan’s voice

was with majesty and coldness, secretary Wang was frightened.

“Mr Ye, I won’t do that again.” Secretary Wang said.

“Ask Xuan to come to work immediately.” Jingyan said.

“OK.” Secretary Wang said.

When secretary Wang walked out of Jingyan’s office, his palms were covered with cold sweat. “How

stupid I am! How could I believe what Xuan said so easily? No matter what she said, I should have

called Mr Ye to confirm first in the morning.” Secretary Wang thought.

At that moment, Xuan was taking a shower happily in her room. She was surprised when secretary

Wang called her. After hanging up the phone, she got dressed quickly and went to the company. On the

way to the company, she thought whether she had given the show away and Jingyan doubted her.

“What if he doubts me? He has no proof anyway.” Xuan thought.

As soon as Xuan arrived at the company, secretary Wang said seriously, “Mr Ye is looking for you.”

“Mr Wang, what does he wants me with?” Xuan asked tentatively.

“You’ll know when you come to his office.” Secretary Wang said.

Standing at the door of Jingyan’s office, Xuan took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Then a

deep male voice came, “Push the door open and come in.”

“Mr Ye, are you looking for me?” Xuan said.

Jingyan raised his head and took a look at her, saying, “Where is my phone?”

“It’s in my bag.” Xuan said. Then Xuan took Jingyan’s phone out of her bag and put in on the table.

Jingyan was in such a hurry to chase Yiyao and he forgot to take his phone, so Xuan took his phone

away when she left the hotel.

The battery of his phone hasn’t run out. Jingyan looked at his phone and found no message nor call

from Yiyao, except for the phone call he made last night.

“Anything else?” Jingyan said coldly.

Xuan was stunned for a while. Then she shook her head and said, “No.”

“You can go out.” Jingyan said. After saying that, he lowered his head to continue working. Before

knowing all the information, he didn’t want to make any decision.

Xuan was stunned. Then she walked out of Jingyan’s office disappointedly. She thought Jingyan would

treat her better, or say something to her, but he was no different from usual, as if nothing had happened

last night.

Jingyan raised his head when he heard the door was closed. There was complicated look in his eyes.

More than two hours later, all the information of Xuan was sent to Jingyan’s mailbox.

Xuan was born in an ordinary family, and later her family owed a lot of debts because of her father’s

gambling. After her parents got divorced, she has been living with her mother. She studies very hard at

school and she ranks among the best every time. She also has a good interpersonal relationship. She

had a boyfriend in college and broke up with him after being with him for two years for conflicting


Jingyan’s eyes stopped on the line of words that she had a boyfriend and were with him for two years.

Jingyan had a lot of doubts. Have they kept a distance and haven’t had sex during the two years when

they were together?

Jingyan didn’t believe that.

The following material showed that Xuan had no special journey those days. She goes to work and go

home regularly every day. She went to the bar for a drink with some friends last night and ran into


This’s no different from what she said.

Everything seemed normal. At that moment, Jingyan’s phone rang and he answered it quickly.

“Boss, the car you look for left Sky City around ten o’clock in the morning.”

Although Jingyan knew it would be that result, he still felt disappointed. He covered his heart and said,

“Which direction did the car go?”

“The south.”

“Look for it again to see if you can catch up with it.” Jingyan said. Jingyan didn’t want to give up even if

there was a glimmer of hope. The reason why Jingyan let Yiyao go is that he thought he’s not worthy of

her, but as things changed, he must try his best to find Yiyao.

“Yes, boss.”

Sitting on the leather executive chair and pondering for a long time, Jingyan called Xuan in again.

“Just tell me what you want.” Jingyan said. He looked at Xuan as if he was looking at a stranger.

Xuan looked at Jingyan tenderly and affectionately. “I believe that you know I like you, so what

happened last night was also my willingness. I don’t want anything.” Xuan said softly.

“You really don’t want anything?” Jingyan said without changing the look in his eyes.

“If you feel you owe me something, I would like to make a request.” Xuan said.

“Go ahead.” Jingyan said.

“I want to continue to work with you. Even if I will always be a secretary, I am happy.” Xuan said in a

way neither fast nor slow.

Jingyan looked at her with deep eyes and sneered, saying, “Don’t you want me to marry you?”

A flash of surprise crossed Xuan’s face and it disappeared soon. Although it only lasted for two

seconds, Jingyan saw it.

Repressing the joy in her heart, Xuan said calmly, “I know who I am. I don’t deserve a man like you, so

I don’t dare to daydream like that.”

“Since you know it’s impossible for you to marry me, I will say nothing more.” Jingyan said.

Xuan didn’t ring a bell and didn’t know what he meant by saying that.

“I just said I am daydreaming out of politeness. Why he took that serious? Does he mean that even if I

had sex with him, it’s impossible for me to be his wife? Jingyan, why are so disobliging?” Xuan thought.

When Xuan walked out of Jingyan’s office distractedly, she heard Jingyan said “wait” suddenly.

When she turned around, Jingyan looked straight into her eyes, saying, “I never like to be in debt. If

what happened last night is anything as you said, I will agree to your request, but that’s all. If that’s not

what you said, I will show no mercy to you.”

Though Xuan was panic in her heart, she looked calm. “Mr Ye, what do you mean by that? Do you

mean I came on to you to have sex with you? I am an ordinary girl, but I won’t do such a shameful

thing. Besides, I lost my virginity to you. How can you say that?” Xuan said.

“The virginity means nothing to me. I just said that to remind you in case you forget to tell something

important to me.” Jingyan said contemptuously.


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