Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 252 Young Lady Is Missing (1)

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Kerry Ye thought about it, and said uncertainly, “Maybe he has seen him before, or else he wouldn’t be

so loyal to N. If you were Xuan Chu, would you love him if you didn’t know what he looks like?”

Tianye Mu stared at him, “I’m straight.”

“Of course I know. I mean if, why are you get so excited?” Kerry ridiculed him.

“Nonsense, why don’t you take yourself for example?”

Kerry lightly laughed, “I’m not fucking stupid.”

Tianye raised his foot to kick him, but Kerry dodged it, “What? Remember, I’m your brother.”

Kerry laughed without saying a word.

After resting for several months, Dr. Han was called by John, who was asked to come to Ye’ s villa.

“John, who’s again?” Dr. Han got out of the car and asked about it carefully.

John smiled kindly, “Young lady.”

Dr. Han didn’t respond, “Which one?”

John stared at him, “Who else? Of course it’s Venus Mu.”

“Huh? Is she back?” Dr. Han asked in surprise.

John nodded happily, “Yes, she is. And our young master.”

“What about…” Dr. Han was gossipy and leaned to John, asking, “How about Yan Chu from Hong


John waved his hand, “There is no Yan Chu and there is only one young lady of our Ye family, and that

is Venus.”

Dr. Han thought that John didn’t want him to know this for fear that Venus would be embarrassed and

angry when she found out, so he nodded smugly and said, “Yes, yes, there is only Venus. What

happened to her? Why call me?”

John sighed, “She has a head injury and was just released from the hospital after operation a few days

ago, so you will be in charge of changing her medication for the next few days. Remember, don’t ask


“Don’t worry. I’ve been working for Ye family for a quite long time and I know the rules.”

John took him up to the second floor and knocked on the door of Kerry’s room.

“Young master, Dr. Han is here.”

“Oh, come in.” Kerry was dressed casually, with a cotton gray shirt, a pair of dark slacks, and a pair of


Dr. Han were instantly attracted by the milk bottle in Kerry’s hand, not expecting that a man who was so

fierce and ruthless would be particularly soft when the gun in his hand turned into a milk bottle.

The room was no longer in order, for there were children’s toys everywhere, such as teddy bears, small

tanks and small planes.

“Pingan, it’s time to drink milk.” Kerry’s voice was soft, like the winter sunshine.

Dr. Han got goose bumps when he saw this different Kerry. God, was the man he used to know?

Pingan? Was his son?

He quickly searched the room and found a little guy sitting on the thick carpet with his head down,

fiddling with a car in his hands, with lots of small parts in a box in front of him.

When his slightly curled and furry head lifted for a moment, Dr. Han froze there.

He was a well-educated man, but at this point, he didn’t know how to describe the child. Pretty? Cute?

Delicate? Or all of them? The most special part was his eyes. How could they be in different colors?

He had been a doctor for so many years, but he never met a child with eyes in different colors. And

from genetics, he should not have purple eyes.

Pingan took the milk bottle Kerry passed to him and without saying anything, he kept focusing on his

toy car.

“Don’t let Tianye see it. It’s a limited edition and it has taken him a long time to get it.” Kerry rubbed his

little head and turned back to Dr. Han, who was in a dazed state, and said, “This is my son.”

Though he just said four words, Dr. Han sensed his pride.

“Well, I know he is. He looks like you.” Dr. Han replied truthfully.

Kerry led him toward the balcony, where a woman with a pink hat sat in the sunlight, as quiet as a


It was Venus. Dr. Han remembered her back.

Mixed feelings filled him as he saw her again. In just one year, her life had changed dramatically. No

one could compare to her in this way.

On the table next to the recliner chair was a medical kit with all the medicines that Venus needed in

these days.

“Venus, it’s time to change the medicine.”

Venus raised her head, frowning. It’s painful for her to suffer this, so naturally, she resisted.

“Don’t be afraid. Dr. Han will be very gentle.” Kerry read her mind and comforted her.

When Venus found the strange man standing behind him, she did not greet him as Dr. Han imagined,

but looked at him with unfamiliar eyes and turned her head away unhappily.

Out of a doctor’s professional sensitivity, Dr. Han quickly noticed that something was wrong with Venus.

She used to be very polite to him, even if she was in a bad mood. She never treated like this.

“What’s going on, Mr. Ye?” Dr. Han asked Kerry.

Kerry said calmly, though the pain inside had completely overwhelmed him, “She suffered a head

injury, and at first she couldn’t see, but a few days ago she received a surgery, so now she could see

things. However, as for her intelligence, we are trying.”

So that’s the thing.

“The medicine here is brought back from the hospital and here is the medicinal gauze. The doctor

instructed to change every morning.”

Dr. Han carefully looked at each medicine, part of which was about wound healing, and the rest for

mental healing.

“I see. I’ll take care of her.” Dr. Han said.

Kerry smiled, “I’m afraid not. She’s very afraid of pain now. If I don’t stay with her, I don’t think you’ll be

able to do that.”

Dr. Han shrugged, “Okay.”

Kerry took off her pink hat, her bald head revealed, with a piece of gauze stuck to her left head.

“Okay, here you go.”

Kerry made some room for him. he then kneeled down, holding Venus’s hand and talked to her in order

to distract her, “Tianye told me he wanted to propose to Xiran Xiao. Do you think she’ll say yes?”

Venus got interested in this, “Proposal?”

“Yes, they well match each other It’s better to let them be together, so as not to harm others.” Kerry

said in a serious manner.

Venus was amused by what he said and burst into laughter.

“But don’t worry that you won’t be able to see it. Tianye said that he will do that until you are fully

recovered. Do you want this?” In fact, Kerry knew that Tianye didn’t want to disappoint his sister.

In this world, besides Pingan, Tianye was her only family, so they both cherished each other.

“Well, I do.” Venus said with a smile.

Kerry lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand, “If you want to see this, get well soon,

otherwise how can Tianye marry her?”

Venus smile, “OK.” After saying that, however, her scalp hurt, so she subconsciously shrank her head

for a moment.

Kerry held her face and said like coaxing a child, “Okay, okay, hold on one more see. Venus is the


Venus’s bright and clean eyes were instantly filled with tears. The medicine irritated the wound, making

her tremble.

Kerry didn’t want to see her suffer, so he urged Dr. Han, “Hurry up.”

“One minute.” Dr. Han said briefly. He was doing the final step, fixing the gauze with medical tape to

completely cover the horrible ugly scar.

“Done.” After all this, Dr. Han took a long breath. It’s over.

Kerry kissed her on her check, “Awesome.” Then he puts the hat back on her.

Watching Kerry’s every move, Dr. Han felt weird inside.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that Kerry still could be so gentle.

He knew that Kerry must have seen that scar before. He was a doctor, and it was normal to see a scar

like that, but Kerry was not, who showed no discomfort or disgust, which Dr. Han was somewhat

impressed by.

Dr. Han packed up the medical kit and couldn’t help but ask Kerry, “Actually, it’s very simple to change

the medicine. You can absolutely do it by yourself.”

Kerry had a look at him, and his tone instantly turned cold, “Then why do I need you?”

“Well, no offense.” Dr. Han was wrong. Kerry did not change and all his changes were only for Venus

and his son.

Kerry sent him out and asked, “As you see, when do you think she will be back to normal?”

Dr. Han was not sure, for he was not an expert in brain.

“I don’t know.” Dr. Han was serious at the moment, “The nerves are complicated and subjects about it

are hard to study. Mrs. Ye’ s current situation is like a creek meeting a rock in the way. Maybe one day,

the creek suddenly breaks through the rock. Then she will be good on that day.”

After hearing this, Kerry only said on word, “Nonsense.”

Dr. Han was dumbfounded. What did he say wrong? What he said was the truth.

“Isn’t there a better way? Just wait?” Kerry was very upset.

In order to show that he was professional, Dr. Han thought about it and said, “Well… After the wound

heals, you can take her to do everything she like. You know, the patient’s mood plays a very important

role in the recovery. If she stays at home every day, she will easily get depressed, and she is also very

prone to depression.”

Kerry listened carefully and did not make any comments. But he was planning what to do.

What did she like to do? Kerry only knew that she likes designing clothes, but he didn’t know anything

else about her hobbies.

How about giving her a piece of paper and a pencil?


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