Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 144 The Great Opportunity

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"Ricky, it's great that you have such useful items like that storage bag. I really admire you for being an

outstanding disciple of the Casting Guild!" Karl said with admiration, upon seeing Ricky took out the

storage bag.

Normally, only the wealthy and strong warriors of Bone Reinforcement were even capable of using it!

"Well, it's from Theo. I, too, feel very fortunate to have it," Ricky responded with a smile.

He intended to drop some hints that Theo also had one.

He wanted to figure out the Jin Clan members' real intentions by observing their expressions.

However, Ricky's plan did not prove fruitful. The four members of the Jin Clan just looked at his storage

bag admiringly, without any other expression on their faces. Ricky now had no idea whether they really

had no ill intentions or if they were just pretending to act like that.

"It is great to be a disciple of the Casting Guild. If I get a chance, I really do want to have a spiritual

meridian which can cast weapons," Karl said, before turning his attention back to the cave.

"Well, everyone. It's likely that we can find some things we want inside the cave. Before we enter it,

we'd better reach an agreement on the terms of distribution!" Karl said earnestly.

"Well, I think it should be finders keepers. But if we discover a treasure together, we can fight for it with

our own abilities," Ricky suggested.

"Ha-ha. Ricky, your idea sounds great! So we can do as you've proposed," Karl responded with a



Now they all proceeded into the cave one by one.

It was even more dry and scorching inside the cave, so they had to reinforce the spiritual energy shield


After entering, they were able to determine its configuration. A lot of lava rivers crisscrossed here and

there, eroding the ground. The cave looked like the stalactite grotto formed ten thousand years ago or

even longer ago.

But the difference it had from the stalactite grotto was that there was lava inside the cave instead of


Luckily, the lava here only gushed from the earth's surface, which meant that it had a cooler

temperature than the magma deep in the ground. As long as they activated the spiritual energy, they

could stay in the cave for a long time.

"Look! That's the fire essence!" one of the disciples of the Jin Clan shouted in excitement.

They noticed some fire essence flowing in the lava rivers, which looked as large as a human's head.

"This is the opportunity! It's so exciting!" Ricky couldn't help but exclaim upon seeing the fire essence.

He too was delighted, even if he liked to think of himself as a seasoned, toughened warrior.

They had already come across and felt the pure energy of the fire essence before. Now that they

happened to find it again, they were exceedingly thrilled. Besides, this time the fire essence looked to

be easily obtained.

It was just the beginning of their exploration into the cave. They didn't know what else they would

encounter and have the opportunity to acquire when they went deeper.

They then began to absorb the fire essence eagerly, trying to obtain as much of it as possible.

Quickly, they were became wholly content, satisfied expressions beaming on their faces. They now

kept on moving forward. After walking for a quite some time, they came upon many red five-leaf plants.

Even from a distance, they could sense that the red five-leaf plants contained fire energy which was

purer, more powerful and more tremendous than the energy of the fire essence.

"This is the Dragon Grass! It is an advanced Treasure from Heaven and Earth, which nearly reaches

the king level," Theo said excitedly. It was obvious that he was familiar with the plant.

"The Dragon Grass contains not only that high grade fire energy, but also a hint of dragon blood

essence! It only appears in places with both Dragon's Blood and burning lava!"

"A Treasure from Heaven and Earth of almost King Level! And it also contains the dragon blood


Although they had never heard of it before, the other warriors were very eager to harvest it, excited

expressions on their faces. They couldn't wait to get as much as they could!

They began to pick the Dragon Grass. At last, each of them held three or four plants in their hands.

With high expectations and a jolly mood, they proceeded deeper into the cave.

There was a naturally formed round clearing in the depths of the cave.


A menacing, tremendous growl echoed throughout the cave as they approached.

Suddenly, a gargantuan Earthly Fire Dragon appeared in front of them. It was twice as large than those

they had encountered before.

Its body was covered with plenty of hard red scales.

"It's an Earthly Fire Dragon at the ninth grade of Blood Purification!"

some of them uttered simultaneously. They could sense its strong, intense aura. It was definitely from a

high grade.

Their expressions turned grim and somewhat fearful.

The ninth grade of Blood Purification was the peak level of Blood Purification. Even though it was only

one grade higher than the eighth grade of Blood Purification, there was a considerable gap between

the two grades.

Generally, five or six warriors at the seventh grade of Blood Purification could pose a deadly threat to a

warrior at the eighth grade of Blood Purification, but five or six warriors at the eighth grade of Blood

Purification could not even hope to beat a warrior at the ninth grade of Blood Purification. That was why

a warrior at the peak of Blood Purification was unbeatable among all of the Blood Purification warriors.

Knowing this, they began to feel even more dread at the pit of their stomachs.

Even though some of them were at the eighth grade of Blood Purification, they weren't confident that

they could overpower this Earthly Fire Dragon, especially when it was in its territory.

But suddenly, they spotted a scarlet lake behind the Earthly Fire Dragon.

The lava in the lake was a rich scarlet, which drew their attention.

The warriors sensed carefully, smelling the odor of blood from the lake. They noticed the real dragon

aura which encircled the lake. It meant that the Dragon's Blood was very likely integrated with the lava


Exchanging glances, they reached an agreement.

Although the Dragon's Blood had existed for one hundred thousand years or ten million years, and its

energy was ten million times less powerful than it was at the beginning, a meager amount of Dragon's

Blood was invaluable for warriors of Blood Purification. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them.

"Everyone, it really is a great opportunity for us!" Karl said, unable to restrain his excitement. "But

before we can get the dragon blood, we have to work together to kill this beast. Otherwise, everything

we've done up to this point will have been in vain."

"We understand, but are you confident that we can even subdue this Earthly Fire Dragon?" Ricky


"As long as all of us are willing to try our best to battle with the dragon, I believe that we can succeed!"

Karl said solemnly. His seriousness inspired his companions to believe in his words.

"Karl, do tell us what the best way to go about this is!" Theo asked, almost impatiently.

"I need ten drops of the blood essence of a warrior at the eighth grade of Blood Purification!" Karl

replied after pondering over it for a little while.

"What? Ten drops of the blood essence of the warrior at the eighth grade of Blood Purification!?"

Pompeo cried aloud, indignant.

"It's impossible. If we give you the blood essence now, our lives will be at risk. It will be even more

difficult for us to escape danger later on!" Aiden also said passionately, growing rather upset.

"Please give me a chance to explain. Listen," Karl said, raising his hands. The other warriors heaved a

sigh, and leaned forward to hear him out.


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