Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

My Mysterious Husband Chapter 256 Kerry's Secret (3)

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Xiran didn’t know what to say. She had always been under the impression that Venus was a girlie and

fragile little woman. But now she realized that Venus is as tough and strong as her brother is.

Xiran helped Venus up, and they turned around and began retracing their steps. Dawn was breaking

over the ocean. Another day was coming, and their hope was fading.

The sun finally rose up, and their vision cleared. Venus noticed a car was driving towards them. She

squinted at the car and found it was Ye Family’s car.

Henry jumped out of the car and rushed towards Venus. He looked exhausted, and obviously, he didn’t

sleep the whole night.

“Mrs Ye, Have you found Mr Ye?” Henry asked while running towards them.

Venus shook her head with disappointment. “No, I haven’t. Why are you here? How is Pingan?”

“He is fine.” Henry said. “Where is Mr Mu?”

Venus pointed at a figure in the distance and said: “There he is.”

“Thank you. I have something to tell him.” Henry said and was about to leave. He looked anxious.

“Wait a second.” Venus stopped him. “What happened?”

Henry turned back. He wanted to say something but he checked himself.

Venus felt angry. “What is it? Why can’t you tell me?”

“I don’t want to make you worry, so......”

“Is it Pingan?” Venus felt worried.

“No, no. He is doing fine.” Henry thought about it and finally said: “A group of people tried to break into

Ye Family’s villa at three o’clock am. We fought with them, and they retreated.”

“Who are they?” Venus asked.

Henry shook his head. “It was too dark. But they were all armed. And from the bullets they left behind,

we can tell they are using guns made in another country.”

“It was must Gavin! He wants to take Pingan away! That bastard loves Pingan a lot.” Venus said.

“Many of their people are injured. So they are not going to launch another attack within a short period

of time. But I need to talk about it with Mr Mu.”

“Oh, I see. You can go now.”

Henry nodded. He then noticed Venus’s foot was bleeding. He gasped and said: “Mrs Ye, your foot


Venus and Xiran looked down, and found blood was oozing out of Venus’s left foot. Xiran bent down to

see whether the injury was serious, but Venus only said: “Forget it. It doesn’t hurt at all.”

“How can you be so irresponsible to yourself?” Xiran was angry.

“Henry, what are you waiting for? Tell Tianye what happened”

Henry heaved a sigh and left. He knows how stubborn Venus is.

“Venus, you must take a rest now! You can no longer feel your feet!” Xiran said in a serious tone of

voice. She stood in front of Venus to stop her from taking another step.

Venus thought about it. She knew she couldn’t be of any help when she is in this condition, so she

agreed to take a rest.

“Good. I’ll take you into the car. It’s so freezing.”

Tianye’s anger flared up in an instant when he heard Henry’s report. He said: “Damn it! I swear to god I

will destroy that bastard! Tell the police what happened last night.”

Henry nodded. He just realized the police would surly intervene when they learn that there is a group of

armed mercenaries in this city. Because it is a serious threat to public security. And when the police

intervenes, Ye Family will be more safe.

At that moment, Tianye’s phone rang. It was one of his inferiors.

“Sir, we found a suit. We don’t know whether it is Mr Ye’s suit or not.”

Tianye’s heartbeat quickened. “Where did you find it?”

“It was floating on the sea. I’ll send it to you right now.”

Tianye then looked towards the sea. A lifeboat was returning. He was so nervous. That suit was such a

bad omen. If that suit was indeed Kerry’s , Kerry had probably fallen into the sea, and his chance of

survival would be slim.

Tianye waited for the boat and prayed. They would still have hope if that suit wasn’t Kerry’s.

The lifeboat finally arrived. The lifeguard gave the ragged suit to Tianye, and when Tianye saw the suit,

his mind went blank. It was Kerry’s suit.

Henry took the suit into his hands and looked at it carefully. His eyes then brimmed with tears. He said

in a choked voice: “These are his clothes. It was made to measure. I can recognize it!”

Tianye noticed some parts of the suit were burnt. Maybe Kerry failed to escape the explosion. He

thought to himself. He clenched his teeth and refrained his anger. He said: “Now it is dawn. Ask

everyone to get prepared to sail. We will find Kerry dead or alive.”

“Yes, sir.”

Of course, they all knew it wouldn’t be possible to find Kerry’s body if he was really dead.

“Henry, there is no time to feel sad! If, I mean if, Kerry is really dead, you will have lots of work to do!”

Henry nodded. “I know.”

“And also, I think you should ask Kevin to come back. So much has happened, and he should be here

to help.”

“Mr Mu, I just can’t believe Kerry is really dead.” Henry said. His eyes were bloodshot.

Tianye looked at the sun. He heaved a deep sigh and said: “Me neither. But maybe that’s life. There

are always so many uncertainties in our life. We always need to get prepared for the worst.”

A drop of tear rolled down Henry’ s face. “I know. I will tell Kevin about it.”

Things escalated. It was eight o’clock. The vice manager of Yehuang company called Henry suddenly.

Henry picked it up.

“What’s the matter? Manager Chen?” Henry asked. His voice was tinged with sadness.

Manager Chen sounded very anxious. He said: “Henry, I tried calling Mr Ye many times but I can’t get


“Maybe his phone is off. What’s the matter?”

“Just read the news! Everyone on social media is talking about Mr Ye!”

Henry said: “Fine. I’ll check it right now!”

Henry hung up the phone. He went to a website and found there was a piece of news which was titled:

The CEO of Yehuang Company Disappeared Suddenly During the Annual Meeting. And there was a

video, which had been viewed for over five million times.

Henry clicked on the video. It was the annual meeting last night. Kerry and Venus were opening a gift

box, but when the box was opened, their faces changed dramatically. Kerry then closed the box very

quickly. People can’t see what’s inside the box because of the angle. But what’s truly shocking about

this video was that Kerry, who was in the middle of the picture, disappeared suddenly together with the

gift box. After watching this video, Henry finally knew what happened last night.

People left all kinds of comments below the video. Some people say Kerry must has a kind of super

power, and some people say this video is obviously edited.

One comment got the most likes. It says: Last night, someone appeared suddenly in front of me, but

then he disappeared again. At first I thought it was an illusion, but now I believe this kind of thing


Manager Chen called Henry again at that time. He asked: “Henry, what on earth happened?”

Henry took a deep breath and said: “Mr Chen, do you really believe this kind of stuff? Do you really

believe Mr Ye has super power?”

Manager Chen gave an awkward laugh. He said: “Of course I don’t believe it. I’m just curious.”

Henry said: “Mr Chen, Yehuang company has achieved so much development over the last year. Even

Mu’s Group is now our friend. Some people are must feeling jealous, so they want to defame Mr Ye by

making this silly video.”

“Oh, I see. People were indeed shocked when they saw Tianye appearing in our annual meeting. Okay.

Don’t tell Kerry about our conversation. Or he will be angry with me.”

Henry said: “Sure, I won’t. New year is coming. I wish you a happy new year.”

“Happy New Year.” Manger Chen said.

Henry hung up the phone. He sighed with relief. Luckily, it was the winter vacation after the annual

meeting, and the staff could go enjoy their vacation instead of spending their time pondering on this


There hadn’t been any progress. Henry didn’t dare to show Venus the suit. He knew she would go

crazy when she saw it. So he called Kevin immediately. Kevin is very smart. He knows what to do in

this situation. Henry thought.

“Hello, Henry. How is everything going?” Kevin said. His voice is young and energetic.

“Sir, something bad happened.” Henry’s voice was chocking.

He then told Kevin what happened in the simplest language. Kevin’s voice also changed when he

learned what happened. He said: “I’ll be right back. Do remember not to tell anyone outside the family

about this. If people ask you, just tell them that he has gone abroad to see his grandfather.”

“I know.” Henry said. He felt much relaxed knowing that Kevin would soon be back.


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