Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 185 He's My Boyfriend (3)

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It took a long time for Xiran to pick up the phone, and there was a very anxious voice from her, "Yan

Chu? I have some urgent matters to deal with right now. I'll contact you later."

Venus was also nervous when she heard the noise on the other side, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Venus got up and thought, Xiran was in trouble?

At the thought of this possibility, Venus couldn't sleep anymore and went into the bathroom to brush her

teeth and wash her face.

The mask had been soaked in the solution overnight and was back to normal again, so Venus took it

out and dried it. When she was about to put it on her face, she heard someone knocking the door.


Venus watched and cautiously asked, "Who?"

"Miss Chu, here's a package for you to sign."

A package? How did a package get delivered to the hotel? That's so weird.

"I didn't buy anything, so you've found the wrong person." Venus directly refused.

"Miss Chu, it's Kerry Ye who delivered to you."

Kerry? Venus raised her eyebrows and said after thinking, "Just put the package at the door, and I'll get

it myself later."

"But Mr. Ye said it must be handed over to you personally," The man outside insisted.

"I'm busy now. You can wait if you'd like." Venus put that down and went back to put on her mask.

Ten more minutes later, Venus repeatedly made sure that the mask was on perfectly before jogging

towards the door and opened it, she got startled.

The courier was leaning against the door, fiddling his phone, and gave the package to her after seeing

her, "Please sign it."

"I thought you'd gone." Venus took the pen and just wrote the word "V", and paused. The good thing

was that the Y character was similar with the beginning of the other name. She finished writing down

the word Yan Chu and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Venus closed the door shook the package in her hands, and found something clanging. What was it?

She opened the package bag, and found a shoe box inside. And then she opened it, and found a pair

of white sandals, whose style was novel, and the most critical thing was that it would not touch the

injure made yesterday.

She had a try and found them comfortable. The shoes of this brand were normally expensive.

After walking a few laps, Venus felt that she should send him a message to thank him.

The shoes were beautiful, and I like them very much. Thank you.

The response was simple. "Great.

Venus found him so boring and started to get changed. After a while, she heard another message in

and had a look. Kerry sent another message: You just got up, right?

Venus ignored it and continued her own affairs.

Soon the phone came in another message: What are you doing? Why aren't you responding my


Venus still ignored it and sat on the couch to remove the gauze from her ankle. Her wound had got

better, but it still ached, so she changed the band-aid.

When she was about to keep him waiting, thinking he couldn’t despise her even though she had

confessed to him yesterday.

A few minutes later, the phone rang and Venus smiled when she saw the name flashing on it. Just

before he was about to hang up, she answered the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.

"What are you doing?" Kerry’s deep and sexy voice came over.

"I'm washing my face and getting change."

"How's the wound on your feet?"

"It still aches," Venus said with a smile on her face.

"What are you going to do today? I might spend all day here."

"Okay. I'll go find Xiran."

He stopped for a moment, "I asked Henry to stay at the hotel for you. If you want to use the car, you

can find him."

"Got it. Bye." Venus quickly hung up the phone, and stopped smiling.

Oh, he paid much attention to Yan Chu, from buying shoes to arranging a car.

Xiran still hadn’t called her. Venus was bored in her room and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Before

she finished a bowl of porridge, the phone call finally came.

Venus quickly answered it, "Hey, Xiran, are you okay?"

Xiran seemed to feel better, "I'm fine. It was just my friend who got trouble, but now it's fine."

"That's great. I was worried about you. Are you free to meet me today?" Venus said mischievously.

"I must have time when I have friends from afar. Will you come to my house or will I meet you anyplace

in the city?"

"I'll go to your house. There's nothing to go shopping in the city, and it's so hot."

It just happened that Xiran didn't like shopping either. She'd rather go climbing and diving than


"Fine, I'll wait for you at home. I'll send you the address."

"Well, see you later."

Xiran's villa was located in one of the most expensive districts in S City. Her villa was twice as the Ye


Venus could see a large windmill turning gently from the distance as she sat in the car, and then a large

expanse of green grass, a long violet corridor that looked like a purple belt around a girl's waist.

The doorman was obviously notified in advance and opened the door after asking if she was Yan Chu.

Xiran waited for her before her house in European style. She wore a white loose dress, which made

her look much more charming. She was an elegant lady this time.

Venus greeted at her as soon as she got out of the car, "It's not easy to meet you. It's really not easy to

go over the mountains."

"It seemed like I live in the mountains. Get in. It's too hot outside."

"Ah, I forgot something." Venus returned to the car and took out flamboyant flowers and handed over it

to her, "I didn't know what to buy on my first visit, but when I passed by the flower shop, I saw that this

bouquet of flowers and found they would be a match for you. Therefore, I wanted to buy it for you."

This was her first time to receive flowers from a girl. She took them, sniffed and said, "They are so

beautiful. Thank you. No girl has ever sent me flowers yet. You shouldn't have fallen in love with me."

Venus intimately took her arm and said with a smile, "I liked you the first time I saw you."

"But I love men, so you are not my type." Xiran knew she was joking and went along with her.

Venus looked at her seriously, "What can I do?"

"Lol" Xiran laughed, "You little girl, I didn’t find you so interesting before."

"Lol." Venus held her hand to the room and continued, "Since I can't become a man in this life, I can

only be your younger sister, but I like you anyway."

"Younger sister? We can’t tell who is older or younger between us."

Venus waved her small hand and said, "Ignore it. It is just because of your way of dealing with things,

I'd like you to call you elder sister."

"Then I can only take you as my younger sister."

The two of them joked all the way on the way to the living room. Unlike the others, there was no long

sofa here in the living room, but rather some small individual sofas around a small round table, with a

thick carpet on the floor.

"The style of your house is like the one of those English manors described in novels. Just like here. I

can imagine some of my best friends sitting on these sofas and reading a letter together."

"My mum likes it. She lived in a traditional manor house when she was young and studying in England,

and when she came back, she built this cottage as the old one, except for that big windmill outside. It's

just that she didn't live here for days after it was built, and then she went overseas again." Xiran found

two glazed vases and said as she inserted the flowers into them separately, "I'm a person who doesn't

have high standard on houses. I can live in a villa or a humble house, and I even pitched a tent on top

of a mountain. Since I'm free here, I don't bother to buy another house."

"It's quite nice here." Venus looked up at her and saw a hint of sadness between her eyebrows and

asked her, "What's wrong? Tell me. Maybe I can help you."

Xiran sorted the flowers in her hand and said with a sigh, "It's not really serious. It's just that the friend I

told you about last time, he's not doing well. He was originally sleeping all the time, but he had a fever

last night for no reason, and only came to normal this morning, the time when you called me. The

doctor was here, so I didn't say a few words. "

Venus wanted to comfort her, but didn't know what to say. She kept silent for a few seconds before

saying, "Don't worry, he'll be fine. Even if he's asleep, he'll definitely feel that you're a good friend there

to support him, and he'll recover,"

Xiran looked at her and smiled, "Maybe," After finishing arranging the flowers, Xiran wiped her hands

and said, "Come on. I'll take you to see him, but only through the window. The doctor said he won't let

anyone in for fear of bacterial infection."

"Sure, good."

Xiran took Venus out of the door and headed towards a house next to the big windmill.

This house had been converted into a ward, and the important equipment that the hospital had was

also here, and they were all of the best quality.

Standing in front of the glass, Venus quietly looked at the man on the bed. He was covered with a thin

blanket and had a large oxygen mask on his face, but she couldn't see his face. However, Venus had a

strange sense of familiarity.

"That's him. I was going to let you see his handsome face, but not now." At this point, Xiran paused and

said in a sad tone, "The doctor said that maybe he won't be able to wake up throughout his lifetime."

She had sought medical treatment everywhere for a long time, searched for all the specialists she

could find, and even sent her medical records to famous foreign hospitals in the United States, Britain,

Australia and others. All the answers she got were bad news: Sorry, there was no way. We could only

see if there was a miracle.

Xiran was courageous. She believed that miracles existed.

Venus's heart hurt when she first saw Xiran. She was so charming. When she knew her identity from

Kerry, she even felt that she lived at the top of the pyramid, but did not expect that she also had such

helpless moments.

"He's your boyfriend?" Venus asked. If she was just a friend, Xiran wouldn't have made so many things.

Didn't this man have a family? Why did she have to take care of him?

So many questions popped up in Venus's head, but these were all about others’ privacy, which she

shouldn't pry.

Xiran laughed mischievously, "Yes, he's my boyfriend. I unilaterally announced it, but he hasn't agreed


"What?" Venus was surprised that there were men who refused even a woman like this?

"But I think he'll say yes, after all, I'm so beautiful and unique. Don't you think so?"


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