Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 167 The Suicide of Venus (3)

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"Now where is her? " Asked Venus.

"Dead." Mrs Qin sank into sorrows with whose eyes getting wet. "And I still remember that it was a

summer when the heavy rain lasted for several days, the house was full of water, everything including

beds, quilts were all soaked. My daughter, September, was covered with eczema, and she was itching

and crying all the days. I pitied her so much that I left her to her father and I went to buy medicine for

her in the rainy days. But, I am so sorry, I didn't expect... "

It was a really old story for Mrs Qin for she hadn’t mention it for a long time. But even now, she could

still remember it clearly. She wiped her tears and continued to say, "When I was back with medicine, I

saw many villagers surrounding my yard and what I found there was a ruin. A debris flow buried my

families. Both September and his father were buried there... "

Venus was moved her story. And this was perhaps the reason why Mrs Qin never go back her


"Then, the grandparents of September drove me out of the house. I went to the city to look for a job. I

had tried a lot and also suffered a lot. At that moment, I had the same thought as you. I wanted to die.

But finally, I survived and met the Lady Ye. That why I was here. "

"Then didn't you get married?" Venus asked.

Mrs Qin wiped away her tears and sighed, "the Lady Ye is so kind-hearted that She introduced me to

some of good men. But I am a unlucky woman because those who want to marry me quit it for most of

them suffered the unlucky terrible accidents. So I choose to forget it at all. I don’t care about marriage,

what I care is being alive. There's really nothing left for a dead person. "

Since then, the Ye family has been the home of Mrs Qin, and her family members became those in the

Family Ye. After the sad story was over, the bowl of fish soup was finished by Venus.

"Come on, good girl, let’s finish the cup of red date porridge." Said Mrs Qin with a touch of sadness on

her face.

Venus shook her head with smile and said, "Sorry, I’d like to but I am really full now."

"The fish soup is not enough fill your stomach. Perhaps you will wake up hungry in the mid-night. Let’s

have some spoons of the porridge." Mrs Qin handed the spoon to her mouth. Venus became meek like

a little daughter of her and ate as she said.

The red date porridge went down half. Mrs Qin smiled and said, "Good girl, have a good sleep now and

don't bother yourself to think about anything. Tomorrow when the sun rises, it will be a brand new day."

Burning herself into the dry and warm quilt, Venus was still digesting the moving story of Mrs. Qin. In

spite of the warm comforts from Mrs. Qin, the pain in the depth of her heart stayed still as cold as it


Outside the bedroom, Kerry leaned against the wall with a cigarette. At the sight of Mrs Qin, he turned

back and asked, "How about Venus?"

Mrs Qin nodded and said, "The fish soup was finished, and she also had half a bowl of porridge."

Kerry smiled with a breath of relief and said, "That's good, that's good, Mrs Qin, I owe you now."

"There is nothing that you owe me. You are just like my son, and all I hope is you are good. "Said Mrs

Qin" As Venus is not in a good mood these days, I hope you can take care of her thoughts. Then after

a while, she will get recovered. "

"Well, I know." Kerry took a puff and stamped it out. He did not eat anything all the day and now, the

good news brought him back a normal life and also brought hunger back to him.

On the next day, Kerry visited Venus’s room while she was still in her tight sleep. Then he left with a

gentle kiss on her forehead for he knew perhaps she didn't want to see him at this point, and what he

had to do now was to hide from her.

The sun came in and sent its warmth to Venus. She raised up from the bed and went to the balcony.

A maid pushed the door in and rushed up to support her.

"My hostess, please take care of yourself."

Venus looked at her with a smile and said, "I want to bask in the sun."

"Alright, my hostess, let me help you there.” Then she stood beside Venus and support her with hands.

A few minutes later when Venus was given to the scenery in the distance, she asked the maid, "Don't

you have another work?"

"The young master has ordered me to take care of you, my hostess. If you need anything, I will get you

here.” Replied the maid in a good manner. The order She got was to stay with Venus at any time and

any place.

Venus sneered to her reply for she knew Kerry was still afraid she would commit suicide again. In the

next few days, Kerry kept hiding Venus to avoid any dispute with her. And the maid stayed with her at

any time and any place as ordered, even when she went to the toilet or went to bed. And everything in

the room with a sharp angle disappeared at a night. It seemed everything went well except Venus. She

got a terrible depression and lost sleep all night.

Venus didn’t reject food anymore and she had what Mrs Qin gave. However, her body was constantly

became thin and weak, and the depression turned her into a silent one. Sometimes she didn't say

anything at a whole day, but to sit there to bask in the sun.

"What can I do? It is terrible to see our hostess keep silent all day." Looking at her figure by the lake,

John the Butler said with concerns.

Mrs Qin also looked worried and said, "I’ve tried, but she still doesn't talk."

"Why not ask the young master to send a psychologist here?" Said John the butler.

Mrs Qin nodded and replied, "I agree, the hostess has a mental disease, which can never be cured by

any food."

"Well, I'll tell him when the young master comes back in the evening." Said John the butler.

The wind began to rise by the lake. At the sight of her thin clothes, the maid bent down and said to her,

"My hostess, let me get you a warm dress."

Venus stared at the clear lake with no reply.

The maid seemed to be used to getting along with her, and Silence meant yes for her. For most of the

time she would do as asked just like a puppet without soul. So the maid felt gradually relaxed about her


When the maid left, the illusion came to her as if the smiling face of her brother appeared on the lake.

"Brother --" Venus called softly as she went close to the lake. The water was so cold that she was

nearly dumb. But she didn’t stop, she was going to look for her brother.

When the maid came with a coat, she saw Venus walking into the lake and the water had reached her


My God! She must lost her mind again!

The maid was flustered and ran toward the lake with a loud cry, "My hostess, don't go there.

Somebody, help. "

No reply.

"Help, help!" The maid yelled and went down directly to the lake to bring Venus back, though she

couldn’t swim at all.

When John the Butler heard her call for help, his heart thumped for a moment for he knew that

something terrible had happened there, and he must be hurry.

"My God, how did she..." Asked John the Butler.

The maid was wading fast in the shallow water, when she was about to grasp Venus's arm. An accident

happened to her that she slipped and fell into the lake.

"Ah, help me." The maid couldn’t swim and she was scared by the accident.

At the point, a strong hand grasped her legs and pulled her out of the water. As she wiped the water on

her face, she saw that it was John the butler who saved her just now.

"Calm down, it is in a shallow water." John the Butler roared at her and strode toward Venus.

" Stop, don't go farther any more, my hostess. " Cried John the butler.

But Venus went straight ahead as if she didn't hear him at all, and the lake water had already covered

her thighs.

"My hostess, I beg you, let’s go back home." John the Butler snatched her arm. He was anxious, and a

little angry, but Venus still stood there and kept silent.

John the Butler guessed she sank into the illusion again. He called the maid to help the hostess out of

the lack.

"My hostess, let's go back." Whispered John the Butler.


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